七年级英语下册 Unit 4 After-School Activities词句精讲精练 (新版)冀教版.doc

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Unit 4 After-School Activities词句精讲精练词汇精讲1. both(1)代词,意为“两者,双方,两人”。例如: Both of the flowers are very beautiful. = The flowers are both very beautiful. 这两朵花都很漂亮。(2)形容词,意为“两者的,双方的”。例如: She wants both dictionaries. 这两本字典她都想要。 Both the answers are wrong. 这两个答案都是错的。(3)副词,意为“两者,两者都是”,常用于行为动词之前,be动词、助动词、情态动词之后。例如:They can both dance. 他们俩都会跳舞。【拓展】(1)bothand意为“和都,既又”,用于连接两个并列成分,连接并列主语时,谓语动词应该用复数形式。例如: Both you and your sister like it very much. 你和你姐姐都非常喜欢它。 (2)both与either都用于两者之间,但是both意为“两者都”,either意为“两者之一”。例如:Either of the two boys went to the university at last. 最后这两个男孩中的一个上了大学。2. joinjoin作动词,意为“参加,加入”。宾语有以下几种形式:(1)join + 表示团体或组织的名词,join意为“加入(某团体),成为(成员)”。 例如:Yao Ming joined the NBA. 姚明加入了NBA。(2)join + 指人的名词或代词,join意为“加入之中”。例如: Will you join us for lunch? 和我们一起吃午饭好吗?(3) join + in + 活动类名词,join in意为“参加(活动)”。例如: Can you join in the game? 你能参加这个游戏吗?【拓展】join与take part injoin和 take part in 二者都有“参加”的意思,但用法有所不同。join指加入某党派、某组织或某社会团体,以及参军等,还可表示参与某种活动。take part in指参加群众性活动、会议、劳动、游行等,往往指参加者持有积极的态度,起一份作用,有时与join in可互换。例如:I will never forget the day when I joined the Party.我永远也忘不了入党的那一天。We should take an active part in school activities. 我们应该积极参加学校的活动。3. improve(1)improve作及物动词,意为“改善;改进;提高”。例如:Time wont improve the situation. 形势不会因时间而有所改善。He offered a suggestion to improve the plan. 他提出一个建议,以改进那项计划。My brother wanted to improve his skiing. 我哥哥要提高他的滑雪技巧。(2)improve也可以作不及物动词,意为“变得更好,改进”。Their French has improved enormously. 他们的法语进步很大。Wine improves with age. 酒存放得越久越醇。 I hope the weather will improve before Friday. 我希望星期五之前天气会好转。4. which(1)用作形容词 (adj.),意为“哪一个;哪一些”。例如:Which book have you read? 哪一本书你读过了? Here are the designs. Which ones do you prefer? 这就是那些图样。你喜欢哪一些? (2)用作代词 (pron.),意为“哪一个;哪些”。例如:Its hard to say which is better. 很难说哪一个好些。 Which are the best headache tablets? 哪些药片治头痛最好?5. addadd作动词,意为“加,增加”,常用以下结构:(1)add to 意为“把加到”。Dont add fuel to the flames. 别再火上浇油了。(2)add to表示“增加;增添”,其中to是介词,后接名词或代词。Each girl present at the party was wearing a flower in the hair, which added to their beauty. 参加晚会的姑娘人人头上都戴有一朵花,使得她们显得愈加漂亮。(3)add up 意为“把加起来”。Add up all the numbers and you will see how much you owe me.把所有的数字加起来看看你欠我多少。6. relaxrelax作动词,既可作及物动词也可作不及物动词,意为“放松”。有relax sb. ;relax oneself或sb. relax的结构。例如:Please relax!请放松!The movie can relax you. 那部电影可以使你放松。You should learn to how to relax yourself. 你应该学会如何放松自己。【拓展】relaxing是现在分词,也可作形容词,修饰物,是“使人放松的”的意思。例如:The book is relaxing. 这本书令人放松。relaxed是过去分词,同样可作形容词,修饰人,意思是“感到放松的”。例如:She feels relaxed after a good rest. 好好休息后她感到轻松。7. withoutwithout作介词,意为“无,没有”,后接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。without构成的介词短语具有否定含义,在句中相当于构成了否定句。例如: I cant do it without your help. 没有你的帮助,我不能做这件事。 He went to school this morning without having breakfast. 他今天早上没吃早饭就去上学了。8. bored与boring bored作形容词,意为“感到厌烦的”,一般用来说明人的感受。例如: Im bored with the book. 我对这本书厌烦了。boring也是形容词,意为“令人厌烦的”,一般用来说明事物的特征。例如:The story is boring. 这个故事令人厌烦。