2020高考英语新创新一轮复习 Unit 4 Public transport学案(含解析)牛津译林版选修7.doc

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2020高考英语新创新一轮复习 Unit 4 Public transport学案(含解析)牛津译林版选修7.doc_第1页
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2020高考英语新创新一轮复习 Unit 4 Public transport学案(含解析)牛津译林版选修7.doc_第3页
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Unit 4 Public transport一、课前基础自查(一)分类记单词省时高效.阅读单词(知其意) 1rail n 铁路;栏杆,扶手;横杆2outer adj. 远离中心的,外围的; 外表的,表层的3metropolitan adj. 大城市的,大都会的4tunnel n. 地下通道,隧道5section n. 部分;部件;部门6ownership n. 所有权,产权7architect n. 建筑师8prime adj. 首要的,主要的_n. 盛年;鼎盛时期9minister n. 部长,大臣;牧师10userfriendly adj. 方便用户的,便于使用的_11platform n. 站台,月台;平台;讲台,舞台_12handful n. 少量的人或物;一把(的量)13choke vi.& vt.(使)窒息;(使)哽咽;塞满,堵塞n. 哽咽声,呛住的声音14interval n. 间隔,间隙15pedestrian n. 行人,步行者adj. 行人(使用)的16crash n& vi.& vt. 撞车;碰撞;倒闭;崩溃17.brake n 刹车,车闸vt. 用车闸减速,刹车.重点单词(写其形)1detail n. 具体情况,详情,细节2authority n. 权力,权威;官方,当权者;批准,授权3enlarge vt.& vi. 扩大,扩展,增大4anniversary n. 周年纪念日5split vi.& vt. 分割,(使)分开;撕开,割破6annual adj. 每年的,一年一次的7departure n. 离开,出发;背离,违反8timetable n. 时间表,时刻表9drunk adj. 喝醉的n. 醉汉,酒鬼10convey vt. 运送,输送;表达11postpone vt. 延迟,延期12undertake vt.& vi. 承担,从事;承诺,答应13arise vi. 出现,产生14reservation n. 预订,预约;保留意见15load n. 负荷,负载;大量,许多 vt. 装载,装上,装入.拓展单词(通其变)1cyclist n骑自行车的人cycle v骑自行车2unfortunately adv.遗憾地,不幸地,可惜地fortunate adj.幸运的fortune n幸运,财富3unbelievable adj.非常坏(或非常好、非常极端)的,令人难以置信的believable adj.可信的believe v相信4growth n增加,增长;成长,生长grow v长大,生长 5enquiry n询问,咨询;调查,查究,探究enquire v询问,打听6receptionist n接待员reception n接待处;欢迎;接待receive vt.接待,招待7punctual adj.准时的,守时的punctually adv.准时地,守时地punctuality n准时,守时8aggressive adj.好斗的,挑衅的,富于攻击性的aggression n好斗情绪,攻击性aggressor n侵略者,挑衅者9violate vt.违犯,违反;侵犯violation n违反10crossing n人行横道;十字路口,交叉点;穿越cross vt.穿过语境活用1Yesterday I received a present. I dont know who sent it, but Ill make careful enquiries. Im writing to my friends to enquire about it.(enquiry)2When we got to that hotel, we were well received. We would appreciate it if the hotel receptionist can call a taxi for us when we check out tomorrow. Thus we will think well of their reception.(receive)3Her teachers did a lot for her growth. So when she grew up, she frequently visited them on festivals.(grow)4The officer involved was dismissed because he had violated strict guidelines. Now he regrets his violation of the rules.(violate)5She cycled too fast round the corner, lost her balance and fell off. What was worse, she ran into another cyclist.(cycle)6When you cross the street at a pedestrian crossing,_you cant be too careful.(cross)7Believe in yourself and work harder than others. Then you can do unbelievable things.(believable)8He wanted to make a fortune in the USA, but unfortunately,_he died halfway.(fortune)(二)练中记短语记牢用活写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.drop_off中途下客或卸货2link_up 联合,连接3put_through 给某人接通(电话);使经历4decide_on/upon 决定,选定5put_off 推迟,推延;使反感6turn_up 出现,到来;调高(音量等)7fill_in 填写(表格);消磨(时间)8split_up 分组,分解;分离9speed_up (使)加速10arise_from 起因于,由引起11at_(.)_intervals 每隔距离或时间12a_handful_of 少数的,少量的13result_in 造成14in_good_condition 身体健康,状况好15in_connection_with 与有联系16in_need_of 需要17watch_out_for 小心18be_aimed_at 旨在,目的是19look_both_ways 左顾右盼20step_into 步入,走进1.We have many activities aimed_at improving the students ability of listening and speaking.2Can you speed_up your work a little? The manager cant wait to see the result.3I rang you several times this morning but your secretary could not put me through to you. 4.I called him to tell you that if it should rain tomorrow, we would put_off_the sports meeting.5Scientists can link_up distant countries by radio or telephone.6He told me that the serious accident arose_from the drivers false operation.7The driver picks up two students along the highway every morning and drops them off at Oxford.8I want to know if you have decided_on/upon where youll spend your holidays.9Before leaving, he went into his office to fill_in the daily time sheet.10It is the burning of more and more fossil fuels that has resulted_in this increase in carbon dioxide.(三)仿写明句式以用为本教材原句句式解读句式仿写1.So, why not take a trip on the oldest underground system today?那么,今天为什么不乘坐世界上最古老的地铁观光一番呢?“why not动词原形”表示“为什么不”,常用来提出建议。(2017北京高考满分作文)既然你喜欢爬山,为什么不选择去泰山旅行呢?Since you like climbing the mountain, why_not_choose the trip to Mount Tai?2.Below are some of the major causes of road accidents in connection with vehicles such as cars, minibuses and lorries, and what drivers should do to prevent them.以下是机动车如小汽车、小型巴士和货车引起道路交通事故的一些主要原因,以及司机为防止事故应采取的措施。完全倒装句:表示地点、方向的副词或介词短语置于句首,主语较长,此时常使用倒装。(2017浙江高考写作佳句)沿途全是大树,如果累了我们可以乘凉。Along the road are_tall_trees,_we can relax in a cool place if were tired.3.It is up to all of us road users to make sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety.靠注意道路安全来确保避免事故,这就取决于我们大家,即道路使用者。It is up to sb. to do sth.意为“由某人决定做某事”。生命给予你时间与空间。如何填满它是你自己的事。Life provides you with time and space.Its_up_to_you_to_fill it_up.二、课堂重点深化1convey vt.运送,输送;表达,传达自主体验完成句子We conveyed_our_goods_from_here_to_market in an old truck.我们用一辆旧卡车把货物从这里运送到市场。At that moment words couldnt convey_my_emotions.在那一刻,语言无法表达我的情感。I wish to take this opportunity to ask you to convey_my_best_regards_to_your_mother.我希望借此机会向你妈妈致以我最美好的祝愿。系统归纳 convey ones feelings/meanings/appreciation/affection/emotions表达某人的感情/意思/感谢/喜爱/情感convey sth. to sb.向某人表达/传递某物convey sb./sth. from A to B 把某人或某物从A地运送到B地重点强化易错处处防When I returned home, I tried to convey the wonder of this machine for my husband.forto佳句时时写(2011大纲卷全国卷书面表达)我想表达的意思是:我在记笔记方面有一些困难并且我不知道如何使用图书馆。What_I_want_to_convey_is_that_I_have_some_difficulties_with_notetaking_and_I_dont_know_how_to_use_the_library.2. postpone vt.延迟,延期自主体验单句语法填空The only practicable alternative is to postpone holding (hold) the meeting.He decided to postpone the expedition until/to the following day.The postponement (postpone) was due to a dispute over where the talks should be held.系统归纳(1)postpone sth.(to/until .)推迟某事(到)postpone doing sth. 推迟做某事(2)postponement n. 延迟,延期重点强化易错处处防I shall postpone to make a decision till/until I learn full details.to_makemaking佳句时时写(2012湖北高考书面表达)每当我遇到困难,我从不拖延解决它们。Whenever_I_met_with_difficulties,_I_never_postponed_solving_them.3. undertake vt.