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2019届高三英语考前押题卷3一、阅读理解1. Most of us know that physical activity leads to better health. That is nothing new. But the United States government has changed its guidance on how much exercise people need to stay healthy and when they should start. Experts say getting or attaining the health benefits from exercise may be easier than earlier thoughts.For children and teens Children as young as 3 years old need to be physically active. From birth to age 5, a childs brain develops more than at any other time in life. The development has a lasting effect on a childs ability to learn and to succeed in school and in life. Boys and girls in this age group need at least 3 hours of activity every day. That can be light activities, or moderate (适度的) activities. But it is not suggested to put your 5-year-old children on a running machine or other exercise facilities. Children aged between 6 and 17 get at least an hour of moderate to vigorous activity a day. The activity should be aerobic (有氧的)exercise,such as biking,swimniing and running. Aerobic activity can strengthen the heart and lungs by making them work hard for several minutes or more. Exercise should also include muscle- and bone-strengthening activities, such as climbing trees, using playground equipment and playing sports. Experts suggest that children get this kind of exercise at least three times a week.For adults For adults, experts remend 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous physical activity. That can be quick walking; that can be cutting the grass; that can be gardening; that can he dancing. any kind of activity that gets your heart rate up and gets you exercising moderately. They also think adults need at least two days of muscle-strengthening exercise like push-ups or lifting weights.For adults over 65 For older adults, experts suggest 30 to 60 minutes per day of moderate physical activity including activities that help aid balance and flexibility. Better balance means fewer falls and less chance of injury.1.According to the guidance, which group may spend the longest time in exercising?A.Children aged 4.B.Teenagers aged 15.C.Adults aged 35.D.Adults aged 70.2.How many activities are suggested to adults in the text?A.4.B.5.C.6.D.7.3.What is the purpose of the text?A.To persuade people of all ages to exercise.B.To inform people of the proper amount of exercise.C.To advise people to take up aerobic exercise.D.To stress the benefits of physical exercise2. Video producer and musician Justin Scholar enjoyed his fantastic moment weeks ago when he spotted his latest work playing on a huge electronic screen at New Yorks Times Square. “Its sort of the American dream to see your name up inlights, says the 25-year-old New Jersey native. “Id never really cared about my name being that big, but going to New York and seeing the big screens, you always wonder if your work is going to make it up there. The video that helps Scholar fulfill his “ American dream was shot and produced in China, where Scholar is living and working as a media pany owner. Scholar took his first Chinese class in high school seven years ago and made his first trip to Shanghai in xx through a study-abroad program when he was a student in New York University. The film and TV major changed his focus from technical art to traditional arts during his study in Shanghai, spending most of the time learning ink-and-wash painting, calligraphy and the guzheng,a traditional Chinese musical instrument. He also fell in love with the city, where he ate a lot of authentic xiaolongbao, or steamed meat buns, and felt safe walking on the streets at 3 am. Shanghai impresses Scholar as an efficient, modern city calling for greater business prosperity with foreign participation, so he returned two years later, when his career at home was already booming after making mercials for big names such as Coca-Cola and Jaguar. Thanks to a bination of luck and talent, he achieved the goal soon with a Chinese friend as his business partner, and the pany has already produced some 15 videos for pop icons, fashionistas, and art museums in merely six months. The video that plays at Times Square, a tourism promotionalfilm for southwest Chinas Chongqing city, is the panys first project contracted(签合同) by a local government in China.1.What did Scholar study in Shanghai?A.TV media.B.Technical art.C.Traditional arts.D.The Chinese language.2.What is the author s purpose in writing Paragraph 3 and 4?A.To change to a new topic for writing.B.To make a conclusion of the first 2 paragraphs.C.To dive deeper into the previous topic.D.To add the background information of the