【拓展】 英语中,带-ing的形容词,用来形容事物,指某事物的性质、特征,意为“令人的;让人的”,常用事物作主语或作定语修饰物。而带-ed的是用来形容人的,意为“感到的;使人的”,其主语是人,类似的词有: exciting 令人兴奋的 interesting 令人感兴趣的 moving 令人感到的 excited (人)感到兴奋的 interested(人)感兴趣的 moved(人)感动的 tiring 令人厌倦的 surprising令人惊讶的 tired(人)感到疲倦/累/厌烦的 surprised(人)感到惊讶的9. in a hurryin a hurry意为“匆匆忙忙,赶时间”。例如:Jane left in a hurry and forgot her umbrella. Jane匆匆忙忙离开,忘记了她的伞。【拓展】hurry作动词,意为“匆忙,赶紧”。hurry to do sth.意为“急忙、赶紧做某事”。例如:Please hurry to finish your homework first. 请赶快先完成你的作业。hurry up意为“赶快,匆匆完成”。例如:Hurry up, or youll be late. 快点,否则你就迟到了。词汇精练I. 根据汉语或首字母提示补全句子。1Do you want to _(提高)your speaking English?2The skirt is too _(昂贵的),and I cant buy it3Jingjing _ _ _(在某方面做得好)playing the piano4Where are you going to _ _(吃午饭)?5I often talk with my English teacher _ _ _(用电话交谈)6He runs out of the house _ _ _ (匆匆忙忙地).7Mary and Lucy are _(两者都)volunteers8Would you like _ _(参加)our club?9There is going to be a _(会议)this morning10Watching TV makes me _(放松)11Tom doesnt like sportsHe always reads books and newspapers _(安静地)12I feel _(无聊的)when my sister isnt at home13She enjoys _(扮演)a role in a play14Not _(人人)likes English15Im going to _(加)up scores16My brother p_ speaking English every morning17This book is u_ and interesting18Our teacher divides us into four t_II. 用括号中所给单词适当形式填空。1_(listen)to music makes me _(relax)2You must _(go)home first after school3Fish cant live _(with)water4English teacher gave us some _(example)and then asked us to make sentences5I am _(interest)in the _(interest)bookIII. 用适当的介词填空。1. His mother often talks with his grandma _ the phone. 2. Theyre learning a lot _ interesting things at school.3. Lets buy something _ the supermarket. 4. Its a T-shirt _ China.5. The T-shirt is too small _ him. 6. Its five hours away _ my house.7. How much _ one hot dog?8. Id like to go to Shanghai _ my parents.【参考答案】I. 根据汉语或首字母提示完成下列句子。1improve 2expensive 3does well in / is good at 4have lunch 5on the phone6. in a hurry 7both 8to join 9meeting 10relax/relaxed 11quietly 12bored13acting 14everyone/everybody 15add 16practices 17useful 18teamsII. 用括号中所给单词适当形式填空。1Listening;relax/relaxed 2go 3without 4examples 5interested;interestingIII. 用适当的介词填空。1. on 2. of 3. in/from 4. from 5. for 6. from 7. for 8. with句式精讲1. do well in短语do well in意为“在做得好”,后面接名词或动名词短语,相当于be good at。例如:Alice does well in Maths. 爱丽丝的数学很不错。【拓展】do well in与be good atdo well in通常不与动词-ing形式搭配,如果要与动词-ing形式搭配表达“某人擅长于做某事”的意思时,一般使用短语be good at。例如:Shes good at doing sports. 她擅长于运动。She does well in sports. 她擅长于运动。短语be good at意为“擅长于”,要注意词组中at的词性为介词,其后必须要接名词、代词或动词-ing形式等。一般可通用。2. be going to do sth. be going to do sth.意为“将要做某事”,用于一般将来时态中,含有“准备/计划好”之意,表示主观意识要做的事情,与表示将来时态的状语(tomorrow, next year等)连用。例如:We are going to have a football match tomorrow. 明天我们将要有一场足球比赛。Are your parents going to Tianjin tomorrow? 你的父母明天去天津吗?【注意】be going to结构的一般疑问句,用“Yes, 主语+be.”或“No, 主语+be+not.”回答。3. How isgoing?How isgoing?意为“怎么样?”,是对事物的发展情况进行提问。例如:How is your family going? 你的家庭最近怎么样?另外,How is it going? 常用在书信的开头,表示问候。回答时可用Very good./Not too bad.等。