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2019版七年级英语下学期期中试卷一、听力题1(1分)A Can you play the guitar?B Can we eat in the classroom?C Can he play chess?2(1分)A Why do you like pandas?B What time do you get up?C How do you get to school?3(1分)A Dont eat in classB Dont listen to music in classC Lets see the lions4(1分)A Im watching TVB Shes washing her clothesC Theyre listening to a CD5(1分)A They always get dressed at seven twentyB He always goes to work at eleven oclockC They usually exercise on weekends6(1分)7(1分)8(1分)9(1分)10(1分)11(5分)(1)A Playing the guitarB Playing basketballC Playing chess(2)A At 6 :45 amB At 7 :15 amC At 7 :30 am(3)A Five minutesB Ten minutesC Fifteen minutes(4)A Every dayB On school nightsC On weekends(5)A SleepingB SwimmingC Running12(5分)(1)A AustraliaB ChinaC Africa(2)A At 6 :00 amB At 7 :30 amC At 8 :00 am(3)A Art clubB English clubC Chess club(4)A Twenty minutesB Forty minutesC Half an hour(5)A Cleaning the houseB Playing the gamesC Reading a book二选择题13(1分)I am playingpiano now while he is playingbasketball()A/;theB/;/Cthe;/Dthe;the14(1分)MrGreen is talking with his brother _the phone()AonBinCwithDat15(1分)He usually goes to school bike,but sometimes he goes to school _foot()Awith;onBon;byCon;withDby;on16(1分)There are rules in my schoolI have to learn ()Aa lot of; lots ofBlot of; a lot ofCa lot of; a lotDlots of;a lot of17(1分)Its 7oclock nowTom _ dinner at home()Ais havingBhasChaveDnot having18(1分)_late for class!()ANotBNot beCDont beDDont19(1分)It takes me half an hour _ my homework every day()AdoBdoesCto doDdoing20(1分)She _ wash the dishes now()Anot has toBnot have toCdoesnt has toDdoesnt have to21(1分)Please dont talk loudly hereThe students _ an exam in class()AhasBhaveCis havingDare having22(1分)About two _ students take buses to school in the town()AhundredBhundredsChundreds ofDhundred of23(1分)_ do you live from your school?About five minuteswalk()AHow longBHow farCHow oftenDHow soon24(1分)_ do you _ the book?Its very interesting()AWhat; likeBWhat; think ofCHow; thinkDHow; think of25(1分)Lily usually _ TV on SaturdayShe _ TV now()Awatching; watchingBwatches; is watchingCis watching; is watchingDwatches; watches26(1分)Dont forget your homework first,then practice the guitarI will()Ato do; to playBto do; playingCdoing; to playDdoing; to playing27(1分)_ Clark likes animals a lot,_ he goes to the zoo on Saturday()ASo;/BBecause; soCBecause of;/DBecause;/三、完形填空28(10分)Hi,Im AnnaMy family and I are on a vacation(度假) in BeidaiheIts really a nice(1) Do you want to know what my family are doing now?Ill tell youMy father is swimming(2) the sea and he can(3) very wellMy mother is playing(4) with othersVolleyball is her favorite sportMy brother is(5) a book under the treeThe book must be very interesting(6) he looks so happyMy sister(7) something nowShe likes drawing and there are many beautiful(8) in her roomWhat about me?Oh,Im lying