七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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七年级英语上册 Unit 8 When is your birthday(语法篇)试题 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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Unit8语法篇 _1.熟练掌握序数词的构成和基本用法序数词1. 表示事物的顺序的数词叫做序数词。它的作用相当于名词或形容词,可作主语、宾语、定语和表语。2. 序数词的构成: (1) 第一:first 第二:second 第三:third (2) 第四至第十九均在相应的基数词后加-th,但第五(fifth)和第十二(twelve)均把基数词five(五)和twelve(十二)词尾的ve改为f,再加-th。基数词八(eight)的序数词直接在eight后加-h,即eighth,九(nine)的序数词是将nine词尾的e去掉,再加-th,即ninth。 (3) 整十的序数词是把对应的基数词的最后一个字母y变为ie再加-th。 (4) 表示“几十几”的基数词变序数词时,只将个位数变为序数词,十位数不变。3. 序数词前一般要加定冠词the表示顺序。 The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 黄河是中国第二长河。4. 序数词常用作名词的定语,但当名词前已有物主代词等限定词时,则不再用the her fourth birthday 她的四岁生日5. 表示英语中的分数时,分子用基数词,写在前面,分母用序数词,写在后面。当分子超过1时,分母的序数词后要加“s”。 1/3 one third 2/5 two fifths6. 序数词前有时也可用不定冠词a/an,这时不再表示在具体范围内的“第几”,而是表示在原有基础上的“又一个,另一个”。 I think I must do it a second time. 我想这件事我必须再做一次。(已做过一次)7. 表示编号时,常把基数词放在名词后面来表示顺序,相当于“the+序数词+名词”。 Lesson Five = the fifth lesson 第五课8. 序数词的缩写序数词的缩写形式是由阿拉伯数字加上序数词的最后两个字母构成的。first 1st 第一second 2nd 第二third 3rd 第三fourth 4th 第四9. 基数词变序数词记忆口诀单项选择1.(xx北京海淀期末)-When is your birthday ? -It is January 23rd .A. onB. inC. at D. of2.(xx广西贵港期末)-May is the month of a year .A. fiveB. threeC. thirdD. fifth3.(xx四川宜宾中考)David Beckham has children . Brooklyn is his son.A. third ; firstB. three ; oneC. three ; firstD. third ; one4.(xx四川南充中考)Today is the boys birthday . He is 12 years old .A. twelveB. twelvethC. twelfthD. the twelfth5.(xx浙江湖州浔溪中学月考) This is my day in the middle school . A. oneB. the firstC. the oneD. first6.(xx湖北武昌期末) A year has months , and December is month .A. twelve ; twelfthB. the twelve ; twelfthC. twelve ; the twelfth7.(xx江西南昌期末)-When is National Day in China ?-Its on .A. May 1stB. July 1stC. October 1st 解析及答案:1. 考查介词用法。表示具体某天用介词on。故选A。2. 考查数词用法辨析。May是一年中第五个月份,用序数词fifth,故选D。3. 考查数词的用法。表示数量的多少用基数词,表示顺序用序数词。故选C。4. 考查序数词用法。句意:今天是这个男孩的第12个生日。他十二岁了。空格中表示“第十二”用序数词,序数词前有形容词性物主代词或名词所有格修饰的时候不用冠词,故选C。5. 句意:这是我在这所中学的第一天。空格处缺少表示顺序的词,又因为空格前有物主代词my,故序数词前省略定冠词the,故选D。6. months是复数名词,前面要用基数词;第二空表示顺序,用序数词,前面用定冠词the,故选C。7. National Day 是国庆节,国庆节是10月1日,故选C。基础演练一、基数词变序数词 1. two _2. six_ 3. eight _ 4. nine_ 5.thirteen_6. seventeen_ 7. twenty-two _8. thirty_ 9. thirty-one_答案:1. second2. sixth3. eighth4. ninth5. thirteenth6. seventeenth7. twenty-second8. thirtieth9. thirty-first二、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. As we all know Thursday is the f day of a week.2. Fathers Day is on the t Sunday in June.3. Tree Planting Day comes on the t of March.4. Our country developed quickly in the late t century.5. Write your name f , then you come in.答案:1. fifth2. third3. Twelfth4. twentieth5. first巩固提高三、翻译1. 第六十四中学 _2. 三分之一 _3 五分之四 _4. 第501房间 _5. 第二层 _6. 第三次 _7. 他每天早上总是第一个到校。_8. 第三天早上玛丽没有迟到。_答案:1. No. Sixty-four Middle School 2. one third3. four fifths4. Room 5015. the second floor 6. the third time 7. He is always the first to get to school every morning.8. The third day Mary wasnt late.一、单项选择1. - is her birthday?- Its on October 10. A. WhyB. HowC. WhenD. What2. - When is your birthday?- Its on . A. February twoB. February 2nd C. February 2thD. February the two3. - What is the date today?- It is . A. SundayB. August nine C. the first of MayD. October fifth4. day of a week is Thursday. A. The fifthB. The fiveC. FifthD. Five5. - What are you going shopping for?- I want to buy something for my sons birthday. A. twelveB. twelfthC. the twelfthD. the twelveth6. - is your birthday?- Its on March . A. When; twenty ninthB. When; twenty-ninth C. What; twentieth-ninthD. When; twenty-ninth7. Marys birthday is April 21st. A. inB. atC. forD. on8. There are days, in a week and Tuesday is day of the week. A. seven; thirdB. seven; the third C. seventh; threeD. the seventh; three9. - is the little girl?