2019版七年级英语上册 满分冲刺 第10讲 情景交际练习 (新版)牛津版.doc

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2019版七年级英语上册 满分冲刺 第10讲 情景交际练习 (新版)牛津版.doc_第1页
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2019版七年级英语上册 满分冲刺 第10讲 情景交际练习 (新版)牛津版.doc_第2页
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2019版七年级英语上册 满分冲刺 第10讲 情景交际练习 (新版)牛津版.doc_第3页
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2019版七年级英语上册 满分冲刺 第10讲 情景交际练习 (新版)牛津版题一: 在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语,使对话完整。A:1. _, Mom?B: Your tennis ball is under the sofa. A: Where are my tennis shoes?B: 2. _. You can ask your sister, Linda. A: Where are my tennis shoes, Linda?C: 3. _?A: Yes. Theyre under the table. Lets play tennis. C: That sounds boring. 4. _. A: But I have one ping-pong bat. 5. _?B: Yes, I do. Lets play. 题二: 在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语,使对话完整。A:Hello. 1. _? B:Hello. Speaking!A:Hey, Tom! Its Clark. 2. _?B:Im watching TV. Whats up?A:Um.I have two movie tickets on Saturday night. 3_?B:Good idea. Is the cinema far from us?A:4. _. It is only about one kilometer away. B:5. _?A:My father will give us a ride. B:So nice. Thats a deal. See you then. A:See you. 题三: 在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语,使对话完整。David:1. _?Sally: Im reading a letter from my pen pal. David:2. _?Sally: No, she is a girl. David: 3. _?Sally: She has big eyes and curly blonde hair. David: 4. _?Sally: No, she is short. Look at her photo. David: Oh, she is pretty and thin. 5. _?Sally: She likes playing the piano. 题四: 在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语,使对话完整。A: Hi, Anna! Have you ever been to the city library before?B: 1. _!A: What a pity! There are a lot of great books in the library. B: 2. _. Could you tell me how to get there?A: Sure. Just go along Renmin Street and turn right. Its down Qianjin Road on the right. B: 3. _?A: Its about 10 minutes ride. The No. 19 bus will take you right there. B: By the way, 4. _?A: Over there. Its next to the hotel. B: Thanks a lot. A:5. _. 情景交际题一: 1. Where is my tennis ball2. I dont know3. Are they under the table4. Lets play ping-pong5. Do you have one解析:1. 根据后面Your tennis ball is under the sofa. 可知前面是对tennis ball的位置提问。2. 根据后面You can ask your sister, Linda. 可知妈妈是不知道tennis shoes的位置的。3. 根据后面Yes. 可知前面要用一般疑问句。4. 根据前面That sounds boring. 和后面But I have one ping-pong bat. 可以得知Linda提出的建议是一起打乒乓球。5. 根据前面But I have one ping-pong bat. 和后面Yes, I do. 可知此处应该是问你有一只拍子吗?题二: 1. May/Could I speak to Tom2. What are you doing (now)3. What/How about going to (see) a/the movie (together) with me/Why not go to (see) a/the movie (together) with me/Shall we go to (see) a/the movie4. No, (it isnt/its not)/Not very far5. But how/How can/shall we get there解析:1. 根据答句中Speaking!可知是在打电话,又由下文Hey,Tom!可知想找Tom。2. 根据回答正在看电视,可知此处询问对方正在做什么事情。3. 根据前后句内容可知此处是邀请对方一起去看电影。4. 根据后句中的内容“只有一千米远”可知此处为否定回答。5. 根据答句中的内容可知此处询问交通方式。题三: 1. What are you doing, Sally2. Is your pen pal a boy3. What does she look like4. Is she tall5. What does she like解析:1. 根据后面Im reading a letter from my pen pal. 可知前面在对“做什么”提问。2. 根据后面No, she is a girl. 可知对笔友的性别提问。3. 根据后面She has big eyes and curly blonde hair. 可知前面应该是对“外貌”提问。4. 根据后面No, she is short. 可知前面在问她是不是高。5. 根据后面She likes playing the piano. 可知在对她的爱好提问。题四: 1. No, I havent/No/Never2. That sounds good/Sounds good(great)/Great/Good3. How far is it4. wheres/where is/which is the way to/could you tell me how to get to/how can I get to/which way is to the nearest bus stop5. Youre welcome/Not at all/Its my pleasure/Thats OK/Thats all right/My pleasure/No problem解析:1. 问句是一般疑问句,用Yes或No进行回答;根据下文What a pity!可知Anna以前没有去过市图书馆。Have you.?的否定回答为No, I havent. ;也可以直接回答No. /Never. 。2. 结合上下句可知是发出赞叹:(That) sounds good/great. 或者Good!/Great!3. 根据答语可知对距离进行提问,用How far; 10 minutes ride意为“10分钟的车程”。4. 根据答语可知这里是问路,可以运用的句型有:How can I get to.? /Can you tell me the way to.?/Where is.?/Which is the way to.?5. 根据上文可知此处表达“不客气”,常用的有:Youre welcome. /Not at all. /Thats all right. /Thats OK. /Never mind. /Dont mention it. /Its my pleasure. 等。


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