2019届高三英语上学期第五次双周考试题 (I).doc

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2019届高三英语上学期第五次双周考试题 (I)第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What are the speakers talking about?A. When the employees take a holiday.B. Where the employees go for the holiday.C. How much holiday time an employee has.2. Whats the woman doing?A. Checking the newspaper.B. plaining about her roommates.C. Looking for a place to stay.3. Whats the womans problem?A. She doesnt like to see the dentist.B. She can do nothing with her trouble.C. The local dentist isnt good enough.4. Where are the speakers?A. At the concert. B. On the highway. C. In a garage.5. What has the man been doing all day long?A. Studying for his exams.B. Staying in a training centre.C. Vacationing with friends.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.WhereisSuesmother?A.InSuesbedroom.B. Inherownroom.C.Intheshoppingcentre.7.WhatdoesthemansaySueispreparedtodo? A.Liveindependently.B.Missthefamily.C. learn to be proud.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.WhydoesthewomanblameCalvin?A.Hehasspenttoomuchmoney.B. Healwayswantstosavemoney.C.Heseldomhelpswiththehousework.9.Whatdoesthewomansayaboutherself?A.Sheisgenerouswithmoneyherself.B.Sheistoohardaboutsavingmoney.C.Shehasnochancetomakemoney.10.Whatistherelationshipbetweenthespeakers?A.Teacherandstudent.B.Husbandandwife.C.Motherandson.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11.Howlongwilltheroadbeblocked?A.Threedays.B.Sixdays.C.Eightdays.12.Whatkindofsceneswillbeshotontheroadaccordingtothewoman? A.Carracing. B. Warsandfighting.C.Quarrelandshooting.13.Whatstheadvantageforthebusinessesinthearea?A. Theyll beadvertisedfree.B.Theyll beprotectedforvisitors.C.Theyllprovideeverythingforthefilm.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. What is about to begin on TV?A. A basketball game.B. A TV soap opera.C.Aprogramaboutorganizingteam.15.Howlonghasitbeensincethemanplayedbasketball?A.Twenty-fiveyears.B.Tenyears.C.Fiveyears.16.Whatisthewomansopinionoftheman?A.Heisabasketballfan.B. Heisnthealthyforbasketball.C.Heistoobusytoplaybasketball.听第10段材料,回答第17题至20题。17. What happened when Alain reached his apartment?A. He couldnt find his keys.B. His parents were at home.C. He lost his way home.18. What was Alain doing when dressed as Spider-man?A. Climbing a building in London.B. Climbing Taipei 101.C. Climbing to his apartment.19. What did Alain use to climb Taipei 101?A. His hands only.B. His hands and special shoes.C. Special tools.20. Why does Alain climb?A. To make money for his family.B. To realize his dream.C. For charity and his hobby.第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Among uping exhibition openings, Paul Gauguins hand drawn art is put on display in New Yorks MoMA. Yoko Onos retrospective (回顾展) arrives at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, and Chinas Forbidden City stars at the Royal Ontario Museum and so on. The followings are the detailed information.Gauguin: MetamorphosesMarch 8June 8Museum of Modern art, New York, USAIts the drawn art of Paul Gauguin thats on display here, with 120 paper based works acpanied by 30 paintings and sculptures.moma.orgThe Forbidden CityFrom March 8Royal Ontario Museum, Ontario, Canada250 rare objects lent by Beijings Palace Museum appear here, its jewellry, paintings, furniture and textiles giving insight into the life of those who lived inside Chinas imperial Forbidden City.rom.on.ca/enYoko Ono: Half-A-Wind ShowRetrospectiveMarch 14Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Bilbo, SpainOver 200 pieces prise (构成) the exhibit in an effort to offer a “plete vision” of Onos career as a performance artist. This is the exhibitions final scheduled stop on its yearlong European tour.Yokoono.guggenheim-bilbao.eus/en/19th Biennale of Sydney: You Imagine What You DesireMarch 21June 9Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, AustraliaExploring the artistic imagination through works large and small, performance based and static, and housed at the Art Gallery of New South Wales as well as at the Museum of Contemporary Art.Biennaleofsydney.auArt Paris Art Fair: Springtime in ParisMarch 2730Grand Palais, Paris, FranceBilling itself as “the Springtime Event for Modern and Contemporary Art” with China as this years guest of honourand photographic chameleon Liu Bolin among exhibitorsthe fair features both art and design while acting as a platform for younger galleries and their clientele (客户).artpairis.fr21. Where will the objects from Chinas Forbidden City be shown?A. In New York.B. In Paris.C. In Sydney.D. In Ontario.22. Which of the following exhibitions will end its