2019版高考英语一轮复习 Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines讲义 外研版必修2.doc

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Module 5 Newspapers and Magazines一积词汇见多识广课内单词回扣(一)阅读词汇写其义1headline n. (新闻报道等的)标题2orbit vt. 绕轨道飞行3celebrity n. 名人 4universe n. 宇宙5capsule n. 太空舱 6flight n. 飞行;班机7astronomer n. 天文学家 8fan n. (电影等的)迷9telescope n. 望远镜 10royal adj. 皇家的;皇室的(二)表达词汇写其形1sailor n. 船员;水手 2aboard adv. 在船(飞机等)上3wele vt. 欢迎 4replace vt. 代替;取代5evidence n. 证据 6cultural adj. 文化的7review n. 评论 8found vt. 创立;建立(三)拓展词汇灵活用1.economy n经济economic adj.经济的2.politics n政治political adj.政治的politician n政治家*3.congratulation n祝贺congratulate vt.祝贺*4.historical adj.历史性的historic adj.有历史意义的*5.achievement n成就;功业;伟绩achieve vt.取得(成就);达到6.amateur adj.业余的(反义词)professional adj.专业的;职业的*7.delighted adj.高兴的;快乐的delight vt.使高兴n.快乐;高兴delightful adj.令人愉快的;可爱的8.belief n信念;信条disbelief n不信;怀疑;疑惑9.financial adj.金融的finance n金融;财政*10.produce vt.创作;生产production n创作;生产product n产品;产物用上面标注*的单词的正确形式填空1Many friends came to congratulate him on his marriage, and some sent emails to express their congratulations.(congratulate)2Do you know the historical background of the historic flight?(history)3Dont admire his achievement. You will achieve your ambition if you work hard.(achieve)4What delighted them most was the delightful things in store for them. (delight)5Production is the action of producing something or the amount of products.(produce)话题单词积累1journalist /dn()lIst/ n. 记者;新闻工作者2journalism /dn()lIz()m/ n新闻业3columnist /klm(n)Ist/ n. 专栏作家4ment /kment/ n& v. 评论5mentator /kmnteIt/ n. 评论员6editor /edIt/ n. 编辑7conference /knf()r()ns/ n. (正式的)会议8media /midI/ n. 大众传播媒介9press /pres/ n. 出版社10statement /steItm()nt/ n. 声明;陈述11announce /nans/ v. 宣布;宣告12declare /dIkle/ v. 声明;断言13launch /lnt/ v& n. 发射14broadcast /brdkst/ v. 广播15remark /rImk/ n. 陈述;议论16respond /rIspnd/ v. 回答;回应17focus /fks/ n. 焦点18campaign /kmpeIn/ n. 战役;运动19condemn /kndem/ vt. 谴责;指责20confirm /knfm/ vt. 证实;证明;确认21emergency /Imd()nsI/ n. 紧急情况22welfare /welfe/ n. 福利23pension /pen()n/ n. 养老金24prejudice /preddIs/ n. 偏见;成见25principle /prInsIp()l/ n. 道德原则;法则26anecdote /nIkdt/ n. 逸事;趣闻27urgent /dnt/ adj. 紧急的;紧迫的28violate /vaIleIt/ vt. 侵犯29expose /Ikspz/ vt. 揭露30witness /wItnIs/ v. 见证二积短语顿挫抑扬课内短语回扣(一)根据汉语写出下列短语1.in_space在太空2.take_photographs_of 拍摄的照片*3.in_total 总共;合计*4.now_that 既然*5.believe_in 相信*6.e_on 加油;赶快;得了吧*7.concentrate_on 集中精力于;全神贯注于8.be_similar_to 和相似9.take_off 起飞10.in_the_history_of 在的历史上(二)用上面标注*的短语完成下列句子1Our teachers always tell us to believe_in what we do and who we are if we want to succeed.2In_total,_25% of Indias workingage population has no education.(2017江苏高考)3e_on,_or well be too late for the party.4We neednt have bought so much food now_that Suzie wont be with us for dinner.5We should concentrate_on our study now, because lost time will never return. 话题短语积累1current affairs时事2space walk 太空漫步3space exploration 太空探索4arouse wide public concern 引起广泛的公众关注5cover an event 报道事件6arrange an interview 安排采访 7be faced with 面对8get over difficulties 克服困难9deal with 处理10for lack of 由于缺乏11have harmful effects on 对产生有害影响12be responsible for 对负责13inform sb. of sth. 