七年级英语上册 Module 4 Healthy food(词汇篇)试题 (新版)外研版.doc

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Module 4词汇篇 _1.熟练掌握重点单词、词组的用法2.理解并运用“饮食”相关的表达 1. drink n.饮料,不可数名词,还有如下用法:(1)drink 指不同种类的饮料时,是可数名词。Milk and juice are healthy for us. 牛奶和果汁对我们的健康是有益的。(2)drink 还可指“一杯/一份(饮料)”。Lets have a drink. 我们一起喝一杯吧。2. much adj.许多的,大量的,其后接不可数名词,其反义词为little。too much 意为“太多”,常用来修饰不可数名词too many 意为“太多”,常用来修饰可数名词3. kind n.品种,种类,可数名词。拓展-相关短语(1) a kind of 一种An apple is a kind of fruit.苹果是一种水果。(2) all kinds of 各种各样的I love all kinds of sports.我喜欢各种各样的运动。4. or conj.或者;还是,or连接并列主语时,谓语动词要与最后的那个主语保持一致。Which do you prefer, lamb chops or pork chops? 你比较喜欢小羊排,还是猪排?辨析:and/or,and意为“并且”,or意为“或者,否则”,做“和,并且”讲时常用于否定句中。I dont like apples or bananas.我不喜欢苹果和香蕉。5. remember v. 记住;想起相关句型:(1)remember to do sth. 记着去做某事Remember to write us when you get there. 到了那儿别忘了给我们写信。(2)remember doing sth. 记得做过某事I remember meeting you somewhere. 我记得在哪儿见过你。6. healthy adj.健康的拓展:反义词:unhealthy adj. 不健康的He has an unhealthy diet and does no exercise. 他饮食不健康,也不做运动。相关单词:health n.健康相关短语:in good health 身体健康in bad/poor health 身体不健康Im glad to find you in good health. 看到你身体很健康,我很高兴。7. buy vt.买,反义词:sell v.卖Id like to buy your house if you are willing to sell it. 如果你愿意卖的话,我想买你的房子。相关短语:buy from从买Dont buy from that shop, their prices are high.别从那个商店里买东西,他们要价太高。相关句型:buy sth. for sb./buy sb. sth. 给某人买某物My father bought me a new bike.=My father bought a new bike for me. 我爸爸给我买了一辆新自行车。8. All right 多用来表示同意对方的命令、请求、建议或安排,意为“好的,行,可以”。拓展:“All right”还具有如下用法:(1)用于问候某人或回答别人的问候。 Are you all right? 你好吗?All right, thanks! 很好,谢谢!(2)用于征求对方意见或请求对方允许。9. be good for结构,意为:对.有好处。be bad for 对.有害处,与be good for词义相反。10. Lets do sth.意为“让我们吧。”。如:Lets go to school now. 我们现在去上学吧。单项选择1.(xx山东济南中考改编)Tom is in good health, because he often exercises(锻炼) and eats a lot of healthy .A. foodB. waterC. pearD. carrot2.(xx湖南衡阳中考改编)Jenny, whats your favorite ? I like bananas best.A. vegetablesB. fruitC. drink3.(xx湖北孝感中考改编)Why are you so tired these days(近来)? Well, I have homework to do.A. too muchB. too manyC. much tooD. many too4.(xx北京中考改编)Which do you prefer(更喜欢), tea coffee? Tea, please.A. butB. soC. orD. and5.(xx湖北咸宁中考)I think drinking milk every morning is good our health. Yes, I agree you.A. to, toB. with, toC. at, withD. for, with6. I cant go out because I have work to do.A. A. too manyB. too muchC. many tooD. much too7. Eat fruit and vegetable and drink water instead of drinks.A. a lotB. lots ofC. fewD. a little8.They had wonderful dinner in the evening.A. aB. anC. theD. /解析及答案:1. 可用“综合分析法”解题。a lot of 修饰复数名词或不可数名词,pear与carrot是可数名词单数形式,排除C、D两项;food意为食品;water意为水。由句意“汤姆身体很健康,因为他经常锻炼并且吃很多健康的.”可知food符合题意,故选A。2. 可用“找关键词法”解题。由答语中的bananas属于水果可知,问句询问对方最喜欢的水果是什么,故选B。3. 可用“语法分析法”解题。too much 太多,修饰不可数名词;too many 太多,修饰复数名词;much too 太,修饰形容词或副词;无many too这种表达。homework是不可数名词,故选A。4. 可用“词义辨析法”解题。but但是,转折关系;so 所以,因果关系;or或者,选择关系;and和、又,并列关系。由答语“请给我茶”可知,此处是选择关系,故选C。5. be good for 意为“对.有好处”,agree with sb. 意为“赞同某人观点”,故选D。6. 空后的work是不可数名词,故选B。7. lots of 可以修饰可数名词复数,表示“许多,大量的”,故选B。8. 考查冠词的用法。在have dinner中,dinner前不需要冠词,但dinner前如果有形容词修饰,就要加不定冠词, 故选A。基础演练一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1. I have m and bread for breakfast(早饭).2. I like apples, bananas and o .3. Fruit and v are good for our health.4. Do you like beef or c ?5. We h got any meat.6. Milk and water are healthy d .7. - Whats your favourite f ?