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2019届高三英语下学期期中(11月)试题第一部分:听力(满分30分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What does the woman plan to major in?A.Art. B.Science. C.Economics. 2.How does the woman suggest the man get to the hotel?A.On foot. B.By taxi. C.By bus. 3.What do we know about John?A.He retired a year ago. B.He hasnt decided whether to retire. C.He worked in the marketing department. 4.What is the relationship between the speakers?A.Fellow students. B.Parent and kid. C.Teacher and student. 5.What does the man offer to do for the woman?A.Hand in her report. B.Give her some material. C.Proof the report for her. 第二节听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6.Why does the woman e to the store?A.To buy a book. B.To borrow textbooks. C.To return some books. 7.What should the woman do first?A.Bring her book card. B.Make a late payment. C.Check her mail. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8.Why doesnt the woman want to go to Chicago?A.For the high cost. B.For the limited time. C.For the long distance. 9.Which city will the speakers visit?A.Washington. B.Boston. C.New York. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。10.What does the woman say about the conference this year?A.There were more people. B.It was a success on the whole. C.The organization could have been better. 11.How many delegates were there in the conference last year?A.18. B.30. C.42. 12.What disappointed the delegates?A.The conference rooms. B.The restaurant. C.The hotel rooms. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。13.For whom does the woman book rooms?A.Tourists. B.Her co-workers. C.Her classmates. 14.How many rooms does the woman want?A.7. B.9. C.12. 15.When does the conversation take place?A.On January 8th. B.On January 5th. C.On January 3rd. 16.Why will the woman get a discount?A.She is a regular guest. B.She makes reservations for a group. C.She has a membership card of the hotel. 听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。17.Where does the speaker give this talk?A.At New Yorks Central Park. B.At Ocean Beach Park. C.At Golden Gate Park. 18. When are cars forbidden in the park on Sundays?A.In winter. B.In summer. C.In autumn. 19.What is located on the eastern side of the park?A.An indoor garden. B.A tea house. C.A theater. 20.How does the speaker describe the Japanese Tea Garden?A.It is good for a picnic. B.It is peaceful and relaxing. C.It is a great place for exhibits. 第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)第一节 阅读选择题A Xinhua News Agency is seeking native speakers to fill the positions of copy editors in six languagesEnglish ,Spanish, French, Russian Portuguese and Arabicand English-language news anchors in several departments. Applicants with a background in journalism are preferred. Qualified candidates will be offered a petitive salary and benefits package that includes social insurance and paid holidays.Monthlysalary:Minimum,22,000RMB(3,667 U.S.dollars). Forrealtoptalent,thesalaryis negotiable.Qualifications:1. Nativespeakersundertheageof60; 2.Minimum3yearsofexperienceinnewsreporting,and/oreditingand/orpresenting;experi-enceinwell-knownmediaornetworkispreferred.3. Akeeninterestinchina;4.Goodhealth,abletoworkovertimeandunderdeadlinepressure; 5.Responsible,mittedandateamplayer;6. Knowledgeofwordsprocessing,putersandtheinternet.Responsibilities:1.Ensurequality,professionaljournalisticwriting;2.WorkcloselyandsupportivelywithChineseeditorsandreporters;3.Rewritenewsheadlines,editcontentandcheckfacts;4.ProvidetrainingforChinesecolleaguesinwritingnewsinforeignlanguages;5.OtherdutiesforEnglish-languagenewsanchors: Dub(配音)the newsexactly;doanchoringorconductinterviewsasanassistantorexpertin a Xinhua TV crew.Applicants should download and fill in “Foreign Experts Candidate Application Form” and send the form ,with a cover letter and a resume, to xhszpqq. Qualified candidates will be contacted.21.Togettheposition,anapplicantmust_A. haveabackgroundinjournalism B. havetheabilitytodotasksindependentlyC. have onceworkedinfamousmediaornetwork D. have someknowledgeofoperatingaputer22.What Shouldacopyeditordo?A.CooperatingwithChineseeditors B. Dubbingthenewscorrectly.C. Collectingnewsstories D.GettingtrainedtowriteChinesenews.23. Whattype of writingdoesthispassagebelongto?A. A newsreport. B.a job ad C. a poster. D. Anotice.B Canada is said to be one of the Earths most beautiful countries. Even though Canada is pretty on the outside, it has an ugly truth hidden behind its beauty. Canada has many environmental problems that can greatly affect the people and the wildlife of the region.Canada has many natural resources. But if