2019版高考英语一轮复习 Module 1 British and American English讲义 外研版必修5.doc

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Module 1 British and American English一积词汇见多识广课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1underground n(英)地铁 2flashlight n (美)手电筒;火把3queue vi. (英)排队(等候) 4satellite n. 卫星5structure n. 结构;体系 6distinctive adj. 与众不同的7standard adj. 标准的 8linguistics n. 语言学(二)表达词汇写其形1accent n口音2switch n开关3attempt n. 努力;尝试 4look n. 外观;外表;样子5criticise vt. 批评 6present vt. 陈述;提出(观点、计划等)(三)拓展词汇灵活用1.obvious adj.显然的,显而易见的obviously adv.显然地,显而易见地2.confusing adj.令人困惑的;难懂的confused adj.感到困惑的confuse vt.使困惑confusion n困惑;困窘3.pare vt.比较parison n比较4.settler n移民;定居者settle v解决;定居;停留settlement n解决;定居点*5.variety n种类various adj.各种各样的vary v改变;使变化variation n变化*6.differ vi.不同,有区别difference n不同;区别different adj.不同的,有区别的differently adv.不同地*7.remark n. & v评论;讲话remarkable adj.显著的;非凡的8.steadily adv.不断地;持续地steady adj.稳定的;持续的9.announcement n声明;宣告announce v声明;宣告*10.simplify vt.简化simple adj.简单的simply adv.简单地;仅仅11.bination n组合;结合bine v结合;联合*12.reference n参考;查阅refer v参考;提到;涉及用上面标注*的单词的正确形式填空1Leaves are found on varieties of trees, but they vary greatly in size and shape.(vary)2From the appearance, we cannot tell the difference between the twins, though they always have some different ideas. As for this phenomenon, ideas differ among many people.(differ)3He made simple remarks on her remarkable achievements.(remark)4The book explains grammar simply and clearly, because the author used simple example sentences to simplify abstract concepts.(simple)5The reference book the teacher referred to just now is said to be popular among students.(refer)话题单词积累1alphabet/lfbet/ n 字母;字母表2vocabulary/v()kbjlrI/ n. 词汇;词汇量3expression/Ikspre()n/ n. 语句;表达4phrase/freIz/ n. 短语;词组5idiom/IdIm/ n. 成语;习语6term/tm/ n. 术语;条目7tone/tn/ n. 语调;声调8stress/stres/ n. 重音9pronounce/prnans/ v. 发音10method/med/ n. 方法11spell/spel/ vt. 拼写12grammar/rm/ n. 语法13dictation/dIkteI()n/ n. 听写14drill/drIl/ n. & v. 训练,操练15recite/rIsaIt/ v. 背诵16memorize/memraIz/ vt. 记忆17consult/knslt/ v. 查阅18enlarge/Inld/ v. 扩大19practise/prktIs/ v. 练习20skim/skIm/ v. 跳读;略读21scan/skn/ v. 扫读;浏览22translate/trnsleIt/ v. 翻译23retell/ritel/ vt. 复述24preview/privju/ vt. 预习25review/rIvju/ v. 复习26accumulate/kjumjleIt/ v. 积累27master/mst/ vt. 精通;掌握28grasp/rsp/ vt. 领会;掌握29fluent/flunt/ adj. 流利的,流畅的30regularly/rejlli/ adv. 有规律地二积短语顿挫抑扬课内短语回扣(一)根据汉语写出下列短语1.have_._in_mon有相同的特点*2.make_a_difference 有影响,使不相同*3.get_around 四处走动(旅行)4.queue_up/stand_in_line 排队5.be_similar_to 与相似*6.lead_to 引起;导致7.pick_up 学会;拾起,捡起;收听(广播)*8.in_favour_of 同意;支持9.refer_to_.as_. 称为*10.thanks_to 幸亏;多亏(二)用上面标注*的短语完成下列句子1Tom likes traveling so he often gets_around all over the world.2More than one doctor has warned the patient that without proper treatment the disease will lead_to lung failure.3Ill raise both hands in_favour_of banning smoking inside the schoolyard.4They are now in great need of help. So your support will certainly make_a_difference.5Thanks_to email, today you can send a letter halfway around the world in seconds simply by pressing a button.话题短语积累1native/mother tongue母语2official language 官方语言3oral/spoken English 英语口语4written English 书面英语5form the/a habit of reading 养成阅读习惯6refer to 查阅;参考7of vital importance 非常重要8learn . by heart 背诵;记住9keep/bear . in mind 记住10have a good mand of 精通11have a good knowledge of 通晓12municate with 与交流13insist on 坚持14keep a diary 记日记15take notes 记笔记16step by step 一步一步地17develop an interest in培养对的兴趣18enlarge/expand ones vocabulary扩大某人的词汇量三积句式写作扮靓课内句式仿写1while表示对比,意为“而,然而”例句Americans use a flashlight, while for the British, its a torch.仿写它们的大小、颜色是相似的,然而形状不同。Their sizes and colors are similar while the shapes are different.2have difficulty (in) doing sth.