- I like peaches(桃子).8. Sugar is s . Dont eat too much.9. The food is very d . I like it.10. Remember to b some apples from the new shop.答案:1. milk2. oranges3. vegetables4. chicken5. havent6. drinks7. fruit8. sweet9. delicious10. buy巩固提高二、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)1. 我的妹妹有一些巧克力。(词数不限)My sister some chocolate.2. 戴维,来点儿热水怎么样?(词数不限) some hot water, David?3. 让我们去购物吧。(词数不限)Lets .4. 玛丽,我们有太多的可乐。(词数不限)Mary, weve got cola.5. 你喜欢什么种类的水果?(词数不限) fruit do you like?6. 我们都应该保持健康。(词数不限)We all should .7. 太多的糖对你是有害的。(词数不限) is you.8. 我不想变胖。(词数不限)I dont want to .9. 请喝牛奶、吃水果。Please some milk and some .10. 他最喜欢的食物和饮料是什么? (词数不限) favourite food and drink?答案:1. has got2. How/What about3. go shopping4. too much5. What kind of6. stay healthy7. Too much sugar; bad for8. get fat9. drink; eat; fruit10. Whats his一、单项选择1. There much cola in the glass. You can drink some. A. isB. areC. hasD. have2. Pork and beef healthy food. A. isB. areC. amD. be3. - Is rice food?- Yes, it is. A. healthB. healthyC. healthilyD. unhealthy4. Vegetables and fruit you. A. is good forB. are good forC. are good atD. is bad for5. It is important these words. A. rememberB. to rememberC. rememberingD. remembers6. Look! Some fruit in the basket. Some pork and beef in the fridge. A. are; areB. is; isC. is; areD. are; is7. Shes got some juice, she any bread. A. so; has gotB. and; has got C. or; has gotD. but; hasnt got8. - Have they got any carrots?- . Can you give them some? A. Yes, they haventB. Yes, they have C. No, they haventD. No, they have9. There some rice and some bananas on the table. A. beB. isC. areD. have10. We some eggs and milk for breakfast in the morning. A. eatB. drinkC. eat and drinkD. have答案:1-5 ABBBB6-10 CDCBD二、完形填空(深圳南山外国语学校xx年期中试题)Most students will be 1 during exams. In order to get good 2 in the exams, they study whole day and they even forget to have lunch or supper. But this may not be a good way 3 and it even makes things worse. What should students do 4 the exam? Lets look at the advice that the teachers give.Enough sleep is very 5 for students. So make sure you get enough 6 not only on the night before the exams. You should also sleep well during the days and weeks of revision(复习) . A glass of milk is necessary before you 7 . You can take short walks in the park in a park after dinner. This can help you 8 calm(冷静).Doing some sports or listening to some music is also 9 to you. And your parents 10 works as well.1.A. nervous.B. relaxedC. confidentD. Glad2.A. foodB. gradesC. glassesD. Seats3.A. to talkB. to studyC. to spendD. to play4.A. beforeB. afterC. betweenD. Behind5.A. interesting B. boringC. pointlessD. important6.A. meat B. vegetablesC. sleepD. exercise7.A. go to school B. go to the parkC. go to bedD. go for dinner8.A. keepB. stopC. goD. Take9.A. cheerfulB. thoughtfulC. wonderfulD. helpful10.A. encouragementB. embarrassment C. improvementD. Agreement答案:1-5 ABBAD6-10 CCADA _ _一、单项选择1. Some apples and ice cream on the table. A. areB. isC. amD. be2. Bill a new chair. A. has gotB. have gotC. there isD. there are3. - Have we got fruit?- Yes. Weve got apples and oranges. A. some; someB. some; anyC. any; anyD. any; some4. - Has she got a new book?- . Her new book is blue. A. Yes, she hasB. No, she hasnt C. Yes, she doesD. No, she doesnt5. - Whats your favourite vegetable?