2019高考英语一轮复习 习题天天练 模块6 Unit 3 Understanding each other 牛津译林版选修6.doc

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Unit 3 Understanding each other一、阅读理解。Recent months have seen a revival of the humble(普通的)bike across China, with an increasing number of people choosing pedaling(骑车)instead of driving to school, to workplaces or to do sightseeing. The introduction of bike-sharing systems, services in which bicycles are made available for shared use to individuals who do not own them and pioneered by start-ups like Ofo and Mobike, has brought the trend to a new level.Washington D. C. has one of the biggest bike sharing systems in the US with 3, 700 bikes and 440 stations. The UK, France and Germany all have growing programs. However, China, so far, outdoes(超过)them all by operating three out of four of the worlds shard bikes.People can unlock the shard bikes by simply using their smartphone. The bikes are equipped with GPS and users of Chinas versions can leave bikes anywhere in public for the next user. Theyre popular among many Chinese people as they provide an effective solution to the “last mile” problem, which refers to the final leg of a persons journey.However, the Chinese programs have also led to problems such as illegal parking, vandalism(故意破坏)and theft. In fact, these problems are also shared by bike-sharing programs abroad. Launched in 2007, Vilb is a large-scale public bike sharing system in Paris. At its early stage of operation, it also suffered from problems of vandalism or theft. By Oct 2009, a large number of Vlibs initial bikes had to be replaced due to vandalism or theft, according to The New York Times.To deal with these problems, the pany came up with the idea of encouraging people to return the bikes to stations by rewarding free time for their next rides. Now, Chinese service operators are also trying to address these problems. For example, Mobike sets a 100-point credit score for each user, with points taken in the case of bad behavior. Once a score drops below 80, bike rental is increased to 100 yuan per 30 minutes, up from 0. 5-1 yuan.1.What can we learn about bike sharing systems?A. They offer free bike rides.B. They are running perfectly.C. China operates the biggest system.D. France was the first to launch the system.2.As a means of transportation, bike-sharing can be best described as _.A. promising but expensive.B. convenient and eco-friendly.C. eco-friendly but ineffective.D. troublesome and meaningless.3.What can be a suitable title for the text?A. Shared Bikes Pedal into Style.B. Problems with Bikes in China.C. Shared Bikes Attract Young People.D. Transportation Changes with the Times.【文章大意】本文为说明文。讲述的是共享单车成为一种新的趋势,并介绍了它的优缺点。2.B 【解析】推理判断题。根据第三段可知共享单车方便而且环保,故选B。3.A 【解析】主旨大意题。纵观全文可知本文讲的是共享单车成为一种新的趋势,与A项一致,故选A。二、单项填空1.Over the years the European Union has made great efforts to _ the safety of food and protect the health ofits people.A. observe B. ensure C. indicate D. predict【答案】B【解析】observe 观察;ensure 保证,担保;indicate 表明;predict 预测。句意:多年来欧盟已经尽力确保食品安全保护人民健康。 根据语境选 B。2.In a natural disaster, minutes and even seconds of warning can make the _ between life and death.A. division B. difference C. separation D. sense【答案】B【解析】make the difference between and。意思是:在和之间有差别。句意:发生自然灾害时,几分钟甚至几秒钟的提前警告,都能产生生死之别。3.Lets hold a party to _ your birthday and at the same time _ you on your passing the driving test.A. congratulate; celebrate B. celebrate; celebrateC. celebrate; congratulate D. congratulate; congratulate【答案】C【解析】celebrate 庆祝节日等;congratulate 庆贺某人,向道贺。第一空是表示庆祝生日,用 celebrate;第二空表示因某事向某人道贺,congratulate sb. on sth.结构,用 congratulate。句意:让我们来举行一次晚会庆祝你的生日,同时也祝贺你通过驾照考试。4.The mobile phone has bee a major means of munication, _ us to keep in touch as well as to surfthe Internet to keep us informed of the latest news.A. supposing B. permitting C. forbidding D. persuading【答案】A【解析】句意:手机已经成为一种主要的交际方式,允许我们保持联系以及上网能够让我们随时了解最新新闻。故选 A。permit sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事;forbid sb. to do sth.禁止某人做某事;persuadesb. to do sth.劝服某人做某事。5.Although the authorities _ people from climbing up that section of the Great Wall, some people still visitthat area.A. quit B. prohibit C. object D. oppose【答案】B【解析】prohibit sb. from doing sth.“禁止某人做某事” 。句意:尽管当局禁止人们攀爬长城的那个部分,但是仍然有些人前往这个地区游玩。6.Something is wrong with his camera. It cant be _ to take photos in cloudy conditions.A. adapted B. adjusted C. adopted D. remedied【答案】B【解析】adjust 调整。句意:他的相机出问题了,因为它无法在多云天气下调整拍照了。7.Schools in Japan make students bee _ being in the earthquake by organizing earthquake practice everymonth.A. popular with B. consistent with C. familiar to D. familiar with【答案】D【解析】句意:日本的学校通过每个月组织防震演习使学生们熟悉处于地震中的情况。familiar 熟悉的;popular 流行的,受欢迎的;consistent 一致的;similar 类似的,相似的。8.Unfortunately the restaurant he remended fell short of our _.A. expectations B. advantages C. opportunities D. contributions【答案】A【解析】expectations 期待,期望,预期;advantage 优越性,有利方面,有利条件,优点,优势;opportunity机会,机遇;contribution 贡献,捐赠。句意; 遗憾的是他推荐的餐厅与我们心目中期望的相去甚远。根据句意选 A 项。9.According to police _, Mr. and Mrs. Hunt were found dead on the floor of their kitchen.A. appointments B. accounts C. agreements D. assistance【答案】B【解析】句意:根据警方的解释。Hunt 先生和夫人被发现死在家里厨房的地板上。account 账户,账号,说明,叙述。police accounts 警方解释;appointment 约定,约会;agreement 协议;assistance 援助,帮助。10.Its impossible for her to have more free time to acpany her parents because her work _ much oftheir time.A. takes up B. takes over C. takes off D. takes in【答案】A【解析】take up 拿起,占据(时间或空间);take over 接管;take off 脱掉,起飞;take in 吸收,上当。句意:她不可能有更多的空余时间来陪伴她的父母,因为工作占据了她的大部分时间。11.Team leaders must _ that all members get over their natural desire to avoid the embarrassmentassociated with making mistakes.A. satisfy B. promise C. quarrel D. ensure【答案】D【解析】句意:团队领导们务必保证(ensure)所有成员克服他们的天生的欲望想要避免因犯错误而带来的尴尬。根据句意选 D。12.Experience doesnt always _ to the problem we are faced with.A. make a choice B. make a difference C. make up D. make out【答案】B。make a choice 做出选择;make a difference 起作用,有影响,有意义;make up 组成,编造,化妆;make out 理解,辨认出。句意:经验并不总是对你所面临的问题起到解决的作用的。13.Hi, Mum. I got promoted for my wonderful performance in my work._A. Congratulations! B. Best wishes. C. Good luck. D. Dont mention it.【答案】A【解析】孩子因在工作中表现得好而得到提升,妈妈应该表示“祝贺” ,故选 A。