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四、推理判断 细节推断题It was already midnight and I was walking quickly out of Recovery Room,knowing I had to be back early next morning.Though in a hurry,I noticed a lone woman with an anxious look on her face.As it turned out,her daughter-in-law had just been transferred to Intensive Care,so I decided to take her up there.Down the hall,she stated,“I bet youre trying to leave,arent you?” I confirmed her observation,adding that it was quite all right.We soon arrived,and upon talking with the patients nurse,I was able to let her in right away.She turned to me and said,“Thank you,you will be blessed.”The next day,on my way home after my day shift,I noticed a voice mail from my sister in Rochester,which gave me an uneasy feeling.I had to pull off the road as I listened to her message:“Mom had a stroke;shes in the hospital and the Neurologist said it doesnt look good.” My mind darted back to the words I had heard the night before as I cried out with anger:“This is a blessing?”The following day I flew up to Rochester.My brother picked me up from the airport and we soon arrived at the hospital.I walked into my moms room and she looked as if I had never seen her before.Her usual bright smile was replaced with a look of emptiness.All at once the cruel reality of the signs and symptoms of a fresh stroke were there,but I wasnt the instructor,I was just a family member. My mom seemed to recognize me,and I fought back tears as I told her how much I loved her.Over the next five days,my mom made unexpected progress,as she began to speak a few words,slowly and almost painfully.With each milestone,it seemed the nurses and aides were almost as excited as we were.Everyone,without exception,treated my mom with kindness and passion.I think the event that will stay in my memory forever occurred on my moms fourth day.It was time to repeat the swallowing study to assess if my mom could start eating.All four of us siblings hung together in the waiting room,nervous,our eyes shifting constantly to the door of 2607,anticipating and desperately hoping for good news.As her door opened,the therapist came out with a smile;we instantly knew she had good news,and we collectively breathed a sigh of relief.Five days after her stroke,my mom was ready for transfer to a rehabilitation facility,and I was headed back down South.With a very heavy heart,I said goodbye to my mom and the staff from the Stroke Unit.On the way back home,I had plenty of time to think about my own experiences as a Recovery Room nurse.I could envision the smiles on so many of the faces of our patients as they leave our unit.I was also reminded of the fact that we as health care givers have a certain power:we can add to the stress of a patients hospital experience,or we can be the one ray of sunshine that leaves a smile on their face.Truly,there will always be the pain of knowing that my mom had a stroke,but my memories will always be tempered by the thoughtful care she received in the Stroke Unit.I have since reflected on the words of gratitude spoken to me a week earlier by the visitor I took to the ICU.Yes,I was blessed;it was the kind of blessing that will warm my heart forever.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文,作者的母亲轻度中风,作者表现出无助,在医院里每个人和病人的共鸣产生与众不同的效果,母亲康复,作者永远记住这温暖的祝福。1What actually made the author uneasy?AThat she had to listen to a voice mail from her sister.BThat she didnt believe the blessing she had heard.CThat she sensed something wrong with her mom.DThat she must fly up to Rochester the next day.答案C解析推理判断题。根据第二段中的“The next day,on my way home after my day shift,I noticed a voice mail from my sister in Rochester,which gave me an uneasy feeling.I had to pull off the road as I listened to her message:Mom had a stroke;shes in the hospital.”可知,是她感觉妈妈可能身体不舒服,这使她不安。故选C。