on the beach(躺在沙滩上) and watching the beautiful(9) skyWe all like this(10) place a lot1AlifeBshowCplaceDdream2AinBatConDwith3AsingBswimCplayDspeak4AsoccerBbasketballCtennisDvolleyball5AseeingBfollowingCreadingDkeeping6AandBbutCsoDbecause7AdrawsBis drawingCsaysDis saying8ApicturesBmodelsCradiosDboxes9AblueBblackCgreenDbrown10AfunnyBrelaxingCboringDdifficult四阅读理解29(10分)Dear Li Li, Thank you for your email My sister Celia and I are in Sunny Middle School Celia is in Class Two, Grade Seven Im in Class Four, Grade Eight Our school is far from our home Its about 20 kilometers So we always get up at 6 : 40 am and go to school by subway It takes us 25 minutes to get thereYours,JaneDear Jane,Now I study in No 6 Middle School Im in Class Two, Grade Seven I usually get up at 7 : 00 am I leave home at 7 : 30 am Its about 10 kilometers from my home to school I usually take the bus It takes me about half an hour to get there Liu Yan is my best friend We are in the same class She lives 2 kilometers from our school, so she always goes to school by bike It takes her 10 minutes to get thereYours,Li Li(1)What time does Li Li leave home ?A.6 :40B.7 :00C.7 :30D.7 :40(2)How does Liu Yan go to school ?A She rides the bikeB She takes the trainC She drives the carD She takes the subway(3)Which class is Liu Yan in ?A Class OneB Class TwoC Class ThreeD Class Four(4) takes the shortest(最短的)time to get to schoolA Li LiB JaneC CeliaD Liu Yan(5)Which of the following is TRUE ?A Li Li goes to school by subwayB Liu Yan is Li Lis classmateC Li Li and Jane are in the same schoolD It takes Celia 20minutes to get to school30(10分)SUNNY SCHOOLWe are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 615We want a cook,a library assistant,a sports coach and a language teacherJobAgeLanguageSkillOther terms(其它条件)cook2540Chinesecan cook Chinese and Western(西方) foodhealthylibrary assistant2035Chinese,English85has the knowledge(知识) on all kinds of bookscareful(仔细)sports coach2040Chinese,Englishmajor in(主修) PEhealthy,strongteacher3045Chinese,Englishmajor in English(1)Who cant go to Sunny School? AA fouryearold childBAn elevenyearold boyCA fifteenyearold girl DAn eightyearold kid(2)Who is not wanted by Sunny School? AA PE teacherBAn English teaherCA library assistant DA math teacher(3)We know may not speak English in Sunny SchoolAthe sportscoach Bthe cook Cthe library assistant Dthe language teacher(4)The coach must major in AChinese BEnglish Cfood DPE(5)The Sunny School wants a teacher Aaged between 25and 40 Bwho can cook Western foodCwho is careful and strong Dwho can speak English and Chinese31(10分)Mrs Brown goes to see her son in London Her son works in Millers shop Mrs Brown doesnt know London well And she cant find her way She sees a man at a bus stop She wants to ask the man the way,Excuse me! But can you help me please? Which bus goes to Millers shop?Mrs Brown asks The man is very