yearlong European tour after Spain?A. Yoko Onos retrospectiveB. Paul Gauguins hand drawn artC. 19th Biennale of SydneyD. Art Paris Art Fair: Springtime in Paris23. If Mike wants to visit Art Paris Art Fair, he should go to Paris .A. on March 6.B. on March 29.C. on April 28.D. on May 30.BFifteen-year-old David had spent six months planning a hike to the bottom of the Grand Canyon (大峡谷) with his classmates. No one could have known it would end in tragedy.When the group arrived at the starting point for the hike, they found out there was a problem with their permit. To solve it, the five boys and three leaders walked back up to the ranger station (护林站) only to find out it was closed.When the boys got moving, theyd already drunk most of their water. In the burning sun, temperatures reached a 115F. Even the leaders were having trouble walking on. But the group finally made it down to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. Heat evil was occurring. My son made it about 100 yards from the river and then dropped, says his father, Robin. Two boys of them raced to the river to get him water. When the boys arrived, the last rafting(筏运) trip of the day was passing by. As luck would have it, among the waiting riders were a few doctors. They rushed to give David first aid before going for help. But it was too late. David passed away from the heat evil. Its been 21 years since the boys death, and hiking still holds a strong memory of David for his family. The summer before the tragedy, his father had a long time to devote to his family. David and his dad spent the summer hiking all over the High Uintas, where snow-topped peaks reflect tower over glacier (冰川) formed lakes. . The photo Robin took of Christmas Meadows there won the Readers Digest From Sea to Shining Sea photo contest and appeared on the July xx magazine cover. To Robin, it isnt just a fascinating landscapeits also a powerful reminder of his late son.24. How many people does Davids group consist of?A.11 B.10 C.9 . D.825. What does the sentence Even the leaders were having trouble walking on. in Paragraph three suggest?A. The leaders were taller and older.B. The leaders covered shorter distance.C. The leaders were healthier and stronger.D. The trouble the group faced was so great as to be beyond expectation26. Where did Robin take the photo which won the Readers Digest From Sea to Shining Sea photo contest?A. On the High Uintas. B. Where David had been to.C. In the Grand Canyon. D. In the Christmas Meadows.27. What does the passage intend to tell us mainly?A. Take enough water with you when hiking.B. Dont hike to the Grand Canyon in too hot weather.C. Robin still misses his late son, David.D. Doctors cant necessarily succeed in saving every patient.C Many Chinese girls love “small, fresh meat”, which refers to young, effeminate(女人气的) male stars. However, it turns out that not everyone is a fan of them.On Sept 6, an article published by Xinhua News Agency described some male stars as too effeminate.This came after CCTV was criticized for inviting several young male stars to perform on First Class for the New Semester, an educational TV show for primary and secondary school students, which aired on Sept 1. Afterwards, many parents left ments online, saying the stars in the show had a bad influence on their children.The popularity of effeminate male stars is partly due to the influence of Japanese and South Korean pop culture, Fan Xiaoqing, an expert on South Korean movies at the munication University of China, told China Daily.However, the “femininity” of males isnt a recent social phenomenon. In fact, being effeminate was popular among Chinese men during the Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern dynasties, especially among aristocrats and scholars, according to China Daily.Indeed, the debate about effeminate male stars has been going on for a while.In July, Hong Kong singer-actor Nicholas Tse said during the singing reality show China New Singing he feels tired of seeing effeminate male stars. “It isnt that theyre not good, but we should discover ourselves, rather than imitate. Men should get their hormones back,” he said during the show.His opinion was shared by Chinese director Feng Xiaogang. “Some young actors are feminine and they should be more manly,” he said during the Shanghai International Film Festival in June xx.However, others have a more open mind toward this phenomenon. “Its stereotypical(刻板的)to think all male stars should be masculine, like Jackie Chan. As society diversifies, there are more options for fans to choose from,” Liang Yurou, 19, a college student from Fujian province, told China Daily.Deng Xiquan, head of the Youth Research Institute at the China Youth and Children Research Center, believes such a phenomenon is pletely natural. “Its only a central issue temporarily and will be replaced by a new youth culture at some stage. If a man has feminine beauty, this doesnt mean that he lacks responsibility,” Deng told China Daily.Dengs opinion was echoed by the Peoples Daily. “A mans strength should be judged on the basis of their inner qualities not their physical appearance.” it wrote.28. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. CCTV was widely praised for inviting several young, effeminate male stars.B. Effeminate male stars bee popular totally because of the influence of Japanese and South Korean pop culture.C. It is a whole new social phenomenon that being effeminate was popular among Chinese men.D. Some parents are opposed to the popularity of “small, fresh meat”.29. Nicholas Tse and Feng Xiaogang are against the popularity of effeminate male stars mainly because they think .A. the effeminate male stars are not good.B. the effeminate male stars should be more manly.C. there should be more choices for fans to choose from.D. the effeminate male stars have a bad influence on their children.30. Which of the following proverbs is closest in meaning to the underlined sentence above?A. Dont judge a book by its cover.B. Actions speak louder than words.C. No pains, no gains.D. Seeing is believing.31. What would be the best title for the passage?A. Feminine men raise a storm of objectionB. Feminine men win popularityC. Feminine men cause hot debatesD. Feminine men will be a ting of the pastDIt is normal to feel a little sleepy after eating lunch. Some people believe that there is a significant shift in blood flow from the brain to the stomach. Although this sounds plausible, it doesnt really make much sense. If this were the case, why wouldnt we feel sleepy after having a large breakfast or after dinner?People may argue that there are some elements that cause sleepiness within food. They think there are some foods that may make you feel a little sleepy. In addition, they believe drinking alcohol may also cause sleepiness. In most cases, this is not what contributes to sleepiness after lunch, however.In fact, it has more to do with the natural timing of an increasing tendency towards sleep. There are two phenomena that contribute to this: the sleep drive and the circadian rhythm(生理节奏) .The sleep drive is due to the gradual build-up of a chemical within the brain called adenosine. The longer a person stays awake, the more adenosine accumulates, leading to an increasing desire for sleep. This reaches its peak right before bedtime, but it is also higher in the afternoon pared to the morning.The second process that contributes indirectly to sleepiness is the circadian rhythm. It is actually the pattern of an alert signal. It increases throughout the day to keep us awake and act against the increasing levels of adenosine. There is a dip (下降 ) in this pattern in the early afternoon, typically 7-9 hours after waking up. When the alerting signal dips, the potential sleepiness shows itself, and we feel sleepy.To deal with the sleepiness that occurs in the early afternoon, you can use caffeine or even take a short nap. Fortunately, if you tough it out, this period will pass and you will find that you feel more alert again in a matter of hours.32. What does the underlined word “plausible” probably mean in Paragraph 1?A. ConsistentB. SignificantC. ReasonableD. Attractive33. What do we know about adenosine from the passage?A.It is what makes us feel sleepy.B.It reached its highest point at noon.C.It is a feeling of our physical condition.D.It controls the speed of circadian rhythm.34. Whats the relationship between the circadian rhythm and adenosine?A.They cooperate with each other.B.The two have no direct relationship. C.The two perform the same function.D.The former helps lower the level of the latter.35. Whats the structure of the passage?A.Problemreasonsuggestion.B.Argumentdatameasure.C. AssumptionproofconclusionD. Introductionexperimentapproach第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Being first in your class is a goal that you can work toward, but you must set it for yourself from the first day of high school. 36 .Read beyond assigned reading. Following your course outline and doing all of your assigned reading are important. But to pull ahead to first rank, you also need to read books that can provide that extra information you need. 37 . Prepare an extra credit report based on what you learn. 