2By “I wasnt the instructor,I was just a family member”,the author was trying to show .Asympathy BhelplessnessCanger Drespect答案B解析推理判断题。根据第三段倒数第二句“All at once the cruel reality of the signs and symptoms of a fresh stroke were there,but I wasnt the instructor,I was just a family member.”可知,作者感到非常无助。故选B。3What can we infer from Paragraph 4?AStroke recovery usually takes five days.BEmpathy(共鸣) with patients makes a difference.CThe author has been mentally prepared.DHer mothers case was beyond expectation.答案B解析推理判断题。根据第四段第三、四句“With each milestone,it seemed the nurses and aides were almost as excited as we were.Everyone,without exception,treated my mom with kindness and passion.I think the event that will stay in my memory forever occurred on my moms fourth day.”可知,和病人的共鸣会产生与众不同的效果。故选B。4According to the passage,the author ended with a blessing.Aspiritual BmixedCdisguised Dmaterial答案A解析推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句“Yes,I was blessed;it was the kind of blessing that will warm my heart forever.”可知,作者以一种精神上的祝福而结束。故选A。一、题型解读细节推理判断题要求考生根据语篇内容,推断具体细节,如时间、地点、人物关系、人物身份、事件等。一般可根据短文提供的信息,或者借助生活常识进行推理判断。考生只有正确把握文章的内在关系,理解文章的真正含义,才可能作出准确的推断。题干主要包括六个动词:infer(推断),indicate(象征,暗示),imply(暗示),suggest(暗示),conclude(作出结论)和assume(假定,设想)。该类型的命题方式常常以下列形式呈现:1It can be inferred from the text that .2We can learn from the passage that .3It can be concluded from the passage that .4The writer/author indicates/suggests/implies that .二、解题技巧关键词句细推敲第一步:定位细节根据题干提供的信息,抓住某一段话的关键信息(关键词语)。第二步:揣摩细节对原文中的信息进行分析,推理判断,利用逆向思维和正向推理,从而推断出这句话所隐含的深层含义。注意:1.切勿拿文章中的某一个细节内容作为推理的结论。2勿脱离原文而凭个人看法主观臆断。例如:感悟体会中的3题:根据第四段第三、四句“With each milestone,it seemed the nurses and aides were almost as excited as we were.Everyone,without exception,treated my mom with kindness and passion.I think the event that will stay in my memory forever occurred on my moms fourth day.”可知,和病人的共鸣会产生与众不同的效果。故选B。AFive weeks ago I had a total hip replacement surgery(髋关节置换手术)In Canada,we have great healthcare system.That means we get our new hips for free.My hip had been hurting me for years before I went to the doctor.Of course,it was free.She referred me to a surgeon,but the earliest appointment was in 10 months.That is what being free gets you.Ten months later,after some free X-rays,the surgeon told me I needed a surgery,which was about an 18-month wait,for some senior citizens had been on the operation list.Another 18 months! I dragged myself out of the surgeons office.Walking through the hospital,I thought about the situation.As the 1breadwinner of a large family,I couldnt wait that long,so I had to get to the front line.I was fully aware of what a Canadian should be like (Canadians are usually considered gentle and caring),but this time I really needed to fight for myself.At that very moment,in the shop window of the hospital,I saw a sign which read,“Volunteers Needed.” Suddenly,an idea occurred to meI would get the job.Fortunately,they 2signed me up immediately because the average age of the volunteers at the hospital was 75.They were desperate for some young blood.Every Friday morning,I was at the shop.While seeing the hospital 5staff,Id 3casually ask,“What do you do?” Then Id tell them,“Well,Im getting my hip replacedin 18 months.Its going to be so great when the pain stops.” Soon,all the staff got to know me.Naturally,in my next appointment,the surgeon recognized me.Moments later,I had a surgery date just weeks away.I had to say it was actually my volunteering that got me to the front of the line.And Im not ashamed of it,for I intend to stick with the volunteering.Also,even when I cheated the system,I did it in a way that benefits society.语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。作者需要做髋关节置换手术,在加拿大这种手术是免费的,但是需要等待很长时间,作者不能等待那么长的时间。于是她开始做志愿者接触医院的人,最终外科的员工也认识了作者,提前为她做了手术。作者认为尽管她欺骗了制度,但是她是以一种有益于社会的方式来做的这件事,是一笔公平的交易。1What can we infer from the second paragraph?AShe felt rather disappointed.BShe couldnt walk because of the pain.CShe was too scared to have the surgery.DShe didnt believe what the surgeon said.