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静安区xx-2019学年度第一学期期末质量监控试卷高三英语(满分140分,完卷时间120分钟) xx.12考生注意:1本考试设试卷和答题纸两部分,试卷包括试题与答题要求,所有答题必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上一律不得分。2答题前,务必在答题纸上填写考试号和姓名。3答题纸与试卷在试题编号上是一一对应的,答题时应特别注意,不能错位。I. Listening prehension Section A (10分)Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.1. A. At a bus station. B. At a gas station.C. At a military museum.D. At a mobile phone shop.2.A. 3. B. 5. C. 8. D. 11.3. A. He had difficulty going to sleep at night.B.He stayed up late watching TV series.C.He produced an attractive TV series.D.He had to buy a new sleeping pillow.4.A. The woman should clean up the closet.B. The woman has bought too many new clothes.C. The woman should put on some weight.D. The woman should buy more clothes.5.A. The sunlight will bum up the jacket.B. The beach is too cold.C. She is proud of her dark skin color.D. The sunlight is helpful to her.6.A. Many activities were arranged in the bookshop.B. Many people were listening to a writers lecture.C. The bookshop was popular because of the book resources.D. People went to the bookshop to get free books.7.A. Customers can pay cash.B. There are more varieties of goods.C. Customers can get a bargain price.D. Customers can receive the goods faster.8. A. Peter isnt in his hometown himselfB. Peter isnt their good friend.C. Peter is unlikely to appear to pick them up.D. Peter owns an empty house in his hometown.9. A. Do a part-time job on campus.B. Borrow money from the woman.C. Obtain financial assistance from school.D. Study a practical case on campus.10. A. The man had a bad time eating with his boss.B. The man had a stomachache after lunch.C. The man enjoys eating with co-workers.D. The man is particular about the food he eats.Section BDirections: In Section B, you will hear two Passages and one longer conversation. After eachpassage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, readthe four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the questionyou have heard.Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.11.A.Users can choose height range.B. Users can improve their eyesight.C. Users can select the SPF of the cream.D. Users can get a full exposure to the cream.12.A.The laziness of the inventor.B. The needs of the hotels.C. The fund the inventor obtained.D. The online usage video.13.A.Inserting coins into the equipment.B. Paying cash to the inventor.C. Buying Snappy Screen card.D. Paying for the hotel room.Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage14.A.He got a medal for courage.B. He would bee a French citizen.C. He got a position in the fire service.D. He received a large sum of money.15.A.He was playing a game.B. He was sleeping in the balcony.C. He was staying with his family.D. He was injured. 16. A. The balcony was not strong enough.B. The boys father left him alone at home.C. The house was on fire.D. Firemen broke into the house.Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.17.A.The origin of AI technology.B. The bad influences AI might bring.C. The changes AI brings to humans.D. The waterproof feature of AI technology.18.A.Too few people he has interviewed.B. The inferior AI products on the market.C. The lack of resources on AI theory.D. The lack of fund for the study.19.A.It is located in the downtown area.B. It has professional staff.C. It offers great online resource.D. It opens to general public free of charge.20.A.To prove that the applicant has legal ine.B. To guarantee applicants ability to pay overdue fine.C. To use the bank card as the membership card.D. To pay the membership fee.II. Grammar and VocabularySection ADirections: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.I love the work and experience Ive gained, but I am frustrated by the disorganized management .Also, Ive been told I cant ask for more money. I can get a new job with more pay, but will(21)_(leave)within a year hurt my professional reputation?The answer is, it depends.When we choose to leave a new job early, it sends the message that(22)_is terribly wrong, especially in the current economic climate(23)_ unemployment is higher and people are dying for jobs. That means you will somehow look suspicious (24)_you say about the leave. Saying the work is great but you dont like management or the pay wont go over well with employers. To them, it sounds a bit selfish and needy. No doubt, they(25) (question) your ability to be patient or be a good team player.Employers dislike people who are unhappy in a job after less than a year. It implies impatience and lack of appreciation for the employer. Plus, youre getting paid to do work you actually like, so they (26)_ assume that you cant put up with a little disorganization. And speaking of pay, most panies work (27) _ an annual review basis, so suddenly asking for more money doesnt work for their budgets.So, whats the solution?Focus on your desire (28) _ (develop) professionally. “Its a tough decision to leave this great pany. I love the work I am doing. However, it (29) _ (make) clear to me that there Is no room for me to grow my skills as a professional. My fear is if I stay, I will bee (30) _ (petitive) down the line. I want to move to a pany where I can take my skills and abilities to the next level and create even more value for my employer.”Section BDirections: Fill in each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.A.binationB. sheetsC. flexibleD. rejectedE. healF. imitateG. chemicalH. damageI. settingJ. necessarilyK. severeArtificial skin is a substitute for human skin produced in the laboratory, typically used to treat burns. Different types of artificial skin differ in their plexity, but all are designed to _31_at least some of the skins basic functions, which include protecting against wetness and infection and regulating body heat. Skin is primarily made of two layers: the uppermost layer, the epidermis, which serves as a protection against the environment; and the dermis, the layer below the epidermis. The dermis also