2018-2019学年九年级英语下册 Unit 9 Communication Lesson 54 How Embarrassing练习 (新版)冀教版.doc

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2018-2019学年九年级英语下册 Unit 9 Communication Lesson 54 How Embarrassing练习 (新版)冀教版.doc_第3页
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Lesson 54How Embarrassing!单词闯关1.moment_2tap _3.familiar _(反义词)_短语互译1.偶然遇见;撞上,撞到 _2返回,回到 _3remind sb.of _4.hear from _5have a good conversation _6make plans _句型在线1.本周我在一家书店经历了一个尴尬的时刻。This week I had _ _ _ at a bookstore.2我偶然遇见了一位叫高原的老朋友。I _ _ an old friend named Gao Yuan. 3当他拍着我的肩膀说出我的名字时,我想不起他是谁。When he tapped me _ _ _ and said my name, I couldnt _ _ who he was.4.她说她曾经有过一次类似的经历。She said that she _ had a similar experience.5王梅当时也有点儿尴尬,但是她的朋友不介意。Wang Mei was _ _ embarrassed, too, but her friend didnt _. 6她只是提醒了王梅她的名字,然后她们畅谈了许久。She just_ Wang Mei _ her name and they had a good, long chat. 1moment n. 片刻;瞬间观察 This week I had an embarrassing moment at a bookstore.本周我在一家书店经历了一个尴尬的时刻。探究 moment 用作可数名词,其复数形式为moments。What happy moments I have spent there!我在那儿度过了多么快乐的时光啊!活学活用1(1)Sorry, Sophia, I have got a phone call now and I will come back _Afor the momentBin a momentCfor a momentDat the moment(2)Few people knew how to shop online at_that_moment(选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的一项)Ajust then Bjust nowCat once Din time常用短语at the moment 现在,此刻at that moment 那时,at any moment 随时 at every moment 不断地,in a moment 很快地 for the moment 目前,暂时2familiar adj. 熟悉的;常见到的观察 He seemed familiar but I forgot his name.他看起来很熟悉,但是我忘记他的名字了。辨析 be familiar to与be familiar withbe familiar to意为“为某人所熟悉”。主语通常是“物”,表示某物、某事为某人所熟悉。be familiar with意为“熟悉某物”,主语通常是人,表示某人熟悉某人、某物。The song is familiar to me.我熟悉这首歌。Are you familiar with the computer software?你熟悉这款计算机软件吗?2He was familiar_ the animals.That means these animals were familiar_ him.Ato; with Bwith; toCto; to Dwith; with 1 This week I had an embarrassing moment at a bookstore. 本周我在一家书店经历了一个尴尬的时刻。探究 embarrassing 是形容词,意为“令人难堪的;令人尴尬的”,修饰物。拓展 embarrassed也用作形容词,意为“感到尴尬的”,修饰人。She looked very embarrassed.她看起来很尴尬。活学活用1xx青海改编I was very _ when I arrived late for the dinner party. Why dont you get there on time?AembarrassedBrelaxedCuncomfortableDinterested2She just reminded Wang Mei of her name and they had a good, long chat. 她只是提醒了王梅她的名字,然后她们畅谈了许久。探究 remind sb. of sth. 意为“使某人想起某事”;remind sb. to do sth. 意为“提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)”。拓展 “remind sb.that从句/what从句”表示“提醒某人,使某人想起”。Would you please remind him that our meeting has been put off?请你提醒他我们的会议推迟了,好吗?This reminds me what we did together during our holidays.这使我想起了我们在假期里一起做过的事。2(1)xx自贡What do you think of the movie Fang Hua?It is moving and it _ my grandma _ the life in the countryside.Areminds; ofBlets; downCwakes; up (2)Remind him _ the window when he leaves.Aof closing BclosingCto close Dclose3He was happy to hear from me, and we had a good conversation. 他很高兴接到我的电话,并且我们进行了愉快的交谈。探究 hear from 意为“收到某人的来信”,相当于get/receive a letter from sb.;也可译为“接到来电”。I havent heard from my friend for a long time.我好长时间没有收到朋友的来信了。拓展 hear of 意为“听说”,强调从别人那里间接得知,可以和hear about互换。Have you ever heard of Mickey Mouse?你曾听说过米老鼠吗?I am sorry to hear about your accident.听说你遇到意外,我很难过。3(1)她很激动,因为她收到好朋友的来信了。She is very excited, because she has _ _ her good friend.(2)Ms. Liu is looking forward to _ her daughter. She misses her very much.Ahearing of Bhearing from Ccooling down Dcutting down4We also made plans to play pingpong together next weekend. 并且我们计划下周末一起去打乒乓球。探究 make plans to do sth. 意为“_”。其中plan作名词,意为“计划;打算”。拓展 plan还可作动词,意为“计划”。plan to do sth. 意为“计划做某事”。A meeting has been planned for early next year.计划明年年初召开一次会议。4(1)Have they just made plans _(take) exercise after supper?(2)xx德阳What are you going to do tonight?I plan_ Days of Our Past.Awatch BwatchingCto watch Dwatched 详解详析Lesson 54How Embarrassing!【课前自主预习】单词闯关1片刻;瞬间2.轻拍;轻敲3熟悉的;常见到的unfamiliar短语互译1run into2.return to3使某人想起4.接到来电;收到信息5聊得很开心6.制订计划句型在线1an embarrassing moment2.ran into3on the shoulder; figure out4.once5a little; mind6.reminded; of【课堂互动探究】词汇点睛1(1)B(2)A2Bbe familiar to sb. 意为“为某人所熟悉”,be familiar with sth. 意为“熟悉某物”。故选B。句型透视1A考查形容词的词义辨析。embarrassed意为“局促不安的;感到难为情的”;relaxed意为“轻松的;放松的”;uncomfortable意为“不舒服的”;interested意为“感兴趣的”。由“arrived late”可知应该是在众人面前感到“难为情,不好意思”。句意:“当我参加晚宴来晚的时候,我非常尴尬。”“你为什么不能按时到达那里呢?”故选A。2(1)A考查动词短语辨析。句意: “你觉得电影芳华怎么样?”“它令人感动,它让我奶奶想起乡村生活。”remind sb. of sth. 是固定短语,意为“使某人想起某事”; let sb. down意为“让某人失望”;wake sb. up意为“唤醒某人”。根据句意可知此处是指让奶奶想起乡村生活。故选A。(2)Cremind sb. to do sth. 意为“提醒某人去做某事(暗示动作尚未发生)”。故选C。3(1)heard from(2)B4制订计划做某事(1)to take(2)C考查动词的非谓语形式。句意:“你打算今晚干什么?”“我计划去看我们逝去的日子。”动词plan后跟动词不定式作宾语,plan to do sth. 意为“计划去做某事”,故答案选C。


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