七年级英语下册 Review of Units 5-6词句精讲精练 (新版)仁爱版.doc

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Review of Units 5-6词句精讲精练词汇精讲1. talktalk意为“谈话”,当talk作此意讲时,不强调内容,一般指说的动作,其后常接介词to和with,表示“与谈话”;接介词about时表示“谈论”。例如:Jimmy and Bill often talk about computer games. 吉米和比尔经常谈论电脑游戏。Mary is talking with Mr. Green in English. 玛丽正在用英语和格林先生交谈。【拓展】辨析:speak、say和tell(1)speak一词强调说话的能力、对象和方式。用作及物动词时后接表示语言的名词作宾语;用作不及物动词时,后接介词to,表示“与讲话”,一般用于打电话用语中或较正式的情况下。例如:They can speak Chinese. 他们会说中文。May I speak to Mr. Black? 请问,我能和布莱克先生讲话吗?(2)say用作及物动词,强调说的内容。若指“对某人说”用say to sb.来表示。例如:Can you say it in English? 你能用英语说它吗?(3)tell经常作及物动词,意为“讲述,告诉”,后常接双宾语,侧重把一件事情传达给别人。常用结构是tell sb. to do sth. 意为“告诉某人做某事”,其否定形式为tell sb. not to do sth.,意为“告诉某人不要做某事”,tell sb. about sth. 意为“告诉某人关于某事”。例如:My mother tells me to get up early. 我妈妈告诉我早点起床。2. makemake作使役动词,后接省略to的动词不定式,即:make sb. do sth. 意为“使/让某人做某事”,类似的动词还有let,have等。例如:The boss made them work for long time. 老板让他们长时间工作。They made us forget the past. 他们使我们忘记了过去。【拓展】make作使役动词,意为“使;让”,常构成make + 宾语(sb./sth.) + 形容词/名词(作宾补),即make sb. / sth. + adj./n.。例如:What he said makes us happy. 他所说的话使我们很高兴。We made John our monitor. 我们选约翰当班长。3. a fewfew为形容词,意为“不多,很少”,只能与可数名词搭配,表示“几乎没有”,自身有否定含义。也常与不定冠词a组成词组a few,表示“有一点”,有肯定含义。例如:He has few friends. 他几乎没朋友。May I ask a few questions? 我可以问几个问题吗?【拓展】辨析:few/a few; little/a little(1)few/a few只能用来修饰可数名词,few表示否定,意为“没有,几乎没有”;a few表示肯定,意为“有几个,有一些”。例如:He has few friends here, so he feels lonely. 他这里没朋友,所以他感觉寂寞。There are a few eggs in the basket. 篮子里有几个鸡蛋。 (2)little/a little只能用来修饰不可数名词,little表示否定,意为“没有,几乎没有”;a little 表示肯定,意为“有一点,有一些”。例如:There is little ink in my bottle. Can you give me a little ink? 我的瓶子里没有墨水了,你能给我点儿墨水吗?4. must(1)must作情态动词,表示“必须”。可用于肯定句、否定句或疑问句,用于否定句时,mustnt的意为“一定不要,不能”,而不表示“不必”。例如:MustIfinishtheworktonight? 我必须今晚完成这项工作吗?You must study hard. 你必须努力学习。We mustnt leave her by herself 我们一定不要把她单独留下。(2)对于must开头的一般疑问句,若作否定回答,可以用neednt,不用mustnt。例如:MustIcleanalltherooms? 这些房间我都得清扫吗? No,youneednt. 不必了。5. borrowborrow作动词,意为“借,借入,借用”。例如:May I borrow your bike? 我可以借你的自行车吗?You can borrow the book from the library. 你可以从图书馆借这本书。【拓展】 borrow和lend的辨析:(1) borrow是“借进”,即说话人向别人借东西供自己用,常用于borrow sth. from sb. / somewhere结构,意为“从某人/某地借来某物”。例如:He borrowed a lot of money from the bank. 他从银行借了很多钱。(2) lend是“借出”,即说话人把自己的东西借给别人用,常用于lend sth. to sb. 或lend sb. sth.结构中,意为“借给某人某物”。例如:I dont like to lend my TV set to Tom. 我不想把电视机借给Tom。6. sleep sleep作动词,意为“睡觉”,强调持续的动作。sleep的过去式为slept。例如:You should sleep eight hours a day. 一天你应该睡八小时。 I slept late this morning, so I was late for school. 今天早上睡过了头,所以我迟到了。【拓展】 (1) sleep还可以作名词,意为“睡眠”。例如: How many hours sleep do you need? 你需要多少小时的睡眠? fall into a deep sleep酣然入睡 go to sleep入睡,睡着 (2) sleeping作形容词,意为“睡着的;熟睡的”,通常作定语。例如: There is a sleeping baby in the bed. 床上有一个睡着的婴儿。 (3) sleepy作形容词,意为“困倦的”,通常作定语和表语。例如: I feel sleepy after a long walk. 经过长时间的散步后,我感觉很困倦。7. cost cost是动词,意为“花费”。它的主语一般是事物,其后接表示金钱的名词作宾语。例如: The coat costs me 200 yuan. 那件外套花了我200元。【拓展】表示“花费”的spend、take、cost和pay的辨析:词语主语结构spend人(sb.)sb. spends + 时间或金钱+ (in) doing sth. /on sth.takeit作形式主语It takes sb. some time to do sth.