kind He smiles But he cant speak English , he can speak French(法语)He is new in London He puts his hand into his coat and takes out a small bookHe opens(打开) it and reads something on it ,I am sorry, I cant speak English根据短文内容,选择正确答案(1)Mrs Brown goes to in LondonA work in a shopB find the wayC see her sonD ask the man(2)Mrs Browns son works in A a big schoolB Millers shopC a music clubD a bus stop(3)The bus stop means in ChineseA车库B加油站C交通灯D 公共汽车站(4)Mrs Brown cant find her way because A she is new in LondonB She is oldC she doesnt know London wellD she cant see(5)Which is right? A The man at the bus stop is an EnglishmanB The man cant help Mrs BrownC Mrs Brown cant speak EnglishD Mrs Brown borrows the book from the man32(10分)Tom likes fish very much He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, Good! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish They like fish very muchSo when Tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, Oh, your cat eats it And she gives Tom some bread for his supper Tom is very angry He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称重) the cat Then he turns to his wife and says, My fish weighs one kilo(公斤) This cat weighs one, too My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat?(1)Who eats the fish ?A TomB Toms wifeC The catD Toms wifes fiends(2)What does Toms wife do with the fish ?A She eats the fish before Tom comes backB She asks her friends to come to eat the fish with herC She puts the fish in the fridge(冰箱)and waits for her husbandD She gives(送) the fish to her friends(3)Mr Tom weighs in the shop with his wifeA the fishB the catC his wifeD his friend(4)Does Tom believe(相信) his wifes words ?A No, he doesntB Yes, he doesC No, he isntD Yes, he is(5)What do Toms wife friends like ?A catB Toms wifeC fishD Tom五、补全对话33(5分)A: Hy, Henry What do you want to do this weekend?B: I have no idea What about you?A: I want to go to Center Zoo to see the animals with my sister(1) B: Of course I like animalsA: Really? What animals do you like?B: I like pandasA:(2) B: Because they are kind of interestingA: Where are they from?B:(3) A: Well I like pandas, too But I dont like lionsB: (4) A: Because they are really scaryB: Where are they from?A: (5) ADo you like pandas?BMost of them are from South AfricaCDo you want to go with us?DWhere is the zoo?EThey are from ChinaFWhy dont you like them?GWhy do you like them?(注意E涂AB,F涂ABC,G涂ABCD)六、词汇34(5分)hundred, friend, be, America talk(1)He likes pandas because they are very (2)Where the giraffes from?