2019年五年级英语上册《Lesson 9 The U.S》导学案冀教版.doc

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2019年五年级英语上册Lesson 9 The U.S导学案冀教版学习目标 (三维目标) 1.语言知识目标四会单词和短语:stripes, president, White House, Statue of Liberty, New York, Washington D.C.拓展词汇:the United Nations, Chicago, Los Angeles, Hollywood2.语言技能目标(1) 能用所学语言知识介绍美国。(2) 能综合运用知识点书写关于国家介绍的短文或海报。3.学习策略目标通过应用歌谣、竞赛等方式调动学生学习的积极性,采用TPR、情景教学法和任务型教学法等方法帮助学生提高听、说、读、写的技巧。4.情感态度目标通过体验、参与、操作等活动,让学生学会合作自主学习,通过形成性的评价体系,让学生体验成功,增强学生学习的积极性和自信心。5.文化意识目标培养学生的国际意识和对英语国家的文化知识的兴趣。学习重难点重点:1、能用所学语言知识介绍美国。 2、能运用简单句型介绍美国的重要文化知识。难点:能综合运用知识点书写关于国家介绍的短文或海报学习准备美国地图、PPT、彩色小旗。学习过程环节学生活动教师活动互动修改意见及设计意图Warm upReview China, Canada等国家Play the PPT.利用PPT,复习和巩固旧知。Lead in1. Read the countries they have written down.2. Check out their worksheet.1. Talk with Ss about their pre-task worksheet.Q1: How many countries have you found?Q2: Which picture is the White House/ Stature of Liberty ?2. Invite Ss to visit the U.S. and display the title of this lesson. 该环节有两个意图:1、检查学生的预习和自习作业完成情况。2、 创设本课情景环游美国,为接下来的学习过程营造良好气氛。Dividing Ss into groups1. Think about the cities they have met on the worksheet.2. Set a city traveling agency with teachers help.1. Stick a map of the U.S. on the board.T: Do you know What the top cities are in the U.S.?2. Every time Ss enounce NY/ Washington D.C./ LA/Chicago, T gives a flag to him/her and name his/her group as NY/LA etc.本环节中教师帮助学生分组,成立旅行社,以便于进行合作学习。以城市为主题的小组合作,能让不同小组之间产生信息差,从而为下一步的交流任务做好铺垫。Preparation for Presentation1. Work in groups and introduction to the cities individually.2. Making presentation on different cities. 1. Help Ss prepare their presentation with some information about the cities I have prepared.路老师:通过本环节的小组合作讨论,学生学会在浩瀚的信息中筛选有用信息。学生在任务中愉快地分工合作,体现了任务型教学法的有效性。1. Give presentations about their task city and insert a flag on the map.2. The audience can ask for the messages they want to know.1. Listen to their presentation.T: We know there are several famous cities in the U.S. Now lets get some ideas. Wele Group One.2. Help each group insert a flag on the map on the board.路老师:本环节旨在让学生综合运用知识结构对本组城市进行描述,提高口头表达能力。同时,学生在聆听后通过提问获得更多信息。AssessmentThe best group will get the certification.1. Give assessment to each group.2. Give certification to the best traveling agency.T: You have done a very good job, children. I think Group X is the best one, so I choose to visit this city.路老师:对学生的旅游解说进行简短点评,有利于学生及时总结和反馈所学知识。教师的点评能让紧张的课堂节奏稍微放缓,有利于下一步的学习。Post-taskDubbingListen to the video.Ask the Ss to listen to the tape and dub the text.听纯正发音能让学生增加语言输入,又能在模仿配音当中锤炼自己的语音语调。板书设计Lesson 9 The U.S.Lesson 9 The U.S.Check Ss reading.通过展示读课文,分享学习的快乐。课后反思Scan the other countries in the world using PPT.通过幻灯片快速展示,学生能了解其他国家的著名风景,发现世界各国的美。


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