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Welcome to our class!,welcome,1,Welcome,Starter Unit 2,Whats this in English?,Period 1 1a1c,2,1a Look at the small letters in the picture for these big letters. Check the ones you find.,A _ B _ C _ D _ E _ F _ G _ H _,map,cup,jacket,key,orange,pen,ruler,Whats,an,3,Whats this in English?,Its a pen.,4,Whats that in English?,Its a map.,Whats = What is,Its = It is,5,Its a cup.,Whats that in English?,6,Its a ruler.,Whats this in English?,7,Whats this in English?,Its an orange.,8,Whats that in English?,Its a jacket.,9,Whats that in English?,Its a key.,10,Whats that in English?,Its a quilt.,11,Challenge your memory,a c p,12,Whats this in English? 较近Whats that in English? 较远,6. Its a ruler. E.,2. Its an orange. B. 3. Its a jacket.,4. Its a pen. C. 5. Its a key. D.,1. Its a quilt. A.,13,Listen and repeat (1b).,14,1b Listen and repeat.,Whats this in English? Its an orange. Whats that in English? Its a jacket.,15,The magic of a & an.不定冠词a和an(一),map cup ruler pen orange jacket key quilt,a map a cup a ruler a pen an orange a jacket a key a quilt,16,Put “a” or “an” before the letters we have learned.,a b c D E F g H,an a a b a c a D an E an F a g an H,当一个词的 首字母发音为 元音时,冠词 用an;首字母 发音为辅音时, 用a.,冠词a,an两种帽,许多名词常需要。开头读音若是元,要把an帽来挑选。辅音起首戴a帽,记住规律莫乱套。不看字母看音素,不见“原因(元音)”别施“恩(n)” 。,17,Aa /eI/,Bb /bi:/,Cc /si:/,Dd /di:/,Ee / i:/,Ff /ef/,Gg /di:/,Hh /eIt/,18,_ map _ pen _ key _ cup _ ruler _ jacket _ quilt _ orange,a,a,a,a,a,a,a,an,用a或an填空。,19,Put a/an in the blanks This is _ egg. Thats _ book. This is _ apple. Its _ quilt. Thats _ English map. This is _Chinese car.,an a an a an a,20,1c Practice the conversations.,Whats this / that in English?Its a/an .,cup,quilt,map,jacket,pen,key,orange,ruler,21,1b Listen and repeat.,Whats this in English? Its an orange. Whats that in English? Its a jacket. 背诵默写,22,Thank you !,Homework,23,Welcome,Starter Unit 2,Whats this in English?,Period 2,24,Guess: What is this?,I think its .,25,26,27,28,29,Ii,Jj,Kk,Ll,Mm,Nn,Oo,Pp,Qq,Rr,30,Ii,ice cream,/ aI /,31,Jj,/ eI /,jeep,Kk,/ keI /,kite,32,Ll,/ el /,library,Ll,33,Mm,/ em /,monkey,Nn,/ en /,nose,34,Oo,Pp,/ /,/ pi: /,orange,pear,35,Qq,Rr,/ kju: /,/ (r): /,quilt,rice,36,Ii /aI/ Jj /eI/ Kk /keI/ Ll /el/ Mm /em/ Nn /en/ Oo / / Pp /pi:/ Qq /kju:/ Rr /a:(r)/,37,单元音 / i:/ / e / /a:/ /u:/,双元音 /eI/ /aI/ /,辅音 /b/ /s/ /d/ /f/ / /t/,/m/ /n/ /l/ /p/ /j/ /k/ju:/,38,Aa /eI/ Hh /eI+t/ Jj /+eI/ Kk /k+eI/ Ee / i:/ Bb /b+i:/ Cc /s+i:/ Dd /d+i:/ Gg /+i:/ Pp /p+i:/ Ff /e+f/ Ll /e+l/ Mm /e+m/ Nn /e+n/,Ee /e /,39,Ii / aI / Oo / /Qq /k+j+u:/ /k+ju:/ Rr /a:(r)/,40,Listen and number the letters you hear 1-10. (2b).,l o q k in p r m j,9,6,10,1,2,3,5,7,8,4,41,Go and see.,42,43,r,44,2d Find the missing big letters or small letters for each pair (2d).,J _,j,I_,i,_L,M _,_n,m,N,O _,P _,o,p,Q _,_ r,q,R,_ k,K,L,45,P =,Parking停车场,Talk about what these letters mean?,46,NBA,NBA =,National Basketball Association 美国全国职业篮球协会,What do these letters mean?,47,kg =,kg,kilogram 千克;公斤,What do these letters mean?,372 g,_,_,_,_,48,网络聊天常用英语缩略词,BBLBe back later稍后回来 BRBBe right back很快回来 DIIKDamned if I known我真的不知道 IAEIn any event无论如何 ICI see我明白 IMHOIn my humble opinion依愚人之见 IMOIn my opinion依我所见 LOLlaughing out loudly大声笑 NRNNo reply necessary不必回信 OICOh, I see哦,我知道 PEMPrivacy enhanced mail保密邮件,49,Make a summary.,50,Homework,Copy the letters IiRr. Collect more abbreviations.,Thank you for listening.,51,Welcome,Starter Unit 2,Whats this in English?,Period 3,52,ID,身份证,MBA,工商管理硕士,PRC,中华人民共和国,km,千米,a.m.,上午,The colorful abbreviations,53,Listen and number the pictures you hear. Then fill in the blanks to finish the words (3a3b).,5 ruler,2 map,7 jacket,1 key,4 quilt,6 orange,3 pen,8 cup,54,Happy letters,s,p,e,l,l,spell,p,l,e,a,s,e,please,spell,please,55,Listen and number. 3c3d,A: Whats this in English? B: Its a map. A: Spell it, please.祈使句 B: M-A-P.,_key _pen _cup _ruler,1 4 2 3,56,A: Whats this in English? B: Its a jacket. A: Spell it , please. B: J-A-C-K-E-T.,PAIR WORK,57,A: Whats that in English? B: Its a quilt. A: Spell it, please. B: Q-U-I-L-T.,58,A: Whats that in English ? B: Its an orange. A: Spell it, please. B: O-R-A-N-G-E.,59,A: Whats this in English ? B: Its a key. A: Spell it, please. B:K-E-Y.,60,3e Talk about the things in the picture.,61,A: Whats that in English ? B: Its an orange. A: Spell it, please. 祈使句 B: O-R-A-N-G-E.背诵默写,62,a jacket,a map,a quilt,an orange,a ruler,a pen,MY ROOM(我的房间),63,Homework,Get the students to make up their own wordguessing games. Get ready to share with otherstudents in the next period. 2. Get the students to finish the pictures of their rooms and write down the English namesof the things in your rooms.,Thank you for listening!,64,Welcome,Starter Unit 2,Whats this in English?,Period 4,65,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,66,4a Fill in the missing letters,F,A,D,G,J,N,P,Q,c,e,g,k,m,n,q,66,2018/10/16,67,4b Number the words in alphabetical order,( ) jacket ( ) Alice ( ) map ( ) key ( ) orange( ) Dale ( ) Helen ( ) Grace ( ) Cindy ( ) Bob( ) pen ( ) Frank ( ) quilt ( ) Eric ( ) ruler,1,9,11,10,12,4,8,7,3,2,13,6,14,5,15,67,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,68,Listen and repeat,/eI/,/,/i:/,/e/,/aI/,/ I /,/,/ /:/,68,Aa,/eI/,/,/eI/,我们发现:,69,Ee,/i:/,/e/,/i:/,我们发现:,70,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,71,Lets make our own effort (1).,读一读,1. five bike kite nine hi 2. big fish it pig this,想一想:,上面单词中i的发音相同吗?,71,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,72,Lets make our own effort (1).,我发现:,Ii,/aI/,/aI/,/ I /,爱,72,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,73,Lets make our own effort (1).,/aI/,white rice write icelike nicetime ride,爱,73,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,74,Lets make our own effort (1).,发音要领: 1.