“做某事有困难”例句A Londoner has more difficulty understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.仿写由于缺乏独立,目前大部分学生很难适应大学生活。For lack of independence, most students have_difficulty_(in)_adapting_to college life at present.3“find宾语宾补”结构,意为“发现处于某种状态”例句However, if you turn on CNN, the American TV network, you find newsreaders and weather forecasters all speaking with different accents .仿写从欧洲回来后,这位老人发现自己的家乡有了很大变化。After returning from Europe, the old man found_his_hometown_much_changed.话题佳句背诵1We are supposed to learn English well because having a good mand of English means more opportunities in the future.我们理应学好英语,因为精通英语意味着在将来有更多的机会。2By learning English we can broaden our horizons and increase our knowledge in various fields.通过学英语我们能够开阔视野,增加我们在各个领域的知识。3Firstly, you should spare no effort to read interesting English news, which can help you increase your interest in English.首先,你应当不遗余力地阅读有趣的英语新闻,这有助于提高你对英语的兴趣。4Keeping a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability.用英语写日记是提高我们的英语写作能力的有效途径之一。四背语段语感流畅Nowadays some students have difficulty in learning English. Here Id like to share my English learning methods.As is known to all, interest is the best teacher. So first of all, developing an interest in English is of vital importance. Secondly, memorizing as many words and expressions as possible also makes a great difference. Moreover, forming a good habit of practising English regularly is a must. Last but not least, its good to municate with native English speakers if possible. In conclusion, only by insisting on doing so can we master English.现在一些学生学习英语存在困难,在这里我想与大家分享一下我学习英语的方法。众所周知,兴趣是最好的老师。因此,首先培养对英语的兴趣非常重要。第二,尽可能多地记住单词和短语也是非常重要的。另外,必须养成定时练习英语的好习惯。最后但同样重要的是,如果可能的话,与讲英语的当地人进行交流是非常好的。总之,只有坚持这么做我们才能掌握英语。第一板块重点词汇突破师生共研词汇1confusing adj.令人困惑的;难懂的教材原句Sometimes the same word has a slightly different meaning, which can be confusing.有时候同一个单词在意义上有细微的差别,这令人困惑。(1)confuse vt.使困惑;使难以理解confuse A with/and B 把A和B混淆(2)confused adj. 感到困惑的,感到难懂的be/get/bee confused at/about 对感到困惑(3)confusion n. 困惑;混乱;混淆in confusion 困惑地;混乱地What she referred to was so confusing (confuse) that they could hardly make any sense of it.她所讲的话如此令人费解,他们搞不明白她是什么意思。As teenagers grow, it is normal for them to bee confused (confuse) about the changing world.随着青少年的成长,他们对正在变化的世界感到困惑是正常的。语境串记They confused me by asking so many confusing questions. I was totally confused, standing there in confusion, not knowing what to do.他们提出了一大堆令人费解的问题,把我难住了。我完全困惑了,茫然地站在那儿,全然不知所措。2pare vt.比较;匹敌;比喻;相比n.比较教材原句Prepositions, too, can be different: pare on the team, on the weekend (American) with in the team, at the weekend (British)介词的用法也有所不同:比较一下on the team, on the weekend(美式)和in the team, at the weekend(英式)。(1)pare . with/to .把和相比较pare . to . 把比作pared to/with . 和相比(通常作状语)(2)parison n. 比较;对照;比喻in parison with 与相比Dont pare your strength with others weakness, which is meaningless.不要拿你的强项和别人的弱项相比,那没有意义。pared_with/to many abstract objectives, practical ones can bring us more courage and confidence whenever we make one step forward.(2015重庆高考)和抽象的目标相比较,切实可行的目标在我们前进的时候能够带来更多的勇气和信心。3differ vi.不同,有区别教材原句The other two areas in which the two varieties differ are spelling and pronunciation.这两种英语另外两个不同的方面是拼写和发音。(1)differ from be different from与不同differ in be different in 在方面不同differ with sb. about/on sth. 关于某事与某人意见不同(2)difference n. 不同;区别make a difference有影响;使不相同;起(重要)作用tell the difference between . and . 区分与的差别Even though we pletely differ from each other in character, we are still great friends. 虽然我们在性格上完全不同,我们仍然是很好的朋友。Only if we know what we do in our daily life and live a lowcarbon life can we make_a_difference.只有我们知道在日常生活中做什么,过一种低碳生活,我们才能有所作为。4present vt.陈述;提出(观点、计划等);呈现;赠送;颁发;介绍adj.出席的,在场的;现在的,当前的n.