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专题十三 冠词不定冠词的核心考点1.表示数量“一”,相当于“one”。Ill return in a day or two.2.表示“同一”,相当于“the same”。The children are of an age.3.表示泛指或类指,指人或事物的某一个、某一类。He wants to be a doctor.4.用于某一些表示重量、长度、时间等单位前,表示“每一”。We have meals three times a day.5.用于专有名词前表示类似的一个或某一个,相当于“a certain”。A Mr.Li is asking to see you.6.与某些物质名词或抽象名词连用,表示“一种、一类、一份、一场、一阵”。a heavy rain7.用在某些固定词组中。have a swimswim题组训练1根据语境在下面的空格处填上合适的冠词1.It is generally accepted that a boy must learn to stand up and fight like a man.2.Its said John will be in a job paying over $60,000 a year.Right,he will also get paid by the week.3.Dr.Peter Spence,/ headmaster of the school,told us,“A fifth of pupils here go on to study at Oxford and Cambridge.”4.The biggest whale is a blue whale,which grows to be about 29 meters longthe height of a 9-storeyed building.5.We can never expect a bluer sky unless we create a less polluted world.定冠词的核心考点1.用于上文提到过的人或事物前。I have bought a book.The book is very useful.2.用于说话人与听话人都知道的人或事物前。Close the window,please.3.用于表示世界上独一无二的事物前,如:the sun。4.用于表示方位的名词之前,如:in the east。5.用于序数词或形容词的最高级之前,如:the first。6.用于形容词之前,使其名词化,表示一类人。7.用于由普通名词构成的专有名词之前。8.用于江河、海洋、海峡、山脉、群岛、建筑物等名词之前,如:the West Lake。9.用于复数姓氏之前,表示“夫妇”或“全家”。10.用于作为课程或演奏等的西洋乐器名词前,如:play the piano,play the violin。11.用于表示单位的名词前,如:by the day按日。12.用于年代、朝代、时代名词前,如:in the 1970s。13.用于某些固定词组中,如:in the morning。题组训练2根据语境在下面的空格处填上合适的冠词1.Lets go to the cinemathatll take your mind off the problem for a while.2.What a pity that you couldnt be there to receive theprize!3.Some people fear that / air pollution may bring about changes in the weather around the world.4.As is known to all,the Peoples Republic of China is the biggest developing country in the world.5.As he reached the front door,Jack saw a strange sight.不用冠词的情况1.不含普通名词的专有名词、物质名词、抽象名词、人名、地名等名词前,一般不加冠词,如:China,America。2.可数名词前有物主代词、指示代词、名词所有格等限制时,不加冠词。Einsteins theory proved to be correct.3.季节、月份、星期、节日、假日、一日三餐名称前一般不加冠词,如:March,have supper。4.称呼语前不加冠词。What shall I do next,Mother?5.表示独一无二的头衔、职务名词作表语、同位语或补足语时,一般不加冠词。6.学科名称、球类、棋类名称前不加冠词。7.复数名词表示泛指一类人或事物时,前不加冠词。8.在与by连用的交通工具名称前不加冠词。9.连系动词turn后的表语单数可数名词前不加冠词。The young worker has turned writer.10.as,though引导的倒装让步状语从句中的表语(单数可数名词)置于句首时不加冠词。Child as he is,he knows a lot.11.某些固定词组中不加冠词,如:husband and wife,arm in arm。题组训练3根据语境在下面的空格处填上合适的冠词1.Everything es with a price;there is no such / thing as a free lunch in the world.2.Its agood feeling for people to admire the Shanghai World Expo that gives them / pleasure.3.In munication,a smile is usually a strong sign of a friendly and / open attitude.4.What / fun it is to swim in the river in summer.5.Jack,/ monitor of our class,is a hard-working student.1. prize for the winner of the petition is two-week holiday in Paris.(2016浙江,2)A.The;/ B.A;/C.A;the D.The;a答案D解析考查冠词。