video.3.What do we know about Scholars video?A.It was shot at Times Square.B.It showed attractions of Chongqing.C.It was shot in the year xx.D.it showed his college life in Shanghai.4.Whats the main idea of the text?A.China opens up new routes to international tourists.B.Shanghai attracts an increasing number of foreigners.C.American dream unexpectedly es true with the great video.D.Young American brings Chinese tourist video to Times Square.3. If youre anything like most working Americans, you probably makea beelinefor thecoffee machine as soon as you wake up in the morning. In fact, over 85 percent of Americans consume caffeine(咖啡因) regularly and coffee is the preferred medium. As for the perfect time for your Joe? Theres a sweet spot that could maximize your caffeine kick, and surprisingly enough, its not the first thing in the morning. Although having your coffee right away may cause you to think quickly in the morning, that feeling quickly crashes just a few hours later. Definitely limit coffee when you first wake up , Laura Cipullo, registered dietitian and author of Womens Health Body Clock Diet, told CNBC. To get the most benefit, experts remend drinking your coffee in the mid-morning or early afternoon, instead. Getting caffeine about three to four hours after you get out of bed will do the trick, too. Why? At those times in the day, your body is low on cortisol(皮质醇)the stress hormone that makes you think quickly and desperately needs a good pick-me-up. Of course, if you cant function without your morning coffee, then by all means, continue drinking! Not everyone agrees with the mid-morning theory,anyway. Registered dietitian-nutritionist Melanie Dellinges believes when you consume caffeine is not in the least important; its how much caffeine you consume that matters the most. She remends limiting your intake to two to four cups a day. Regardless of when you decide to drink your coffee, try to avoid drinking coffee after 2 or 3 in the afternoon. Research shows that caffeine can disturb your sleep up to six hours after you consume it.1.Which word can best replace the underlined Joe in paragraph 1?A.routineB.panyC.breakfastD.coffee2.When does the author suggest drinking coffee?A.Late in the evening.B.3 to 4 hours after getting up.C.Early in the morning.D.2 or 3 hours later after getting up.3.What does Melanie Dellinges regard as the most important?A.The amount of caffeine intake.B.The time to consume caffeine.C.The way one takes in caffeine.D.The mid-morning theory on coffee.4.What is the best title for this text?A.How much coffee to drinkB.Why we ought to drink coffeeC.Dont drink coffee in the morningD.The best time to drink coffee4. Energy sources which are pollution free and environmentally friendly are one of the key challenges ofworlds future society. A team of roboticists and biologists at IITIstituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Pontedera (Pisa, Italy), found that living plants can help with electricity. Fabian Meder, Barbara Mazzolai and iheir co-workers at IIT discovered that living plants are “ green ” power source,which may :bee one of futures electricity supplies that perfectly produces in natural environments and is accessible all over the world. Results are published on Advanced Functional Materials. They discovered that plants can produce, by a single leaf, more than 150 volts each time the leaf is touched, enough to power 100 LED light bulbs. They also showed that an “hybrid tree” made of natural and artificial leaves can act as an “green” electrical producer transferring wind into electricity. Certain leaf structures are able to transform mechanical(机械的) forces applied at the leaf surface into electrical energy, because of the specific position that most plant leaves naturally provide. In detail, the leaf is able to gather electric charges on its surface due to a process called contact electrification. These charges are then immediately passed into the inner plant tissue. The plant tissue transports the electricity to other parts of the plant. And then, by simply connecting a “ plug” to the plant stem(茎), the electricity produced can he harvested and used to power electronic devices. The researchers additionally describe for the first time how this effect can be used to transfer wind into electricity by plants. They equipped a Nerum oleander tree(夹竹桃) with artificial leaves that touch the natural Nerum oleander leaves. When wind blows into the plant and moves the leaves, the “hybrid tree” produces electricity. The electricity produced increases the more leaves are touched. Consequently, it can he easily up-scaled by exploiting the whole surface of I he leaves of a