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浙江省建人高复2018-2019学年高三英语12月月考试题本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题)两部分。 第I卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10称钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What will the man do?A. Move the desk.B. Check the puter.C. Look at the employee paperwork.2. What will the woman read first?A. The sports page.B. The entertainment section.C. The international news section.3. Who are Bob and Angela?A. The womans parents.B. The mans co-workers.C. The womans colleagues.4. When is the train leaving?A. At 10:15. B. 10:30 C. At 10;40.5. Where might the two speakers be?A. In a pool. B.In a mountain. C.At a playground.第二节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6-7题。6. How does the girl feel in the beginning? A.Tired. B.Angry. C.Stressed.7. When will the man help the woman?A. Tomorrow after school.B. All night tonight.C. On Friday.听下面一段对话,回答第8-10题。8. What time is it now?A. A quarter to nine. B.Nine oclock. C.A quarter past nine.9. What does Bobby ask the woman to do? A. Read him a story. B. Give him some cookies and milk. C. Let him finish watching a movie.10. What is the womans attitude toward Bobby?A. Patient and firm.B. Violent and mean.C. Nervous but professional.听下面一段对话,回答第11-13题。11. How did the man get the car probably?A. He made it by himself.B. He bought it form a car store.C. He bought it from another person.12. What does the price of the car include ?A. All fees but no taxes.B. Free service for one year.C. A one-month service agreement.13. What will the man probably do next?A. Test out the car by himself.B. Get the car keys for the woman.C. Get the contracts ready to sign.听下面一段对话,回答第14-17题。14. What does the man suggest first?A. Counting sheep.B. Taking a sleeping pill.C. Talking about what is on her mind.15. Who might Jonathan be?A. The womans boss.B. The mans teacher.C. The womans son.16. What does the man probably do for a living?A. He runs a restaurant.B. He runs a big pany.C. He runs a factory in South America.17. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man doesnt have enough money.B. The man made the woman fall asleep.C. The man hasnt slept well for a whole week.听下面一段独白,回答第18-20题。18. What would most people rather lose than their phone, according to the talk?A. Their house. B.Their wallet. C. Their puter.19. What do we know about Google Voice?A. It may cost you a lot of money.B. It finds your phone when its lost.C. It connects your phone to your puter.20. What does the speaker suggest the audience buy in the end?A. An extra keyboard.B. An extra phone.C. An extra microphone.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)第一节 (共10小题;每小题2.5分,满分25分)AAs a young man, Al was a skilled artist, a potter with a wife and two fine sons. One night, his older son developed a severe stomachache. Thinking it was only some mon intestinal disorder, neither Al nor his wife took the condition very seriously . But the boy died suddenly that night. Knowing the death could have been avoided if he had only realized the seriousness of the situation, he always felt he was guilty. To make matters worse, his wife left him a short time later, leaving him alone with his six-year-old younger son. The hurt and pain of the two situations were more than Al could stand, and he turned to alcohol for help. In time Al became an alcoholic. As the alcoholism progressed, AL began to lose everything he possessed-his land, house, etc. Finally Al died alone in a small bar. Hearing of Als death, I thought, “What a totally wasted life! What a plete failure! ”As time went by , I began to re-value my earlier rough judgement . I knew Als now adult son, Ernie. He is one of the kindest, most caring , most loving men I have ever known. I saw the love between Ernie and his children, thinking that kindness and caring had to e from somewhere . I hadnt heard Ernie talked much about his father. One day, I worked up my courage to ask him what on earth his father had done so that he became such a special person. Ernie said quietly, “As a child until I left home at 18, Al came into my room every night, gave me a kiss and said, “love you, son.” ” Tears came to my eyes as I realized what I had been a fool to judge Al as a failure. He had not left any material possessions behind. But he had been a kind loving father, and left behind his best love.21. From the authors point of view, _.A. Als most precious possessions to his son was his love.B. Al took no responsibility for the death of his younger son.C. Al was a plete failure both as a husband and a father.D. Als addiction to alcohol was resulted from the leaving of his wife.22. What did the writer learn from the experience?A. No research, no fact.B. Facts speak louder than words.C. Experience is the best teacher.D. Dont judge people by their appearances.23. What might be the authors purpose in writing the text ?A.To show us a considerate father.B.To show us that love can make a difference.C. To show us an awful experience.D. To show us that love can wake a father up.BMany people got to know Zou Shiming on the third season of the popular reality TV show Where Are We Going, Dad? on Hunan Television. Zou, 37, is a patient and loving father. He is also a talented boxer who has earned two Olympic gold medals and three World Amateur Champion titles. However, the boxing superstar is suspected to have lost his sight. Zou was spotted wearing sunglasses and clinging to his wife Ran Yingying while walking around the Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport on Dec 21. Some internet users wrote on Sina Weibo that they saw the once-agile boxer run into a pillar at the airport, causing wide speculation that he has lost his sight. Zou has been treated at the Shanghai Changzheng Hospital and is waiting for more physical examinations, according to the Xinhua News Agency. Ran also posted on Dec 21 on Sina Weibo that “the day couldnt be worse” for her. Many internet users have expressed sympathy, hoping Zou can recover soon. Many still remember the moment when Zou burst into tears after failing to defend the World Boxing Organization (WBO) world flyweight mens title on July 28 due to a technical knock-out by his rival. “I believe in fate, but am not resigned to it. I will go on fighting until my last breath,” he wrote on July 31 on Sina Weibo. Zou also explained why he wanted his title back. “We Chinese boxers have always been looked down upon and lost to foreigners, but we still have to safeguard the dignity of Chinese people. That is the reason why Im still here, despite already grabbing the belt and Olympic title,” he told CCTV. 24. What do we know about Zou Shiming according to the passage?A. He has lost his sight because of fierce petition.B. He became famous because of Where Are We Going, Dad?.C. He won three Olympic gold medals and two World Amateur Champion titles.D. He once failed to earn the World Boxing Organization world flyweight mens title .25. What does the underlined phrase “clinging to” in Paragraph 2 refer to?A. Sticking to. B. Staying close to.C. Being unwilling to. D. Holding on tightly to .26. Which of the following can be the best title?A. Top Boxer Is Losing Sight.B. Top Boxer Is Struggling.C. Top Boxer Is Losing Popularity.D. Top Boxer Is Gain Popularity.CFace-book chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg and Anna Maria Chavez, chief of American Girl Scouts, are leading a campaign to discourage the use of the word “bossy”. Does the term destroy the confidence of young girls?The campaign claims that terms like “bossy” are improperly applied to females, preventing schoolgirls from seeing themselves as future “leaders”. From its first application, the word has been definitely connected more with women than with men. It first appeared in 1882,according to the Oxford English Dictionary, mentioning “a lady manager who was extremely bossy”. As late as 2008, the word appeared in reference to females four times more often than males, claim the Ban Bossy campaigners. “To me, the reference is always in association with women,” says Helen Trim, director of Fresh Minds. “I have three brothers and my family still call me bossy today. ” Her father is the only other family member who could be considered in that way, says Trim,but nobody would ever call him so.Some educators remend that the word should be reclaimed, rather than banned. “But the thing with bossyis that theres an infantile (幼稚的)element to it,” says Sara Mills, professor at Sheffield University. “You think of bossy as being like a little kid whos claiming more than he has the right to claim. ”Its not just “bossy” under fire. “Pushy” is another target. The implication is that women shouldnt present themselves as powerful and confident, Mills suggests, which some women are willing to listen to and accept. Trim points out that many modern female business role models are able to be bosses without being labeled bossy. And she rarely, if ever,hears the word used within her pany. But she says that the damage may be done much earlier in a womans life. “It does e about from those early teenage years. ” she says. “I think its impossible to ban a word, but if people are replacing it with words like confidence or assertiveness,we would all be in a much better place. ”27.More evidence is provided to show bossy is more applied to females by_.A. the Oxford English DictionaryB. the Ban Bossy campaignersC. Helen Trim at Fresh MindsD. some experts in education28. Trims family still consider her bossy because.A. she is expected to lead in her familyB. she is the boss of her panyC. she is a powerful and confident femaleD. her father considers her that way29.The underlined part “underfire”most probably means.A. definitely replacedB. strongly criticizedC. improperly appliedD. eagerly expected30.How does the author sound when referring to the campaign against bossy?A. Objective. B. Angry.C. Doubtful D. Optimistic.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Choosing toys for toddlers(young children) might seem simple, but there are a lot of factors to take into consideration. Its important to think about durability(耐用性), pricing, safety, educational value, and, of course, fun! Choose plush(长毛绒做的) toys and rattles for babies and musical instruments, stacking toys, and outdoor fun for toddlers.Here are some tips for you:_31_ Look for toys that will engage developing senses, such as toys with bright colors, simple patterns, different textures, and squeaking or rattling noises(吱吱嘎嘎声). Plush toys with embroidered eyes, large stacking rings, rattlers, and toys which allow babies to press buttons or sort shapes are all popular options. Select tactile(触角感知的) toys for children between 1 and 2 years old._32_ Choose brightly illustrated books made of pasteboard or cloth, bathtub toys, unbreakable mirrors, or anything that makes noise. _33_ Babies love to make noise, and playing instruments helps children learn cause and effect as well as develops their love of music. You can find simple musical instruments like drums, kazoos, xylophones, and keyboards at any toy store. Get down on the floor and show them how it works, and theyll be making beautiful music before you know it.Try interactive indoor toys for children that are 2 to 3 years of age. Allow kids to get hands-on and stimulate their imagination with toys like play dough, large crayons, a pegboard with big pieces, brightly colored books with music, or a dollhouse. _34_Buy dress up clothes. _35_Look for clothes which will allow them to dress up as their favourite superhero, princess, or TV character. You can also think of different professions to help you e up with outfits, including police officers, astronauts, chefs, or nurses.A. Toddlers love to play pretend.B. Look for musical instruments.C.Dont choose nonverbal toys.D. Young children like playing indoors.E. These are especially great options for a rainy day.F. Choose appealing objects for babies up to 1 year old.G. At this age, children are learning to explore their world.第三部分:语言运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Fifteen years ago, I took a summer vacation in Lecce in southern Italy. After climbing up a hill for a panoramic (全景的) view of the blue sea, white buildings and green olive trees, I paused to catch my _36_ and then positioned myself to take the best photo of this panorama. Unfortunately, just as I took out my camera, a woman approached from behind, and _37_herself right in front of my _38_. Like me, this woman was here to stop, sigh and appreciate the view. _39_as I was, after about 15 minutes, my camera scanning the sun and reviewing the shot I would _40_ take, I grew frustrated. Was it too much to ask her to _41_ so I could take just one picture of the landscape? Sure, I could have asked her, but something _42_me from doing so. She seemed so _43_ in her observation. I didnt want to mess with that. Another 15 minutes passed and I grew more _44_. The woman was still there. I decided to take the photo _45_. And now when I look at it, I think her _46_in the photo is what makes the image _47_. The landscape, beautiful on its own, somehow es to life and breathes _48_ this woman is engaging with it. This photo, with the _49_ beauty that unfolded before me and that woman who “_50_” it, now hangs on a wall in my bedroom. What would she think if she knew that her figure is captured (捕捉) and _51_on some