(真正主语)pay人(sb.)sb. pays + 金钱+ for sth.coststh.(物)sth. costs sb. + 金钱例如: I spent 3 hours (in) doing /on my homework yesterday. 昨天我花了三个小时做作业。 It took me four hours to go to Wuhan by bus. 乘公共汽车去武汉花了我四个小时。 I paid six yuan for the pen. 我花了六元钱买这支笔。 My English book cost me five yuan. 我的英语书花了我五元钱。8. miss miss为动词,意为“想念,思念”。例如: Ill miss you when you go to Canada. 你到了加拿大以后,我一定会想你。 【拓展】(1) miss作动词还有“未击中,未抓住”的意思。例如: I tried to hit the ball but I missed. 我努力地想击中球,但却未成功。(2) miss还可意为“未赶上,错过”,是动词。例如: I missed the football match on TV last night. 我错过了昨天晚上电视中的足球赛。(3) miss与like; mind; finish; enjoy; practice; be busy; stop; cant help; give up等词一样后接动词的-ing形式。例如: I dont want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.我不想错过今晚在电视上看那部影片的机会。9. both (1) 代词,意为“两者,双方,两人”。例如: Both of the flowers are very beautiful. = The flowers are both very beautiful. 这两朵花都很漂亮。(2) 形容词,意为“两者的,双方的”。例如: She wants both dictionaries. 这两本字典她都想要。 Both the answers are wrong. 这两个答案都是错的。(3) 副词,意为“两者,两者都是”,常用于行为动词之前,be动词、助动词、情态动词后。例如: They can both dance. 他们俩都会跳舞。(4) bothand意为“和都,既又”,用于连接两个并列成分,连接并列主语时,谓语动词应该用复数形式。例如: Both you and your sister like it very much. 你和你姐姐都非常喜欢它。【拓展】 (1) 当both用于否定句时,表示“并非两者都”。例如: I dont like both the sweaters. 这两件毛衣,我并不都喜欢。 (2) bothand的否定形式为neithernor意为“既不也不”。例如: He can speak neither French nor English. 他既不会法语也不会英语。10. once(1)once用作副词,意为“一次”。两次是“twice”,三次是“three times”,四次是“four times”。 多余两次都可用times表示。例如: The old professor comes to see us once a week. 那个老教授一周来看我们一次。 How often does he come here? 他(每隔)多久来一次?Three times a month. 每月三次。(2)once用作副词时,意为“曾经;一度;从前”。它是一个不确定的时间副词,其位置一般是在行为动词之前,系动词之后。例如: Once he lived in America, but now he lives in England.他曾经生活在美国,但现在他生活在英国。 【注意】once用作副词时,在句中的位置不同表示的意思也不同。例如:I once went to Shanghai. 我曾经去过上海。 I went to Shanghai once. 我去过上海一次。 (3)once构成的一些短语的用法: 1)at once表示“立刻;马上”。 例如: Finish the task at once. 请立刻完成任务。 2)once again表示“再一次;又一次”,相当于once more。 Read the passage once more. 把课文再读一遍。词汇精练I. 英汉互译。1. 快点,加油 6. on the second floor 2. 步行 7. in front of 3. 去上学 8. model plane(s) 4. 多久一次 9. talk about 5. 平日,工作日 10. family photo II. 根据句意及首字母提示写出所缺单词。1. Look! There is a big b_ over the river.2. How far is it from your home to school? Its about five hundred m_.3. Go a_ Zhong Hua Road until you see a hospital. The bank is next to it.4. If you get up late, youll m_ the early bus.5. You must be c_ when you want to go across the bridge.6.Which s_ do you like best?English. 7. There are a f_ students in the classroom, and I find Tom. 8. I often b_ books from the library. 9. It is i_ to fly kites in spring. 10. Xiao Hong is the best student in her class. She always works h_. III. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。1. She seldom (watch) TV on weekdays. 2. He always (go) to bed before 10 p.m.3. The school life of American students (be) different from ours.4. Im (look) for my pen everywhere, but cant find it.5. My classmates are (friend) to me.6. My cousin is (play) with his pet dog.7. There (be) many flowers in the garden.8. I dont (hear) from my friends for a long time.9. I can hear you (play) the piano. Its beautiful. But its too loud.10. Many people (lose ones life) in traffic accidents last year.