2019高考英语 词汇(1)练习(含解析).doc

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词汇(1)复习:1、核心单词2、重点短语3、写作句式4、我读我练(词汇应用、句式仿写)【单句单词语法填空】1. The man sat in his empty restaurant _ _ _(感到非常沮丧).2. The two old and rich brothers knew he was hard-working. That was _ they had given him the letter. 3. We could not have the naughty boy _ _ _ (做坏事不受惩罚)breaking the window on purpose.4. To keep fit, we must have a _(balance) diet.5. Children are not _ (permit) into a cinema without their parents.参考答案1.feeling very frustrated 2why3getting away with4balanced 5. permitted核心单词1.abandon vt. 放弃;抛弃;遗弃2.abnormal adj. 反常的,变态的3.aboard prep. 上(船,飞机,火车,汽车等)4.abolish vt. 废除,废止5.absence n. 不在,缺席 6.absorb vt. 吸收,使全神贯注7.abstract adj. 抽象的n. 抽象派艺术作品8.absurd adj. 荒谬的,怪诞不经的9.abundant adj. 大量,丰盛的,充裕的10.abuse vt. 滥用,虐待,谩骂11.accelerate vt. 加速;促进12.access n. 接近;通道;接近的机会13.acmodation n. (pl.)住宿,膳宿14.acpany vt. 陪同;陪伴(go with);为伴奏(on/at); 伴随15.acplish vt. 完成(任务);达到(目的);实现(计划、诺言等)16.accumulate v. 积累,积聚17.accurate adj. 准确的;精确的18.accustomed adj. 习惯于,惯常的19.achievement n. 成就,成绩;完成,实现20.acknowledge vt. 承认;答谢;告知收到(信件、礼物等);(微笑、挥手等)致意21.acquaintance n. 熟人,(与某人)认识22.acquire vt. 取得;获得;学到(知识等)23.addicted adj. 沉溺于某种嗜好的;上了瘾的24.adequate adj. 充分的;足够的;可以胜任的25.adjustment n. 调整,适应重点短语1.abandon oneself to.沉溺于;纵情于be/get accustomed to. 习惯于devote oneself to./be devoted to. 献身于,专心致力于adapt/adjust (oneself) to. 使(自己)适应apply oneself to. 专心致力于2.above all 最重要的是after all 毕竟in all 总共,总计first of all 首先all in all 总的来说not at all 一点也不【阅读理解】Taylore is a kid who passes by to ride sometimes and help us with chores. Barely 15, shes never short of advice, and one of her favorite pastimes is teasing me about being afraid to go too fast on a horse.Last summer four of us rode down the trail behind our woods: my wife Karen, Taylore, Taylores friend Kendall and me. I was riding my 13-year-old, Tawny.We were two miles from home when, for some unexplainable reason,I pushed Tawny into a gallop(飞驰). The other horses were anxious to catch up, and just like that, the race was on.Taylore brushed past my left leg and, seconds later, Kendall went by on my right. I realized Tawny was covering ground faster than Id ever seen her. She strained every muscle in her body to catch up with the girls. It was like a truck winding over a mountain road without brakes (闸). Part of me felt perfectly in control, while another part screamed that I wasnt.In half a mile I knew wed be crossing the highway, so I prayed that the girls would be fine. I gave up calculating how long it might take before my horse would be tried enough to want to slow down.I was just about out of answers when I saw the girls slowing in front of me. Their horses were relaxed and fortable, not even breathing hard. Taylores face glowed. She gave me a high five. Wow, you did well, she said. I knew youd go fast when you were ready.No one in the group had even broken a sweat, except me. I was still nervous from the crazy pace. My heart pounded too, but not from exercise. Karen claims I was showing off for the girls that day, and maybe shes right. But I think I had something to prove. Because despite my wrinkles (皱纹), glasses and gray hair, I was feeling young at heart. And, like a horse on a warm summer day, Im always ready to kick up my heels.1. How did the race between the girls and the author begin?A. His horses gallop made the other horses want to catch up.B. He wanted to show off his riding skills for the girls.C. They wanted to know whose horse could run fastest.D. They teased him about being afraid to go too fast on a horse.2. During the race, _.A. the authors horse outran the girls horses the whole timeB. the author was confident that Tawny was in controlC. the girls were so anxious to win that they sweated a lotD. the authors good performance took Taylore by surprise3. When the race ended, the authors heart pounded because _.A. he was feeling thrilled and youngB. it was really tough exercise for himC. he was worried that the girls might be in dangerD. he felt quite embarrassed that he had lost the race4. The phrase kick up my heels at the end can be replaced by _.A. devote myselfB. enjoy myselfC. accept my challengeD. take part in running petition【文章大意】文章描述作者和两个女孩骑马比赛,这让作者感到兴奋,也感到虽然自己上了年纪,但是有一颗年轻的心。