2019年六年级上册数学期末测试卷人教版 (I).doc

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六年级上册数学期末测试卷一、填空:(17分)1、5表示两个因数的积是(),其中一个因数是(),求()。2、一件羊毛衫的标签中写有“羊毛85%”表示()占()的85%。3、()()1() 4、()15、圆周率表示的是()和()的倍数关系,用字母()表示。6、在同圆里,半径是直径的(),它们都有()条。7、利息与本金的百分比叫做()。8、在里填上、或。11313 四成五45%10109、根据男生人数是女生人数的,可以写出数量关系式:()()10、 1的是()0.75比多()% 18是()的1倍()比18多15%。11、甲数是甲、乙两数和的,甲数比乙数少。二、判断题:(6分)1、分母是100的分数就是百分数。() 2、已知X1,那么X和Y互为倒数。()3、4米增加它的后,再减少,结果还是4米。()4、圆内最长的线段是直径。() 5、小明家12月份用电量比11月份节约了110%。()6、A和B为自然数,A的等于B的40%,那么AB。()三、选择题:(6分)1、一堆煤,运走吨,还剩下()。AB吨C无法确定2、把0.85、85.1%、四个数按从小到大的顺序排列,排在第二位的是()A0.85BC85.1%D3、一个圆的直径扩大2倍,那么这个圆的周长就扩大()。A6.28倍B2倍C4倍D2倍4、把5千克的水果平均分成10份,每份是()。A千克B10%千克C2千克D千克5、甲数减少了它的后是75,这个数是()。A30B45C100D1256、在一个正方形里画一个最大的圆,这个圆的面积是正方形面积的()。AB78.5%CD四、计算。1、直接写出得数(8分)11+3-81.81243+1.57.812.86312821-5.42、解下列方程(6分)2X7X0.5 (6.8-X)11.210.25X-912 3、用简便方法计算(写出主要过程。6分)638+6.85+1.6+2 (108+45)9121+5.25 4、脱式计算(12分)23-32 3+24+1 1.5+11.6(4-3.5)1 1-(+)52-(1-1.5)16 5、列式计算。(8分)6除1.5的商,加上3,再乘以3,积是多少? 一个数的是180,这个数的1.2倍是多少? 一个圆的直径是8厘米,这个圆的周长和面积各是多少?求下图中阴影部分的面积。(单位:米) 五、应用题(31分)1、只列式不计算。(7分)(1)小明看一本故事书,第一天看了30页,(),第二天看了多少页?A第二天看的页数是第一天的() B比第二天少看()C第二天看的页数比第一天多()D是第二天看的页数的()(2)甲、乙两个工程队共同修一条300米长的地下管道,甲工程队每天修总长的,乙工程队每天修总长的。A如果甲队单独修几天能修完?()B甲、乙两个工程队合修几天可以修完?()C甲队每天比乙队多修多少米?()2、列式计算。(24分)科技小组进行玉米种子发芽试验。用500粒种子进行试验,有15粒没有发芽,求发芽率?某工厂去年计划产值750万元,实际产值达到1000万元,实际比计划增产百分之几?一堆重200吨的煤分两天运完,第一天运了这堆煤的45%,第二天还应运多少吨?一根62.8分米长的绳子刚好绕一棵树一周,这棵树所绕部位的横截面积是多少?学校买来354本新书,其中科技书占,学科辅导书占,文艺书占,文艺书和科技书共买来多少本?生产一批零件,甲工人独做12小时可以完成,乙工人独做15小时可以完成。甲工人每小时比乙工人多做20个零件,这批零件一共有多少个? 2019年六年级上册数学期末测试卷人教版 (I)To start with, although moving to another city lead to lose the chances that munication with our friends face to face, we can use Instant Messenger, for instance QQ or MSN, by the Internet. I remember when I left my hometown, I just municate with my friends by QQ. And he told me what happened recently, believe it or not, I told him the matters around me. Our friendship, in a sense, was enriched, not took off. To sum up, just moving will not cause losing our friendship.Besides, we can learn and view much more than in the old city. Generally speaking, something in the new city are different to those in the old city. For example, when I went to my collage, it is my first leaving home, I went to the city of spring-Jinan, a big city. It was my firstly seeing an ocean of people on the street, which I had never seen. I also saw too many springs, which I just had seen on TV or books. So I supposed I had left my hometown. Furthermore, I want to go to America, which is a freedom country, and I have an American Dream.To be honest, we can develop a new friendship in a new place. Maybe we would lost many old friends, but there wait many new friends. Losing old friends make