礼物;目前教材原句Present your ideas to the rest of the class.向班级其他同学陈述你的观点。(1)present向某人赠送某物(2)be present at 出席(3)at present at the present time 目前,现在for the present 目前;暂时How many people were present at the meeting yesterday?昨天出席会议的有多少人?It is reported that many a new house is being built at_present/at_the_present_time in the disaster area.据报道,目前在灾区许多新房子正在被建。名师指津present用作形容词,表示“出席的;在场的”时,通常作表语或后置定语;表示“当前的;现在的”时,常用作前置定语。语境串记One expert present at the meeting presented me with a book on the present financial crisis as a present.出席会议的一位专家送给我一本关于当前金融危机的书作为礼物。5attempt n努力;尝试;企图vt.试图;企图教材原句Can you see any similarities between Websters work and attempts to simplify Chinese?你能找出韦伯斯特的工作与试图简化汉语之间的相似点吗?(1)make an attempt to do/at doing sth.试图做某事at ones/the first attempt 第一次尝试(2)attempt to do/at doing sth. 试图做某事我试图说服她,但是徒劳无益。(一句多译)Ive attempted_to convince her, but in vain.(attempt v)Ive made_an_attempt_at convincing her, but in vain.(attempt n)Not many people can answer this question at the first attempt.第一次就能回答这个问题的人并不很多。词汇过关练.单句语法填空1People differ from one another in their ability to deal with stress.2Mount Wuyi is remarkable (remark) for its wide range of living things.3The English in this story has been simplified (simple) to make it easier to understand.4Every time Ive attempted to_persuade (persuade) her, Ive failed pletely.5(2017北京高考)Already this year, 115 measles cases have been reported in the USA, pared (pare) with 189 for all of last year.6We presented him with a basketball on his birthday.7Obviously (obvious), a good learning habit can help us speed up to reach our destinations.8The island offers such a wide variety (vary) of scenery and wildlife.9To my delight, the students worked very hard and were making progress steadily (steady)10She always keeps a dictionary at hand for easy reference (refer).单句改错1paring with many students in the poor areas, we are lucky.paringpared2A pair of gloves may be a small thing, but it can make difference in winter.difference前加a3The expert says that the exports are steady increasing year by year.steadysteadily4If you are still confusing about the topic, ask your teacher for help.confusingconfused5He counted the number presenting at the party and it added up to twentyone.presentingpresent6Jim had prepared carefully for his physics test so that he could be sure of passing it in the first attempt.inat.单句写作(句型转换/一句多译)1He attempted at passing the exam, but he failed in the end.He made_an_attempt_at_passing/to_pass the exam, but he failed in the end.2If you pare the two books, youll find the thick one is better.paring_the_two_books,_youll find the thick one is better.pare_the_two_books and youll find the thick one is better.pared_with/to_the_thin_book,_the thicker one is better.3教师节那天,我的学生送给了我一些花。On Teachers Day, my students presented_me_with some flowers.On Teachers Day, my students presented_some_flowers_to me. 4美国人和中国人在时间的处理上非常不一样。Americans_and_Chinese_differ_greatly_in_managing_time. (differ in)Americans_differ_from_Chinese_greatly_in_managing_time. (differ from)Americans_are_very_different_from_Chinese_in_managing_time. (different)There_are_many_differences_between_Americans_and_Chinese_in_managing_time. (difference)第二板块短语、句式突破1have . in mon有相同的特点教材原句We have really everything in mon with America nowadays, except of course, language.我们今天与美国真的一切都相同了,当然除了语言。(1)have a lot/much/a great deal in mon with与有很多共同之处have nothing/little in mon with 与没有/很少有共同之处(2)in mon with 与一样(3)mon sense 常识 Although they are good friends, they have little in mon with each other.尽管他们是好朋友,但是他们几乎没有共同之处。In_mon_with other classrooms, our classroom is very tidy.与其他教室一样,我们教室也非常整洁。Anyone with mon_sense is able to make the right decision when facing the situation.