告知某人某事14keep up with 跟上15keep pace with 跟上的速度16judging by/from 根据来判断17make joint efforts 做出共同努力18offer job opportunities 提供就业机会19e to ones help 来帮助某人20adapt to the development of society 适应社会发展三积句式写作扮靓课内句式仿写1the序数词名词不定式例句When Yang took off from Jiuquan in northwest China at 9 am yesterday, China became the third nation to send a man into space.仿写她是在里约奥运会上第一位获得金牌的运动员。She was the_first_athlete_to_win_the_gold_medal in the Rio Olympic Games.2be doing . when .例句Amateur astronomer David Bates was looking at the moon through his telescope last night when he got a big surprise.仿写我正在街上散步,突然听到有人喊我的名字。I_was_walking_along_the_street_when I heard my name called.3This is the序数词time从句例句Is this the first time hes seen aliens landing on the moon?仿写这是他第二次犯同样的错误。This is the second time he has_made_the_same_mistake.话题佳句背诵1Whether you can bee a successful journalist depends on whether you work hard enough.你是否能成为一名成功的记者取决于你工作是否足够努力。2I cant live without my morning paper. I read it while having breakfast and drinking my coffee. 我离不开早报。我一边看报,一边吃早餐,喝咖啡。3It is reported that the number of the people suffering from the flood is still on the rise.据报道,遭受水灾的人数还在上升。4The country is facing its steepest economic decline in more than a decade, which makes people concerned.这个国家正面临10多年来最严重的经济衰退,这令人们担忧。5I believe we can certainly overe the disaster with the public and the government working together.我相信,由于公众和政府的共同努力,我们一定能够战胜灾难。四背语段语感流畅On the MidAutumn Festival night, I was watching the full moon in the sky through a telescope when I heard the successful launch of the Tiangong2 space laboratory, I was very delighted as well as proud of it.As is known to all, China has bee the third country to send a man into space in the world. We are happy that our country has made great achievements in space exploration. In 2008, millions of people turned on TV and witnessed Chinese first space walk. Now the successful launch of Tiangong2 space laboratory will help to realize the Chinese dream in space exploration.在中秋夜,我正用望远镜观看天上的满月,这时听到“天宫二号”空间实验室成功发射的消息,我非常高兴也非常自豪。众所周知,中国已成为世界上第三个把人类送往太空的国家。我们非常高兴我们的国家在太空探索方面已取得的巨大成就。在2008年,数以百万计的人们打开电视见证了中国的首次太空漫步。现在“天宫二号”空间实验室的成功发射将帮助实现在太空探索方面的中国梦。第一板块重点词汇突破师生共研词汇1congratulation n祝贺;恭贺;贺辞(常用复数)教材原句When Yang landed, Premier Wen Jiabao telephoned the Control Centre to offer his congratulations.当杨利伟着陆后,温家宝总理给控制中心打电话表示他的祝贺。(1)offer/send ones congratulations to sb.(on sth.)(为某事)向某人表示祝贺express/accept ones congratulations 表示/接受某人的祝贺(2)congratulate v. 祝贺;庆贺congratulate sb. on/upon (doing) sth. 因(做)某事向某人祝贺congratulate oneself on sth. (为成就或成功)感到高兴,感到自豪We offered our congratulations (congratulate) to him on his success in business.我们祝贺他生意兴隆。You should congratulate yourself on having done an excellent job.你应该为你出色的工作感到自豪。一言辨析congratulate, celebrateThey celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary yesterday, and many relatives and friends congratulated them on their silver wedding.他们昨天庆祝了25周年结婚纪念日,许多亲戚朋友都对他们的银婚表示祝贺。2replace vt.代替;取代;把放回原处教材原句In the first sentence, the word when can be replaced with as soon as.