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山东省青岛市2018届高三英语5月第二次模拟检测试题本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。第I卷(共100分)注意事项:1答第I卷前考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号框。不能答在本试卷上,否则无效。第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 做题时,请先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A191 5 B915 C918答案是B。1What will the woman probably do today?AGo camping BTake an exam CReview lessons2What is the most expensive item?AThe bed BThe fridge CThe washing machine3Where are the speakers?AAt home BIn the office CIn the supermarket4What are the speakers mainly talking about?AThe mans childhoodBThe mans changeCThe mans favorite movies5What do we know about MrsWilliam?AShe is in her thirtiesBShe looks younger than she isCShe had her daughter at the age of 25第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6What happened to the speakers?AThey lost their wayBThey had difficulty getting a map CThey were given the wrong directions7What will the woman do?ABlame the man BCall her sister CDrive the car听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8What does the man do?AA sportsman BA sports writer CA tour guide9What does the woman think of the mans job?AGreat BTiring CBoring听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。10What is the weather like now?AWarm and sunny BCold and cloudy CChilly and snowy11How will the man go to work?AOn foot BBy bus CBy car12What is the woman trying to persuade the man to do?AWear warm clothesBListen to the forecastCGo out for lunch听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。13Whats the mans plan for this summer?AStaying with his familyBDoing a market surveyCWorking at musical festivals14Where will the woman probably work this summer?AIn a shop BOn a farm CIn a restaurant15How long will the woman work every day?A4 hours B5 hours C6 hours16Where did the woman get the job information?AFrom a magazine BFrom her friend CFrom her parents听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。17In which country is the speaker now? AEngland BAustralia CAmerica18When was The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry published?AIn 2007 BIn 2012 CIn 201419What award has the speaker won? AThe Man Booker PrizeBThe Tinniswood AwardCThe monwealth Book Prize20What will the speaker do next?AIntroduce her worksBVisit the libraryCAnswer questions第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ADo you like reading books? The British doIn fact,a recent survey showed that reading is a most popular pastime among British adultsYet British libraries have been getting fewer and fewer visitors for the last 20 years,so just what is going on?Reading as a pastime is in good health in the UK,but how we read is changing hugelyOne of the reasons for British libraries having fewer visitors is that books can now be so cheap to buySales of books in the UK are always relatively healthyThey even go up during an economic downturn because people choose to stay in with a book rather than go out to a restaurantHowever,now we are right in the heart of a reading revolutionE-books and their digital reading devices,audio books,multimedia books:we read in different ways now,using new technologiesBut never mind the how,lets look at what the British like to readHere are a few of the most popular genres (体裁)FantasyThe tradition of British fantasy is still alive and kickingEveryones heard of JKRowling and the humorous Terry PratchettYou might also have heard of Philip Pullmans His Dark Materials trilogy,too,as the first book was made into the film The Golden pass,starring Nicole KidmanChick LitChick lit refers to books that are written about and for modern womenTitles in this genre are usually about plicated love lives,modern working life and trying to remain healthyThese books usually always contain humour or a feel-good factorCrimeThe UK is known for its“detective fiction”and“murder mysteries”A couple of the most famous British authors in this genre are of course Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha ChristieYet there are contemporary British authors of crime fiction who are also popularCelebrity (Auto)biographiesIt seems that every minor celebrity has written a book these daysMany of their books are“kiss and tell,”ietheyre of interest to readers only because of the secrets they reveal about other famous peopleEven so,this genre is popular because celebrity culture is well-developed in the UKIs the book dead? As you can see from the above,the books alive and well,so dont call in Sherlock Holmes just yet21Why do fewer people go to British library?ABooks are not as cheap as