(3)There are six students in their school(4)Mike is an boy(5)Please be quiet No ! says our teacher!35(1分)Can he play the (小提琴)?36(1分)His father sometimes goes to work by (地铁)37(1分)Dont (打架)with your parents38(1分)It is very (困难的) for him to play the guitar39(1分)Mr Brown usually (驾驶) a car to his office七、动词应用,用所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时可加情态动词或助动词)40(1分)How long does it take him (get)to Shanghai from Beijing by plane?41(1分)Do you like (walk) to school every day?42(1分)My father (use)the computer in his room now43(1分)He usually (ride) his bike to school44(1分)Remember , you (follow) the school rules45(1分)Either you or Mike (tell) stories to us46(1分)Jenny can (speak) Chinese very well47(1分)I often practice (play) the piano after dinner48(1分) (not run ) in the hallways49(1分)Look! My little brother (sleep) in my parents room八、英汉互译50(2分)Do you want to join me for dinner? 51(2分)Elephants can also remember places with food and water 52(2分)请安静!学生们正在教室里做作业 53(2分)我们必须拯救树木,拒绝购买象牙制品 54(2分)她总是早饭后刷牙 九、任务型阅读55(10分)Today is Sunday Our English teacher Miss Smith takes us to the park In the park we see a lot of people Some are running Some are reading Two old men are playing chess Four women are talking There are a lot of big trees We are under the trees now Some of us are having a rest and the others are doing different things Look! Hao Yang is taking photos Lin Tao is drinking orange juice Kate is dancing Zhang Lei is making a paper plane Jimmy is watching birds The birds are singing Wang Lin is playing games with his classmate Li Fei Jack is helping an old woman walk Our English teacher is reading a book There is a big river in the park We can see some fish in it The air and the water in the park are very clean We are very happy today根据短文内容,完成下面的任务任务一 判断下面句子的正(T)误(F)(1)Four old men are talking (2)The river in the park is very big 任务二 回答下面的问题(3)What does Miss Smith do ? (4)How many children are playing games? 任务三(5)将划线部分句子译成汉语 十、书面表达56(20分)假如你是Li Mei Ann是你的美国朋友她最近发给你一封电子邮件,询问你的个人情况请根据以下提示,给她回一封电子邮件内容:1 你的爱好和特长2你的日常生活习惯(至少两条)3你的主要上学方式4 你喜欢的动物及喜欢的理由5 此时此刻你的家人都在干什么?要求:1 .80 词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计总词数2书写工整、规范Dear Ann,Thanks for your email Im very happy to tell you something about myself Yours,LI Meixx山东省滨州市博兴县八校联考七年级(下)期中英语试卷参考答案与试题解析一、听力题1【解答】略2【解答】略3【解答】略4【解答】略5【解答】略6【解答】略7【解答】略8【解答】略9【解答】略10【解答】略11【解答】略12【解答】略二选择题13【解答】答案:C考查冠词句意当他在打篮球时,我正在弹钢琴第一个空,play+某种乐器,中间加定冠词the第二个空,play+某种球类中间不加冠词答案是C14【解答】答案:A考查介词句意格林先生和他的兄弟打电话交谈on在上in在里with和at在几点或小地点on the phone通过电话,固定搭配答案是A15【解答】答案:D考查介词句意他通常骑自行车上学,但有时步行去上学第一个空,by bike骑自行车,介词短语做状语第二个空,on foot步行,介词短语做状语答案是D16【解答】答案:C考查形容词短语句意在我的学校有很多规则我需要学习很多a lot of和lots of都可以修饰可数和不可数名词,a lot of多用于书面语,lots of多用口语中a lot表示为非常多,是副词,修饰动词因为 learn为动词,用副词a lot 修饰故选C17【解答】答案:A考查现在进行时态句意现在是7点了汤姆正在家里吃饭A现在进行时态B一般现在时态,第三人称单数C一般现在时态,动词原形D不正确结合语境现在是7点了,可知应该是现在进行时态,结构是be动词+动词的现在分词,主语是Tom单数,因此用be动词单数ishave的现在分词是having答案是A18【解答】答案:C根据late for class,可知动词位于句首表示一种请求或命令,句子是一个祈使句;其否定句在动词前加dont,be late for class上学迟到故选C19【解答】答案:C根据It takes me half an hour _ my homework every day,可知我每天花半小时做家庭作业这里考查It takes sb some time to do sth表示花费某人多长时间做某事后面跟to引导的不定式短语故选C20【解答】答案:D根据She _ wash the dishes now,可知她现在不必洗刷盘子这里now表示现在的情况,所以时态应该是一般现在时,have to表示不得不,它的否定形式需要再加助动词,这里是she,所以加doesnt后跟动词原形have故选D21【解答】答案:D结合Please dont talk loudly here可知表达的是现在正在进行的动作,故用现在进行时be+doing,主语是the students复数,故are,故答案是D22【解答】答案:A考查数词,表示具体数字时,hundred要用单数,后面不能接介词of二百two hundred,排除答案BCD,故选:A23【解答】答案:B考查疑问词组句意你住的地方离你学校多远?