北师大小学英语六年级上册《unit 5 The broken computer》9教案.doc

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教学资料参考范本新北师大小学英语六年级上册unit 5 The broken computer9教案撰写人:_时 间:_新课标体现:本单元主要是要求学生能够使用should表示建议的肯定句和否定句的意义。能够使用What should I /we they/he/she do? 等特殊疑问句征求别人的建议,能够使用should的肯定句或否定句根据不同的情况提出合理的建议。通过本单元的学习,要让学生通过仔细观察,认真比较,归纳等方法,加深对核心句型的理解。通过小组活动,培养学生合作中学习的能力。通过让孩子对电脑游戏,上网的利弊进行思考、讨论、比较,形成正确的认识,并在生活中能够处理好电脑和学习的关系。Teaching Aims:知识技能:1.Listening:能够理解本单元的故事。2.speaking:能够使用should的肯定句或否定句根据不同的情况提出合理的建议。3.Reading:能正确、流利的朗读课文。4.Writing:能正确、规范地拼写本单元要求掌握的生词和短语;能听写本单元功能句,并做出应答。过程方法:1.利用现有的教设备资源,使学生可以更加直观的对所要学习的内容有整体了解,并且可以培养学生良好的发音习惯,为以后的学习打下基础。 2.在教授对话的同时,把单词或重点句型出示给学生,这样可以使学生更方便于学习,掌握,和运用。3.在教学时多采取同学之间互相帮助的功能,可以加深同学之间的感情,还可以帮助班主任更好的完成思想道德教育工作。Teaching Emphasis:1.能用should的特殊疑问句征求别人的意见,用should的肯定句和否定句根据不同的情况提出建议。2.能够掌握相关的单词及词组。Teaching Difficulty:1.用英语写出相关的建议。2.学生对课文的理解。3.一些单词的记忆。The 1st periodTeaching Aims:1. The students can understand the story.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can read the story.Teaching Emphasis:1.how to understand the story.2.how to remember some new words. Teaching DifficultyHow to understand the story and read the story.Teaching process:Step1:Review T: Have the children practice using I like, love, hate,or prefer.S: Do it.Step2:T: Have the children look at the pictures and try to understand the words meaning. S: Look at the pictures and try to think about these words.T: Have the children read the words after the teacher. S: Read the words after the teacher.Step3:Set the sceneT: Ask s story Daniel was playing a game on his fatherStep4:Presentation of new languageT: Ask a question “”S: Try to answer the question.T: Write the sentences on the blackboard, have the children read the sentences after the teacher.S: Read the sentences.T: Have the children try to make the sentences by themselves.S: Try to do it.T: Write these sentences on the blackboard, have the children try to understand the meaning.S: Read these sentences.Step5:Talk about the story.T: Have the children look at the pictures and the teacher tells the story to the student.S: Listen to the story and try to understand the story.T: Have the children read the story by themselves and try to answer some questions.Read the story and answer the questions.T: Explain some difficult words.Step6:Learn the storyT: Have the children read the story again and answer the questions.S: Read the story and answer the questions.T: Play the tape and have the children read the story after the tape.S: Read the story after the tape.T: have the children take roles and act out the story.S: Try to do it.Homework:Have the children listen to the tape and read the story after the tape.The 2nd periodTeaching Aims:1. The students can understand the new words and use them.2. The students like to learn English.3. The students can write the sentences.Teaching Emphasis:1.Learn the new words.2.Try to review the story.Teaching Difficulty1. How review the story.2. Emphasis new words.Teaching process:Step1:Review :Review the story.Step2:Learn the new words.T: Have the children open their books at page52. Draw their attention to the top half of the page. S: Open the books and look at the words.T: Model the word and have the children repeat. Use the same procedure with the other words in the picture.S: Read the words after the teacher. T: Let student read the words again.S: read the words.T: Let students listen to the tape and point the new wordsS: listen and point. Repeat after the tape.T: Have the children try to make the dialogue use the new words.S: Make the dialogue in pairs.T: Have some students read the dialogue.Step3:Listen to this.T: Have the children look at the pictures at the bottom of the page. Explain that each of the picturesS: Look at the picture.T: Play the tape and have the children number the pictures.S: Listen to the tape and number. T: Play the tape again. Have the children repeat after the tape.S: listen and repeat. Step4:Words you knowT: Point to each picture and have the children try to speak out the words.S: Look at the pictures and try to talk about the pictures.T: Check the answer by having students volunteer to write the answer on the board.S: Check the answer.Step5:Check the correct answer.T: Have the children read the sentences and try to check the correct answer.S: Try to do them.T: Check the answer.Step6:Match the face and the adjective,T: Have the children look at the pictures and look read the words and try to match the pictures.S: Try to do it.T: Check the correct answer.Homework: Read the story.Copy the new words four times.6 / 6


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