- She is five. A. HowB. WhenC. How oldD. Who10. The baby is only . A. twomontholdB. two months C. two months oldD. two month old答案:1-5 CBDAB6-10 BDBCC二、完形填空 Hello, 1 name is Lin Fei. Im Chinese. Im a student, and Im 2 years old. My 3 is on March 21st. My friends have a birthday 4 for me on that day. I have a good 5 . His name is Bill. He is in China now. He 6 Chinese, and he also likes Chinese 7 very much, like the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Spring Festival. I help him learn Chinese, 8 he helps me learn English. Our school has a Sports Day on May 9 . We both like sports. I am on the school soccer team and he is on the school basketball team. We also have a(n) 10 festival at school. At the festival, Bill plays the guitar and sings songs. We have a great time at school.1.A. IB. myC. herD. his2.A. thirteenB. thirteenthC. twelfthD. fifteenth3.A. dateB. birthC. birthdayD. day4.A. gameB. saleC. tripD. party5.A. friendB. sonC. brotherD. clerk6.A. likeB. likesC. isD. are7.A. foodB. peopleC. gamesD. festivals8.A. butB. atC. andD. for9.A. twentyB. twelveC. elevenD. twelfth10.A. artB. foodC. bookD. sports答案:1-5 BACDA6-10 BDCDA _ _一、阅读理解A My name is Amanda. I get many presents on my birthday. Do you want to have a look? I like collecting(收集) different kinds of watches. My aunt buys this red watch for me in Hong Kong. I love cars very much. My father is so nice. He knows me well. This blue model(模型) car is from him. He buys it in Canada. My sister gives me this pair of yellow trainers. Blue is my favourite colour, but I like the trainers very much. The two books are from my friends Joy and Christina. We like reading very much. After school we always go to the library to read books.1. Who gives a watch to Amanda? A. Her sister.B. Her father.C. Her friends.D. Her aunt.2. Amanda doesnt get on her birthday. A. a watchB. a model car C. a pair of jeans(牛仔裤)D. two books3. What colour does Amanda like best(最喜欢)? A. Red.B. Yellow.C. Orange.D. Blue.4. Where may(可能) you see Amanda after school? A. In the library.B. In the classroom. C. On the playground.D. In the lab.5. Whats the best title(标题) for this passage? A. My Birthday PartyB. My Birthday Presents C. My Good FriendsD. My Big FamilyB David is eight. One day his friend Rose says to him, This Sunday is my birthday. Do you want to come to my birthday party? David says, Yes. On Sunday, his mother says to him, You can go to the party, but you must be polite(有礼貌). Dont ask for any food. Someone will give(给) you some. All right, Mum. David answers and he goes to Roses house on his bike. There are many children at the party. They play together for some time, and then Roses mother gives them some food, but she forgets(忘记了) David. He waits and waits, and then he takes his plate up and says, Do you want a nice clean plate (干净的盘子)?6. Whose birthday is it? A. Davids mother.B. Davids. C. Roses mothers.D. Roses.7. The birthday party is in . A. Roses houseB. Davids house C. Roses schoolD. Davids school8. David goes to the party . A. by carB. on foot C. by bikeD. with his mother9. David is Roses . A. friendB. classmateC. brotherD. mother10. Who gives David food at the party? A. Rose.B. Roses mother. C. No one.D. Himself.C Students in Sunrise Middle School please note the following: No smoking in and out of school. You must carry your student ID card with you all the time at school. You are not allowed to go into the school without it. Remember to wear your school uniform inside the school. Dont climb onto the roof(屋顶) of the school buildings or the trees. Dont write or draw on walls, desks or other things at school. Show good manners all the time. No fighting or quarrelling. Dont miss any lessons without a note. Dont run in the hallway and the classroom. .11. What is the notice about? A. Learning skills. B. How to write an advertisement. C. The school rules. D. A lost and found notice.12. Which of the following is NOT allowed? A. Go to school with your student ID card. B. Show good manners. C. Wear the school uniform. D. Take race in the hallway.13. What does the underlined word quarrelling mean? A. 