contains substances, which help to make the skin _32_ and maintain its biological functions.Artificial skins close wounds, which prevents bacterial infection and water loss and in result the wounded skin can _33_. For example, one monly used artificial skin, Integra. functions as a support between cells that helps regulate cell behavior and causes a new dermis to form by promoting cell growth and collagen(股原质)_34_. The Integra “dermis” is also biodegradable(可生物降解的). It is gradually absorbed and replaced by the new dermis.Aside from its uses in the clinical35, artificial skin may also be used to model human skin for research. For example, artificial skin is used as an alternative in animal testing. Such testing may cause _36_ pain and disfort to the animals and it does not _37_ predict the response of human skin. Some panies like Lreal have already used artificial skin to test many _38_ ingredients and products. Other research applications include how skin is affected by UV exposure and how certain substances in sunscreen and medicines are transported through skin.Today new technology has been developed by growing _39 _ of skin taken from the patient or other humans. One major source is the foreskins of newborns. Such cells often do not stimulate the bodys immune system-a mechanism that allows babies to develop within their mothers body-and hence are much less likely to be _40_ by the patients body. Reading prehensionSection ADirections:For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C, and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Youve been painting for a few years, and maybe you have even sold a painting or two. Are you ready to _41_ the title of an amateur artist?Distinguishing green hand from professional artists is _42_ task. It is not just a matter of your ability to create nice paintings. Its not only about painting techniques. And for most cases, it doesnt happen _43_. Very few artists bee overnight success without years of struggle and suffering.To turn professional, people find it critical to develop a personal style. What makes your paintings _44_ among other paintings out there? Are your paintings standing out unmistakably directed to you as the creator? A personal style es along with technique, painting medium, and subject and it tends to develop gradually over time. You _45_ it through unconscious and constant exploring and self-shaping. Style does not mean that you are painting the same subject or using the same painting medium. Salvador Dali used to use many artistic media, but they all have a _46_ Dali style. Style refers to the emotions and thoughts delivered by your paintings, which people can identify with. Their _47_ of the painter is then a sure thing.Artists talk about their _48_ all of the time. What gets you out of bed every morning to paint? How do you find the energy to have all your time devoted to painting? _49_, we all love to do what we do and we get a satisfaction out of creating. For the professional artist, it goes beyond that. Some artists wish to convey a deep message concerning life, society or even politics. Others simply seek _50_ returns to cover kids tuition fees or pay family bills. Yet, all professional artists know that they have to keep working to achieve the goals.Many amateur artists passively wait for _51_ to e. If they are not in the mood, they do not bother wasting the time. They sometimes allow themselves to be occupied by events like parties. Professionals are never easily _52_ or torn away from their art work in progress. Focused on their work so much, some even regard spending time outside their _53_ as crime _54_ is their secret to high productivity.Besides, professional artists are constantly prepared to grab new ideas for the next painting, which they believe is sure to be better than the previous one. The belief that there is always room for _55_ keeps driving them forward in the art world where many masters have e along.41. A. step beyondB. turn offC. see throughD. make up42. A. rewardingB. trickyC. formalD. temporary43. A. individuallyB. thoroughlyC. instantlyD. sincerely44. A. uniqueB. superiorC. practicalD. reliable45. A. acquireB. transferC. imitateD. analyze46. A. recentB. distinctC. modestD. logical47. A. preservationB. employmentC. adaptionD. recognition48. A. backgroundB. significanceC. motivationD. routine49. A. To sum upB. In contrastC. In additionD. In general50. A. academicB. globalC. financialD. original51. A. inspirationB. fameC. guidanceD. solution52. A. offendedB. dominatedC. distractedD. rewarded53. A. studioB. bedroomC. garageD. garden54. A. ReflectionB. DevotionC. CreativityD. Illustration55. A. negotiationB. profitC. criticism D. improvementSection BDirections:Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)I boarded a small plane together with my sister and 42 other passengers. While flying over the mountains, the plane encountered violent airflow. Losing control suddenly, it hit an unknown mountain peak. The impact of the crash claimed the lives of a few passengers immediately, leaving many injured including my sister.Adding a slight chance of being found out, we waited in the open, as opposed to waiting in the plane, even though it was freezing cold. At night, we slept side by side to keep ourselves warm and melted snow into water. We knew our food couldnt last us long, sticking to the hope that we would be rescued soon.We knew from radio that the outside world was trying to look for the missing aircraft. However, the aircraft was white and blended in with the snow, making it impossible to be seen from the sky. Later, our hope was dead when we found out via our radio that the rescue effort ended.Now climbing over the mountains ourselves to search for help seemed to be our only chance of survival. Although the crash site was an awful place, with urine(尿)everywhere and smelling of death, I still wished to stay there. But my sister would give in to her injuries soon if we were not rescued. Thus, together with two other people, Canessa