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2018-2019学年高一英语上学期寒假作业5第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Belgium is the land of music festivals. There are rock, pop, world, electronic music festivals and more, so youre sure to find a festival that suits your taste.GroezrockGroezrock could be considered the opener of the festival season in Belgium. This festival grew from a small event to an international festival that had 33,000 visitors in xx.If youre into the harder thing, this is where you need to go.When? April 29-30, xx. Where? Meerhout. Music? Punk, and rock are what it contains. Free? No.Sfinks MixedSfinks is a world music festival working on bringing culture together. There are also plenty of things to do besides watching the performances(表演). Good to know for families: Sfinks is a kid-friendly festival, with workshops, storytelling and shows aimed at children.When? July 27-30, xx. Where? Boechout. Music? World. Free? The festival rather than the camping is free.Graspop Metal MeetingIf Groezrock doesnt seem wild enough to you, Graspop Metal Meeting might. As the name says, this festival is all about metal, rock and punk. In xx the festival received 140,000 visitors ing to watch the more than 100 bands performing.When? June 16-18, xx. Where? Dessel. Music? Metal. Free? No.Genk on StageGenk on Stage is a pop musical with not only a lot of Belgian artists. 80,000 people attended Genk on Stage in xx.When? June 23-25, xx. Where? Genk. Music? Pop. Free? Yes.1 Which may start the festival season in Belgium?A. Groezrock. B. Sfinks Mixed. C. Graspop Metal Meeting. D. Genk on Stage.2. What do we know about Sfinks Mixed?A. It enjoys worldwide popularity.B. Its mainly intended for kids.C.It mixed fun with culture.D. The camping there is free.3. Where are crazy metal music enthusiasts most likely to go?A. Meerhout. B. Boechout. C. Dessel. D. GenkBHow many times have we expressed how rude young people are for texting while having a conversation? They try to fix eyes on their smartphone screen while nodding. What goes through your mind is “how rude they are!”Have we forgotten some of the old school manners that our parents, grandparents, and teachers taught us manners that have nothing to do with a mobile device or iPad, but everything to do with long-forgotten Golden Rules we were raised with?When I was growing up, there was etiquette(礼仪) to coughing. When coughing, we were told to turn our head away and block off our mouth. This might sound amusing to many young people. But if we didnt follow these etiquettes, we would get a quick reminder(提醒) to the back of our head. When we were given something, and forgot to say “thank you”, elders would seriously remind us, “arent you forgetting to say something”, which was immediately followed by a “thank you”. Maybe technology has affected our brains so much that we can never go back to those golden days we like. It seems as if we have thrown out manners and etiquette with the bathwater. Simple etiquette is missing in society. A thank-you-note for a gift you have received all fall into the same box of manners. People are just cold these days because we are on the run every day in the world.In the work environment have you ever e across a sign: “Your mother doesnt work here, clean up by yourself”? We often hear people say, the younger generation have no manners. I think people in general irrespective(无关的)of age have lost their manners. Weve allowed bad manners to go unchecked. We simply stand bad behavior. In a world of more good manners, less closing of doors in our faces, more space given, and more “thank you” or “please” exchanged, our younger generation will have an improved quality of life.4.What is the purpose of the first paragraph?A. To point out young peoples bad manners.B. To introduce the main topics of the text.C. To stress the importance of cell phone. D. To explain the effect of cell phones on people.5.In the passage, Golden Rules refer to_.A. modern family manners B. rules observed at school C.rules everyone has to followD. etiquette started by older generation6.Based on the passage, when one person coughs, blocking off his mouth, _.A. the younger person will feel it necessaryB. the younger person will feel it funnyC. the older people will think little of himD. the older people will teach him a lesson7.According to the author, young people have no manners mainly because of _.A. the parents and teachers improper act and attitude B. the fast developed technologyC. the peoples attitude towards running awayD. the busy lifestyles people have 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。