not treated properly, theyll be destroyed or used up. This is happening to the Great Lakes. Shared by Canada and the US, the Great lakes are used for fishing and producing electricity. In the 1970s, the Great Lakes were used as a waste dumping (倾倒)place for factories. To put a stop to the illegal dumping, the two countries both signed the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, which makes sure no animals or people are harmed by the polluted and dangerous water and also reduces the amount of human waste that is dumped in that area. Almost 2 million Canadian citizens make their living by mining. However , mining can destroy an areas environment. The rock and soil from mining are just dumped in any place that is available. This can lead to an increase in sulfur dioxide(二氧化硫), causing acid rain and killing plants and animals.Another natural resource is the wood which is used for many different types of paper. But the resource is being overused. The country is losing the benefits of the forest, such as oxygen, and animals are losing their foods or homes. Clear-cutting (清场伐木)has left many places barren. The loss of animal habitat is also very serious.All countries should learn from Canadas mistakes and take some measures to help improve the environment.24. Whats the ugly truth in Canada?A. It has many environmental problems. B. Nearly all resources are being used up.C. Waste can be seen everywhere D. Many plants and animals are dying out.25. Why was the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement signed?A. To produce more electricity. B. To introduce more fish in the lakes. C. To stop factories dumping waste into the area. D. To prevent animals from being killed.26. What does the underlined word “barren” in paragraph 4 most probably mean? A. Full of water. B. Lacking warmth. C. Without any dirt. D. No trees on Land27. Whats the authors purpose of writing this text?A. To show what has happened to the Great Lakes.B. To tell us some of natural resources of Canada, C. To call on people to protect the environment.D. To tell us Canada is more beautiful than we thoughtCMr. Lee speaks six languages and his pany, Flitto now has more than five million users around the world, and enjoys revenues(收益)of about $2.1 million a year.Unlike most professional translation panies, it doesnt directly employ translators. Instead, Flitto invites members of the public who knows more than one language to offer their services viaits website and mobile phone app. Today it has one million translators in 170 countries, who offer translations between 17 different languages.Due to his fathers job with an international pany, Mr. Lee spent most of his childhood living overseas. he was born in Kuwait, where he spent his first four years, before the family then moved to the UK. After three years in the UK, the family relocated again, this time to the US, before moving to Jeddah in Saudi Arabia 24 months later. Educated in international schools, he was quick to pick up an English, French and Arabic, the first three languages. Mr. Lee added to his native Korean. After seven years in Saudi Arabia, Mr. Lees family moved back to South Korea where he finished high school, and then went to the countrys famous Korea university.It was at college that friends of his started to ask him to help them translate their homework into English, which was required as part of their courses. “So friends would say to me, Simon, if you translate this homework into English, Im going to buy you dinner,” he says.“And more and more friends were asking me to do that, so I didnt have enough time. ”Realizing the business potential of translation services, Mr. Lee started getting other multilingual friends to help out, and thus his idea for setting up a firm was born.28. What do most professional translation firms generally do? A. They ask foreign language teachers for help. B. They hire someone to do translation technically. C. They find native speakers of the target language. D. They operate with other translation institutions.29. From the third paragraph, we may learn that Mr. Lee _A. benefited a lot from his overseas experience.B. had a hard life and felt lonely when young.C. learned a lot of languages from his parents. D. lived in the US longer than in the UK30. How does Mr. Lee e up with the idea of founding a pany?A. It is simply out of his interest in translation.B. It is inspired by helping friends with translation.C. It occurs to him after his research into the market.D. It is learned from his father who owns a global firm.31. Which of the following words can best describe Mr. Lee?A. Devoted and considerate. B. Determined and