2019版高考英语 Unit 20 New Frontiers夯练(含解析)北师大版选修7.doc

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Unit 20 New Frontiers一、阅读理解。Golden Gate BridgeLocated in San Francisco,the Golden Gate Bridge started in the year 1933 to connect the San Francisco Peninsula with Marin County.It was finally thrown open to public in 1937.It cost more than$35 million in the construction.Till the year 1957,the Golden Gate Bridge,at a length of 2,737 meters, was the longest suspension bridge in the world.Brooklyn BridgeThe Brooklyn Bridge is located in Brooklyn.It is one of the oldest bridges in the United States,opened in the year 1883.The length of the bridge is 1,825 meters.The bridge has been featured in several Hollywood movies.George Washington BridgeAlso known as the Hudson River Bridge,the George Washington Bridge which connects Fort Lee to Manhattan came into use in 1931 after a construction period of almost 4 years.It is a twolevel suspension bridge.Mackinac BridgeThis is the third biggest suspension bridge in the world at a length of 8,038 meters.The architect of this bridge was Dr.David BSteinman who directed the construction of the bridge which started in the year 1954 and opened to the public in 1957.People using this bridge are charged a certain amount of money.Navajo BridgeLocated in Arizona,this bridge crosses the Colorado River and is almost 250 meters long.The construction of this bridge started in the year 1927,ending two years later,costing $390,000.In the 1990s a second bridge was built which was opened to the public in 1995.The first bridge is still used by pedestrians now.1What do we know about the Golden Gate Bridge?AIt consists of two bridges.BIt costs the least of the five bridges.CIt is the longest suspension bridge in the world.DIt takes about 4 years to plete the construction.2Which of the following bridges was built the earliest?AGolden Gate Bridge.BBrooklyn Bridge.CGeorge Washington Bridge.DNavajo Bridge.3What will you do if you drive across Mackinac Bridge?AHave to pay some money.BUse the second bridge.CCover nearly 250 meters.DSee the statue of Dr.David BSteinman.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了美国五座著名的大桥。1D考查推理判断。根据第一段中的“the Golden Gate Bridge started in the year 1933 to connect the San Francisco Peninsula with Marin County.It was finally thrown open to public in 1937”可推知,金门大桥的建筑时间约有四年,故D项正确。2B考查细节理解。由题干关键词“was built the earliest”定位到每座大桥的建筑时间;根据文中各座大桥的建筑时间可知,布鲁克林大桥是最古老的大桥,故B项正确。3A考查细节理解。根据第四段尾句“People using this bridge are charged a certain amount of money”可知,使用麦基诺大桥的人会被收取一定量的钱,故A项正确。二、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(2017内蒙古四校统一能力测试)The Pacific OceanThe Pacific Ocean is the 61._ (large) of the Earths oceans, covering about 46% of the Earths water surface and 32% of its total surface area.It extends 62._ the Arctic in the north to the Antarctica in the south, 63._ (surround) by Asia and Australia in the west and the Americas in the east.The Pacific Ocean contains about 25,000 islands.The 64._ (major) of them are found south of the equator.65._ water near the equator is less salty than that found in the midlatitudes (中纬度) for 66._ (abundance) equatorial precipitation (赤道降水) throughout the year.The surface circulation of Pacific waters is 67._ (general) clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.The exploitation of the Pacifics mineral wealth is various, 68._ is influenced by the oceans great depths.In shallow waters off the coasts of Australia and New Zealand, natural gas is produced, and pearls 69._ (harvest) along the coasts of Australia, Japan and the Philippines.One more thing worth 70._ (mention) is that the Pacifics greatest wealth is its fish.【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了世界上最大的大洋太平洋。61largest解析:考查形容词最高级。根据句意及空前的“the”可知,此处应该使用形容词的最高级形式。62from解析:考查介词。此处指它从北半球的北极延伸到南半球的南极地区。from与后面的“to”形成对应。63surrounded解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中作伴随状语,且由空格后的“by”可知,此处指的是太平洋被围绕,表被动,故应用过去分词。64majority解析:考查名词。由空前的“The”和空后的“of”可知,这里应填一个名词。major本身可以作名词,表示“专业”,显然不符合语境。此处应用majority“大部分”。65The解析:考查冠词。根据water后面的修饰语“near the equator”可知,此处应用定冠词The表特指。66abundant解析:考查形容词。根据语境和句子结构可知,空处在句中作定语修饰名词,故应用其形容词形式。67generally解析:考查副词。此处表示通常,太平洋水域的表面循环在北半球是顺时针方向的,在南半球是逆时针方向的。应用副词修饰整个句子,故用generally。68which解析:考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词The exploitation,且在从句中作主语,故只能用which。69are harvested解析:考查时态和语态。根据句子结构可知,pearls与harvest之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,且本文的基本时态为一般现在时,故此处也需要用一般现在时,故填are harvested。70mentioning解析:考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中作worth的宾语,worth后接动词时应用其ing形式,即用主动形式表被动含义。worth doing sth.