14.It made our head teacher angry _ Wang Lin, without the _ from the school,was absent from classfor a week.A. that, permission B. which, permit C. which, permission D. that, permit【答案】A【解析】句意:王琳未经学校允许旷课一周,这使我们的校长很生气。it 是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的从句,而且引导词在从句中不作成分,故应用 that 引导。permission 允许,许可。15.Chinese customs regulations _ taking precious works of art out of China.A. prohibit B. Forbid C. avoid D. respect【答案】A【解析】句意:中国海关条例规定禁止将珍贵的文物带出中国。prohibit 和 forbid 这两个词都有“禁止”的意思,但应用范围不同:prohibit 用于上级部门的正式法令、规定或权威机构的法律、法令;forbid用于普通人之间如禁止某人做某事,或不让某人做某事。三、完形填空。I promise you, there will never be a perfect time to do anything in your life. 1will ever feel 100% certain or make perfect sense to you and everyone else. There will 2 be a perfect time to fall in love, or to travel the world. You will never have enough training, enough preparation, or enough money. And 3 this, even when you feel ready to take a brave step into the4, others will likely try to 5 you out of it. Because they wont feel ready themselves, and your ambition and bravery will 6 their levels of fort. But you dont 7 them an explanation, or any other personal 8 you dont want to make. This is rather difficult to 9 at first. Waiting to feel 100% ready or sure is the 10 way in which we cheat ourselves out of wonderful life experiences. I challenge you to 11 free yourself from this self-limiting state of mind. Book that plane ticket, even if you feel lots of 12. Sign up for that educational course, even if you have no idea 13 it will go. Trust me when I tell you it will all e together for the14. When you achieve your dreams with15, when you meet them with mental and physical devotion, you16 your trust in the act of LIVING. You make your dreams a 17 instead of line items on a list. And thats good because your dreams are 18 to experience. You have to 19 them out in the real world to know if theyre possible and worthwhile adventures in the long run. As you 20 on this new journey of living, remember that some people around you will naturally be taken aback. But as long as you arent hurting them, you dont owe them anything that takes away your power to move forward with your life. 【文章大意】本文主要介绍了在我们的生活中永远不会有一个完美的时间去做任何事情。所以我们应该想做就做, 不要顾虑太多, 当我们在一个新的生活之旅中前进时, 我们才会发现它带来的惊喜。1. A. SomethingB. NothingC. AnythingD. Everything【解析】选B。根据上文说在你的生活中永远不会有一个完美的时间去做任何事情。可知句意: 没有什么能让你和其他人拥有100%确定的或完美的感觉。故选B。2. A. neverB. alwaysC. occasionallyD. forever【解析】选A。从来都没有一个可以去恋爱和去世界各地旅行的完美时候。故选A。3. A. despite B. for C. from D. after【解析】选A。这里的尽管如此是指上文提到的没有时间去恋爱、去旅行等。despite尽管, 故选A。4. A. impossibleB. unknownC. beautifulD. true【解析】选B。尽管如此, 即使你准备勇敢地踏入未知世界。unknown未知的, 故选B。5. A. helpB. cheatC. talkD. get【解析】选C。其他人也可能会试图说服你放弃它。help帮助; cheat欺骗; talk谈话、劝说; get得到。故选C。6. A. improveB. removeC. increaseD. challenge【解析】选D。因为他们自己不会觉得自己准备好了, 你的雄心和勇敢会挑战他们的舒适度。也就是你的做法让他们不舒服。improve提高; remove移除; increase增加; challenge挑战。故选D。7. A. offerB. giveC. allowD. owe【解析】选D。但你不欠他们一个解释。offer提供; give给; allow允许; owe欠。故选D。8. A. excuseB. decisionC. sacrificeD. profit【解析】选C。或者你也不必做出任何你不想做的个人牺牲。excuse借口; decision决定; sacrifice牺牲; profit利润。