intelligent. C. Persistent and optimistic. D. Helpful and creative.DWith more and more people having a longer life in the world, people are eager to know what to do and what not to do.It is well known that women live longer on average than menand some researchers claim this is because they are better at visiting their doctor and voicing any concerns about their health, rather than sticking their heads in the sand.Not smoking, not being overweight and taking sufficient exercise keep your heart and blood vessels healthy for longer and all that is good for your brain, too.One popular theory about aging concerns the damage caused to the tissues in our bodies, by “free radicals(自由基)”. Our immune system makes these free radicals ineffective using antioxidant (抗氧化剂) nutrients such as vitamins A and C, and the theory is that a diet high in such “antioxidant” will help you hold back the years. In fact, though there is no doubt among scientists that free radicals harm the body, there is no hard proof that aging is caused simply by a lack of sufficient antioxidant in our bodies or our food.Another theory growing in popularity holds that we can stay alive longer by eating less, for an experiment concluded mice live longer when fed 30 percent fewer calories. Though the beneficial effect has since been found in other species, including fruit flies, what we really want to know is how this applies to humans. The answer may be found in long- term experiments in the U.S. using rhesus monkeys, which are closely related to us in evolutionary terms. However, though the aging process is slower in those animals, monkeys on the calorie restriction group do not appear to live longer.32. Which of the following would the author agree with?A. Say your worries aloud if you have any. B. Go on a diet.C. Take in sufficient antioxidant. D. The more physical exercise the better33. What do we know about free radicals?A. They can produce vitamin A and C. B. They have a negative effect on humans.C. They account for a lack of antioxidants. D. They help humans hold back the years.34. It can be concluded from the last paragraph that_A. fruit flies are closest to human in genes.B. the author is not a little in favor of eating less.C. the less rhesus monkey eats, the longer it will liveD. calorie restriction doesnt necessarily work out well.35. What does this passage mainly talk about?A. Facts about losing weight. B. Ways to keep healthy. C. How to have a longer life. D. How to live happily第二节 七选五There is no such thing as a “bad memory”, and everyone can improve their memory, as long as youre not suffering from memory loss as a medical condition. 36Stop thinking that you have a “bad memory”. Convince yourself that you do have a good memory that will improve. Too many people get stuck here and convince themselves their memory is bad, that they are just not good with names and that numbers just slip out of their minds,= for some reason. 37Use association to remember facts. 38 For example, if you have a hard time remembering that JFK was the president involved in the Bay of Pigs Invasion, just picture the handsome president swimming in an ocean surrounded by happy, oinking pigs.Involve multiple senses. You can stimulate (刺激) more parts of your brain by using as many senses as possible when memorizing information. 39 For example, the process of writing information by hand stimulates your brain and makes it easier to remember the information later. 40 By developing new mental skills especially plex ones such as learning a new language or learning to play a new musical instrumentand challenging your brain with puzzles and games, you can keep your brain active and improve its physiological function.A. Erase those thoughts and promise to improve your memory. B. If you want to improve your memory, there are a number of things you can do. C. Give yourself some time to form a memory. D. Exercise your brain as often as possible. E. When a larger part of your brain is active, your ability to arouse your memory will increase.F. This concrete image in your mind will help you link the president with this event. G. You can create an image in your mind to help you remember a word or in image.