tree or even a forest.1.What can we learn about the discovery of the Italian scientists?A.A living leaf can produce electricity for 100 LED bulbs when touched.B.Artificial plants now serve as an electricity supply in natural environments.C.An artificial leaf can produce electricity for 100 LED bulbs when touched.D.Natural trees can produce electricity by transferring wind in natural environments.2.What does the underlined word in Para. 2 probably mean?A.False.B.Tall.C.Mixed.D.Decorated.3. How does the plant provide electricity for use?a.Electricity is gained from the stem.b.Mechanical forces are put on the leaf.c.Electric charges are gathered by the leaf.d.Electrical energy is passed into the inner parts.e.Mechanical forces are transformed into electric charges.A.d-c-e-b-aB.e-b-c-d-aC.c-d-e-b-aD.b-e-c-d-a4.What did the experiment of the Nerum oleaner tree show?A.How leaves of trees can produce electricity.B.How hybrid trees can transfer wind into electricity.C.How electricity produced by leaves can be harvested.D.How natural leaves can be bined with artificial ones.二、七选五5.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空内处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 When I was 27 years old, I left a very demanding job in management consulting for a job that was even more demanding: teaching. _And like any teacher, I made quizzes and tests. I gave out homework assignments. When the work came back, I calculated grades._Some of my strongest performers did not have equally good IQ scores. Some of my smartest kids werent doing so well. And that got me thinking. The kinds of things you need to learn in seventh-graders math are hard. _I was firmly convinced that every one of my students could learn the material if they worked hard and long enough. After several more years of teaching, I came to the conclusion that what we need in education is a much better understanding of students and learning from a motivational (动机的) perspective, from a psychological perspective. So I left the classroom, and I went to graduate school (研究生院) to bee a psychologist. I started studying kids and adults in all kinds of super challenging settings, and in every study my question was, who is successful here and why? My research team and I went to the United States Militant Academy. _We went to the National Spelling Bee and tried to predict which children would advance farthest in the petition. In all those very different contexts, one characteristic emerged as a significant predictor of success. _It was grit (毅力).A.It was IQ as well as EQ.B.It wasnt social intelligence or IQ.C.But those things are not impossible to learn.D. Some of my best students really have high IQ.E.I went to teach seventh-graders math in a New York City public school.F.What struck me was that IQ was not the only difference among students.G.We tried to predict which participants would stay in military training and which would drop out.三、完形填空6. Mike Jacobs broke up with a girlfriend 30 years ago. He wrote a song to describe his 1 at the end of the relationship.I focus on the memories to make me 2 the day. But I dont want your sympathy, I just want you back with me to 3 . He kept the words of the song he called Stay close to his heart, but never had the4 to sing them out loud, let alone turn them into a potential 5 single. But after being diagnosed(诊断) with lung cancer and given just nine months to live, Mike, 6 by his family, recorded the song. And it could now bee a(n) 7 No. 1 so that the public took interest in Mike and the story of how Stay came to be recorded has 8 . Just 16 days after Mikes death at the age of 61, his 9 wish to have a chart-topping hit is on course to 10 . On Monday night a dip (剪辑) was played on the BBCs The One Show to a studio 11 . Mikes son Josh,37, was the 12 force behind the production of the single. “ The idea of getting him to make a(n) 13 came from me. I wanted the last few months of his life to be the 14 they could be. As the song now 15 on the Internet, there has been enthusiastic 16 all over. One post on social media 17 :44 We have downloaded Stay.Thats because it would 18 the best award for Mike Jacobs and all the 19 from the single will go to the charity. As Josh says: I got married last October so my dad could be there. That was impressive but this is even 20 ”.1.A.sadnessB.ambitionC.joyD.oute2.A.care aboutB.reflect onC.get throughD.dream of3.A.recordB.loveC.performD.stay4.A.freedomB.confidenceC.energyD.privilege5.A.hitB.valueC.fancyD.guide6.A.raisedB.desertedC.honoredD.supported7.A.informalB.unlikelyC.irregularD.disagreeable8.A.pletedB.substitutedC.mushroomedD.occupied9.A.leadingB.concerningC.dyingD.referring10.A.achieveB.recognizeC.guaranteeD.search11.A.teamB.audienceC.familyD.staff12.A.rollingB.cuttingC.graspingD.driving13.A.recordB.clipC.singleD.wonder14.A.happiestB.newestC.wildestD.longest15.A.existsB.spreadsC.insertsD.picks16.A.productionB.survivalC.permissionD.approval17.A.exposedB.broadcastC.announcedD.read18.A.representB.favorC.possessD.deserve19.A.advantagesB.wealthC.profitsD.impression20.A.fartherB.betterC.cleanerD.surer四、语法填空7.阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 Nowadays,mushroom hunting is being more and more popular in many parts of the United States. Mushroom hunters spend hours, even days, in wooded areas _( search ) for wild mushrooms. They saymushroom hunting has changed their relationship with the environment. _ (find) mushrooms, they must walk slowly. So, they get a chance to see the birds, the trees, little animals, life and everything. _ is necessary to pay close attention to the _ (detail) on trees and on the ground. Experts say eating mushrooms _ (be) good for health. Mushrooms contain the mineral selenium (硒).It _ (contain) in most fruit and vegetables, too. This mineral helps the liver to work _ ( proper). The mineral also helps to prevent infection in the body and may decrease the _ (grow) of cancer tumors (肿瘤). Mushrooms, _ are high in fiber may help us to lose weight. So, we eat much _ (little) because they can make us feel full for longer periods.五、短文改错8.假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及二个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Nancy, It has been a month since you begin to teach us oral English. Thank you very much for your excellent teach. In order to practice your English, we are going to have a English Singing Contest next Friday. It is going to be hold in our classroom and will last two hours. The students are going to sing some English song. You are wele to attend the contest and one of the judges. You are a music lover, that is an advantage. You can give us useful advice on English pronunciation, but we also expect you to sing a song then. If you can e, please let me to know. Thanks a lot.Yours, Danie六、书面表达9.假定你是李华,一批英国高中生在你所在学校体验了以“中国成语故事”为主题的中国文化周活动,下周一你将在他们的回国欢送会上致辞。请根据以下提示写一篇发言稿。内容包括:1.回顾相关活动;2.谈谈感想;3.表达祝愿与期望。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_参考答案 一、阅读理解1.答案:1.A; 2.C; 3.B解析: 1.细节理解题。根据文章第一个小标题下的From birth toage 5. Boys and girls in this age groupneed at least 3 hours of activity everyday. ”可知,从刚出生到5岁之间的孩子每天至少需要锻炼三个小时。根据“Children aged between 6 and 17 get at least an hour ofmoderate to vigorous activity a day.可知,6到17岁的孩子每天至少需要锻炼个小时。根据第二个小标题下的For adults,experts remend 150 minutes per week of moderate to vigorous physical activity. 可知,成年人每周需要锻炼150分钟。根据第三个小标题下的“ For older adults, experts suggest 30to 60 minutes per day of moderate physical activity including activities that help aid balance and flexibility.可知,65岁以上的老人每天需要锻炼半个小时到一个小时。因此,4岁的孩子需要锻炼的时间最长。故选A项。2.细节理解题。根据文章第二个小标题下提到的quick walking, cutting the grass, gardening, dancing, push-ups 及lifting weights 可知,文章中建议成年人做的活动有6项。故选C项。3.推理判断题。根据文章第一段中的But the United States govemment has changed its guidance on how much exercise people need to stay healthy and when they should start. ”可知,美国政府改变了关于人们需要多少运动量来保持健康,以及何时开始锻炼的指导。再结合下文的叙述可知,作者写本文的目的是告诉人们要适当地进行运动。故选B项。 2.答案:1.C; 2.D; 3.B; 4.D解析: 1.细节理解题。由第三段第三句中的“The film and TV major changed his focus from technical art to traditional arts during his study in Shanghai”可知,在上海学习期间,影视专业使他从主攻科技艺术转为主攻传统艺术。故C项正确。2.目的意图题。文章三、四两段主要讲述了 Justin Scholar 在上海留学回国后又返回上海的经历,为第五段所讲述的视频的创作由来添加背景信息。故D项正确。3.细节理解题。由最后一段最后一句中的“The video that plays at Times Square, a tourism promotional film for southwest Chinas Chongqing dty” 可知,这段视频内容是为中国西南城市重庆拍摄的旅游宣传片。故B项正确。4.主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了美国人Justin Scholar拍摄了重庆旅游宣传视频,并将其在纽约时代广场上播放的故事。故D项正确。 3.答案:1.D; 2.B; 3.A; 4.D解析:1.考查词义猜测。综合全文的内容我们可以知道,本文主要讲述的是喝咖啡的最佳时间。因此,根据画线单词所在的句子及全文的逻辑,我们可以推测,画线单词Joe在此不是一个人名,而是指coffee”。2.考查细节理解。根据第三段的前两句我们可以知道,作者通过引用专家的建议To get the most benefit, experts remend drinking your coffee in the mid-morning or early afternoon, instead来提出自己的观点 Getting caffeine about three to four hours after you get out of bed will do the trick,too”,即在起床3到4小时之后喝咖啡。3.考查细节理解。根据第四段中的Registered dietitian-nutritionist Melanie Dellinges believes when you consume caffeine is not in the least important; its how much caffeine you consume that matters the most. She remends limitingyour intake to two to four cups a day我们可以知道,Melanie Dellinges认为什么时候摄人咖啡因一点都不重要,重要的是摄入咖啡因的量。因此,本题的答案应为A。4.考查标题判断。综合全文的内容我们可以看出,本文主要讲述的是喝咖啡的最佳时间。因此,本题的答案应为D。4.答案:1.A; 2.C; 3.D; 4.B解析: 1.细节理解题。由第二段第一句“They discovered that plants can produce, by a single


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