答案A解析推理判断题。根据第二段第三句“She referred me to a surgeon,but the earliest appointment was in 10 months.”和最后两句“Another 18 months! I dragged myself out of the surgeons office.”可知,作者要免费做髋关节置换手术需要等待很长时间,作者慢吞吞地走出外科门诊。因此推断她感到非常失望。故选A。2Why did the writer decide to be a volunteer?ATo donate blood to the hospital.BTo get her new hip free of charge.CTo receive some tiny gifts from others.DTo approach the doctor for an early surgery.答案D解析推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的内容可知,作者做志愿活动时,看到医院里的职员就和他们闲谈,告诉他们自己非常希望做髋关节置换手术,很快,所有的员工都认识了她,自然外科的员工也认识了她,数周之后,她就进行了手术。因此推断作者做志愿者是为了接近医生早做手术。故选D。3What did the author think of her cheating?AIt was a shame. BIt was a pride.CIt was beneficial. DIt was a fair 7deal.答案D解析推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句“And Im not ashamed of it,for I intend to stick with the volunteering.Also,even when I cheated the system,I did it in a way that benefits society.”可知,作者并不感到羞愧,因为即使她欺骗了系统,她也是以一种有益于社会的方式来做的这件事。因此推断作者认为她的欺骗是一笔公平的交易。故选D。4Which can be the best title for the text?AHow I Got My New HipBThe Doctor Who Saved My LifeCHow to Be a Volunteer in HospitalDThe Problem of Canada Healthcare System答案A解析标题归纳题。纵观全文可知,作者需要做髋关节置换手术,在加拿大这种手术是免费的,但是需要等待很长时间,作者不能等待那么长的时间。于是她开始做志愿者接触医院的人,最终外科的员工也认识了作者,提前为她做了手术。作者认为尽管她欺骗了制度,但是她是以一种有益于社会的方式来做的这件事,是一笔公平的交易。因此推断A项“我如何得到我的新髋关节的”为最佳标题。故选A。 BRecycling is essential in todays world.The most important reason for this is that human progress and industry have made it possible for people to have lots of things,and when people have many material possessions,they are bound to throw some of them away.This creates a lot of garbage which in turn destroys the environment.Recycling is a way for us to keep the world clean as 8items are broken down and used again,preventing the littering of the environment.Instead of throwing all your garbage into the trash can,you should separate paper,metal,glass,and plastic into different containers.post should also be recycled as this is excellent food for farm animals and also makes for great fertilizer(肥料)You should try to buy products that have been recycled.You can see if an item has been made from recycled materials by its label; if its been recycled,it will say so.Also,instead of always buying new clothes,you can arrange to have a clothing 6swap with your friends.You bring clothes you dont want and pick items you want from what other people have brought.Not only does this save the environment,but it also saves your pocketbook.Remember,what is one persons junk can be someone elses treasure! The saying can be applied to all sorts of things:books,CDs,furniture,etc.Also,try shopping at second-hand stores,because they often have lots of items still in good shape for you to choose.Many countries have made it easy for people to recycle,as alongside the normal garbage trucks,special garbage trucks e and pick up recyclable materials.However,in many countries around the world the responsibility is left up to the 4individual to recycle.Therefore,it must be made a priority(优先考虑的事) in society so we can continue to make our environment livable.语篇解读在当今世界,回收是必不可少的。本文作者主要就回收提供了几点建议并呼吁每个人都应该对回收负起责任。5Why is more waste being made in todays world?APeople dislike the updated items.BPeople own abundant belongings.CPeople intend to live a simple life.DPeople have made great progress in industry.答案B解析细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“The most important reason for this is that human progress and industry have made it possible for people to have lots of things,and when people have many material possessions,they are bound to throw some of them away.”可知,现在人们拥有丰富的物品。故选B。6What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AExchanging clothes with friends.BShopping at second-hand stores.CThrowing away old clothes.DPicking up new items.答案A解析词义猜测题。