“值得做某事”。三、短文改错。假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。(2017厦门高三第一次质检)One day, some children were playing hideandseek while they heard a boy names Tate shouting.“Help! The golden lion is ing after me!” They go running to help Tate, only find him laughing on the ground.One child said, “You shouldnt do that.If you are real in trouble, nobody will e to help you.”In a rainy day, Tate shouted again, “The river is flooding and I cant swim.Help!” The children didnt believe her this time.But a girl saw everything and called the others to save him.Tate was not sorry for playing tricks on his friend.So from that day on, Tate never did that again.答案:One day, some children were playing hideandseek they heard a boy Tate shouting.“Help! golden lion is ing after me!” They running to help Tate, only find him laughing on the ground.One child said, “You shouldnt do that.If you are in trouble, nobody will e to help you.” a rainy day, Tate shouted again, “The river is flooding and I cant swim.Help!” The children didnt believe this time.But a girl saw everything and called the others to save him.Tate was sorry for playing tricks on his .So from that day on, Tate never did that again.四、七选五。根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。English teachers love William Shakespeare for all his wonderful 16th century dialogue and prose (散文). 1 If you need or want to read a edy or tragedy of Shakespeares and dont know how to begin, here are some tips to get you started. Keep a Shakespeare lexicon handy. A lexicon is a reference guide similar to a dictionary, except that it defines and explains word usage from different periods or regions. 2Explore online study guides. Many sites offer free study guides to the works of William Shakespeare. 3 These websites will include a character analysis, a plot timeline, major themes and chapters, as well as an explanation of unfamiliar terms. 4 Charles and Mary Lamb have written beautiful story versions that are very readable for all ages. If you read it as a story without the dialogue or unfamiliar dialect and language, you will get a feel for the plot and characters. You will understand the story better. Watch a theater or movie version of the play. You can access some versions of the plays on Unitedstreaming. as a teacher. As a student, look on the Internet movie database for a prehensive list of productions. 5Shakespeares works are fun and wonderful! Make friends with the rhythm of this most engaging reading! Use this handy guide and youll be another Shakespeare in no time! A. Try to add the correct emotion. B. Listen to the way that the actors say the lines. C. His works were written for actors in a theater. D. English students hate him for the same reason. E. It will translate terms from middle to modern English. F. Read the story itself in childrens version to get the main plot. G. I regularly use Cliffnotes, Sparknotes and Pink Monkey for literary help. 【文章大意】莎士比亚作品用其独特的魅力吸引着读者, 文章就怎样更好地阅读莎士比亚作品给了我们一些建议。1. 【解析】选D。考查逻辑关系。上句讲英语老师们喜欢莎士比亚所有的16世纪的对话和散文, 下句: 学生们因为同样的原因不喜欢他, 与上句形成对比, 故选D。2. 【解析】选E。考查意义对等。本段讲学习莎士比亚作品先手边放一本莎士比亚词典, 根据explains word usage from different periods or regions. 可知这种词典能解释不同阶段不同地域的词的用法, E项: 它能翻译从中世纪英语到现代英语的术语, 符合本段内容, 讲词典的特殊功能, 故选E项。3. 【解析】选G。考查词汇复现。上句讲有许多网站提供免费的莎士比亚作品的学习指南, G项列举了作者常使用的网站名称, 与上文连接, 故选G。4. 【解析】选F。考查意义对等。根据本段story versions that are very readable for all ages. 和you will get a feel for the plot and characters. 可知推荐我们先读简易版本的莎士比亚作品帮助我们理解, F项表达了此意, 故选F。5. 【解析】选B。考查词汇复现。本段讲观看戏剧或电影版本的戏剧, B项: 听听演员们说台词的方式, 符合本段内容, 故选B。五、书面表达。(2017郑州第一次质量预测)假定你是李华,你校将接待一批来自美国的高中生到你校学习汉语,目前校办公室正在为他们征寻为期两周的接待家庭。请用英语给学校写一封信提出申请,说明你的理由和条件。内容要点:1基本情况(姓名、性别、年龄、性格等);2英语水平;3家庭条件;4相关经历;5其他注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3文中不得透露个人真实姓名和学校名称;4开头语和结束语已为你写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:host family接待家庭Dear Sir/Madam,_Yours faithfully,Li HuaOne possible version:Dear_Sir/Madam,Im Li Hua, an 18yearold girl student in Class One, Grade Three.Im openminded, easygoing and enthusiastic.I think my English is good enough to municate with foreigners and I like to make friends.I live in a beautiful apartment and luckily, my parents are glad to have a foreign student to stay with us.We have an extra room for guests.Besides, we have a private car.Most importantly, we just had a homestay American student last year.If you accept my application to be a host family, I promise to make the foreign student feel at home and we can visit some local places of interest in our free time.Looking forward to your early reply.Yours_faithfully,Li_Hua

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