走路大约五分钟how long多久,对一段时间或长度提问how far多远,对距离提问how often多久,对频率提问how soon多快/多久以后,其后用in加一段时间来回答根据回答走路大约五分钟,可知对距离提问,用how far答案是B24【解答】答案:B;根据答句,可知询问对事物的观点,看法,通常用句型What do you think of?或者How do you like?你认为怎么样?故选B25【解答】答案:B 本题考查实义动词的第三人称单数形式根据句中的usually可知是习惯,故时态是一般现在时,主语Lily是第三人称单数,后面的动词要用第三人称单数形式,故先排除A、C,结合句意第二句话中的now,可知要用现在进行时来完成句子,构成 be+doing,故选择B26【解答】答案:B 考查不定式根据题干:第一个空要用固定短语forget to do sth忘记去做某事,指这件事还没做,第二个空是practice doing sth练习做某事,故答案是B27【解答】答案:D考查连词辨析句意因为Clark非常喜欢动物,所以在星期六他去动物园有because不能有so、相反有so不能有because虽然在汉语里因为所以连用很自然,但在英语里这两者是不能同时用的如果一个句子强调原因就用because,强调结果就用so显然这句话强调原因故选D三、完形填空28【解答】1题答案:C 考查名词辨析A生活;B表演;C地方;D梦;根据前面My family and I are on a vacation(度假) in Beidaihe在北戴河度假,应该是个好地方,故答案是C2题答案:A 考查介词辨析A在里:B在;C在上;D和根据My father is swimming(42)the sea 应该是在海里游泳,故答案是A3题答案:B 考查动词辨析A唱;B游泳;C玩;D说;根据前面My father is swimming in the sea,在海里游泳,应该是游得非常好,故答案是B4题答案:D 考查名词辨析A足球;B篮球;C网球;D排球;根据后面Volleyball is her favorite sport排球是她最喜欢的运动,可知前面打排球,故答案是D5题答案:C 考查动词辨析A看见;B跟随;C读;D保持;根据后面a book under the tree应该是在树下读书,故答案是C6题答案:D 考查连词辨析A和;B但是;C所以;D因为;根据The book must be very interesting(46)he looks so happy,前面说书肯定有趣,后面说他看起来非常开心,应该是因果关系,故答案是D7题答案:B 考查动词辨析根据后面Now,可知时态是现在进行时,构成是be doing,主语my sister是第三人称单数,系动词是is,draw的现在分词是drawing,故答案是B8题答案:A 考查名词辨析A图片;B模型;C录音机;D盒子;根据前面She likes drawing 她喜欢画画,后面房间里应该有很多画,故答案是A9题答案:A 考查形容词辨析A蓝色;B黑色;C绿色;D棕色;根据后面sky应该是蓝天,故答案是A10题答案:B 考查形容词辨析A有趣的;B放松的;C无聊的;D困难的;根据前面We all like this喜欢,结合这些人做的事情,应该是个另人放松的地方,故答案是B四阅读理解29【解答】CABDB30【解答】答案:1A 细节理解题根据第二行句子We are a bilingual(双语) school for children of 615可知一个四岁的孩子不能去阳光学校故选A2D 细节理解题根据第二行句子We want a cook,a library assistant,a sports coach(教练) and a language teacher我们想要一个厨师,一个图书馆助理,一个体育教练和一个语言教师可知没提到一个数学老师故选D3B 细节理解题根据表格第二行第三列句子cook,Language:Chinese可知厨师不用说英语故选B4D 细节理解题根据第四行第四列句子sports coach,Skill:major in(主修) PE可知体育教练必须主修体育故选D5D 细节理解题根据第五行第三列句子teacher,Language:Chinese,English可知阳光学校想要一名教师会说英语和中文,故选D31【解答】1C 细节理解题根据第一段Mrs Brown goes to see her son in London Brown太太去伦敦看望她的儿子可知去看她的儿子故选择C2B 细节理解题根据第一段中Mrs Brown goes to see her son in London Her son works in Millers shopBrown太太去伦敦看望她的儿子她的儿子在Miller商店工作可知在Miller商店工作所以该选B3D 词义猜测题根据文中 She sees a man at a bus stop她看见一个人在 bus stop,结合前面去伦敦看望儿子,应该是在车站看见的人,所以该选D4C 细节理解题根据第一段中Mrs Brown doesnt know London well And she cant find her way可知Brown夫人不很了解伦敦,她找不到她儿子所以该选C5B 推理判断题第三段中But he cant speak EnglishHe can speak French He is new in London但他不会说英语他会说法语他在伦敦是新来的,可知那个男人帮不了Brown夫人,所以该选B32【解答】DBBAC五、补全对话33【解答】CGEFB六、词汇34【解答】friendly are hundred American talking35【解答】violin36【解答】subway37【解答】fight38【解答】difficult39【解答】drives七、动词应用,用所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时可加情态动词或助动词)40【解答】根据空格前后的词语是 it take him_(get)to 因此可知这句话考查的是结构it take/took sb to