根据第三段中“Also,instead of always buying new clothes,you can arrange to have a clothing swap with your friends.”可知,this指的是“和朋友交换衣服”。故选A。7To make the environment enjoyable,we should .Aalways buy new clothesBchoose recyclable productsCgo shopping at chain storesDarrange more garbage trucks答案B解析细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“You should try to buy products that have been recycled.”可知,你应该试着去买那些已经被回收的产品。故选B。8What can we learn from the last paragraph?AGovernments do nothing in recycling.BNormal vehicles can pick up recyclable materials.CThe individual seldom cares about recycling.DEveryone should feel socially responsible for recycling.答案D解析推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句“However,in many countries around the world the responsibility is left up to the individual to recycle.Therefore,it must be made a priority(优先考虑的事) in society so we can continue to make our environment livable.”可知,作者呼吁每个人都应该对回收负起责任。故选D。.障碍词汇突破(一)阅读下列句子,并根据句意猜测画线部分的意思1Will you expect to live along traditional lines:woman as homemaker and man as breadwinner?养家糊口的人2He signed up as a flight attendant with Korean Air.签约3Nobody can casually succeed;it es from the thorough self-control and the will.随意地;随便地4At best they only care about their lives as individual cells,but they fail to assume responsibility for the health of the larger body.个人的,个体的(二)同义词语替换5If you drop something into the track,please contact the station staff.workers6I know a sculptor who swaps her pieces for drawings by a well-known artist.exchanges(三)一词多义7deal n交易,买卖;协议;v.处理;对待;做生意(1)They made a deal to sell the land to a property developer.协议(2)You should deal with him more politely.对待(3)So how do we deal with these new challenges? 处理(4)The cost was simply too high,so the deal fell through.交易,买卖8item n项目,条款;物品;一则消息(1)He opened the cardboard box and took out each item.物品(2)We went on to the next item on the agenda.项目,条款(3)There was an item in the paper about him.一则消息.长难句理解1Ten months later,after some free X-rays,the surgeon told me I needed a surgery,which was about an 18-month wait,for some senior citizens had been on the operation list.句式分析本句话的主干部分为the surgeon told me I needed a surgery。I needed a surgery为省略了that的宾语从句;which was about.为which引导的非限制性定语从句;for表原因,前后构成并列句。精美译文十个月以后,做了免费的X光片后,医生告诉我我需要手术需要等18个月,因为手术单子已列有很多老年人。2The most important reason for this is that human progress and industry have made it possible for people to have lots of things,and when people have many material possessions,they are bound to throw some of them away.句式分析本句话为并列句结构,第一个句子是主系表结构,表语为表语从句,从句中的it是形式宾语,真正的宾语是to have lots of things;第二个句子也是复合句,其中when people have many material possessions为时间状语从句。精美译文这其中最重要的原因是人类的进步和工业使人们拥有很多东西成为可能,并且当人们拥有很多物质财富时,他们一定会扔掉一些。专题强化练(十九).单项填空1The language in the panys statement is highly ,thus making its staff confused.Aambiguous BapparentCappropriate Daggressive答案A解析句意为:公司的声明中用的语言非常含糊,因此使得职员们非常困惑。ambiguous含糊的,不明确的;apparent明显的;appropriate适当的;aggressive有进取心的。由后面的“making its staff confused”可知,公司的声明非常的含糊。故A选项正确。2The Tang Dynasty is generally regarded as a golden chapter by people worldwide, the Chinese civilization influenced many neighboring countries.Awhere BwhenCwhich Dwho答案B解析句意为:唐朝被世界范围的人们认为是一个黄金时期,在这个时期,中国文明影响了很多邻近的国家。“ the Chinese civilization influenced many neighboring countries”是非限制性定语从句,修饰the Tang Dynasty,引导词在从句中作时间状语,故应用关系副词when引导该从句。B选项正确。3How was your job interview?Very successful.I my homework about the pany,you know.Ahad done Bhave doneCdid Dwas doing答案A解析句意为:你的工作面试怎么样?非常成功。你知道我了解过这家公司。由第一句可知,参加面试是过去的行为,那么了解该公司应该是面试之前的行为,即过去的过去,故该句应用过去完成时态。A选项正确。4The educational reform is now under way throughout the country, the students more opportunities to develop to their greatest potential.Ato grant Bhaving grantedCgranting Dgranted答案C解析句意为:全国正在进行教育改革,给了学生们更多发挥最大潜力的机会。分析句子结构可知,此处为非谓语动词作状语,主语the educational reform与grant之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。