& vi.承担,从事;承诺,答应自主体验完成句子We_cannot_undertake_that we shall finish the task in time.我们无法保证按时完成这项任务。She is glad to undertake_to_sweep_the_rooms and set them in order.她愿意负责把房间打扫干净,整理得有条不紊。They are willing to undertake_the_responsibility for the changes.他们愿意承担这些变革的责任。系统归纳undertake to do sth.答应/同意做某事undertake responsibility/a task/a project承担责任/任务/工程undertake that . 保证/承诺重点强化易错处处防If the equipment is not up to the agreed specifications and quality, we will undertake replace them.replace前加to佳句时时写(2009陕西高考书面表达)其次,你应该承诺做好自己的事情,向你的妈妈证明你已经是一个“成年人”。Second,_you_should_undertake_to_do_your_own_things_well,_proving_to_your_mom that_you_are_already_a_“grownup”4. reservation n预订,预约;保留意见自主体验单句语法填空Customers are advised to make seat reservations (reserve) in advance.Weve reserved a single room for you at the garden hotel.完成句子I support this measure, but it doesnt mean that I support you without_reservation.我支持这项措施,但这并不意味着我会无条件地支持你。I think Id better call them to make_a_reservation for tonight.我想我最好给他们打电话为今天晚上作个预约。Are you for building highways in_a_wildlife_reserve?你赞成在野生动物保护区修公路吗?系统归纳(1)without reservation无保留地,无条件地make a reservation 预订(房间、票);预约(2)reserve n. 储备,储存;自然保护区v. 储备,保留,预约reserve sth. for sb./sth. 为某人/某物预约/保留某物be reserved for 留作,(专)供之用a wildlife reserve 野生动物保护区重点强化易错处处防So if you are going to visit a friend, it is necessary to make reservation.reservation前加a佳句时时写(2013全国卷书面表达)你能到机场接我叔叔并把他带到预订好的宾馆吗?Would_you_please_meet_my_uncle_at_the_airport_and_take_him_to_the_reserved hotel?5. arise vi.出现,产生;(由)引起;起身;起床自主体验完成句子Science arose_from/out_of the practical necessity of dealing with everyday problems. 科学产生于人们处理日常问题的实际需要。Children should be disciplined when/if_the_need_arises.必要时孩子们应受到管教。系统归纳arise from arise out of由引起/产生if/when the need arises 如果/当有需要时重点强化易错对对碰(rise/arise)As a result of this rapid development, however, many problems have arisen.The temperature in the room is rising higher and higher.佳句时时写(2009陕西高考书面表达)你面临的问题不断出现,在我们青少年中很普遍。The_problem_you_are_facing_keeps_arising_and_it_is_mon_among_us_teenagers.6. load nC负荷,负载;大量,许多vt.装载,装上,装入自主体验单句语法填空They loaded themselves with food, medical supplies, and oxygen equipment.The good news has taken a load off my mind. 完成句子Uncle Jim brought a_load_of/loads_of_presents for the kids.吉姆大叔给孩子们带来了许多礼物。Knowing he was safe loaded_off_my_mind.得知他平安以后,我如释重负。系统归纳(1)a load of loads of大量,许多take a load off ones mind 打消某人的顾虑(2)load .with . 用装载load . into/onto . 把装到上去load off ones mind 去除某人的精神负担重点强化易错处处防Loading with 35 tons of equipment and materials, a Red Cross plane has landed in Burma safely.LoadingLoaded佳句时时写(2012辽宁高考书面表达)作为一名学生读者,我写信的目的是想谈谈你们出版社出版的英语教材,它有很多优点。As_a_student_reader,_Im_writing_to_talk_about_the_English_textbooks_published_by_your_publisher,_which_have_a_load_of_advantages.1link up联合,连接;使结合;使连接自主体验完成句子The new road would be needed to link_up_with the main road. 这条新路需要与主干道路相连。The local government plans to build a railway to link_up the two islands. 当地政府计划建一条铁路把这两个岛屿连起来。Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle has_been_linked_with/to an increased risk of heart disease.