【参考答案】I. 根据汉语或首字母提示完成下列句子。1. come on 2. on foot 3. go to school 4. how often 5. on weekdays6. 在第二层 7. 在前面 8. 飞机模型 9. 谈论 10. 全家福II. 用括号中所给单词适当形式填空(每空不限一词)。1. bridge 2. meters 3. along 4. miss 5. careful6. subject 7. few 8.borrow 9.interesting 10. hardIII. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯(每个单词限用一次)。1. watches 2. goes 3. is 4. looking 5. friendly6. playing 7. are/were 8. hear 9. playing 10. lost their lives句式精讲1. What about yours?(1)“What about= How about”意为“怎么样”,用来征求别人的意见,了解情况或提出建议。其后可以接名词或者是代词,接代词时要用宾格。例如:What about the book? 那本书怎么样?I like this car, what about you? 我喜欢这辆汽车,你呢?(2)What about后接动词时,一定要用动词的-ing形式,例如:What about going shopping? 去购物怎么样?What about drinking a cup of tea? 喝杯茶怎么样?2. What do you think of it? (1) What do/does sb. think of? 这是询问某人对某事(人)的看法常用的句型,意为“认为怎么样?”,答语往往是对某物(人)的评价。例如:What do you think of the book written by him?你认为他写的那本书怎么样?It is very good. 很好。(2) What do you think of?可以和How do you like?互换。例如: What do you think of the film? = How do you like the film? 你认为这部电影怎么样?3. Oh, Its time for class.Its time for后接名词或动词-ing形式,意为“该到做某事的时间了”; Its time to+动词原形,也表示“该到做某事的时间了”。例如:It is time to leave. = It is time for leaving. 该是离开的时候了。Its time for school. 该上学了。【注意】Its time to中间也可以加上for sb., 表示“该到某人做某事的时间了”。 例如:It is time for us to go to bed. 该是我们睡觉的时候了。4. Why not go upstairs and have a look? “Why not + 动词原形 + 其他?”相当于“Why dont you + 动词原形 + 其他?”并不表示疑 问,而是作建议、询问。例如: Why not play football with us? 为什么不和我们去踢足球呢? That sounds like a good idea. 这是个好主意。【拓展】(1) Why not?意为“为什么不”,询问被否定的原因。例如: You cant go there alone. 你不能单独去那里。 Why not? 为什么不呢?(2) why not用在口语中表示赞同,意为“当然,好啊”。例如: Lets go to the movies. 我们看电影吧。 Why not? 好啊!5. Now Im helping my father clean the study. help是及物动词,意为“帮助,帮忙”。help sb. do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”。此句型也可以说成:help sb. to do sth.。例如:He helps me to learn English.= He helps me learn English. 他帮助我学习英语。【拓展】 (1) help sb. with sth.在某事上帮助某人 例如:My maths teacher helps me with my maths. 我的数学老师在数学上帮助我。 (2) help 也可以作名词,作名词时常用于下列短语:with ones help= with the help of 在的帮助下 例如: With Marys help, I made rapid progress in English learning. = With the help of Mary, I made rapid progress in English learning. 在Mary的帮助下,我在英语学习方面进步很快。6. Its good to help children and old people cross the street. It is/was + adj. + to do sth. 意为“做某事是的”,to do sth.为句子的真正的主语,而it为形式主语,形式主语不能用别的词来代替,句中可在形容词后加for sb.,意为“对于某人来说,做某事是的”。例如: Its important for us to learn a foreign language. 对我们来说,学习一门外语是相当重要的。 Its necessary for us to eat more fruit and vegetables. 对我们来说,多吃蔬菜和水果是必要的。【拓展】 这个句型中的for sb.有时也可以用of sb. 二者意义有区别: (1) 在Its + adj. + for sb. to do sth. 中,for sb.意为“对某人来说”,句中的形容词是用来说明to do sth.的,形式主语只能用it。例如: Its necessary for the students to do some housework. 对于学生们来说,做些家务是十分必要的。 (2) 在Its + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 中of sb. 意为“某人”,句中形容词可与逻辑主语sb. 构成系表结构,即形容词是用来说明或形容sb.(某人)的。例如: Its very kind of you to help us. 你能帮助我们真是太好了。句式精练I. 按要求完成句子。