在第一个句子中,when可以被as soon as代替。replace . with/by .(用)替换;(以)接替take ones place take the place of 代替in place of in ones place 代替;取代replacement n. 更换;替换的人(物)Teachers will never be replaced with/by puters in the classroom.课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。Jane was on holiday, so I went to the conference in_place_of her.简在休假,所以我代替她出席了这次会议。John is ill and I want to know who is going to replace him.John is ill and I want to know who is going to take_the_place_of_him/take_his_place.约翰病了,我想知道谁将代替他。3delighted adj.高兴的;快乐的高考佳句Im Li Hua. I am delighted to know you are interested in Tang poems.(2017全国卷书面表达)我是李华。我很高兴得知你对唐诗感兴趣。(1)be delighted at/with/by对感到高兴be delighted to do sth. 高兴做某事(2)delight n& vt. (使)高兴to ones delight to the delight of sb.令某人高兴的是take delight in (doing) sth. 以(做)某事为乐with delight 高兴地I am very delighted to_tell (tell) you something about the College Entrance Examination.(2014四川高考满分作文)我非常高兴地向你讲述关于高考的事。To_my_delight,_I was chosen from hundreds of applicants to attend the opening ceremony.(2015福建高考单选)令我高兴的是,我从几百位申请者中被选出来参加开幕式。I cannot tell you how delighted I was with/by/at the beautiful birthday present you gave me.我无法告诉你我收到你送的漂亮的生日礼物时我是多么高兴。词汇过关练.单句语法填空1They gave us a warm wele when we arrived at the factory.2The pany founded (found) in 2017 now has several offices in Europe.3Can you provide any evidence that he was innocent of the crime? 4Even a small success could also give you a sense of achievement (achieve)5Its not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with/by snacks.6The flight (fly) from Tokyo to Shanghai will take off one hour later.7We are delighted to_have (have) the opportunity to spend some time in that country.8I argued about the governments new economic (economy) policy with him.单句改错1We offered him our congratulation on his passing the driving test.congratulationcongratulations2Mr Brown stood at the door, weled newers with a large smile. weledweling或weled前加and3He looks happy; in other words, he looks delightful.delightfuldelighted4The plane crashed killing all 200 people on aboard.去掉on5Founding in the early 20th century, the school keeps on inspiring childrens love of art. FoundingFounded.单句写作(补全句子/一句多译)1令我高兴的是,他欣然接受了邀请。To_my_delight,_he_was_delighted_to_accept the invitation.2我们祝贺你们通过了高考。Congratulations_to_you_on your passing the College Entrance Examination.(congratulation)We offer_our_congratulations_to_you_on your passing the College Entrance Examination.(congratulation)We congratulate_you_on your passing the College Entrance Examination.(congratulate)3没有人可以取代父亲在她心目中的位置。No one can replace_her_father in her heart. (replace)No one can take_the_place_of_her_father in her heart. (take the place of)No one can take_her_fathers_place in her heart. (take ones place)第二板块短语、句式突破1in total总共;合计;总计教材原句In total, these astronauts have spent more than 26,000 days in space.这些宇航员总共在太空中待的时间已经超过了26 000天。a total of总数为total up to 合计;总数达到totally adv. 完全地;全部地;整个地He is scheduled to find a_total_of 40 time twins before his 40th birthday.(2014广东高考满分作文)他计划在他40岁生日前找到总共40位同年同月同日出生的人。