句意为:这次比赛给获胜者的奖励是在巴黎度假两周。第一个空格表示对比赛获胜者的奖励,是特指,故用the。第二个空格泛指一次为期两周的假期,用不定冠词a。故选D项。2.Janes grandmother had wanted to write childrens book for many years,but one thing or another always got in way.(2015浙江,2)A.a;/ B.the;theC./;the D.a;the答案D解析考查冠词。句意为:简的奶奶多年来一直想写一本儿童书籍,但总有这样那样的事情阻碍她不能实现。第一空表泛指,故用不定冠词a;第二空为固定表达in the way妨碍,阻碍。3.Brian is gifted in writing music;he is very likely to be Beethoven.(2015四川,5)A.a B.anC.the D./答案A解析考查冠词。句意为:Brian在创作音乐上极有天赋,他很有可能成为一个像贝多芬那样的人。不定冠词用在人名前,表示“一个像那样的人”;又因Beethoven是以辅音音素开头的单词,故用a,故选择A。4.I just heard bank where Dora works was robbed by gunman wearing a mask.(2015重庆,3)A.the;/ B.a;/C.the;a D.a;the答案C解析考查冠词。句意为:我刚听说多拉工作的银行被一位蒙面持枪歹徒抢劫了。第一空为特指,表示“Dora工作的银行”;第二空为泛指,表示“一位”。5.They chose Tom to be captain of the team because they knew he was smart leader.(2014江西,22)A.a;the B.the;theC.the;a D.a;a 答案C解析考查冠词。第一空后面的名词captain后面有介词短语of the team修饰,特指“这个队的队长”,所以使用定冠词the;第二空泛指“一位聪明的领导者”,所以使用不定冠词a。6.The paper is due next month,and I am working seven days week,often long into night.(2014浙江,2)A.a;the B.the;/C.a;a D./;the答案A解析考查冠词。表示“每周七天”要用seven days a/per/every week;long into the night到深夜,为固定搭配。7.I cant tell you way to the Wilsons because we dont have Wilson here in the village.(2014重庆,6)A.the;a B.a;/C.a;the D.the;/答案A解析考查冠词。去威尔逊家的道路是特定的,故选择定冠词;本村没有叫威尔逊的人,叫威尔逊的人有很多,不具有唯一性,故选择不定冠词。A项正确。8.Life is like ocean:Only strong-willed can reach the other shore.(2014天津,8)A.an;the B.the;aC.the;/ D./;a答案A解析考查冠词。句意为:人生像大海:只有那些具有坚强意志的人才能到达人生的彼岸。第一个空填an表示泛指;第二个空填the后跟形容词,表示“某一类人”。9. village where I was born has grown into town.(2014陕西,19)A.The;a B.A;theC.The;the D.A;a答案A解析考查冠词。第一空后名词village后有定语从句修饰,表特指,故用定冠词the;第二空后名词town是可数名词单数,表泛指。故选A项。10.It wascold winter night and the moon was shining brightly acrossnight sky.(2013山东,22)A./;a B.a;theC.the;a D.the;/答案B解析考查冠词。句意为:那是一个寒冷的冬夜,月亮照亮了整个夜空。指“一个的夜晚”且night前有形容词修饰时,需用不定冠词a表示泛指;第二个空后指的是夜晚的天空,表示特指,需用定冠词the。11.Marco Polo is said to have sailed on Pacific Ocean on his way to Java in thirteenth century.(2013陕西,19)A.the;a B.a;/C./;the D.the;the答案D解析句意为:据说在13世纪马可波罗去爪哇岛的航行途中经过了太平洋。在江河、山脉、湖泊、海洋、群岛、海峡、海湾、运河等专有名词前要用定冠词the,因此第一空处的Pacific Ocean前面要用定冠词the;而第二个空后的名词century被序数词修饰,序数词前面应用定冠词the。故该题的正确答案为D项。12.Four andhalf hours of discussion took us up to midnight,andbreak for cheese,chocolate and tea with sugar.(2013新课标全国,13)A.a;a B.the;theC./;the D.a;/答案A解析four and a half hours四个半小时,固定搭配;后一空a break表示休息一次。13.The “Chinese Dream” is dream to improve peoples well-being and dream of harmony,peace and development.(2013福建,21)A.the;a B.a;aC.a;the D.the;the答案B解析句意为:“中国梦”是一种提高人民生活的梦,是一种和谐、和平和发展的梦。由句意可知都用不定冠词a。14.Animals are obviously lower form of life than man.(2013江西,32)A.a;/ B.the;theC.a;the D./;/答案A解析本题考查冠词。man表示“人类”的意义时,前面不加冠词,排除B、C两项。form是可数名词,前面有形容词修饰时要加不定冠词,因此A项正确。句意为:很明显,动物是低于人类的一种生命形式。