beforeBPeople would rather go to restaurant than libraryCThe economic downturn influences peoples interest in booksDThe way of reading has changed22Which kind of book may mention how to keep fit?AFantasy BChick Lit CCrime DCelebrity biographies23What does the author mean by saying“so dont call in Sherlock Holmes just yet”?ADont buy the books about Sherlock HolmesBDont visit Sherlock HolmesCThe books about Sherlock Holmes are no longer popularDTheres no need to look into the question any moreBThe mid-Autumn Festival celebration is not plete without eating moon cakesThese were originally offered as a sacrifice to the moon,and were later eaten while observing the moon on the midAutumn Festival and have therefore bee a symbol of family reunionThe custom of eating moon cakes came into existence during the Yuan Dynasty and is associated with Zhu Yuanzhang,the leader of the peasantsuprisingIn order to shake off the shackle(枷锁)of the cruel and unfair rule of Yuan Dynasty,rebellions (反抗)erupted all over central ChinaZhu Yuanzhang tried to organize the separate rebel forces into a united uprisingHowever,he could not find a suitable means of munication to send his messages,because of the strict control of the imperial government(朝廷)Zhus military adviser hit on a good ideaA secret message was to be put inside the moon cakes,stating that“the rising was scheduled for the night of the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month”When the moon cakes were delivered to the rebel forces,the message was receivedThe rebel forces launched a joint action on the scheduled date,marched into the capital of the Yuan Dynasty,and won the final victoryThe story of this brilliant method began to circulate among the general population who then started the custom of making and giving away moon cakes as giftsDue to geographical differences,the form,texture,and method of baking moon cakes varies throughout the countryThey e in different local styles,such as Guangdong style,Suzhou style,Chaozhou style,Beijing- style,Ningbo style,and Yunnan styleBeijing-style moon cakes are perfectly suited for vegetarians,Guangdong-style moon cakes contain a little oil and a lot of sugar,Suzhou-style moon cakes are filled with a lot of both oil and sugar,while Chaozhou-style moon cakes contain crunchy sugarToday,the most mon and best-loved moon cakes are those made in the Guangdong style,known for their high-quality ingredients(原料)and unique preparation processThe convex(凸圆的)patterns on the coverings are easily identifiable,and Guangdong-style moon cakes are tender,rich,and heavy,with thin crusts and thick filling24What can we learn about moon cakes from the passage?AThey are vital to the celebration of the mid-Autumn FestivalBThey have no symbolic significance at the very beginningCThe Suzhou-style mooncakes are suited for vegetariansDThe Guangdong-style is popular because its rich in sugar25M1ats the original purpose of eating moon cakes according to paragraph 2?AIt was one of the most important customs of the Yuan DynastyBMoon cakes were the main food of Zhu Yuanzhangs uprising forcesCMoon cakes served as an appropriate way of delivering for an uprisingDIt was a brilliant method that circulated among the general population26Which of the following can replace the underlined“launched”in paragraph 2?Asent up Breceived CstartedDput down27Whats the purpose of this passage?AT0 instruct us how to choose Mooncakes BTo introduce the origin of mooncakes and their stylesCTo stress the importance of mooncakesDTo advertise different styles of mooncakesC This year is the 10th anniversary of the 2008 catastrophe of Wall Street,following the fall of the Lehman Brothers,which caused the long-time global financial crisisThe recent global stock market decreases,again originating in the United States,have been an unwele reminder of their volatility(波动)However,my recent trip to Zeebrugge in Belgium showed that a crisis can be transformed into a long chain of opportunities if farseeing decisions can be made The opportunities began in 2010,in the depth of the financial crisis in Europe,when Chinas automaker Geely acquired Volvo and the Sweden-based panys car operation in Belgiums Ghent,injecting them with new vitality(活力)That started a Sino-Belgian chain reaction with Belgium making good use of its European gateway position and fending synergies(协同效应)with Chinas Belt and Road InitiativeThe Port of Zeebrugge,about sixty kilometers away from Volvos Ghent operation,is among those following Geely and Volvos pioneering steps to bring China and Belgium closerAs the second-largest port in Belgium,it is a natural deep-water