当面对这种情况时,任何有常识的人都会做出正确选择。2lead to引起;导致;通向高考佳句Questioning can lead to searching for an answer.(2015湖北高考短文写作)质疑有利于寻求答案。lead sb. to do sth.使某人做某事lead sb. ton. 带领某人去/进入,使某人得出(观点)lead a . life 过着的生活lead the way 引路,带路I want to know what led you to_take (take) up acting as a career.我想知道是什么让你开始从事演艺事业的。We found the local people leading (lead) a happy life there.我们发现那里的当地人过着幸福的生活。联想发散除lead to外,常见的表示“引起;导致”的词汇还有:cause, result in, bring about等。3A Londoner has_more_difficulty_understanding a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.伦敦人要听懂来自格拉斯哥的苏格兰人说话比听懂纽约人说话更难。句中使用了have difficulty (in) doing sth.结构,意为“做某事有困难”。difficulty前可用some, any, no, little等词来修饰。表示“做某事有困难”还有如下结构:The experts are trying to find out the reason why many teenagers have difficulty municating (municate) with their parents.专家们正在努力地弄清楚为什么很多青少年和父母交流有困难。Whenever we have trouble with our studies, our teachers always help us patiently.每逢我们在学习上遇到困难,老师总是耐心帮助我们。You cant imagine what great difficulty we have ever had dealing (deal) with the problems. 你想象不到我们处理这些问题时所遇到的困难。名师指津在考查“have difficulty (in) doing sth.”时, difficulty往往提前作为主句中的先行词,定语从句中谓语为have doing形式。短语、句式过关练.mon短语填空1Generally speaking, the music of one country is quite a lot in mon with its culture.2We should put aside our differences and discuss the things we have in mon.单句语法填空1Hard work leads to success and failure often lies in laziness.2The quarrel leading (lead) to their divorce resulted from their disbelief in each other.3The new evidence led to the high official being_arrested (arrest)4His constant lying led me to_distrust (distrust) everything he said.补全句子/句型转换1这首诗对中学生来说很容易,而对于小学生来说就很难理解了。(while)The poem is easy for a middle school student while_it_is_difficult_for_a_pupil to_understand.2这次旅行中,汤姆和他的父亲在中国习俗方面遇到了一些麻烦。(have some trouble with sth.)Tom and his father had_some_trouble_with_Chinese_customs during the travel.3当他睁开眼,发现自己正站在一片蔚蓝的大海前面。(find宾语宾语补足语)When he opened his eyes, he found_himself_standing before the vast blue sea.4Everyone in this city knew him, so we found his house without difficulty.Everyone in this city knew him, so we had_no_difficulty_finding his house.提能一用课文词汇写高分作文differ, confusion, variety, attempt, steadily, lead to, make a difference1补全要点句(“黑体”部分选用上面方框中的单词或短语)英语与汉语在许多方面有区别,这对学习英语的人来说有时会引起困惑。English differs from Chinese in many aspects and it sometimes leads_to confusion for English learners.我们可以采用各种方式学习英语,其中学会用英语思维会有很大的不同。We can adopt a variety of ways to learn English, of which learning to think in English will make_a_big_difference.我们应该努力帮助那些发现自己学习英语困难的人们。We should attempt to help those who find it difficult to learn English.我们相信只要我们不断地努力学习,就会取得进步。We believe that so long as we study hard steadily,_we will make progress.2升级平淡句(1)用含有定语从句的复合句改写句English_differs_from_Chinese_in_many_aspects,_which_sometimes_leads_to_confusion_for_English_learners.(2)用have difficulty in doing sth.改写句We_should_attempt_to_help_those_who_have_difficulty_in_learning_English.3衔接成语篇English_differs_from_Chinese_in_many_aspects,_which_sometimes_leads_to_confusion_for_English_learners._We_can_adopt_a_variety_of_ways_to_learn_English,_of_which_learning_to_think_in_English_will_make_a_big_difference._We_should_attempt_to_help_those_who_have_difficulty_in_learning_English._We_believe_that_so_long_as_we_study_hard_steadily,_we_will_make_progress.提能二用课文句型解构高考长难句本单元突破点“find宾语宾补”的复合结构经典例句比较分析真题尝试翻译课文长难句However, if you turn on CNN, the American TV network, you find newsreaders and weather forecasters all speaking with different accents .句中包含“find宾语宾补”的复合结构,而且宾补为现在分词。然而,他们并没有投入他们的工作,他们发现他们工作是为了维持他们很快就已经习惯了的(追求物质享受的)生活方式。真题长难句However, instead of devoting themselves to their work, they find themselves working to support the lifestyle to which they have so quickly bee accustomed.