1.A【解析】细节理解题。根据文章第三段的We were two miles from home when, for some unexplainable reason,I pushed Tawny into a gallop(飞驰). The other horses were anxious to catch up, and just like that, the race was on.可知,作者的马飞驰起来使得其它马想要赶上。故选A。3.A【解析】推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的I was still nervous from the crazy pace. My heart pounded too, but not from exercise. Because despite my wrinkles (皱纹), glasses and gray hair, I was feeling young at heart.可知,比赛结束的时候,作者的心狂跳因为他感觉兴奋而且年轻。故选A。写作句式状语从句1.(2016全国卷书面表达)As the summer break is approaching, I will be free for almost three months.随着暑假临近,我将有大约三个月的空闲时间。2.(2016天津高考书面表达)It has been two weeks since you came to our school for the exchange program, which has benefited all of us.你们来我们学校参加交流活动已经两周了,这项活动让我们所有人都受益。3.(2016全国卷书面表达)I remember you showed me some photos on that theme the last time you visited our school.我记得你上次来我们学校的时候,你让我看了关于那个主题的一些照片。4. (2015四川高考书面表达)When it es to improving Mandarin, my advice is that you should listen to Mandarin every day and practice speaking it whenever possible.Just as the old saying goes, practice makes perfect.当谈到提高普通话时,我的建议是每天尽可能地多听多说普通话,正如俗话所说,熟能生巧。我读我练.词汇应用 1.They ran out of money and had to abandon(放弃) the project.2.It is known to us that our country is _abundant(丰富的) in natural resources.3.In the absence (absent) of any further evidence, the police were unable to solve the murder.4.I sincerely wish you ever greater achievements(achieve) from now on.5.He devoted_all_his_life_to_helping (把一生都献给了帮助)the children in need of help.6.You should not have scolded the boy at_all;_he is a child after_all.Above_all,_he made only two mistakes in_all.你根本不该责备那个小男孩,他毕竟还是个孩子;最重要的是,他总共犯了两处错误。.句式仿写1.随着老龄人口的日益增多,空巢老人的问题变得越来越严重。As_the_aging_population_is_being_larger_and_larger,_the problem of the empty nesters is getting more and more serious.2.当谈到英语时,听、说是我的弱项。(2015四川高考书面表达)Listening and speaking is where my weakness lies when_it_es_to_English.3.我仍然记得:当我们第一次在学校相见时,你正在教室里看书。I still remember that the_first_time_we_met_at_school,_you were reading in the classroom.【练习】Last Sunday,I joined the voluntary group to help keep the traffic in good order at a big crossing near our school.At 800 am.,we arrived there,wore red vests with the word VOLUNTEER on the back.We helped with the police remind the passers-by to obey traffic rule.To our delighted,they all waited for the green light patient except one motor-biker.We also give out some handmade brochures about traffic regulations,for that many people praised us.About 4 hours later,they said good-bye to the police and left.Tired as we were,we all felt an honor to do our parts.答案:Last Sunday,I joined voluntary group to help keep the traffic in good order at a big crossing near our school.At 800 am.,we arrived there, red vests with the word VOLUNTEER on the back.We helped with the police remind the passers-by to obey traffic .To our ,they all waited for the green light except one motor-biker.We also out some hand-made brochures about traffic regulations,for many people praised us.About 4 hours later, said good-bye to the police and left.Tired as we were,we all felt an honor to do our parts.解析:在全文中是第一次出现,不能用特指,而应用泛指。故将the改为a。解析:现在分词作状语表主动含义,此处wear的主语是we,其间是主动关系。解析:帮助某人做某事,不存在help with sb.sth这一搭配。故将with去掉。解析:交通法规为固定用语,法规肯定不可能就一个。故将rule改为rules。解析:固定用语,意为令我们高兴的是。故将delighted改为delight。解析:副词修饰形容词,此处是用副词patiently修饰形容词waited。解析:整篇文章所描述的事情发生在过去,所以动词应用过去时态。解析:考查定语从句中介词which的用法,此处for是与后面praised相照应的,praise sb.for sth.解析:全篇的人称都是we我们,根据句意也应该是“我们和警察道别”。解析:it在此处作形式宾语不可省略,真正的宾语是后面的不定式。


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