harbor and has a good network of road and rail connections across EuropeIt is expected to be main northern European center for Chinas Belt and Road Initiative with Piraeus Port in Greece the southern center Belgium also became a member of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank last yearThe Belgian government and its businesses have clearly made the farseeing decision to deepen ties with ChinaAnd data indicate the decision is paying offThe wade volume between China and Belgium reached $233 billion in 2017,78 percent growth year-on-year,with Chinas imports from Belgium increasing faster than its exports to the countryThis is significant for Belgium,which is a country that relies on trade28What can we learn from paragraph 1?AIt has been about ten years since the fall of the Lehman BrothersBThe catastrophe of Wall Street happened before the Lehman BrothersfailureCThe recent global stock market has decreased for the first time in the United StatesDWhatever decisions are made,a crisis can not be changed into good opportunities29What does the underlined word“That”in paragraph 2 refer to?AThe financial crisis in EuropeBThe writers trip to Zeebrugge CGeelys purchasing VolvoDChinas Belt and Road Initiative30Why did the writer mention“Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank”in paragraph 4?ATo show its importance to Belgium and ChinaBTo confirm Belgiums wise decisionsCTo prove Belgium is a country relying on tradeDTo tell the growth of trade volume31What can be the best title of the passage?AThe Anniversary of the 2008 Catastrophe of Wall StreetBThe Port of Zeebrugge Brings China and Belgium CloserCBelgium Shows its Confidence in ChinaDThe Relationship between Belgium and China DLoving Vincent,which came out on Dec8 in Chinese mainland cinemas,is the worlds first hand-painted animated movieDirected by British animator Hugh Welchman and Polish painter Dorota Kobiela,the movie tells the story of the final months of Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh(1853-1890)The story is told through more than 130 of the artists greatest paintings and the characters from themThe film invited 125 painters to create the animation,which uses 12 oil paintings per secondIf a character turns their head,the head and shoulders will be taken off the main painting and redrawn to show movementSimulating(模仿)Van Goghs recognizable brushstrokes(笔触)is importantSo the 125 painters spent a lot of time in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam,the Netherlands,studying the application of the paint,the drying times and the texture(质感)of Van Goghs artworksTheir aim was to interpret his style,Welchman and Kobiela told The IndependentIn fact,people can easily understand how the artist was feeling at the time just by looking at his paintings. For example,in his most popular painting The Starry Night,Van Gogh expressed his anger and pain with strong,long brushstrokesUsing hundreds of letters written by the painter to write the movies storyline,Welchman and Kobiela believed that Van Goghs unconfirmed last days were where Loving Vincents focus should lie“The thing that was dramatic for me was that in his last seven monthshed sold his first painting for a decent sum of money His work was finally being appreciated by the painters around him,”Welchman told The Independent“It was obvious that he was going to succeedIt was a matter of timeIt just seems so tragic”But as Van Gogh wrote in his last letter:“The truth is,we cannot speak other than by our paintings”This is what Loving Vincent does-it lets his works tell the story of what he had inside his heart,and what happened to him in the end32Whats special about the film Loving Vincent?AIts about a famous painterBIts directed by two personsCThe animation is created by hand paintingDIt costs a large sum of money33Why did the 125 painters spend much time in the Van Gogh Museum?ATo paint very quicklyBTo paint so many picturesCTo redraw the character to show the momentDTo learn Van Goghs painting style34Why does the film focus on Van Goghs last days?AHis last days were dramaticBHis work was appreciated at that timeCHe was successfulDHe created more works than anytime35How does the film show Van Goghs life?ABy hundreds of his lettersBBy his worksCBy his behaviorsDBy his thought第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。