(2015浙江高考完形填空)句中包含“find宾语宾补”的复合结构,而且宾补为现在分词。本模块的话题是“英式英语和美式英语”,是高考常考话题之一。英语是世界上最通用的语言,为了了解这种美丽而又高深的语言,我们每时每刻都在探测它的精湛,领悟它的意蕴。纵观历年各地高考试题,此话题在听力、阅读理解、完形填空、书面表达等题型中频繁出现。一、话题与语篇考题示例(2016天津高考阅读A)A Language Programme for Teenagers1 Wele to Teenagers Abroad! We invite you to join us on an amazing journey of language learning.Our Courses2 Regardless of your choice of course, youll develop your language ability both quickly and effectively.3 Our Standard Course guarantees a significant increase in your confidence in a foreign language, with focused teaching in all 4 skill areas speaking, listening, reading and writing.4 Our Intensive Course builds on our Standard Course, with 10 additional lessons per week, guaranteeing the fastest possible language learning (see table below).Course TypeDaysNumber of LessonsCourse TimetableStandard CourseMonFri20 lessons9:0012:30Intensive CourseMonFri20 lessons9:0012:3010 lessons13:0014:30Evaluation5 Students are placed into classes according to their current language skills. The majority of them take an online language test before starting their programme. However, if this is not available, students sit the exam on the first Monday of their course.6 Learning materials are provided to students throughout their course, and there will never be more than 15 participants in each class.Arrivals and Transfer7 Our programme offers the full package students are taken good care of from the start through to the very end. They are collected from the airport upon arrival and brought to their acmodation in fort. We require the students full flight details at least 4 weeks in advance.Meals/Allergies (过敏)/Special Dietary Requirements8 Students are provided with breakfast, dinner and either a cooked or packed lunch (which consists of a sandwich, a drink and a dessert). Snacks outside of mealtimes may be purchased by the student individually.9 We ask that you let us know of any allergies or dietary requirements as well as information about any medicines you take. Depending on the type of allergies and/or dietary requirements, an extra charge may be made for providing special food.1How does Intensive Course differ from Standard Course?AIt is less effective.BIt focuses on speaking.CIt includes extra lessons. DIt gives you confidence.2When can a student attend Standard Course?A13:0014:30 Monday. B9:0012:30 Tuesday.C13:0014:30 Friday. D9:0012:30 Saturday.3Before starting their programme, students are expected to _.Atake a language testBhave an online interviewCprepare learning materialsDreport their language levels4With the full package, the programme organiser is supposed to _.Ainform students of their full flight detailsBlook after students throughout the programmeCoffer students free sightseeing tripsDcollect students luggage in advance5Which of the following may require an extra payment?ACooked dinner.BMealtime dessert.CPacked lunch. DSpecial diet.策略指导(一)这样读文第1步:宏观把握文章大意分层抓关键句概括层意行文结构第1段an amazing journey of language learning广告目的总体介绍总分模式第24段Our Courses课程设置分项解释第56段Evaluation评估标准分项解释第7段Arrivals and Transfer接送方式分项解释第89段Meals/Allergies(过敏)/Special Dietary Requirements饮食要求分项解释第2步:微观突破理解障碍自主翻译我们的标准课程集中于听说读写四个领域的教学,从而保证了你对学习外语信心的显著增加。自主翻译我们的精读课程是建立在标准课程之上,每周有10个额外的课程,从而保证最快的语言学习(见下表)。(二)这样做题名师解题1细节理解题。选C根据关键词“Intensive Course”和“Standard Course”准确定位到第四段第一句“Our Intensive Course builds on our Standard Course, with 10 additional lessons per week .”可知选C。A项less effective与原文“the fastest possible language learning”相反; B、D两项属于上文Our Standard Course的内容,范围偏了。2细节理解题。选B根据文中表格里的时间一栏中,Standard Course时间为周一到周五的9:00到12:30。A、C、D三项皆与该时间段不符。3


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