us disappointed, but making new friends will let us happy. And in new city, we will meet more persons and make more friends. Maybe we can meet a very important person in my life. I, for instance, met Mr. Yan, who gave me a job to work in the office to serve our students, teachers and guests. I learned a lot, such as how to provide a perfect service to my guest, in the office. I suppose it is my most important experience in my life. So if I had not left my home town, I would not have this.All in all, we will not lose our old friends because of the internet. Furthermore, we will have more knowledge and new friendship. While we must lose something, but what we will take is more than it. So if I have a chance to go abroad or move to a new city or a new country, I will take it.新概念第一册第一次测验姓名: 得分: 完成以下句子,用冠词a或an填空。210 It is Swedish car. She isair hostess It is English car. It is_ American carIt is Japanese car.It is French car.Robert is not teacher.It is Italian car.She is student.He is postman.哈佛大学英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。:hafo.yeryy/写出下列单词的反义词,并补充汉语意思。2 10 father父亲 sister姐妹 tall高 hot热的 fat胖的 busy忙的 clean干净的 man男人 old老的 up向上完成以下句子,用am 或is 填空。2 10My name _ Lucy. I_ Chinese.My name_ Bob.I_ a student.I _Italian.Sophie_not Italian.She _French.Mr.Blake_my teacher.He _not French. Jim _ an engineer.完成以下句子,用Hes,Shes或Its填空。2 5Dave isnt a teacher._ an engineer.This isnt my shirt._ your shirt.Lily isnt a teacher._ a keyboard operator.Steven isnt cold._ hot. This isnt a German car._ a Swedish car.根据提示,补充关于颜色的单词。2 5This is a _umbrella.这是一把黑色的伞。My new dress is _.我的新连衣裙是蓝色的。This is Lilys _ bear.这是莉莉的棕熊。Her shirt is _.她的衬衣是白色的。Look at that _ car.看那辆灰色的汽车。翻译下列句子2 6 Is this your handbag?_ Pardon?_ Whats your job?_ What colours your hat?_ Are you French?_ Here you are._补全对话2 4DAVE:Hello,Emma.EMMA:_.DAVE:How are you today?EMMA:_. _DAVE:Im fine,thanks.EMMA:Good bye, nice to see you.DAVE:_.AAnd you?B Nice to see you too,goodbye.C Hi,Dave.D Im very well ,thank you.哈佛大学英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。:hafo.yeryy/按要求写出相应的词1this(反义词)_2these(反义词)_ 3it(复数形式)_4that(复数形式)_ 5photo(复数形式)_6 picture(复数形式)_ 7cousin(复数形式)_8friend(复数形式)_ 9son(对应词)_10sister(对应词)_ 在下列家谱图中填上正确的词11_ 12_ 13_ 14_ 15_ 16_ 单项选择( )17Is he your friend? Yes, _. Ait is Bit isnt Che is Dhe isnt( )18Is this your father? No, _. Ait is Bit isnt Che is Dhe isnt ( )19Is that your _ ? Aa picture Bpicture Cpictures Dnice pictures( )20Are _ Kates _? Athis, book Bthat,book Cthese,books Dthose,book( )21Is Guo Peng your brother? _. AYes,it is BNo,it isnt CYes, she is DNo,he is ( )22Thanks _ your last letter. Aof Bfrom Cfor Dto( )23Anna is not my sister. _ my cousin. AHe BHes CShe DShes( )24Is _ your aunt? Whats _ name? