北师大小学英语二年级上册《Unit 3 Who’s that》(4)教案.doc

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教学资料参考范本新北师大小学英语二年级上册Unit 3 Whos that(4)教案撰写人:_时 间:_UNIT3 WHOS THAT?新课标体现: 本单元主要是要求学生掌握在日常生活中如何在见到陌生人问姓名等。这些简单的对话可以满足学生的好奇心,也是学生日常生活中可以常常用到的,这样可以提高学生使用英语交流的机会和能力。在此过程中又可以渗透一些外国风俗习惯,对学生学习英语也是一种帮助。Teaching Aims:知识技能:1.Listening:能听懂询问你好,名子等的对话;指出图,同学们可以说出它的在英文中的单词。2.Speaking:能在适当的语境打招呼询问对方及第三人称人的姓名;能在教师设计的语境中运用本单元所学功能句,及应答进行会话。3.Reading:能正确、流利的朗读课文对话;能正确读出图中物品的名子。4.Writing:能正确、规范地写本单元要求掌握的字母。过程方法:1.利用现有的教设备资源,使学生可以更加直观的对所要学习的内容有整体了解,并且可以培养学生良好的发音习惯,为以后的学习打下基础。 2.在教授对话的同时,把单词或重点句型出示给学生,这样可以使学生更方便于学习,掌握,和运用。3.在教学时多采取同学之间互相帮助的功能,可以加深同学之间的感情,还可以帮助班主任更好的完成思想道德教育工作。Teaching Emphasis:1.Whos that? 及应答.2.重点词汇:jeep, kite, lemon, moon, noodles, kangaroo, money, nest, ladder, jacket.Teaching Difficulty:1.字母无论从读音还是写上来说,对于二年级学生来说都是较难掌握的,在单词的学习中引出字母的学习。2.在正确的环境里运用打招呼询问第三人称人的姓名。 The 1st periodTeaching Aims:1.Use the dialogues explain the mind.2.The students like to learn English.3.The students can be ask and answer.Teaching Emphasis: 1. Read the dialogue.2. Emphasis sentence: Whos that?Teaching Difficulty:Read and understand the dialogue.Teaching process:Review: Ready some mask1.T: Hold up the Ken mask and say, “This is Ken.” S: The children repeat, “This is Ken.”T: Do the same for the other masks.2.T: Hold up the Ken mask and say, “This isnt Ann.” S: Repeat: “This isnt Ann.” T: Encourage the children to finish my sentence with “This is Ken.”3. Repeat the procedure, using the other masks.Practice greetings:T: Hold up our hand says: “Hello!”S: Say: “Hello!” each other.T: Call a student, another children say: “Hello!” with he/she.Model the dialogT: Put the character masks along the blackboard ledge. Stand at the side of the room. Choose one child to be your helper. The helper points to each mask in turn. For each mask you ask, “Whos that?” model the answer, This is Ken.S: Repeat.T and S: repeat for the other five masks.Talk about the storyStudent book pages 26-27T: say to the class, “open your books.” Have the children find pages 26 and 27. Ask these questions about the pictures:Picture 1: How many children are in the playground? What are they doing?Picture 2: Where is Mocky?Picture 3-5: What is Mocky doing? What happens nest?Picture 6-7: What do our two new friends look like? Where are they from?Picture 8: What is Mocky doing?Picture 9: What happened to Mocky?Picture 10: Was he hurt? What is happening now?S: Think it and answer it. Story:T: Play the tape.S: Listening.T: At the end, explain that we say Oh! Poor Mocky! Poor her means “unlucky” or “unfortunate.” Give the word in Chinese for ouch!S: Listen and think.T: Play the tape. At the end, encourage the children to say. “Oh! Poor Mocky!”“Join us.”“Ouch!”S: Do it.Homework:Tell their families about Cathy and Tommy.Practice greeting their family and friends in English, saying “Hi, !” The 2nd periodTeaching Aims:1.Understand the dialogues whats mean.2.The students like to learn English.3.The students can be read the dialogues.Teaching Emphasis: 1. How can use “Whos that?” in dialogue. And answer it.2. Emphasis sentence: Whos that?Teaching Difficulty:How can use “Whos that?” in dialogue. And answer it.Teaching process:Review:S:The students can be difference between this and that.Take some mask for student, who can introduce that.Use some object on these table for drill the sentence like T.T: Conduct.Student book page 28T: 1) Drill the classroom activities “open your books.”. 2) Look the picture at the top of the page.3) Pictures for countries.S: 1) Open the book.2) Look the picture at the top of the page and think it. 3) Read after teacher and tape for countries.Play the tape:S: Whose name you hear, then to touch the character and read T: Check the children are touching the correct pictures before moving on.T: 1) Take several masks for students in front of the classroom. 2) Play the tape, play one name stop a moment for students read. Example: This is Wang Ling. She from china.S: Read after the tape and think it next one.T: Play the tape and check the students write.S: Write the number for these hear.T: Replay the tape.S: Check it with these heard.Step 7:Students book page 29Lets song:T: play the tape.S: song after the tape.T and S repeat this activity.Step 8:Homework:Teaching your parents for the dialogue and the new words.6 / 6


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