15.People develop preference for a particular style of learning at early age and these preferences affect learning.(2013浙江,15)A.a;an B.a;/C./;the D.the;an答案A解析句意为:人们在很小的时候就养成了对某种特定的学习方式的偏爱,并且这些偏爱会影响学习。develop a preference for养成对的偏爱/偏好;at an early age在很小的时候,均为固定搭配,所以正确答案为A项。1.What do you think we should do after dinner?Why dont we get beer at the Karaoke bar down the street? It is kind of fun to hear all the bands singing.A.a;/ B.a;aC.the;a D.a;the答案A解析句意为:你认为我们晚饭后应该做什么?为什么不到街上的卡拉OK喝杯啤酒呢?听所有的乐队唱歌是一种乐趣。口语中表示“一杯啤酒”的时候前面用定冠词a;fun是不可数名词,不加冠词。故选A。2.The Smiths dont usually like staying athotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hotel bysea.A./;a B.the;theC./;the D.the;a答案C解析hotels这里表示泛指,用名词复数即可;后一空要注意,是表示“在海边”。by the sea在海边(在海岸上),这里有特指; by sea则是表示使用海上交通工具:乘船,由海路。3.Would you mind giving some advice on how to improve our study?If you make most of the time,there will be rise in your study efficiency.A./;/ B.the;aC./;a D.the;/答案B解析句意为:您介意给我们一些如何改善我们学习的建议吗?如果你们充分利用时间,你们的学习效率就会提升。第一个空考查了短语“充分利用”make the most of;第二个空泛指一个提升,用不定冠词。故选B。4.The development of industry has beengradual process throughouthuman existence, from stone tools to modern technology.A./;the B.the;aC.a;/ D.a;a答案C解析第一空process是可数名词,第一次出现一般用不定冠词,且此处表示“一个”的概念;第二空existence是不可数名词,此处表示抽象概念,故用零冠词。5.Carl is studyingfood science at college and hopes to open upmeat processing factory of his own one day.A./;a B./;theC.the;a D.the;the答案A解析句意为:卡尔正在大学学习食品科学,并希望有一天能够开办一家他自己的肉类加工厂。第一个空后的中心词science为表示抽象概念的名词,其前不用冠词。第一个空后若为science of food,则为特指,其前用定冠词the。第二个空后中心词为factory,为可数名词,根据句意可知此处表示泛指,用不定冠词。故选A项。6.Raising retirement age step by step is in line with Chinas labor market realities and should be prioritized.A.the;/ B./;theC./;/ D.the;the答案A解析句意为:逐步提高退休年龄符合中国劳动力市场的现实,应优先考虑。第一空填定冠词the在此特指退休年龄,而不是其他年龄;第二处in line with“与一致”为固定短语。故答案为A。7.He missedgold in the high jump,but will getsecond chance in the long jump.A.the;the B./;aC.the;a D.a;/答案C解析句意为:他在跳高比赛中错失了金牌,但是在跳远比赛中他还有机会。第一个空后的gold为特指一项比赛中唯一的金牌,故用定冠词the。在序数词前的第二个空,若用the,则表示“第二次”,若用a,则表示“再次,还有”之意;此处应取“再次,还有”之意,故第二个空用a。8.I woke up with bad headache,yet by evening the pain had gone.A.the;the B.the;anC.a;the D.a;an答案C解析首先headache前有形容词修饰,这是此空填不定冠词的标志;morning,evening等名词前要有定冠词the修饰。句意为:一阵剧烈的头痛让我醒来,然而到了晚上疼痛消失了。冠词的考查以一些固定搭配的考查为主,因此平时积累一些固定搭配是非常重要的。另外,a(n)表示“一”,而the表达“特指”。9.We are said to be living in Information Age, time of new discoveries and great changes.A.an;the B./;theC./;a D.the;a答案D解析考查冠词。第一空Information Age前加定冠词the为固定说法;第二空根据句意“据说我们正生活在信息时代,一个充满新发现和巨大变化的时代。”知用不定冠词a。故答案选D。10.Being able to afford drink would be fort in those tough times.A.the;the B.a;aC.a;/ D./;a答案B解析句意为:在那些艰苦的岁月里,能买得起一杯饮料都会是一件令人安慰的事。本题容易误选C项,认为fort“安慰”是不可数名词,其实此处为抽象名词的具体化,a fort令人感到安慰的一个人或一件事;a drink一杯饮料。故B项正确。


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