辩解.B. 吵架.C. 讲演.D. 翻译.14. Which of the following could also be in the notice? A. Dont play with lighters(打火机) or fire. B. Wash your hands before meals. C. Get up early and eat more vegetables. D. Dont watch TV before you finish your homework.15. Students of the school are asked to all the time. A. walk to schoolB. wear school uniforms C. be politeD. show their school cardsD Fish and apple soup? Yes, and you wont believe how delicious it is. This first came out of a restaurant in Singapore, but it is now very popular as the soup du jour in Chinese restaurants. Ingredients(serves four): First: Whole fish Second: apples, quartered 4-6 ginger slices(姜片) bunch of spring onions, cut into pierces red tomato, cut into 8 pierces, oil, salt and pepper Methods: 1. Remove the bones from the fish. 2. Pour oil into a pan. Fly the ginger slices, and the spring onions. Add the fish hones and oil. 3. Add enough water and boil it for about 15 to 20 minutes. 4. Add the apples, the fish and the tomato. When the apples go soft, ads salt and pepper.16. This passage is probably . A. a poemB. a piece of news C. a storyD. a recipe17. The name of the soup in Chinese restaurants is . A. du jour soupB. tomato soupC. union soupD. ginger soup18. The underlined word quartered means . A. 榨汁B. 切成四份C. 洗净D. 炸碎19. If you want to cook the soup for 8 people, you will need red tomatoes. A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 420. In what order should you add the ingredients while cooking the soup? A. apples, fish and tomato, ginger slices and spring onions, oil, fish bones B. oil, fish bones, ginger slices and spring onions, apples, fish and tomato C. oil, ginger slices and spring onions, fish bones, apples, fish and tomato D. ginger slices and spring onions, fish bones, apples, fish and tomato, oilE(福建厦门梧侣学校xx年期末) January is a great month. I only need to go to school from the first to the fifteenth. Every year(每年), our school has an art festival. This year it is from January 13th to January 15th. All the students and parents can come to the festival. My mother can go to the festival with me this time(这次), but my father cant. He is busy. All the people sing, dance and play games at the festival. After the festival, the term is over. I dont need to go to school and can have a long holiday. My parents and I want to take a trip in Sanya, Hainan. And we want to spend(度过) our Spring Festival(春节) there. We will come back to Beijing on February 15th. Im sure well have a good time!21. The school has a(n) _ every year.A. school trip B. art festival C. English party22. The art festival lasts (持续) for _ days.A. two B. three C. four23. What is the Chinese meaning of “over” in “After the festival, the term is over.”? A. 结束 B. 漫长的 C. 无聊24. They want to go to Sanya to _.A. see a friend B. buy some clothes C. take a trip二、任务型阅读(浙江宁波江东区xx年期末)ActivitiesTimePlaceA. Music festivalDec. 19thGym(体育馆)B. School tripOct. 25thThe Younger ZooC. Basketball gameDec. 2ndPlaygroundD. Book saleNov.21stGym(体育馆)按时间顺序排列上面活动,请填上代表活动的大写字母。1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _5. Which two activities are in the same month?A. Music festival and school trip. B. School trip and basketball game.C. Music festival and basketball game. D. Basketball Game and book sale.答案:一、阅读理解1-5 DCBAB 6-10 DACAC11-15 CDBAC16-20 DABBC21-24 BBAC二、任务型阅读1-5 BDCAC


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