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2019版九年级英语全册Unit4Iusedtobeafraidofthedark第7课时教案新版人教新目标版教学目标知识与技能:1) 复习used to的用法。掌握生词ground, lead, voice, brave。2) 学会用used to 句型谈论自己、他人过去的习惯、爱好、形象及经常做的事。过程与方法:让学生思考自己过去与现在的区别,并试着写出来。情感态度价值观:培养学生观察、审核材料或图片的能力,使学生养成“写前先审”的好习惯。教学重难点重点:掌握本单元所学used to句型的用法,并能正确运用此句型来进行表达。难点:写作与过去相比自己或他人所发生的一些变化。 教学方法情境导入法 激趣教学法学习方法小组合作、自主发挥的方法教学准备PPT课件教 学 过 程设计意图Step 1. Taking notes Work on 3a:1. Tell Ss to work in pairs. First try to takes notes about how you have changed in your appearance. Write the notes on a piece of paper. 2. Then talk with a partner about the changes that have happened to you. 3. Ss talk about how you have changed in the appearance. Step 2. Writing Work on 3b: 1. Tell Ss what they should do. In this step, Ss should write about how they have changed. What did they use to like? Which change is the most important one, and why? 2. Ss try to write a short article. 3. Walk around the class give any help Ss may need. 4. Let some Ss read their articles to the class. 5. Give Ss an example: Step 3.Self Check Work on Self Check 1: 1. Let some Ss read the words in the box. Make sure all the Ss know the meaning of the words. 2. Let Ss read the sentences in Self Check 1. Then Ss try to fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box. 3. Let some Ss read their answers. Check the answers with the Ss. Work on Self Check 2: 1. Tell Ss that they have to complete the statements below. They should write sentences about what they used to like when they were in primary school. 2. Ss think and try to complete the statements by themselves. 3. Let some Ss read their sentences to the class. 4. Correct the mistakes they have. Step 4. Exercise: If time is enough, do some more exercises on big screen. Step 5. Homework Do some exercises on working.由浅入深,让学生先感知自己的变化,并试着写出来,之后连接成一篇小短文。可以展示一部分学生的习作,让大家共同评价。通过做练习题巩固本单元所学的知识。 板书 设计 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section B (3a-Self Check) How Ive Changed! My life has changed a lot in the last few years. 教后 反思


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