strangers bedroom wall? A bedroom, after all, is a very private space, in which some woman I dont even know has been immortalized (使永存). In some ways, she has been _52_ in my house. Perhaps we all live in each others spaces. Perhaps this is what photos are for: to _53_us that we all appreciate beauty, that we all share a mon _54_ for pleasure, for connection, for something that is greater than us. This photo is a reminder, a captured moment, an unspoken _55_ between two women, separated only by a thin square of glass.36. A.sightB.breath C.way D.attention37. A.planted B.found C.lostD.enjoyed38. A.concern B.photo C.view D.direction39. A.Cautious B.CuriousC.Casual D.Patient40. A.eventually B.randomlyC.extremely D.hurriedly41. A.back away B.go over C.move along D.stay out42. A.caught B.sent C.gotD.prevented43. A.anxious B.content C.quiet D.confident44. A.excitedB.bored C.worried D.confused45. A.anyway B.somehow C.instead D.indeed46. A.beauty B.behaviour C.determination D.presence47. A.puzzling B.disappointing C.interesting D.boring48. A.unlessB.because C.although D.until49. A.strange B.regrettable C.distant D.unique50. A.ruined B.created C.missed D.discovered51. A.protected B.observed C.frozen D.drawn52. A.hanging B.livingC.shining D.wandering53. A.promise B.tellC.convince D.remind54. A.respect B.planC.desireD.sense55. A.conversationB.result C.trustD.love 第II卷第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或者括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为5665的相应位置上。Kids from different economic backgrounds behave _56._(different) in classrooms. For example, working-class kids are _57._likely to ask for help from teachers than their middle-class counterparts. And _58._ they do ask for help, theyre less aggressive about it. Thats according to a study that followed students from the third grade through the fifth, _59._(publish) in the journal American Sociological Review. Part of the difference in how kids act _60._(e) from the guidance theyve gotten at home. As _61._ rule, working class parents coach their kids to work out problems on their own. And if the kids did ask for help, it was in subtle wayslike sitting quietly_62._a hand raised. Middle class kids? Their parents urged _( they) to be proactive, even to interrupt their teachers for help. The result is that teachers were more likely to attend to the assistance-seekers and louder class-participators,_64._ left working class kids behind and magnified inequalities. So the working class childs _(behave), which they and their parents see as “respectful,” could impair their success in the classroom, and prevent them from joining their classmates in higher social classes.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节: 应用文写作(共1小题;满分15分) 写作要求假设你是李明, 上个月你生病住院了,老师和同学们过来看望你,为此你想给他们写一封感谢信,内容包括:1、 感谢他们对你的探望和学习上的帮助;2、 表达你的感激之情;3、 简要阐述你现在的状况。注意:1、词数80左右,2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_Yours ,Li Ming第二节 概要写作(共1小题;满分25分)阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。The next time you get the urgetothrowacoinintoalake,river,streamoreventhefountaininyourneighborhoodforgoodluck,resist itforyourgoodfortunemaynotbesogoodforthereceiveroftheforeignobject. Not convinced ?YouwillbewhenyouseewhattheseriouseffectofyearsofcointhrowinghasdoneontheMorningGlory.OnceregardedasoneoftheprettiestandmostfamouspoolsinYellowstoneNationalPark.MorningGlorywasnamedafterthebeautifulblueflower,whosedistinctcolorwasattributed tothermophilic(喜温的)bacteriathatgrewfastinthepoolshotwater.However,todayitisamixofyellow,greenandalittleoftheoriginalblue. Whileitmayappeartobemorecolorful,thereasonforthecolorchangeisnotgood.Overthepastyears,thethoughtlessthrowingofcoins,stones,rocksandevenbottles,hasblockedthepoolsopeningfortheescapeofheat.Consequently,thetemperatureofthepoolhascooleddownconsiderably,whichinturnkilledthebacteria,causingthebrightbluetofade. Now,differentkindsofalgae(藻类)andbacteriahavetakenover,resultinginthecurrentrainbowofcolors.Expertsbelievethattheyellowbacteriaaretakingoversorapidlythatinafewyears,theentirepoolwillbeasicklyorangeincolor. Though theauthoritieshavetriedtoremovetheoffensiveitems,theyhavenothadmuchsuccessinrestoringthepooltoitsoriginalglory.Topreventfurtherdamage,theyhavefencedoffthelake,sothattouristscannotgotoonearitandalsoplacedasignappealingtothem not to turn this Morning Glory int a “Faded Glory”. So, the next time you are thinking of throwing that coin-think twice!_


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