七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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七年级英语下册 Unit 10 I’d like some noodles(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit 10 语法篇_熟练掌握本章重点语法知识。There be句型There be句型的基本用法是表示“某地(或某时)有某人(或某物)”,其形式为“Therebe代词或名词(短语)地点时间状语”。这里there是引导词,没有词义,be是谓语动词,代词或名词(短语)是主语。be要与主语保持人称和数的一致。否定句是在be后加not;一般疑问句是将be放在句首;反意疑问句中的简短问句是由“be(或其否定式)there”构成。例如:1There is a desk and two chairs in the room(紧挨着be动词的主语是a desk,是单数,故be的形式要用is)2There arent two chairs and a desk in the room(否定句)3Is there anything wrong with your ears?(Yes,there isNo,there isnt)4There wasnt a meeting yesterday,was there?(反意疑问句)除此之外,还有一个重要句式“有某人在做某事”,要用“There besbdoing sth地点时间状语”。例如:There are several children swimming in the river河里有几个孩子在游泳。There be结构中常见的时态有如下几种情况:通过上表可知:各种时态的变化是通过be动词的变化来体现的。至于你提到的两个句子我们先不考虑对错,首要的问题是弄清楚There be与have所表示的意义。There be句型表示“存在”关系,have表示“所属”关系,两者不能混合在一个句子中。例如,要说“明天有一个班会。”(1)There will have a class meeting tomorrow()(2)There is going towill be a class meeting tomorrow()有时候既表示“存在”又表示“所属”时两种都可以用。例如:Class Three have a map of China on the wall(“地图”为三班学生所有)There is a map of China on the wall in Class Three(“地图”存在于三班)由此看来,There will have是错误的。复习There be句型时除了掌握基础知识外,还应注意以下问题:1There be句型的考查更多的是将be动词与主语结合在一起进行的,即主谓的一致性。例如:(1)There is _ on the floor(2)There are _ on the floor选项:Acat Bwater Cboxes Dfootball解析:(1)由is可知主语应是可数名词单数或不可数名词,而A、D项中都缺少冠词a,故选B,同理可知(2)应选C。2如果作主语的是一个短语,则常常考查短语中的修饰语。可数名词的复数形式前可以用any,som e,few,a few,m any或用数词hundredthousandmillion,hundredsthousandsmillions of,no等修饰;不可数名词可以受any,some,no,little,a little,much等词的修饰。例如:(1)There were _ students in our schoolAhundreds Beight hundred Ceight hundreds of(2)There is _ waterYou neednt get some moreAfew Blittle Cmuch解析:(1)由数词与名词的搭配关系可知选B,(2)由water可知排除A项,再由后一句意思便知选C。3注意不定代词的用法。(1)不定代词在句中作主语,谓语动词要用单数形式。例如:There is nothing in the fridge(2)不定代词受形容词修饰时要放在形容词的前面。例如:There is something interesting in todays newspaper4There be句型的反意疑问句,要注意陈述部分的形式。如果陈述部分含有little,few,no,nobody,none等否定词时,后面的简短问句中要用肯定形式。例如:There is nobody in the room,is there?但有的含有否定意义的形容词修饰不定代词时则仍看作肯定句式。例如:There is something unusual in the room,isnt there?5要注意句子前后意思的一致性。有的句子单独看其意义时,可能不止一个选项适合于它,但如果联系上下句的意思则只能有一个恰当的选项。例如:(1)There is _ foodYou neednt buy any(2)There is _ foodYou have to buy some(Aany Bsome Cno)从这两题中的第一个句子来看均可选用some和no,但与后面的句意结合看,答案则是唯一的:(1)B,(2)C。There be句型命题趋向有两个方面:一是进一步加强对知识的理解与运用方面的考查。例如be动词与主语的一致性、名词或代词的修饰语、搭配关系、含否定词的反意疑问句等。二是有可能出现“有某人在做某事”这一句型,即“There besbdoing sth地点时间状语”。1There are few _ in the fridgeLets go and buy some peas,carrots and cabbagesAvegetables Bfruit Cmeat Deggs2Look!There are some _ on the floorAchild Bwater Cboxes Dgirl3There _ an English Evening next TuesdayAwas Bwill be Cwill have Dare going to be4There _ a football game in our schoolAhas Bwill have Cwill be5There is _ food hereWell have to buy someAany Bsome Cno解析:1. 因为是few,所以为可数名词,根据回答是蔬菜,故选A。2. 因为是are,所以为可数名词复数,故选C。3. 因为是there be句型,同时为将来时态,故选B。4. 因为是there be句型,和have,has不能混用,故选C。5. 因为是不可数名词,同时后面是没有,故选C。基础演练一、单项选择(共5小题;共5.0分) 1. - Could you give me money?- Sorry. I dont have with me. A. some; anyB. little; someC. any; someD. little; any 2. Do you know how many a horse has and how many a bee (蜜蜂) has? A. teeth; feetB. tooth; footC. tooth; feetD. teeth; foot 3. How many can you see in the picture? A. sheepsB. sheepC. treeD. child 4. some juice and milk in our fridge(冰箱). A. There haveB. There areC. There hasD. There is 5. - Would you like to come to my birthday party?- . A. Yes, Id likeB. Yes, Id love to C. No, Id not likeD. I dont like to二、按要求转换句型(共5小题;共10.0分) 6. People would like to eat long noodles on their birthday. (对划线部分提问) people eat on their birthday? 7. Here is a sandwich for you. (改为复数形式)Here for you. 8. There are some trees in front of the library. (改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)- trees in front of the library?- , . 9. I want a medium bowl of noodles, please. (对划线部分提问) bowl of noodles you , please?10. I would like to listen to music. (改为一般疑问句) you listen to music?巩固提高三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共5.0分)11. 你想要哪种面条? noodles would you like?12. 我想要中碗的牛肉西红柿面。I would like a of noodles beef and .13. - 你在学校有些朋友吗?- 是的,我有一些外国朋友。 - Do you have friends at school? - Yes, I have foreign friends.14. 你听什么种类的音乐? do you listen to?15. - 你愿意加入我们吗?- 是的,我愿意。- join us?- Yes, .