九年级英语下册 Unit 9 Communication Lesson 52 The Power of a Smile教案 (新版)冀教版.doc

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Unit 9 CommunicationLesson 52 The Power of a Smile 教材分析1. Analysis of the Students The students of Grade 9 have mastered certain vocabularies,expressions and structures. They also have the abilities of self-teaching and working in groups. Most of them are willing to express their opinions in English.2. Analysis of Teaching ContentLesson 52 is the fourth lesson in Unit 9, Book 5.This unit focus on the subject Communication. Students cares about the subject because it is close to everyone. Lesson 52 mainly talks about Sams life he moved to France. And he is really lonely at his new school. This lesson to learn about how to give suggestions about adapting to a new environment. 教学目标【知识目标】1. To master the words : difficulty, dining, simply, somehow, adapt, universal.2. To master the phrases: adapt to, join sb., (a) part of .【能力目标】Improve the students ability of speaking, listening, reading and writing. To learn about how to give suggestions about adapting to a new environment.【情感目标】To realize the importance of smiling and learn to smile to others.【教学重点】To master the words and phrases.【教学难点】To learn about how to give suggestions about adapting to a new environment. And can retell the lesson. 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Warm-upFree talk:(1) Show the pictures of smile and ask students: Can you smile?(2) Have you ever smiled today?(3) Introduce Sam by his photo. Step 2. Presentation1. Explain the words according to the pictures.2. Introduce Sam and guess: can he adapt French?3. Read the text as fast as you can, and get the right answers.(1) Did Sam meet any problems after he moved to France? (2) Did he choose to change the situation or give up? (3) Did he solve the problem? 4. Check the answers.5. Explain the language points:part 或 a part表示一部分。e.g. This is (a) part of the book. 这是那本书的一部分。 He lost (a) part of his books. 他丢了一部分书reach在本文中意思是“打动;赢得;影响”。e.g. How is his conscience to be reached? 怎么才能打动他的良心? Sams ability to reach a number of friends is the result of and kindness. 萨姆之所以赢得很多朋友,是善良的结果。arrive, get , reacharrive, get和reach均有“到达”之意。当表示到达某地时,它们的用法分别如下:(1) arrive at / in + 地点名词(小地点常用at,大地点常用in)(2) get to + 地点名词(3) reach + 地点名词somehow “不管怎样”。e.g. We have to arrive there before eight oclock somehow.我们无论如何必须八点钟前到。somehow还有“不知道怎么的”的意思。e.g. At that moment, I couldnt remember anything, somehow.在那一刻,不知怎么的,我什么都想不起来了。adapt “适应”,可用作及物动词,后跟宾语或复合宾语,也可用作不及物动词。表示“适应”,要搭配介词to。e.g. He must adapt himself to the new situation. 他必须适应新形势。notice作动词时,意为“注意到;察觉到”,后面可跟名词或代词作宾语。 e.g. I noticed her looking into the window. 我注意到她正在往窗子里看。notice sb. do sth.表示“注意到某人做某事(的全过程)”;notice sb. doing sth.表示“注意到某人正在做某事”。e.g. Did you notice her walk into the library? 你注意到她走进教室了吗? I noticed my sister is reading English. 我注意到了我姐姐正在读英语。此外,notice后可跟从句。e.g. He noticed that the old man left the classroom early. 他注意到这个老人很早就离开了教室。notice用作名词,“布告;通知”时,是可数名词;意为“注意”时,是不可数名词。 e.g. Here is a notice. It says “No Park”. 这是一个通知。它写着“禁止停车”。 A sound caught the teachers notice. 一个声音吸引了老师的注意。 join有“参加,加入”之意,既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及动物词。join作及物动词时,后接sb.意为“加入某人(一起做某事)”,接sth.则意为“加入某组织成为其成员”。join sb. in sth. / doing sth.意为“与一起从事某活动”。e.g. She joined the school half a year. 她来学校半年了。 Our music teacher joined a health club. 我们的音乐老师加入了一个健康俱乐部。Would you join us in the run? 你愿意和我们一起跑步吗?join作不及物动词时,可与in组成短语,表示参加某项活动。e.g. Can I join in your group? 我能参加你们组吗?join与join in的区别:join指“参加某个组织、参加到某个人群中而成为其中的一员”,而join in一般表示参加竞赛、娱乐、游戏等活动。e.g. We joined the healthy Club last month. 我们上个月参加了这个健康俱乐部。 Why doesnt David join in the exam? 为什么 大卫没有参加考试?take part in 和 jointake part in和join都可表示“参加”,区别如下:take part in侧重指参加群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。e.g. Lots of students took part in the May 4th Movement (运动).许多学生参加了五四运动。join侧重指加入某个党派、团体组织等,成为其成员之一;join也可以表示和某人一起做某事,其结构为:join sb. for sth.,join sb. in doing sth.。e.g. When did your brother join the football team?你的哥哥什么时候加入足球队的?Will you join us for dinner?你要和我们一起吃晚饭吗?Step 3. Practice1. Listen and follow to the tape.2. Read and put the sentences in the correct order.(1) ( ) Sam was really lonely in his new school.(2) ( ) Sam was worried before he arrived in France.(3) ( ) When Sam smiled at another student, he received a warm smile back.(4) ( ) Sam tried his best to find a way to change the situation.(5) ( ) Sam was invited to have lunch with a group of students.3. Check the answers.4. Complete each passage using the information from the list below.A. since primary school B. for six weeksC. who seems nice and friendlyD. what to do E. the students are a close group Ive been at my new school _ and I still havent made any friends. Ive joined clubs, but I usually end up alone at the club while other kids gather in small groups. I dont know who to talk to or _. This is the perfect question for me to answer because I have changed schools six times _ and have had to make new friends each time! Yes, its always hard to make new friends in a new school because _. Well, heres how I usually do it find a person _. Start a conversation with that person. I find this works very well. Good luck!5. Check the answers.6. Discuss: (1)Have you ever felt lonely? Why?(2)How can you make new friends?7. Retell the lesson.8. Group work: Imagine you moved into another place, make a new dialogue.9. Act it out.Step 4. Consolidation1. Finish task 3 on page 137.2. Give us some suggestions about adapt to new environment.Step 5. ExtensionKnow the saying about smile.Step6. Homework1. Listen and read.2. Finish exercises of this lesson.3. Write a short passage about your experience in a new environment.略。

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