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45)第一节 完形填空 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)This past October, I took an early morning hike in a Valley. Knowing that bears are _41_ throughout the area and not wanting to _42_ one, I yelled out, “Hey, bear!” every 30 seconds.About three miles in, I _43_ into a meadow(牧场) and yelled again. A few more steps and I _44_ a brown bear on the trail at the upper _45_ of the meadow. When she saw me, she ran up the trail. But then she stopped, turned, and _46_ straight for me. I yelled so she would know I was human and hopefully turn back. No_47_ luck.I wrapped my arms around the back of my neck for _48_. She was on top of me, biting my arms, shoulders, and backpack. The force of each _49_ was like a sledgehammer(大锤) with teeth. After what felt like hours, she disappeared._50_, I carefully picked myself up. I was able to walk, so I went back down the _51_ toward my truck. Despite bleeding wounds, I knew I would _52_ and thanked God for getting me through this.About five minutes down the trail, the bear reappeared. I was lucky after the first _53_, but could I survive a second?Again I protected the back of my neck. She bit my shoulder and arms. My hand instantly went _54_, and the wrist and fingers were limp (无力的) and unusable. I knew I couldnt _55_, so I huddled (蜷缩), motionless. Suddenly she stopped. There was dead silence _56_ the sound of her heavy _57_ and sniffing. I could smell the terrible odor(气味) she gave off. She stood there for 30 seconds . Then she was gone.I tried to peek out(偷看), but my eyes were full of blood. I knew that if she _58_ a third time, Id be dead, so I _59_ the blood from one eye and looked around. No bear. I stood up, moved quickly, got into my truck and drove to the hospital.The next day, I woke up _60_.41. A. monB. frequentC. rareD. regular42. A. separateB. surpriseC. frightenD. follow43. A. stepped out B. stretched outC. put outD. pulled out44. A. seizedB. spottedC. restoredD. reserved45. A. lineB. laneC. end D. border46. A. leanedB. fled C. chargedD. pushed47. A. that B. such C. so D. good48. A. protectionB. purpose C. preservation D. despair49. A. scratchB. movement C. biteD. hit50. A. Thrilled B. Shocked C. TroubledD. Excited51. A. trailB. valleyC. highwayD. sidewalk52. A. runB. existC. struggleD. survive53. A. fightB. sacrificeC. defeat D. attack54. A. frozenB. brokenC. lameD. numb55. A. moveB. talkC. walkD. breathe56. A. but forB. except forC. rather thanD. more than57. A. stepsB. laughterC. breathingD. sighing58. A. came byB. came offC. came atD. came back59. A. openedB. examinedC. wipedD. shut60. A. livelyB. lovelyC. livingD. alive第卷英语知识运用 第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge will be the worlds longest bridge over water when it_61_(plete).The bridge is now_62_construction and will be put to use by the end of this year. A journey by land,_63_can take up to four hours, will be_64_(great) shortened. Now it only takes as little as thirty minutes.From an artificial island near Hong Kong International Airport,the structure_65_(run) west to another artificial island in Macao,a_66_(distant) of 55 kilometers,20 times the length d San Franciscos Golden Gate Bridge._67_total of 400,000 tons of steel were used in the project,equal to 60 times the steel used_68_(build) the Eiffel Tower.Engineers were faced with plex geological conditions and technical challenges.The building of the bridge bines the_69_(late) engineering technology and design,enabling the structure to withstand a magnitude 8 earthquake,a super typhoon or a strike by a ship_70_(weigh) 300,000 tons.According to historical data,most big, cross-sea bridges last 100 years while Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge is designed to last 120 years.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下短文。短文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Yesterday was my birthday. I always spent a special day with my family, the closest ones who I could share my joy and happiness. When I woke up in the morning, I found on the desk was some new clothes and a note which said. “Get dressing and e outside.” I did, and before I got outside I found my father wait. He took me to a huge amusement park I have never been to. We bought ticket and entered. I went direct to the main roller coaster which I had been hoping to ride it for years. It turned out to be a great birthday.第二节 书面表达(满分25分)假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Mike即将完成学业,不久前来信就是否到中国工作询问你的意见。请根据以下提示回一封电子邮件:1.建议他可以来中国;2.阐述你的理由(就业机会多、专业受欢迎、不同的文化体验等);3.承诺可提供帮助。注意:1.词数:100120;2.文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;3.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Dear Mike,Im very glad to have received the letter you sent me last week.。Best wishes.Yours,Li Hua听力120 CACAB ABCAB CBACC BCBAB阅读理解2140 DAB ACDC BABD ABDC BAGED完型填空:41-45 ABABC46-50 CBACB 51-55 ADDDA 56-60 BCDCD61.is pleted 62.under 63.which 64.greatly 65.runs66.distance 67.A 68.to build 69.latest 70.weighing短文改错:Yesterday was my birthday. I always spent a specia


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