Frustrated by frequent failures in my English exams, I found myself on the point of giving up totally (total)(2014湖北高考满分作文)英语考试中一次又一次的失败让我感到灰心丧气,我差一点完全放弃。2now that既然;由于教材原句Now that I have made this first visit, I hope I can e many more times.既然我已经有了这第一次参观,我希望我能多来几次。up to now/until now到目前为止(every) now and then 不时;时而from now on 从现在起in that 因为Now_that_you_are_fond_of_Chinese_traditional_culture,_I think this is a great opportunity that cannot be missed.(2017全国卷书面表达)既然你喜欢中国传统文化,我认为这是一个你不能错过的好机会。I have heard nothing from him up_to_now/until_now.到目前为止我没有他的任何消息。She was fortunate in_that she had friends to help her.她很幸运,因为有朋友帮助她。名师指津now that相当于since,是连词词组,用来引导原因状语从句,口语中经常省略that,只用now,这时now已经失去了“现在”的含义。3Is_this_the_first_time_hes_seen aliens landing on the moon?这是他第一次看见外星人登陆月球吗?句式“This/That/It is/was the first/second . last timethat从句”,表示“这/那是第一/第二最后一次”。其中,that引导的是定语从句,that在口语中常省略。从句通常用完成时态。主句谓语是is,从句用现在完成时;主句谓语是was,从句用过去完成时。This is the last time that I have_told (tell) you how to do it.这是我最后一次告诉你怎么做。It was the third time that he had_asked (ask) the same question.这是他第三次问同一个问题了。(1)It is time (for sb.) to do sth.表示“该是(某人)做某事的时候了”。(2)It is (high/about) timethat . 表示“该做”,that从句的谓语动词常用虚拟语气,即“should动词原形”或动词的过去式,should不可以省略。Its time for you to_go (go) to watch the swimming petition.你该去看游泳比赛了。It is high time that we took/should_take (take) effective measures to control the environment pollution.该是我们采取有效措施来控制环境污染的时候了。短语、句式过关练.total短语填空1He has been living here for a_total_of 30 years, so hes familiar with every corner of the area.2It is reported that 8 people were killed and 2 people were missing in the heavy floods in_total.3The visitors to the exhibition totaled_up_to 15,000.选词填空1Up_to_now she hasnt been very serious about her work.2Now_that youre growing up you must learn to stand on your own two feet. 3His request is unreasonable in_that he knows we cant afford it.4The speaker told a joke or story now_and_then when he gave the talk to keep us interested. 5If you study harder than before from_now_on,_Im sure that you can win.单句语法填空/句型转换1This is the first time we have_seen (see) a film in the cinema together as a family.2It was the third time that she had_been_praised (praise)3Its time for us to take measures to protect endangered animals.Its time that we_took/should_take_measures to protect endangered animals.提能一用课文词汇写高分作文congratulation, delighted, achievement, flight, astronaut, universe, now that, believe in, concentrate on1补全要点句(“黑体”部分选用上面方框中的单词或短语)当我们听到我国成功把“天舟一号”货运飞船送入太空时,我们都表示了祝贺。When we heard that our country had successfully sent Tianzhou1 Cargo Spaceship into space, we offered our congratulations.我们非常高兴在太空飞行上取得了巨大的成就。We are very delighted that we have won great achievements in space flight.既然你的梦想是当一名宇航员,就应该相信自己。Now_that your dream is to be an astronaut,_you should believe_in yourself.你应该了解更多有关宇宙的知识,并做好充分的准备。You should know more about the universe,_and make full preparations.现在是你集中精力学习的时候了。Now its time for you to concentrate_on your study.2升级平淡句(1)用状语从句的省略改写句When_hearing_that_our_country_had_successfully_sent_Tianzhou1_Cargo_Spaceship_into_space,_we_offered_our_congratulations.