and Vizintin, I decided to walk through the icy wilderness for help. Carrying some food and water, the three climbers started our journey. If we had known anything about climbing, we would have realized that we were already finished. The mountain we were about to challenge was one with slopes so steep that it would scare away a team of expert climbers. Our ignorance provided our only chance.We endured exhaustion and starvation and we had reached the top.To our horror, we found nothing. Disappointed, we were about to give up hope when I spotted a valley at the base of the mountain and again we started making our way down the mountain.Eventually, at the bottom of the mountain we were helped by a local farmer who called the police for help. I then guided the rescue team via a helicopter to the crash site. Finally, after we had endured nineteen cruel days, the world found out that there were 16 survivors who had cheated death despite the odds.56.Why did they stay outside the plane?A. Because they didnt want to stay with dead people inside.B. Because its easier to obtain melted snow for water.C. Because they hoped to be seen by the rescue people.D. Because other passengers were against staying inside.57.Why did the author leave the crash site despite his wish to stay?A. Because he could get help from two experienced climbers.B. Because his sister might die without timely medical help.C. Because the crash site was too terrible for him to stay in.D. Because he would like to be tested by the steep mountain slopes.58.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. Rescue people didnt notice the aircraft because of its color at the beginning.B. The public knew where the plane crashed from the radio.C. The author gave up the climb halfway due to disappointment.D. More than half of the plane passengers were finally rescued.59.The underlined sentence had cheated death despite the odds is closest in meaning to _.A. had told lies about death in spite of realityB. had avoided death in spite of huge difficultiesC. had treated death with positive attitudeD. had almost died in spite of strange expectation(B)Rubbermaid mercial Stainless(不锈的) Steel Oven Monitoring Thermometer(温度计) FGTHO550by Rubbermaid mercial Products4.3 out of 5 stars 2,274 customer reviewsPrice: $7.01Color: MetallicMade of wearable stainless steel, this oven thermometer is designed to endure the test of the toughest professional and home kitchens. The scale reads in both Fahrenheit and Celsius, and it features clearly marked temperature differences to aid accurate readings. Easy to install, the thermometer es equipped with a convenient hanger, so it can be suspended from an oven rail. Its self-standing design also allowsit to stand upright on a baking pan in the oven.Easy-to-Read DialThis oven thermometer measures and displays true oven temperature, helping to ensureprecise results when preparing food.Durable Stainless Steel DesignWith its stainless steel construction and rock-resistant lens, this thermometer withstandstough and repeated use. And with its long 10-year warranty, its sure to bee one of yourkitchen mainstays.About manufacturerRubbermaid mercial Products, headquartered in Winchester, Va, is a manufacturer ofinnovative, solution-based products for mercial and institutional markets worldwide. Since1968, RCP has pioneered technologies and system solutions in the categories of food prep services, cleaning maintenance, waste handling, material transport, and safety products Product details.Product detailsl Product Dimensions: 6.1 x45x 1.5 inches; I poundl Domestic Shipping: Item can be shipped within U.Sl International Shipping: This item can be shipped to selected countries outside of the U.S. Learn Morel Amazon Best Sellers Rank:#1 in Home KitchenOven Thermometersspecial offers and product promotions l pay with your credit card or your Amazon. Gift Card. Apply now.60. Which of the following features does the product enjoy?A Its made of quality plastic easy to be bent.B. It is assisted with electronic dial reading system.C. It could be positioned within the oven in two ways.D. It is resistant to shake and press61. Which description about the product is true?A. It provides unconditional domestic and international shopping.B. It sells best in Oven Thermometers section on AmazonC Over 3000 customers have mented on the product.D. It could be paid for only through credit card.62. Which of the following products is NOT likely to be manufactured by Rubbermaid mercial Products?A. Deskside Plastic Wastebasket.B. Airtight Snack ContainerC. Full Pan Carrier D. Over-ear Bass Sound Stereo Headphones( C )Canada is a bilingual country with co-official languages. English and French enjoy equal status as the official languages of all federal government institutions in Canada. This means that the public has the right to municate with and receive services from, federal (联邦的)government institutions in either English or French. Federal government employees have the right to work in the official language of their choice in designated bilingual regions. Like the United States, Canada started as a colony. Beginning in the 1500s, it was part of New France but later became a British colony after the Seven Years War. As a result, the Canadian government recognized the languages of both colonizers: France and England. The Constitution (宪法)Act of 1867 enshrined the use of both languages in Parliament and in federal courts. Years later, Canada strengthened its mitment to bilingualism when it passed the Official Languages Act of 1969, which reaffirmed the constitutional origins of its co-official languages and set out the protections afforded by its dual-language status. Recognition of both English and French protects the rights of all Canadians. Among other benefits, the 1969 Act recognized that Canadian citizens should be able to access federal laws and government documents, whether their native language was French or English. The general law als

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