九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7背诵卷 人教新目标版.doc

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九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7背诵卷 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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九年级英语全册 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7背诵卷 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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Unit14背诵卷【105】1.记得做过某事(已做)_2.记得要做某事(未做)_3.你们全部_4.获奖_5.做志愿者_6.作调查_7.帮我解决问题_8.认真做作业_9.达到严格老师的标准_10.连续进了两个球_11.在一场足球比赛中_11.演奏电子乐器_【106】1.被建议去做某事_2.建议做某事_3.建议某人(不)做某事_4.暂时停止跑步_5.(暂时)休息一会_6.健康有问题_7.加入学校乐队_8.教学方法_9.研究医学_10.伤到了某人的膝盖_11.最好的回忆_12.给出明确的指令_13.最想念_14.对。有耐心_15.自己算出答案_16.指导某人做某事_17.指导我在科学上做得更好_18.可以修饰比较级的词_19.给我解释清楚_20.向某人解释某事_21.鼓励某人做某事_22.被鼓励做某事_23.投入更多的努力_24.他们当中每个人_25.道谢_ 【107】1.主题_2.回顾_3.尽量按时晨读_4.克服恐惧/困难_5.全班_6.作业上互相帮助_7.共同变得更好_8.为。作准备_9.弄得一团糟_10.学习一种不同的语言_11.尽力保持冷静_12.跑到食堂里_【108】1.赢得校篮球赛_2.变得更擅长说英语_3.考试更加努力_4.盼望上高中_5.取得糟糕的分数_6.上高中_7.时间流逝的多快_8.在。的帮助下_9.我的英语水平提高了_10.年底_12.在第一年_【109】1.获得商业学位_2.变成经理_3.最后一堂课_4.他们想做的事_5.进入高中_6.擅长科学_7.成为宇航员_8.乐于做某事_9.乐意接受邀请_10.帮你最多_【110】1.感谢你来_2.参加毕业典礼_3.首先_4.所有的学生_5.充满能量_6.渴望知识_7.有点难以对付_8.有天赋的年轻人_9.长这么大_10.为你感到骄傲_11.在过去的三年里_12.你们没有一个人_13.独自一人做某事_14.帮助和支持你的人_15. 永远不要忘记对你身边的人心存感恩之情 _16.新生活的开始_17.许多困难的工作_18.在你面前_19.一路上_20.关键是从错误中吸取教训并且从不放弃_20.连同_21.等你_22.你打开的每一扇门_23.学习新东西的机会_24.作出自己选择的能力_25.明智地选择_26.对你的决定负责_27.分道扬镳_28.几年后(将来时)_29.开启新的旅程_30.某个时候_31.是。的时候了/该做某事了_32.是道别的时候了_33.与。分离_34.做某事很兴奋_35.自从那时起_九年级Unit14背诵卷【105】1.记得做过某事(已做)remember doing sth 2.记得要做某事(未做)remember to do 3.你们全部all of you 4.获奖win a prize 5.做志愿者be a volunteer 6.作调查do a survey 7.帮我解决问题help me with a problem 8.认真做作业do homework carefully 9.达到严格老师的标准meet the standards of a strict teacher10.连续进了两个球score two goals in a row 11.在一场足球比赛中 in a soccer competition 11.演奏电子乐器 play the keyboard【106】1.被建议去做某事be advised to do 2.建议做某事advise doing 3.建议某人(不)做某事advise sb (not) to do 4.暂时停止跑步take a break from running 5.(暂时)休息一会take a break 6.健康有问题have a health problem 7.加入学校乐队join the school band 8.教学方法teaching method 9.研究医学study medicine 10.伤到了某人的膝盖 hurt ones knee 11.最好的回忆the best memory 12.给出明确的指令give clear instructions 13.最想念miss (the) most 14.对。有耐心be patient with 15.自己算出答案work out the answer yourself 16.指导某人做某事guide sb to do 17.指导我在科学上做得更好guide me to do a lot better in science 18.可以修饰比较级的词a lot/little/bit /even /much+比较级19.给我解释清楚explain things to me clearly 20.向某人解释某事explain sth to sb =explain sb sth21.鼓励某人做某事encourage sb to do 22.被鼓励做某事be encouraged to do 23.投入更多的努力put in more effort 24.他们当中每个人each of them 25.道谢 say thank you 【107】1.主题the main subject 2.回顾look back at 3.尽量按时晨读try to be on time for morning readings 4.克服恐惧/困难overcome fear/ difficulties 5.全班the whole class 6.作业上互相帮助help each other with homework 7.共同变好get better together 8.为。作准备prepare for 9.弄得一团糟make a great big mess 10.学习一门不同的语言learn a different language 11.尽力保持冷静try to keep ones cool/keep calm 12.跑到食堂里run to the dining hall 【108】1.赢得校篮球赛win the school basketball competition 2.变得更擅长说英语become much better at speaking English 3.考试更加努力study much harder for exams 4.盼望上高中look forward to going to senior high school 5.取得糟糕的分数get poor grades 6.上高中go to senior high school 7.时间流逝的多快how fast the time went by 8.在。的帮助下with sbs help = with the help of sb 9.我的英语水平提高了my English level has been improving 10.年底at the end of the year 12.在第一年in the first year 【109】1.获得商业学位get a business degree 2.变成经理become a manager 3.最后一堂课the last class 4.他们想做的事wthat they want to do 5.进入高中get into senior high school 6.擅长科学be good at science 7.成为宇航员be an astronaut 8.乐于做某事be happy to do 9.乐意接受邀请be happy to accept the invitation 10.帮你最多help you (the) most 【110】1.感谢你来thanks for coming 2.参加毕业典礼attend the graduation ceremony 3.首先first of all 4.所有的学生all the students 5.充满能量be full of energy 6.渴望知识be thirsty for knowledge 7.有点难以对付be a little difficult to deal with 8.有天赋的年轻人talented young adults 9.长这么大grow up so much 10.为你感到骄傲be proud of you 11.在过去的三年里over/in the last three years 12.你们没有一个人none of you 13.独自一人做某事do sth alone 14.帮助和支持你的人people who helped and supported you 15.永远不要忘记对你身边的人心存感恩之情Never fail to be thankful to the people around you. 16.新生活的开始the beginning of a new life 17.许多困难的工作many difficult tasks 18.在你面前ahead of you 19.一路上along the way 20.关键是从错误中吸取教训并且从不放弃the key is to learn from your mistakes and never give up 20.连同along with 21.等你wait for you 22.你打开的每一扇门the door you open 23.学习新东西的机会chance to learn new things 24.作出自己选择的能力the ability to make your own choices 25.明智地选择choose wisely 26.对你的决定负责be responsible for your decisions 27.分道扬镳go your separate ways 28.几年后(将来时)in a few years time 29.开启新的旅程set out your new journey 30.某个时候sometime 31.是。的时候了/该做某事了its time for sth /its time for sb to do 32.是道别的时候了its time to say goodbye 33.与。分离separate from 34.做某事很兴奋be excited to do 35.自从那时起since then = from then on


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