If youre a first-time language learner, you know that emotional ups and downs is a normal situation. When you understand a concept or begin to prehend the language, you may experience feelings of excitement. However, those are often followed by moments of disappointment and discouragement, during which you might feel as if you will never master the concepts and achieve the ability to understand and municate effectively. _8_Learn vocabulary effectivelyVocabulary is the most important part of munication. The more words you know, the more you can say and understand. The absolute best way to learn vocabulary is through the use of flash cards that you make yourself. Buy a set of 3*5 index cards(索引卡片)and cut them in half. _9_If you want to learn more information about the word, e.g. plural forms of nouns and principle parts of verbs, you can add these to the cards._10_Research shows that language students learn more effectively and acquire more when they study frequently and for shorter periods of time than if they study infrequently for extended periods of time. _11_ This means, doing a few homework exercises each day rather than doing all homework the night before they are due.Practice language actively_12_ Say vocabulary words out loud, read messages in the text aloud, do pronunciation activities orally and not just mentally. Write out the answers to activities rather than gliding through them in your mind. Read aloud entire sentences in an activity rather than just reading a fill-in response. Turning language from your mind to your mouth is a skill that requires a great deal of practice.A. Break study time into smaller periods.B. Then use flash cards as a learning tool.C. Try to study each day, and several times a day.D. The time-tested approaches are effective in your learning.E. Write a word on the front and its English definition on the back.F. Whenever possible, speak the language aloud rather than reciting silently to yourself.G. Below are some approaches that will relieve your potential difficulty and help you succeed in language learning.第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A man was driving when he found Laura Vanderkam who was trapped needed help, so he stopped. While he was approaching her, she was awfully _13_ as nobody had stopped for hours. In addition, he did not look safe as a result of his horrible and _14_ appearance. The man tried to _15_ her down immediately he got closer to her, “My name is Bryan Anderson. Im here to offer my help. Is there anything I can do for you?” “My car broke down,” said Laura. He crawled(爬) _16_ the car to repair it. With the job done, Laura asked how much she _17_ him for his help. Bryan smiled, “If you really want to pay me _18_, the next time you see someone in need, think of me and offer that person the needed _19_.”Several years later in a small _20_, Laura saw a pregnant woman who seemed ready to give birth to a child serving her. The woman gave her a friendly smile although she appeared definitely_21_ after spending the whole day on her feet. Then Bryan _22_ Lauras mind. Laura paid for her meal with a $ 100 bill. When the woman got _23_ and came back, Laura was gone with a note left on the napkin_24_, “You owe me _25_. Somebody once helped me out of trouble, _26_like now Im helping you. If you indeed want to pay me back, do not let this _27_ of love end.” Then, the pregnant woman found four more $100 bills under the napkin.That night the woman came home earlier, _28_ how the lady could know how much she and her husband needed money when the _29_ would soon arrive. She knew her husband worried about that, so she was very _30_ to share with him the news. Then she kissed him and whispered, “Now nothing will _31_us. I love you, Bryan Anderson.”The help you give to others shall always get back to you, so dont _32_ to give a helping hand whenever someone needs help.13. A. delighted B. anxious C. embarrassed D. amazed14. A. frightening B. puzzling C. amusing D. disappointing15. A. encourage B. save C. lay D. settle16. A. on B. into C. under D. out of17. A. appreciated B. charged C. respected D. owed 18. A. back B. off C. for D. up 19. A. money B. assistance C. fortune D. reaction20. A. hospital B. supermarket C. grocery store D. caf21. A. excited B. exhausted C. fit D. annoyed22. A. came up with B. met with C. came into D. mixed up23. A. order B. tip C. change D. service24. A. writing B. speaking C. reading D. exchanging25. A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing26. A. never B. still C. even D. just27. A. passing B. contact C. relationship D. period28. A. imagining B. questioning C. discovering D. wondering29. A. trouble B. baby C. customer D. bill30. A. proud B. unwilling C. glad D. addicted31. A. bother B. relax C. abandon D. instruct32. A. mind B. intend C. mean D. hesitate第II卷第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Shanghais _33_ (forget) attractions greet you with shiny lights and the _34_ (impress) that youre in the future. Shanghai is the home of Shanghai Tower recognized_35_the 2nd tallest skyscraper(摩天大楼), and its architecture will keep you _36_(amaze). The city is full of culture that I was lucky enough to explore. Art galleries and shops elegantly fill the streets such as Tianzifang, 50 Moganshan Road and 1933 Shanghai. My adventures _37_ (be) from rooftop hopping, shopping, people watching, to getting lost among the culture shock of modern society and Chinese history. One of my favorite parts of Shanghai was learning about the food. A good way _38_ gaining knowledge of the cooking tips is to take a guide _39_ (know) the city best. My local guide taught us _40_ to eat the local food xiaolongbao. He told us to take _41_ small bite of the dumpling to suck out the soup, and then enjoy the whole dumpling. This kind of local knowledge I _42_ (provide) with just was the incredible cultural experience in Shanghai.英语答案阅读理解: 1-3 ACC 4-6 BDB 7-12 GEACF完形填空: 13-17 BADCD 18-22 ABDBC 23-27 CCDDA 28-32DBCAD语法填空:33. unforgettable 34. impression, 35. as; 36. amazed; 37 were; 38. of 39. knowing; 40. how; 41. a; 42. was providedLi Hua


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