舌尖抵下齿,舌前部抬高,比/i:/要低。 2.嘴型扁平,牙床开得比/i:/宽。 3.可从/i:/出发,下颚稍稍下垂,舌前部也随之稍稍下降。,/ I /,74,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,75,Lets make our own effort (1).,/ I /,milk minute fish window fit rabbit is music his fifteen,75,听一听,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,( ) 1、slippers nice kite,( ) 2、in wiggle ice,( ) 3、pink expensive five,( ) 4、time chicken kitchen,( ) 5、dinner rice drink,A,A B C,C,A,A,B,76,读一读,想一想:,上面单词中o的发音相同吗?,home hole nose rose 2. box fox orange lock,77,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,78,Lets make our own effort (1).,Oo,我发现:,/,/,/ /,偶,78,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,79,Lets make our own effort (1).,/,Coke those hold O.K over so go potato tomato photo,79,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,80,Lets make our own effort (1).,/ /,发音要领: 1、舌尖离开下齿;口张大,舌身压低并后缩。 2、双唇稍稍收圆。 3、可先发/:/音,然后将舌身再稍稍向后缩,双唇稍稍收圆(不要突出),即可发出/。,80,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,81,Lets make our own effort (1).,/ /,socks not of hot sorry tock donkey long off stop,81,听一听,找出划线部分发音不同的单词。,( ) 1、hope Coke clock,( ) 2、so go tomato,( ) 3、those socks off,( ) 4、hold lock cold,( ) 5、on OK fold,C,A B C,C,A,B,A,82,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,83,Listen and repeat,/eI/,/,/i:/,/e/,/aI/,/ I /,/,/ /:/,83,Read the letters and words in Column A.Try to read the new words in Column B.,A,B,Aa,Ee,Ii,Oo,/eI/,/neIm/,/kn/,/,/i:/,/hi:/,/e/,/leg/,/aI/,/naIs/,/ I /,/ mIlk/,/,/g/,/,/dg/,84,Starter Unit 2,主题功能,1.Identify things辨认物品 2.Spell words 拼写单词,重点单词,what,is,this,in,English, map,cup,ruler,pen,orange, jacket,key,it,a/an,that, spell,please,重点短语,in English, a white quilt an orange orange, a red apple,核心句型,1.-Whats this in English? -Its an orange. 2.-Whats that in English? -Its a key. -Spell it, please. -K-E-Y.,语法结构,1.元音字母i,o在单词中的读音 2.不定冠词a和an的用法,冠词a,an两种帽,许多名词常需要。开头读音若是元,要把an帽来挑选。辅音起首戴a帽,记住规律莫乱套。不看字母看音素,不见“原因(元音)”别施“恩(n)” 。,85,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,86,课堂小练习1. 请帮助动物们按第一个字母在字母表的顺序排排站。,rabbit hen dog cow sheep horse,86,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,87,2. 身边英语知多少,把正确答案连在一起。,1.肯德基 2.停车区 3.千克 4.(美国)全国 5.光盘篮球协会A. NBA B. KFC C. Kg D. P E. CD,87,2018/10/16,copyright www.brainybetty.com 2006 All Rights Reserved,88,3. 单项选择 ( )(1)This is _nice jacket.A.an B. a C./ ( )(2)Whats this _ English?A. in B. for C. on ( )(3)Spell it, please. _.A.NAME B. name C.N-A-M-E ( )(4)Colin,whats this in English?_.A. Its pen B. Its a pen C.This is a pen ( )(5)How are you?_.A.Hello B.Thanks C.Im OK,88,Homework,Thank you ! Goodbye!,89,


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