(2)用“Its time that .”句型改写句Now_its_time_that_you_concentrated/should_concentrate_on_your_study.3衔接成语篇(注意使用适当的过渡衔接词汇:besides, but)When hearing that our country had successfully sent Tianzhou1 Cargo Spaceship into space, we offered our congratulations. We are very delighted that we have won great achievements in space flight.Now that your dream is to be an astronaut, you should believe in yourself. Besides, you should know more about the universe, and make full preparations. But now its time that you concentrated/should concentrate on your study.提能二用课文句型解构高考长难句本单元突破点while引导状语从句定语从句经典例句比较分析真题尝试翻译课文长难句While he was travelling in space, Yang spoke to two astronauts aboard the International Space Station, which is orbiting the earth, American astronaut Edward Lu and Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko. Lu, whose parents were born in China, spoke to Yang in Chinese during his flight.while引导时间状语从句,which和whose分别引导定语从句。尽管迄今为止不同时间挤的牛奶对人们的作用还未得到证实,但是建议那些夜晚失眠的人服用含有褪黑激素的药物。真题长难句While the effect of cows milk harvested at different time has not been tested on humans up to now, taking melatonin drugs has been suggested to those who are struggling to fall asleep at night.(2016四川高考阅读理解D)while引导让步状语从句,who引导定语从句。“社会生活”是高中新课程标准24个话题之一。“新闻媒体”是其中的一个子话题,也是高考热点话题。报纸、期刊、广播、电视、互联网新闻、媒体网站等这些都是新闻媒体,亦称大众媒体。我们身边每时每刻无不在发生着各种各样的新闻、消息,我们每个人也是通过这些新闻媒体而获得这些新闻和消息。可以说,我们生活离不开新闻媒体。纵观历年高考试题,此话题多在完形填空、阅读理解、书面表达等题型中考查。一、话题与语篇考题示例(2016全国卷阅读D)1Bad news sells. If it bleeds, it leads. No news is good news, and good news is no news. Those are the classic rules for the evening broadcasts and the morning papers. But now that information is being spread and monitored (监控) in different ways, researchers are discovering new rules. By tracking peoples emails and online posts, scientists have found that good news can spread faster and farther than disasters and sob stories.2“The if it bleeds rule works for mass media,” says Jonah Berger, a scholar at the University of Pennsylvania. “They want your eyeballs and dont care how youre feeling. But when you share a story with your friends, you care a lot more how they react. You dont want them to think of you as a Debbie Downer.”3Researchers analyzing wordofmouth munication emails, Web posts and reviews, facetoface conversations found that it tended to be more positive than negative (消极的), but that didnt necessarily mean people preferred positive news. Was positive news shared more often simply because people experienced more good things than bad things? To test for that possibility, Dr. Berger looked at how people spread a particular set of news stories: thousands of articles on The New York Times website. He and a Penn colleague analyzed the “most emailed” list for six months. One of his first findings was that articles in the science section were much more likely to make the list than nonscience articles. He found that science amazed Times readers and made them want to share this positive feeling with others.4Readers also tended to share articles that were exciting or funny, or