38 . Dont just physically sit in the chair. Be a part of group discussions, and volunteer for extra projects and teams. Take leadership roles whenever theyre offered. If the class has a debating team, take part in it often and e prepared with notes and references for every debate.Ask for help when you see you need it. Balancing different classes and assignments can make it difficult to keep up in every subject. If you feel that you are having trouble grasping certain topics, dont struggle until your grades begin to slip. Turn to the teachers if necessary. 39 . Show an interest in your classmates. Your teacher will notice.Ask your teacher for extra credit assignments, particularly if you receive a disappointing grade in a subject. Dont merely accept the mark. Do everything you can to raise.Stay physically fit. 40 . Eat well, drink lots of water and get plenty of sleep. Spend time outdoors and away from your studies. But be disciplined. Schedule a study period for each day and stick to it.A. Finish your homework in time.B. Participate in teamwork in class.C. Get plenty of exercise either through team or individual activities.D. Try these tips along your way help you get that first rank in your class.E. Concentrate on what your teacher explains so that you can grasp the main points.F. Similarly, if you do well in a subject, tell your teacher youre available to help others.G. If you are studying World War, for instance, read biographies of the important players. 第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A.B.C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。It was 7:30 a.m., cold, dark and snowy. I had a lot to do on my final day so I went to work 41 . I walked slowly along the pavement towards the 42 . I looked up the building where most of my 43 hours for the last four years had been spent. My heart 44 fast and I didnt want to go in. I didnt want it to 45 . 46 I pulled myself together and went through the doors of the pany for the last time. The morning flew by as I had much work to plete and I 47 on getting the work done and ignored my colleagues-they also kept their heads down, 48 eye contact. My 49 was almost as sad to them as it was to me.That day two 50 of our team were leaving as part of the over-staffed programme. At midday we had a leaving speech 51 , leaving cards and promises to stay in 52 . Before leaving the pany, I began to consider my future 53 .In one weeks time I would be on a flight to Cape Town: a place I had 54 spent an amazing year working. In fact, it had been this job that had 55 my interest in working in diversity.I was going to South Africa with three friends and I planned to take time out to 56 my next move with them. This is something absolutely necessary in such a 57 . If it allows, it is 58 for your physical, mental and emotional well-being to get pletely out of your regular 59 , away from home and all reminders of work to recharge(给充电) your physical and emotional batteries and 60 calmly on what es next.41. A. lateB. earlyC. punctuallyD. unwillingly42. A. hospitalB. familyC. schoolD. office43. A. hidingB. hurtingC. sleepingD. waking44. A. knockedB. skippedC. beatD. jumped45. A. endB. continueC. operateD. waste46. A. ThereforeB. ButC. SinceD. Whether47. A. focusedB. gatheredC. surroundedD. based48. A. enjoyingB. facingC. avoidingD. looking49. A. attitudeB. behaviorC. leavingD. arriving50. A. numbersB. membersC. schedulesD. citizens51. A. patientlyB. happilyC. aloneD. together52. A. actionB. beliefC. noticeD. touch53. A. plansB. forecastsC. framesD. routes54. A. formallyB. specificallyC. previouslyD. aimlessly55. A. arousedB. insistedC. suggestedD. recognized56. A. mentB. discussC. seeD. know57. A. consequenceB. relationshipC. positionD. situation58. A. safeB. harmfulC. beneficialD. challenging59. A. opportunityB. routineC. habitD. housework60. A. reflectB. thinkC. considerD. view第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The first English version of the famous martial arts novel, The Legend of the Condor Heroes射雕英雄传 61 (schedule) to e out in the UK next year. 62 almost every Chinese person knows, the novel was written by Louis Cha, better known by his pen name, Jin Yong. London-based MacLehose Press has confirmed that the novel will e out in 12 volumes (册), with the first 63 (set) to e out on Feb. 22. In the publishers promotional 64 (introduce) of the The Legend of the Condor Heroes, the series was referred to as a Chinese version of Game of Thrones”权利的游戏. The first volume has been translated by Anna Holmwood, an English publishing agent 65 (work) together with many famous Chinese writers, such as Yu Hua, Liu Zhenyun, and Yan Ge. Holmwood 66 (translate)


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