肥胖和久坐不动的生活方式被认为会增加患心脏病的几率。 系统归纳link up with与联合/汇合/碰头link . with/to . 将和联系或连接起来be linked to/with 与有关重点强化易错处处防He insisted that the discussions must not be linking to any other issue.linkinglinked佳句时时写(2011全国卷书面表达)我可以了解所有与这周相关的重要事情。I_can_learn_all_important_things_that_are_linked_with_the_week.2put through给某人接通(电话);使经历;使成功;使通过;完成系统归纳break through突破;突围cut through 抄近路穿过;克服;穿透get through 通过;接通电话;使(某人)理解go through 通过;经历;仔细查看;查阅look through 仔细检查;浏览see through 看穿,识破;看透重点强化用法条条清(选用上述短语填空)It took firemen two hours to cut_through the drive belt to free him.Both the boys were put_through the pains they had never experienced before.She decides to work hard and break_through all the difficulties in English.Youd better look_through your notes before the midterm examination.He tried to trick us, but we saw_through his game.We must go_through the account books together; theres still some money missing.If you dial the wrong area code, you will not get_through.佳句时时写(2010湖北高考书面表达)微笑可以帮助我们渡过难关,在陌生人的世界里找到朋友。A_smile_can_help_us_get_through_difficult_situations_and_find_friends_in_a_world_of_strangers.3speed up (使)加速自主体验完成句子A car passed him at_top_speed,_sounding its horn. 那辆车鸣着喇叭,以最高速从他身边驶过。Obviously, a good learning habit can help us to speed_up to reach our destinations.显而易见,一个好的学习习惯能帮助我们尽快达到我们的目标。The plane is flying at_a_speed_of 200 miles an hour. 飞机正以每小时二百英里的速度飞行。Our car was running with_all_speed on the expressway.我们的车在高速公路上全速行驶。系统归纳at high/low/full/top speed以高/低/全/最高速at a speed of . 以速度with great/all speed 以很快的速度/全速重点强化易错处处防Travelling at speed of over 400 kilometres per hour, the train can plete the 30kilometre journey in eight minutes.at后加a佳句时时写(2017浙江高考书面表达)Mac跳下自行车,以最快的速度向汽车后门冲去。Mac_jumped_off_his_bicycle_and_dashed_for_the_back_door_of_the_car_at_full speed.4why not动词原形教材原句So, why_not_take a trip on the oldest underground system today?自主体验What you need is a change of surroundings. Why_not_go/Why_dont_you_go_on a cruise? 你需要换换环境。为什么不乘船去旅行呢?May I go with you?Why_not?我可以和你一起去吗?可以呀。归纳点拨(1)why not后跟不带to的动词不定式,用来提出建议,表示“为什么不做呢,做如何”,相当于Why dont you do .?(2)why not可单独使用,表示同意,意为“当然可以,好啊,干嘛不”。(3)表示“建议”的常见句型还有:Lets do . 让我们做Shall we do .? 让我们做,好吗?Would you like to do .? 你想(愿意)做吗?Will you please do .? 请你做,好吗?What/How about doing .? 做怎么样?I suggest that sb.(should) do . 我建议某人做Youd better (not) do . 你最好(不)做佳句背诵(精彩开头句)(2017北京高考书面表达)I suggest you choose the tour along the Yangtze, the longest river and one of the mother rivers of Chinese nation.(增分要点句)(2017全国卷书面表达)To learn Tang poetry well, youd better get some information about Tang Dynasty before class.5It is up to sb.to do sth.教材原句It_is_up_to_all_of_us_road_users_to_make_sure that we avoid accidents by paying attention to road safety. 自主体验It_is_up_to_you_to_decide when we will start.由你来决定我们什么时候出发。Call in, or ring us up. Its_up_to_you.你可以亲自来访,也可以打电话。由你定。归纳点拨It is up to sb.to do sth.为固定句式,多出现在口语中,意为“由某人决定做某事;做某事是某人的职责”。佳句背诵(精彩开头句)(2010北京高考满分作文)It was up to me to search the Internet for the train schedule, the weather in Beidaihe, and some hotel information.