I love FridaysAnd so I celebrate FridaysAfter dropping my son off at school I had to Starbucks to pick up a coffee treat of one type or anotherThen instead of driving straight home I take a long route through the most beautiful roads I can find. I see footballs being passed on lawns,hamburgers being thrown on grills(烤架),and parties everywhere swinging into action 36 The other day I came out from the doctors office happy over a positive prognosis(预断)Seeing the signs of spring around meflowers,birds,sunshine,I was suddenly ready to celebrate 37 My mind rebelled“What are you doing? Its Tuesday! Coffee treats are reserved for Fridays!” 38 Why should Fridays be any more special than any other day of the week? Why waste six days while waiting to celebrate on the seventh? Minutes later I was walking back to my car with a big smile on my face and a coffee in my handA small victory,to be sure,but its also an accurate example of how many of us live our livesWere waiting for conditions to be right before we allow ourselves to enjoy our time here on earthMaybe when we finally graduate from college and get a job it will be time to celebrate,or perhaps when our babies are old enough to be in school all dayWe11 celebrate when the car is paid off,or enjoy life when were finally able to retire 39 What if we moved a little of that“Friday feeling”into our rainy-day Mondays,our dull Tuesdays and our mid-week Wednesdays? 40 Ayou must spend more time achieving itBSurely our lives would be much happier as a resultCIt seems as if the whole world is celebrating Friday!DBut suddenly I realize how ridiculous that line of thinking was!EFind an excuse to celebrate and start sending out those invitationsFI headed for the coffee bar that was located just around the cornerGAnd in that waiting we waste so much of life and happiness that can be found in our Todays第三部分(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。On my way back home I was stopped at a traffic light by some people who asked for helpA womanin her attempt to give 41 to an ambulancehad driven her car over stony obstacles that separated the bike line from the street,and had gotten her car 42 as a resultShe couldnt move the car in any 43 without damaging itA couple of people tried to 44 the car back but the obstacles were too highSeeing that they couldnt do much about it,they leftThe woman In the car tried to 45 some service,and was told that it would take about 45 minutes for someone to get there While watching the other people 46 I realized the woman would be on her own and I imagined how 47 that would be if I were in her shoesAfter some talking,she 48 me to sit inside her carI wasnt in a hurry,so I 49 my partner that I would be later and then tried to 50 the woman who seemed to feel stressed about causing others 51 But actually it wasnt too much trouble 52 they could still pass,and also there wasnt anything she could do about it 53 We laughed and 54 that all we needed was some tea for our picnicFinally 55 came and helped her back on the streetShe 56 me and asked for my phone number so she could return the 57 ,but I told her it was okayShe seemed to feel much 58 when we said our goodbyesI believe that not having to face a difficult situation 59 can make a lot of 60 41Asignal Bway CtimeDhelp42Astuck Bbroken Cdirty Dabandoned43Asense Bminute Cdirection D1ine44A1ift Bhold Cpull Ddrive45Aoffer Bcall for Crefuse Dcarry out46Ashout Bdiscuss Cstand D1eave47Aamazing Bpleasant Cuneasy Dincredible48Aforced Binvited Cordered Dallowed49Aconsulted Bwarned Cadvised Dinformed50Apersuade Bfort Cfrighten Dsatisfy51Atrouble Bdisbelief Canxiety Dembarrassment52Athough Buntil Csince Dunless53Aanyway Btherefore Cstill Dsomehow54Aremembered Brealized Cthought Djoked55Anews Bmy partner Cassistance Dan ambulance56Agreeted Bthanked Caccepted Dattracted57Acar Bpany Cfavor Dpicnic58Anervous Bbetter Cdisappointed Dunwilling59Aalone Bbravely Cbitterly Ddirectly60Adecision Bfortune Cchoice Ddifference第II卷(共50分)注意事项: 第II卷共2页。考生必须使用0.5毫米黑色签字笔在答题纸上各题目的指定答题区域内作答,在试卷上作答无效。第二节:(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Ernestine Shepherd,an 80 year-old bodybuilder exercising every day,is in better condition than most people 61 this was not always the caseEarlier in life,she really did not think too much about eating 62 (correct)nor exercising,but as time went on,her mind changed pletelyThe change began when she went 63 (shop)with her sister,Mildred BlackwellWhen Shepherd tried on a swimsuit,both women realized they were out of shapeBlackwell suggested the sisters take a fitness class 64 (1ose)weight and get in shapeSo at age 56,alongside her sister,Shepherd started to exercise 65 (exercise)for years,Ernestine did her first bodybuilding show and won her first 66 (pete)Ernestine Shepherd even holds the 2010 and 2011 title in the Guinness World Records as th


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