【拓展】How is it going?也用来询问天气,回答时用Its windy/rainy.等。4. be made up ofbe made up of意为“由组成,构成”。例如:Japan is made up of four states. 日本由四个州组成。与make相关的词组还有:be made of和be made from,两者都是“由制成”的意思,但是be made of能看出原材料;be made from看不出原材料。例如:The desk is made of wood. The paper is also made from wood.桌子是用木头制成的,纸也是用木头制成的。5. How was your weekend?how可以用来对程度提问。例如:How was your trip? 你的旅行怎么样?How也可以用来对方式进行提问。例如: How do you go to school every day? 你每天怎样上学? On foot. 步行。 句式精练I. 连词成句。1tomorrow,is,what,it,day _?2both,they,swimming,good,are,at _3cant,take,his,care,he,brother,of _4arrived,time,the,same,at,students,the _5I,playing,time,in,basketball,like,my,free _II. 句型转换,按要求完成下列句子。1Tom and his brother take a bus to school every day(改为同义句) Tom and his brother go to school _ _ every day2They are both good at English(改为同义句) They both _ _ _ English3My brother is going to play chess(改为否定句) My brother _ _ _ play chess4I get to school at 7:30 every dayMary gets to school at 7:30,too(连成一句) Mary and I get to school _ _ _ _ every day5Lucy is going to visit Shanghai(就划线部分提问) _ Lucy _ _ _?III. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. 我有时在业余时间画画。I sometimes _ in my _ time.2. 汤姆喜欢弹奏乐器。Tom likes _ _ the instrument.3. 没有运动鞋,我不能到处走。I cant go _ _ running shoes.4. 从学校出发有三十分钟的路程。Its _ _ away from school.5. 琳达来帮助我们。Linda came _ and _ us.6. 你的家庭生活怎么样?_ is your family _?7. 我们班由35个学生组成。Our class is _ _ _ 35 students.IV用am/is/are going to do形式完成句子。1. Who _ (have) a piano lesson on the weekend?2. My mother and I _ (do) some shopping next Sunday.3. What _ you _ (do) tomorrow?4. She _ (print) it soon.5. My sons hair is too long. He _ (have) a hair cut at the weekend.6. There _ (be) two football matches on our playground.V. 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话,其中有两项为多余选项。AWhen are you going there?BWhats the weather like there?CWho are you going to go with?DWhat are you going to do in your vacation?EHow long are you going to stay there?FHow are you going there?GWhat are you going to do there?A: Hi,LinglingSummer vacation(暑假) is coming 1 B: Im going to Hainan to see my grandparentsA: That sounds fun 2 B: At the end of this monthA: 3 B: Im going to go there with my parentsA: 4 B: Just for two weeksA: 5 B: Were going to do some sightseeing,lie on the beach and enjoy the sun and the sea【参考答案】I. 连词成句。1What day is it tomorrow2They are both good at swimming3He cant take care of his brother4The students arrived at the same time5I like playing basketball in my free timeII. 句型转换,按要求完成下列句子。1by bus 2do well in 3isnt going to 4at the same time 5Wheres,going to visitIII. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。1. draw; free 2. to play 3. anywhere without 4. thirty minutes 5. over/up; helped6. How; going 7. made up ofIV用am/is/are going to do形式完成句子。1. is going to have 2. are going to do 3. are; going to do4. is going to print 5. is going to have 6. are going to beV. 从方框中选择适当的句子完成对话,其中有两项为多余选项。1.D 2. A 3. C 4. E 5. G

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