1. Mary does her homework in the evening . (改为一般疑问句) _ Mary _ her homework in the evening?2. The girls like art because its interesting.(对划线部分提问) _ _ the girls like art?3. Her friend has geography on Friday. (对划线部分提问) _ _ her friend have geography?4. My favorite sport is football. (同义句改写)I _playing football _.5. I can watch TV once a week. (对划线部分提问) _ _ can you watch TV a week?6. There are some teachers in the teachers room.(改否定句) There teachers in the teachers room. 7. Put it on the shelf. (改为否定句) it on the shelf.8. What time is it? (改同义句) Its 9:45. What time is it? Its a 10. 9. Why dont you go there by bus? (改同义句) Why there by bus? 10. Kangkang wants to rent a house with furniture. (就划线部分提问) house does Kangkang want to rent?II. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1.我不喜欢历史,但我喜欢地理。I _ _history, but I like _.2. 你用这个房间做什么?_ do you use that room _?3. 桌上有许多书。There are _ _ _ books _ the desk.4.他正在长城上拍照片。Hes _ _on the Great Wall.5.我们能互相帮助。We can help_ _.6. 你的卧室在哪里? 在二楼。 _ _ your bedroom? Its _ _ _ floor.7. 书房在我的卧室隔壁。 The study is _ _ my bedroom.8. 让我们看一会儿电视。 Lets watch TV _ _ _.9. 她能用英语和老师谈话。She can _ _ her teacher in English.10. 我们想了解美国学生的校园生活。Wed _ _ _about the school life of American students.III. 补全对话。从方框中选择恰当的句子补全对话(有两个多余选项)。A. The early bird catches the worm.B. How does she usually go to work?C. By bike.D. How often does she go to work?E. She has lunch in the factory.F. What about you?G. Come on!A:Hi, Wang Li! What time do you usually get up on weekdays?B:I always get up at about six oclock.A: 1 How do you usually go to school?B: 2 But sometimes I go to school by bus.A:By the way, where does your mother work?B:She works in a factory. She makes shoes.A: 3 B:She usually goes to work by subway.A:Where does she have lunch?B: 4 It takes her too much time to come back home for lunch.A:Oh, its time for class. 5 B:Lets go.IV.从下面方框中选择适当的单词填入短文空格内(每词限用一次)。three, eat, homework, work, at, they, bus, get, after, bed, shopTom and his sister Amy are students. Tom takes a 1 to school every day, and Amy does too. Some of 2 friends walk to school. Tom and Amy 3 home at four oclock in the afternoon. They do their 4 before dinner, and they play computer games 5 dinner. They usually go to 6 early in the evening. Tom and Amy have 7 meals(餐,饭) a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. They have breakfast 8 home. On school days, they have lunch at school.They usually 9 dinner at home. Their father comes home from 10 at six andtheir mother cooks dinner at seven.【参考答案】I. 按要求完成句子。1. Does,do 2. Why do 3. When does 4. like, best 5. How often6. arent any 7. Dont put 8. quarter to 9. not go 10.What kind ofII. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. dont like,geography 2. What, for 3. a lot of, on 4. taking photos 5. each other6. Where is, on the second 7. next to 8. for a while/ moment 9. talk to/talk with10. like to know/learnIII. 补全对话。1-5 ACBEGIV.从下面方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填入短文空格内(每词限用一次)。1. bus 2. their 3. get 4. homework 5. after6. bed 7. three 8. at 9. eat 10. work


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