C选项正确。5When Paul for the final game of the basketball season,his fans let out shouts of cry.Amade up Bshowed upCcaught up Dheld up答案B解析句意为:当保罗出现在篮球赛季的最后一场比赛上时,他的粉丝们爆发出喊叫声。make up组成,编造;show up到场,出现;catch up赶上;hold up举起,耽搁。粉丝喊叫应该是保罗出场时,故B选项正确。6 more than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots.AScattered around the globe areBScattering are around the globeCAre around the globe scatteredDAre scattered around the globe答案A解析句意为:地球上散落分布着100多个小而离散的火山活跃区,地质学家称之为“热点”。正常语序是“More than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots are scattered around the globe.”表语提前,把系动词提到主语前面构成倒装。7 his high social status,it is really hard for us to his joining us in going west to teach children there.AConsidering;opposeBConsidered;prevent fromCTo consider;persuadeDBeing considered;object to答案A解析句意为:鉴于他的高社会地位,我们真的很难反对他和我们一起去西部教书。considering prep.鉴于,oppose v反对,根据句意可知答案为A。8In the past,science class started from grade three.But the new curriculum allows junior students to natural sciences earlier.Apriority BprivilegeCadaptation Daccess答案D解析priority 优先权;privilege特权;adaptation适应;access(使用或见到的)机会。句意为:在过去,科学课程从三年级开始。但是新课程使初级学生可以更早地接触自然科学。根据句意可知答案为D。9 made the school proud was more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities.AWhat;because BWhat;thatCThat;what DThat;because答案B解析分析句子结构可知, made the school proud缺少主语,另外还要引导主语从句,故此只能选择what,由此先排除C、D两项。再结合 more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities结构完整不缺少成分,只需要引导词,所以选用that。故选B。10Recent pressure at work may his abnormal behavior.Apush for Bexchange forCaccount for Dhead for答案C解析push for为而奋力争取;exchange for交换;account for解释的原因;head for朝走去。句意为:最近工作压力可能是他反常行为的原因。故选C。.阅读理解A(2018启东中学最后一模)Recent summer temperatures in parts of Australia were high enough to melt asphalt.As global warming speeds up the heat and climatic events increase,many plants may be unable to cope.But at least one species of eucalyptus tree can resist extreme heat by continuing to “sweat” when other essential processes stop,a new study finds.As plants change sunlight into food,or photosynthesize(光合作用),they absorb carbon dioxide through pores on their leaves.These pores also release water via transpiration(蒸腾),which circulates nutrients through the plant and helps cool it by evaporation(蒸发)But exceptionally high temperatures are known to greatly reduce photosynthesisand most existing plant models suggest this should also decrease transpiration,leaving trees in danger of fatally overheating.Because it is difficult for scientists to control and vary trees conditions in their natural environment,little is known about how individual species handle this situation.Ecologist John Drake of the SU.N.Y.College of Environmental Science and Forestry and his colleagues grew a dozen Parramatta red gum (Eucalyptus parramattensis) trees in large,climate-controlled plastic pods that separated the trees from the surrounding forest for a year in Richmond,Australia.Six of the trees were grown at surrounding air temperatures and six at temperatures three degrees Celsius higher.The researchers withheld (扣留) water from the surface soil of all 12 trees for a month to imitate a mild dry spell,then induced a four-day “extreme” heat wave:They raised the maximum temperatures in half of the pods(three with surrounding temperatures and three of the warmer ones)to 44 degrees C.Photosynthesis ground to a near halt in the trees facing the artificial heat wave.But to the researchers surprise,these trees continued to transpire at close-to-normal levels,effectively cooling themselves and their surroundings.The trees grown in warmer conditions coped just as well as the others,and photosynthesis rates bounced back to normal after the heat wave passed,Drake and his colleagues reported online in Global Change Biology.The researchers think the Parramatta red gums were able to effective


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