that inspired negative feelings like anger or anxiety, but not articles that left them merely sad. They needed to be aroused (激发) one way or the other, and they preferred good news to bad. The more positive an article, the more likely it was to be shared, as Dr. Berger explains in his new book, “Contagious: Why Things Catch On.”1What do the classic rules mentioned in the text apply to?ANews reports.BResearch papers.CPrivate emails. DDaily conversations.2What can we infer about people like Debbie Downer?ATheyre socially inactive.BTheyre good at telling stories.CTheyre inconsiderate of others.DTheyre careful with their words.3Which tended to be the most emailed according to Dr. Bergers research?ASports news. BScience articles.CPersonal accounts. DFinancial reviews.4What can be a suitable title for the text?ASad Stories Travel Far and WideBOnline News Attracts More PeopleCReading Habits Change with the TimesDGood News Beats Bad on Social Networks策略指导(一)这样读文第1步:宏观把握文章大意分层抓关键句概括层意行文结构第1段第1段画波浪线部分科学家发现好消息要比坏消息传播得更快更远总说好消息要比坏消息传播得更快更远第2段第2段画波浪线部分人们不像大众媒体一样为传播消息不择手段分说人们对大众媒体的传统看法第3段第3段画波浪线部分研究者分析在网络媒体上人们更倾向于分享积极的信息的原因分说网络媒体下人们的倾向第4段第4段画波浪线部分读者也倾向于分享一些令人感到兴奋或有趣的文章第2步:微观突破理解障碍自主翻译读者也倾向于分享令人感到兴奋或是有趣的文章,或是引发愤怒或焦急的消极感受的文章,而不是仅仅让他们感到忧伤的文章。(二)这样做题名师解题1细节理解题。选A根据第一段中的“Those are the classic rules for the evening broadcasts and the morning papers.”可知传统规则适用于新闻报道,故答案为A项。A项为合理判断,B、C两项答非所问,D项曲解文意。2推理判断题。选C根据第二段可知大众媒体只关心是否吸引你的眼球,而不关心你的感受,但是当你和朋友分享故事的时候,你会非常关心你朋友的反应,不希望对方认为你是一个冷漠的、不体贴的人。C项符合文意,为合理推断。其他三项为曲解文意。3细节理解题。选B根据第三段倒数第二句“One of his first findings was that articles in the science section were much more likely to make the list than nonscience articles.”可知科学类的文章比非科学类的文章被写入邮件的可能性大得多,故B项正确。其他三项为混淆视听错误。4标题归纳题。选D根据第一段可知,坏消息传播得更快。如果新闻里有流血事件,那么这条新闻会成为头版头条,引起人们的注意。但是现在情况发生了变化,研究者通过追踪人们的邮件和网络跟帖,发现好的消息传播得更快。在现在的社交网络媒体中,好消息打败了坏消息,故D项正确,为合理概括。A项为以偏概全,B、C两项为曲解文意。阅读理解系列技法8速解“开门见山式”文章标题归纳题所谓“开门见山式”文章,指的是行文结构为“总分”或“总分总”结构的文章。由于大部分英语文章都是总分结构,因此抓住了首段也就找到了主旨大意或者题目,新闻报道类的文章更是如此。当然了,也有总分总结构,一般是首尾呼应,弄清楚文章的结构确定主题就简单了。例如本文就属于“开门见山式”文章,采用“总分”结构,重点看第一段就可以了。首段讲的是人们常说“没有消息就是最好的消息”,类似的传统说法只适合于大众媒体。在网络普及的时代,好消息在网络媒体中传播速度比坏消息要快很多。因此,第4题应该选择D项。(三)这样积累1classic adj.经典的;传统的 2track vt. 追踪 3analyze vt. 对进行分析;分解 4positive adj. 积极的 5colleague n. 同事 6merely adv. 仅仅;只不过;只是 7mass media 大众传播媒体 8think of . as . 认为是 9tend to 倾向于 10thousands of 数以千计/成千上万的 11catch on 理解;明白;变得流行 二、话题与写作考题示例(2015安徽高考)某英文杂志正在举办以“Fancy yourself as an interviewer”为主题的征文活动,请你以“A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview”为题,写一篇英语短文。内容包括:1.采访的对象;2采访的原因;3想提的问题。注意:1.词数120左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息;4短文的标题已给出,不计入总词数。A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview 写作规范 第一步:写对词汇不丢冤枉分1对感兴趣be_interested_in 2太空探索 space_exploration3大量;很多 a_good/great_deal4向学习 learn_from5宇航员 astronaut 6个人的;私人的 personal 第二步:列全要点、写对句子保基本分1他是第一个到太空的中国人。He is_the_first_Chinese_to_go_to_space.2他是世界上最伟大的宇航员之一。He is_one_of_the_greatest_astronauts in the world.3如果采访他,我会问他是什么让他成为一名宇航员。If I could interview him, I would_ask_him_what_made_him_an


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