北师大小学英语三年级上册《Unit 2 How much》 (3)教案.doc

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教学资料参考范本新北师大小学英语三年级上册Unit 2 How much (3)教案撰写人:_时 间:_Teaching aims: 1.Grasp the three-skilled-word:colourful pretty cheap expensive 2.Grasp the sentences:“Can I help you? How much is this skirt/? Its colourful/”,use it in real situatio.Be the natural tone of voice accurately, use of appropriate. Teaching important points: 1. Accurate expression of the price for goods /? Its colourful/ Teaching difficult points: 1.sentences:“Can I help you? How much is this skirt/? Its colourful/ 2. The pronunciation of new words and normative guidance, for example,“Ninety-nine Yuan.” eaching preparation: wall charts,recorder,clothes,pictures Ability target: 1. Ss are able to ask questions by themselves. 2. Ss are able to act the dialogueout. 3. Ss are able to retell the text. 4. Ss are able to cooperate with others. Moral target: Reasonable and correct shopping Teaching process Step 1 Warm-up (5) 1.Chant,repeat and clap hands. 【设计意图】营造良好的学习氛围,激起学生英语学习的热情。 2.Show cards and play games:Whats missing? 【设计意图】检查巩固上节所学内容,为下面的学习铺路。 Step 2 Lead in (5) 1.Taecher takes the dress and asks: T:Look at this dress.Its colourful and its very pretty.Do you like it?(yes)Maybe girls like it.(引入I like it.)Do you know how much this dress is?(板书:How much is this dress?)See the price and answer.(板书Its 200 yuan.) T:How much is this dress?Ss: Its 200 yuan.I think its too expensive.Ss follow its too expensive.Look at the screen:How much is it?Its .(当练到最后一句时引入句子Thats expensive.) 【设计意图】师生在自由谈话中练习口语表达,为Presentation环节做准备。 Step 3 Presentation (10) 1.Class,you like the dress,I like the dress and my friend Amy likes it too.Listen and answer the question: How much is the dress? 【设计意图】带着任务听、看,使学习更有针对性。 2.OK,watch the video and answer the questions:How much is the dress? 3.listen again and repeat. 【设计意图】引导学生在跟读时注意模仿语音语调,内化知识。 Step 4 Drills (13) 1.Act the taxt out in groups. 【设计意图】在与同伴的合作中,通过表演加深对对文本的理解,实现基于文本的输出,增加学习的趣味性并通过表演强化语音语调的模仿。 2.Retell the text in groups. 【设计意图】小组合作体现自主学习,反馈文本的学习状况。 Step 5 Consolidation (5) (教师和学生一起进行游戏“Go Shopping”) T:Here are many clothes,they are colourful and very pretty,I want this dress,I want that skirt.What do you want?(Ss:I want ,练习I want 句型。) 【设计意图】让孩子们仿照课文中的对话,进行购物活动。学生通过自主学习和小组合作完成一次Go Shopping,体现出综合语言运用能力,最终实现语言输出。 Step 6 Homework(2) 1.Listen to the tape and talk about the diaogue to parents and friends. 2.Make a new dialogue. 【设计意图】总结本课时的教学重点,巩固新知。引导学生模仿对话,并在实际情境中运用所学内容,学以致用。 4 / 4


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