- . A. HamburgersB. BeefC. SugarD. Potatoes6. Lets some chicken. A. eatB. eatingC. eatsD. to eat7. The bread is delicious, I dont like it. A. andB. butC. orD. so8. - How about some apple juice?- A. Youre welcome.B. Fine, thanks. C. Sorry, I dont know.D. Yes, good idea!9. - Is Miss Gao your English teacher, Jack and Jim?- Yes. is kind to . A. She; meB. Her; meC. She; usD. Her; us10. - There is some chicken on the plate. Would like some?- No, thanks. I dont like . A. you; themB. your; themC. you; itD. your; it二、完形填空 My name is Zhang Jing. I have a happy 1 . We are from China. Now my parents and I 2 in America. In the morning, we have 3 at home. We have bread, milk and eggs. 4 lunch, we dont eat at home. In the evening, we 5 a big dinner at home. We 6 jiaozi, chicken, rice and vegetables. My favourite 7 is jiaozi. I like apples too. I eat 8 apple(s) a dayone in the morning and the other (另一个) in 9 afternoon. My fathers favourite food is carrots and chicken. What about 10 mother? Oh, her favourite food is rice. We all eat healthy food.1.A. familyB. schoolC. classD. friend2.A. beB. amC. isD. are3.A. breakfastB. lunchC. riceD. noodles4.A. ToB. ForC. OfD. With5.A. playB. haveC. drawD. see6.A. knowB. buyC. getD. like7.A. sportB. colourC. foodD. drink8.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four9.A. theB. aC. anD. 不填10.A. myB. yourC. hisD. her三、阅读理解AWhat do you usually do in your free time? Come and join(参加) our club!LessonsActivitiesMonday-Friday17:30-19:30Computer lessonsSaturday and Sunday8:00-19:00Playing basketball andvolleyballMonday andWednesday20:00-21:30Dance lessonsMonday-Sunday9:00-22:00SwimmingTuesday,Thursday andFriday18:30-19:30Cooking lessonsThe second and the lastSaturdays of everymonth19:00-21:30Music time1. People cant have computer lessons on in the club. A. MondayB. WednesdayC. FridayD. Sunday2. Betty is free after 19:30. She can take lessons in the club. A. danceB. computerC. cookingD. swimming3. A cooking lesson is long. A. half an hourB. one hour C. two hoursD. two and a half hours4. Ted wants to swim after playing basketball. He can go to the club on . A. TuesdayB. ThursdayC. FridayD. Sunday5. How often can one enjoy music in the club? A. Twice a month.B. Twice a week. C. Four times a month.D. Four times a week.BDear Ann, Im very glad to get your letter. Thank you for telling me about your best friend Amy. In this letter I will tell you something about mine. My best friend is Julia. She comes from England. She is 13 years old, one year older than both of us. Julia is tall and slim. She has long, brown hair and blue eyes. We always go to school together. We are not in the same grade. She is in Grade 8. She is very kind. All her classmates and teachers like her very much. Her favourite lessons are Art and Music. She is good at singing. She always teaches me to sing English songs. She also does well in swimming. We are members of the Swimming Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday, we go to the club. Julia is the best swimmer(游泳者) of the team. Our swimming coach(教练) Jean likes her very much. Julia has a sister, Jenny. She is 20 years old. Jenny is a pretty girl. She has a flower shop. She is very busy every day. At weekends, we often go to help her in the shop. Its an interesting work. We can know many flowers. We always have a good time there.Yours,Lily 6. Lilys best friend is . A. JuliaB. AnnC. JennyD. Amy7. What does Julia look like? A. She is short but slim. B. She has long and black hair. C. She has brown hair and blue eyes. D. She has long hair and brown eyes.8. From the passage we know Ann is years old. A. 11B. 12C. 13D. 149. Julia every Tuesday and Thursday. A. goes to the park with Jenny B. teaches Lily to sing English songs C. goes to the Swimming Club with Lily D. goes to the flower shop with Jenny10. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Lily and Julia are good friends but not in the same grade. B. Julia is good at singing and can sing many English songs. C. Julia is the best swimmer of the swimming team. D. Jenny is Lilys sister and she works in a flower shop.四、短文7选5 Hello, boys and girls. Im Nancy. Do you have a beautiful school? My school is not big but very beautiful. There are two buildings in our school. My classroom is in Building A. There are five floors in Building A. 1 On the other floors, there are some classrooms for students. Our school library is in Building B. It has two floors. There is a big hall on the ground floor. 2 On the first floor, there are three reading rooms. The two big ones are for students and the small one is for teachers. Those for students are open from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. and from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.3 We have lessons from Monday to Friday. We learn many subjects at school, like English, Chinese, Maths, Science, History, Geography and Art. 4 My home is far away from the school. My mother drives me to school every day. It takes us about half an hour to get there. A. The teachers reading room is open from 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. B. We often have some meetings or interesting activities there. C. I often go to school by bike. D. My favourite subject is Geography because I like travelling and I want to know more about other places in the world. E. On the ground floor, there is an art room, a computer room and some offices for our teachers.五、阅读与表达(问答式) My name is Alice. I am 14 years old. I have good eating habits(饮食习惯). For breakfast, I have two eggs and some bread. I dont like milk, but I have some milk too. Because milk is healthy. For lunch, I have rice with meat and vegetables. Chicken is my favourite meat. Carrots are my favourite vegetable. They are very healthy. I have vegetables and noodles for dinner. After dinner, I eat some fruit. Bananas and apples are my favourite fruit. What food dont I like? Hamburgers! They arent healthy. Good eating habits help me to be healthy. 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。1. How old is Alice? 2. Whats Alices drink in the morning? 3. Whats Alices favourite vegetable? 4. Are oranges Alices favourite fruit? 5. What food doesnt Alice like? 六、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 1. 今天有点儿冷。Its cold today.2. 我的父母亲喜欢购物。My parents like .3. 商店里有许多水果。There are fruit in the shop.4. 棒球运动对你来说容易吗?Is baseball you?答案:一、单项选择1-5 AADAD6-10 ABDCC二、完形填空1-5 ADABB6-10 DCBAA三、阅读理解1-5 DABDA6-10 ACBCD四、短文7选51-4 EBAD五、阅读与表达(问答式)1. She is 14 years old.2. Milk.3. Carrots.4. No, they arent.5. Hamburgers.六、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)1. a, bit2. going, shopping3. lots, of4. Easy, for

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