故选C。9. A. refuseB. graspC. admitD. confirm【解析】选B。这一点很难掌握。“这一点”是指找到合适的时机做自己的事, 无需向他人解释。refuse拒绝; grasp抓住、掌握; admit承认; confirm证实。故选B。10. A. hardestB. bitterestC. easiestD. dullest【解析】选C。等待自己感到100%准备好了或很肯定时再去做是一种最简单的欺骗自己去错过精彩人生经历的办法。 hardest最困难的; bitterest最苦的; easiest最容易的; dullest最迟钝的。故选C。11. A. automaticallyB. casuallyC. vainlyD. consciously【解析】选D。我要让你有意识地让自己摆脱这种自我限制的心态。automatically自动地; casually随意地; vainly徒劳地; consciously有意识地。故选D。12. A. uncertaintyB. fortC. anxietyD. hopelessness【解析】选A。订下那张飞机票, 尽管你感到了很多的不确定性。uncertainty不确定; fort舒适; anxiety焦虑; hopelessness无希望。故选A。13. A. howB. whenC. whyD. whether【解析】选A。报名参加那个教育课程, 即使你不知道会怎么样发展。故选A。14. A. worseB. betterC. closerD. deeper【解析】选B。当我告诉你一切都会好起来的时候, 请相信我。15. A. difficultyB. doubtC. intentionD. success【解析】选C。当你有意识地去实现你的梦想时, 当你以精神和肉体的投入去面对它们时, 你就把你的信任投入到生活的行动中去了。difficulty困难; doubt怀疑; intention目的; success成功。故选C。16. A. carryB. removeC. experienceD. invest【解析】选D。carry携带; remove移除; experience经历; invest投资, 投入。故选D。17. A. realityB. priorityC. burdenD. relief【解析】选B。你优先考虑你的梦想而不只是纸上谈兵。reality现实; priority优先权; burden负担; relief安心。故选B。18. A. meantB. listedC. realizedD. entitled【解析】选A。那很好, 因为你的梦想就意味着体验。mean意味着; list列出; realize意识到; entitle使有资格。故选A。19. A. checkB. bringC. workD. test【解析】选D。你必须在现实世界中测试它们, 以确定它们是否有可能, 并且值得长期冒险。check核对; bring带来; work工作; test测试。故选D。20. A. wanderB. restC. progressD. hesitate【解析】选C。当你在这个新的生活之旅中取得进展时, 记住: 你周围的一些人自然会大吃一惊。wander闲逛; rest休息; progress进步, 前进; hesitate犹豫。故选C。四、短文改错。I still remember the first day I e to this new school.Everything was new to me,what made me realize I was no longer a small child.I had to depend on me.Luckily,I made several good friend.Their interests were similar with mine.I had great English teacher,Maggie. She let me know the important of English.So I decided to learn English hardly.Although it was very difficult at first,but with the help of my teacher,I made rapidly progress.Just as the old saying goes,“Where there is a will,there is a way.”【答案】I still remember the first day I to this new school.Everything was new to me, made me realize I was no longer a small child.I had to depend on .Luckily,I made several good .Their interests were similar mine.I had great English teacher,Maggie.She let me know the of English.So I decided to learn English .Although it was very difficult at first, with the help of my teacher,I made progress.Just as the old saying goes,“Where there is a will,there is a way.”第一处:ecame。考查时态。本句话叙述我第一次来到这所学校的情景,应该用一般过去时。第二处:whatwhich。考查关系代词。分析句子结构可知,此处应用which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面的句子“Everything was new to me”。第三处:memyself。考查代词。句意:我不得不依靠我自己。当主语和宾语指的是同一个人的时候,宾语要用反身代词。第四处:friendfriends。考查名词的数。由前面的several(几个)可知,此处应用名词的复数形式。第五处:withto。考查固定搭配。be similar to.意为“与相似”,为固定搭配。第六处:great前加a。考查冠词。句意:我有一位了不起的英语老师Maggie。此处表泛指,应用不定冠词。第七处:importantimportance。考查名词。句意:她让我认识到英语的重要性。由定冠词the可知,此处应用名词。第八处:hardlyhard。考查副词。句意:因此我决定努力学习英语。hard意为“努力地”,hardly意为“几乎不”。根据句意可知,应用hard。第九处:删除but。考查连词。although意为“尽管”,不与but连用,因此删除but。第十处:rapidlyrapid。考查形容词。修饰名词应用形容词,因此将rapidly改为rapid。

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