(精彩收尾句)(2017北京高考满分作文)These are my suggestions but it is up to you to decide which route to choose.单词拼写1After the terrible earthquake, the government conveyed (运送) people to safer places.2I thought it would be easy, but a lot of problems have arisen (出现)3Once you have undertaken (承诺) it, you should do it.4Do you mind if I postpone (推迟) that appointment until next week?5The truck was carrying a load (大量) of sand.6You can enlarge (扩大) your knowledge and learn some English at the same time.7The performance runs two hours thirty minutes including an interval (间隔)8Would you please make my reservation (预订) to Chicago for tomorrow? 9World Health Day is celebrated every year on 7 April, which marks the anniversary (周年纪念日) of WHO.10I felt as if there was a weight on my chest, choking (使窒息) me.11A dozen ideas were considered before the architect (建筑师) decided on the design of the building.12The scientists are still working on inventing methods of reaching outer (外部的) space.13He divided the field into different sections (部分), where different vegetables were grown.14The Oxford English Dictionary is the best authority (权威) on English words.单句语法填空1Unfortunately(unfortunate), due to unforeseen circumstances, this years show has been cancelled.2Cyclists (cycle) are advised to wear helmets to reduce the risk of head injury.3I just want you to answer the question in a concrete and believable (unbelievable) phrase.4Weve seen an enormous growth (grow) in the number of businesses using the Web.5A major enquiry (enquire) is underway after the death of a union official.6He put through an important business deal over the weekend.7A large reception (receptionist) was held in honor of the brave explorers.8The research shows that puter games may cause aggression (aggressive)9I reserve my favorable ments for my former monitor.10The expert talked about how to make our statistical system link up with the international standards.单句改错1Owing to the bad weather, we decided to postpone leave.leaveleaving2I have taught some foreigners Mandarin for two years, which can help to take a load from your mind. fromoff3The manager undertook to improving the working arrangements in six months. improvingimprove4Its getting dark.I must be off now.OK, please take care and convey my best wishes with your family.withto5These changes arose differences in climate and nature.arose后加from6Why not to write to her? She needs your advice.去掉第一个to7On the chairs sitting three graduates, who came here for this job interview.sittingsat8His breaking the rules resulted from his being fined.fromin.完成句子1The countrys present difficulties arise_from/out_of the shortage of petroleum.这个国家当前的困境是由石油短缺造成的。2They undertook_to_finish_the_task by Monday.他们答应在星期一之前完成任务。3Id like to make_a_reservation of the ticket flying to London for July 5.我想预订7月5日飞往伦敦的机票。4How long will it take to load_the_coal_onto_the_truck?装一卡车煤需要多少时间?5I find it hard to convey_my_feelings in words at the moment.我发现此刻难以用言语表达我的感情。6Its_up_to_you_to_decide whether to carry out this plan or not.