do sth意思是花费某人多少时间做某事所以要用动词不定式来填空,结合给出的英语提示,因此可知这句话的意思是从北京到上海乘飞机需要花费他多长时间?get动词,达到故填to get41【解答】根据空格前面的词语是like,like doing sth/to do sth 又根据后面的时间状语是every day,因此可知这是泛指喜欢做某事,所以要用动名词来填空,结合给出的英语提示,因此可知这句话的意思是你喜欢每天步行去上班吗?walk动词,步行故填walking42【解答】根据时间状语now,因此可知这句话要用现在进行时来填空,现在进行时的构成:be+doing结合给出的英语提示,因此可知这句话的意思是我爸爸现在正在他房间里使用电脑又因为主语是my father,这是第三人称单数use动词,使用故填is using43【解答】答案:rides根据He usually(ride) his bike to school,可知他通常骑自行车去上学句子中usually表示通常,一般用于一般现在时之中,主语是he,是单数,所以谓语用第三人称单数形式故填rides44【解答】根据空格后面的词语是the school rules,因此可知要用情态动词must来填空,结合给出的英语提示,因此可知这句话的意思是记住,你必须遵守学校的规章制度follow动词,遵守故填must follow45【解答】根据空格前面的词语是Either you or Mike,当eitheror两个不同的名词,代词作主语的时候,谓语动词要根据就近原则,距离空格最近的词语是Mike,所以要用动词的第三人称单数来填空,因此可知这句话的意思是要么你要么麦克给我们讲故事故填tells46【解答】根据空格前面的词语是情态动词can,所以空格处要用动词原形来填空,结合给出的英语提示,因此可知这句话的意思是詹妮能说汉语说的很好speak动词,说故填speak47【解答】考查动名词句意晚饭后我经常练习弹钢琴practice doing sth练习做某事固定搭配填play的动名词playing故答案是:playing48【解答】答案:Dont run 考查单词填空根据题干:不要在走廊里跑是否定的祈使句,以dont+动词原型,故答案是Dont run49【解答】考查现在进行时句意看!我的小弟弟正在我父母的房间里睡觉由look看,可知,表示现在正在进行的动作,用现在进行时态,结构是is/am/are+动词的现在分词主语brother单数,用issleep的现在分词是sleeping故答案是:is sleeping八、英汉互译50【解答】由题干Do you want to join me for dinner?可知,此句式一般现在时的一般疑问句,因want to do sth 想要做某事,join me 和我一起,for dinner为晚餐是介词短语,故答案为: 你想和我一起吃晚饭吗?51【解答】根据题干,可知,句子为简单句,can also remember 也能记住,places with food and water带有食物和水的地方,with表伴随故答案为:大象也能记住有食物和水的地方52【解答】请安静be quiet,做作业do ones homework,在教室里in the classroom;根据句意请安静!学生们正在教室里做作业可知,前句是祈使句,后句要用现在进行时,其构成为am/ is/ are doing,主语是复数,用are故答案为Be quiet! The students are doing their homework in the classroom53【解答】必须must,情态动词,后面跟动词原形,拯救save,买东西buy things,由象牙制成的made of ivory,过去分词短语作定语;根据句意我们必须拯救树木,拒绝购买象牙制品可知,要用一般现在时故答案为We must save the trees and not buy things made of ivory54【解答】总是always,刷野brush ones teeth,早饭后after breakfast;根据句意她总是早饭后刷牙可知,要用一般现在时,主语是三单,谓语动词用三单形式故答案为She always brushes her teeth after breakfast九、任务型阅读55【解答】1 F 判断正误题根据文中Four women are talking可知有4个年老的女人正在说话而不是2个,故表述错误2 T 判断正误题根据题干中There is a big river in the park 可知公园有一条大河,故表述正确3 She is an English teacher/An English teacher 细节理解题题干询问李女士是做什么的,根据文中 Our English teacher Miss Smith takes us to the park可知李女士是一名英语老师4 Two/2 细节理解题根据文中Wang Lin is playing games with his classmate Li Fei可知王林和他的同学李飞在玩游戏,由此可知有2人玩游戏5 杰克正在帮助老人走路英汉互译题该句是现在进行时态,其中help sb do sth表示帮助某人做某事,walk表示走路十、书面表达56【解答】Dear Ann,Thanks for your email Im very happy to tell you something about myself【高分句型一】 I like to play the guitar and I can play it well(爱好和特长) Every morning, I get up at six oclock I usually go to school at 7:00 I have lunch at school at 12:00 And I get home at 5:00 pm(日常生活习惯)I usually ride a bike to school because it is good for my healthy (上学方式) I like pandas because they are cute and smart(喜欢的动物及原因)【高分句型二】 At this very moment,my parents are watching TV I want to help and save them(此时家人在做什)Can I know more about you? I wish to get your email soonYours,LI Mei

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