答案一、单项选择 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. B二、按要求转换句型 6. What would,like to 7. are sandwiches 8. Are there any; No; there arent 9. What size, would, like10. Would,like to三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)11. What kind of12. medium, bowl, with, tomatoes13. any, some14. What kind of music15. Would you like to, Id love to一、单项选择(共5小题;共5.0分) 1. Would you like some ? A. noodleB. porridgesC. potatoD. juice 2. I often eat some and for breakfast. A. eggs; breadB. egg; breadC. eggs; breadsD. egg; breads 3. I would like to have . A. two glasses of juiceB. two glass of juice C. two glasses of juicesD. two glass of juices 4. - What can you see in the bowl?- . A. Much meatsB. Some meatC. Some meatsD. Meats 5. I have twelve and thirteen . A. potato; tomatoB. potatos; tomatos C. potatoes; tomatoesD. potatoes; tomato二、完形填空(共10小题;共15.0分) How many 6 of Chinese food do you know? Id like 7 you some specials. 8 1 is noodles. There are many kinds of noodles in China, like rolled noodles, pulled noodles, knife-cut noodles and fried noodles. All of them 9 great. Special 2 is 10 . I think you must know 11 . Do you know the famous Kung Fu Panda cartoon movie? There are 12 kinds of Chinese specials in the movie: noodles and fried(油煎的) dumplings. 13 we also have another dumplingsboiled(水煮的) dumplings. We often eat boiled dumplings 14 the Spring Festival. I like Chinese food very much. I hope you 15 like it. 6.A. kindB. kindsC. sizeD. sizes 7.A. tellB. tellsC. to tellD. telling 8.A. FoodB. DrinkC. FruitD. Special 9.A. isB. amC. beD. are10.A. dumplingB. dumplingsC. hamburgersD. cakes11.A. themB. theyC. itD. me12.A. someB. manyC. twoD. second13.A. AsB. OrC. SoD. But14.A. duringB. underC. onD. of15.A. tooB. alsoC. eitherD. very_三、阅读理解(共10小题;共20.0分)ADessert House We have three kinds of desserts: small, medium and large. A small dessert with strawberries, bananas and ice-cream is 10 RMB. A medium dessert with apples, tomatoes and cheese is 12 RMB. A large dessert with pears, potatoes and ice-cream is fifteen RMB. Welcome to our house.Noodle House We have some great specials. Special 1 is chicken and cabbage noodles, and the large bowl is just 4 RMB and the small 2 RMB. Special 2 is mutton and carrot noodles, and the large bowl is only 5 RMB and the small 2.5 RMB. Special 3 is beef and potato noodles. The large bowl is 4 RMB and the small 2 RMB. Special 4 is tomato and egg noodles. The large bowl is only 3 RMB and the small 1.5 RMB. Large drink is only 5 RMB. And all the fruits are free. Come and get your noodles today!16. If you have 30 RMB, you can buy kind(s) of desserts. A. threeB. twoC. oneD. four17. Today we order a large dessert, two small bowls of mutton and carrot noodles and a large bowl of tomato and egg noodles. We need to pay RMB. A. 26B. 20C. 23D. 2418. Nancy likes desserts very much but she doesnt eat tomatoes or potatoes. She can eat . A. a large dessertB. a medium dessert C. a small dessertD. A and C19. Paul and his sister Emma go to Noodle House. Paul wants a large bowl and Emma wants a small bowl. They only have 6 RMB and Emma doesnt eat eggs or beef. They can eat a large bowl of noodles and a small bowl of noodles. A. mutton and carrot, tomato and egg B. chicken and cabbage, mutton and carrot C. tomato and egg, beef and potato D. beef and potato, chicken and cabbage20. The two ads are mainly about different . A. foodsB. drinksC. fruitsD. snacksBKFCTel: 62550011Address: 28 Bridge StreetOpen: 9:00 a.m.-11:00 p.m.Food: fried chicken, French fries, hamburgers, porridgeDrink: coke, coffee, milk, juiceDessert: ice-creamSoup: vegetable soups Big Pizza (比萨饼)Tel: 88819056Address: 102 Ting StreetOpen: 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.Food: beef pizza, mutton pizza, fruit pizza, vegetable pizzaDrink: coffee, milk, fruit juiceDessert: ice-creamSoup: Italy(意大利) soups21. If youd like hamburgers, you can . A. go to Big PizzaB. call 62550011 C. call 88819056D. go to 102 Ting Street22. What cant you have in Big Pizza? A. French fries.B. Milk.C. Juice.D. Soups.23. What can you have at 11:30 p.m.? A. French fries.B. Porridge.C. Pizza.D. Hamburgers.24. Where can you eat ice-cream? A. In KFC.B. In Big Pizza.C. In Italy.D. A & B25. What is KFCs address? A. 102 Ting Street.B. 28 Ting Street. C. 28 Bridge Street.D. 102 Bridge Street.答案一、单项选择 1. D 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. C二、完形填空 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. D10. B11. A12. C13. D14. A15. B三、阅读理解16. B17. C18. C19. D20. A21. B22. A23. C24. D25. C

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