应该由你来决定是否实施这一计划。7My work is_linked_with/to previous research.我的工作和以前的研究相联系。8Why_dont_you_give_him_another_chance? After all, everybody makes mistakes.为什么不再给他一次机会呢?毕竟,每个人都会犯错。本单元语篇话题与新课程主题语境“人与社会”中的“交通工具、交通设施”子话题相对应一、话题语素积累多一点子话题交通工具、交通设施(一)浅易词汇温一温line traveltravelercarrule truck traffic aircraftsubway flight helicopter serviceprice passenger railway popularwide arrive safety(二)生疏词汇记一记distance n距离catch vt.赶上guarantee vt.保证 develop vt.开发;进步popularity n普及,流行 benefit n利益,好处 vehicle n车辆 available adj.可获得的impact n影响 convenient adj.方便的highway n公路 fortable adj.舒适的consumption n消费;消耗 reasonable adj.合理的offer vt.提供 firstclass adj.一流的transport n& v运输 crash n撞车;碰撞monthly adj.每月的,每月一次的(三)常用词块忆一忆make a reservation预订pay for 为而付钱car sharing 拼车make a trip to 做一次到的旅行have access to 接近highspeed transport 高速运输the global traffic volume 全球交通流量traffic congestion 交通拥堵account for 占traffic jam 交通堵塞take the CRH train 乘坐高铁run at high speed 高速运行on schedule 按时through many channels 通过许多渠道have a good journey 旅途愉快express train 特快列车parking lot 停车场traffic signal/light 交通信号灯(四)写作佳句背一背It takes me about 15 minutes to walk there but 5 minutes by bus.Many people would choose to take a taxi instead of walking or riding a bike.With the improvement of peoples living conditions, more and more families have their own cars.Its high time we chose another better means of transport.二、话题书面表达亮一点假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Peter想来中国旅行,他写信向你了解他到北京后乘坐何种交通工具旅行比较适宜。请你给他写封回信,建议他乘坐高铁。建议理由:1便捷、准点;2舒适、安全;3购票方便、价格适宜。注意:1.词数100左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。参考词汇:中国高铁 CRH (China Railway Highspeed);自助售票机 selfservice ticket machineDear Peter,Im expecting you to e to China. Yours,Li Hua写作4步走第一步:句写对给词写句take the CRH train, develop, popular, line, convenient, travel, wide, fortable, run at high speed, arrive, on schedule, guarantee, safety, traveler, through many channels, price, reasonable, offer, firstclass, service, passenger, have a good journey1你最好坐高铁去。Youd_better_take_the_CRH_train._2现在在中国它已得到了很好的发展并且很受欢迎。It_has_been_well_developed_and_bees_very_popular_in_China_nowadays.3它有很多不同的路线。It_has_lots_of_different_lines. 4旅行对你来说很方便。It_is_convenient_for_you_to_travel. 5中国高铁宽敞、舒适且高速运行。The_CRH_trains_are_wide,_fortable_and_run_at_high_speed.6它们按时到达并能保证旅客的安全。They_arrive_on_schedule_and_guarantee_the_safety_of_travelers.7通过许多渠道买票很容易。To_buy_tickets_through_many_channels_is_easy._8票价合理。Prices_of_tickets_are_reasonable._9它为乘客提供一流的服务。It_offers_firstclass_services_to_passengers._10我相信你会享受一次愉快的旅行。I_am_sure_you_will_have_a_good_journey.第二步:量写够语句扩充11在句1前加时间状语从句“当你到达北京时”。When_you_arrive_in_Beijing,_youd_better_take_the_CRH_train.12在句4中加入地点状语从句“无论你想去哪里”。It_is_convenient_for_you_to_travel_wherever_you_want_to_go.13在句7中加入列举的事项“例如通过电话、互联网或自助售票机”。To_buy_tickets_through_many_channels,_such_as_by_telephone,_through_the_Internet,_or_on_the_selfservice_ticket_machine_is_easy.第三步:语写美词句升格14用词汇spacious替换句5中的wide。The_CRH_trains_are_spacious,_fortable_and_run_at_high_


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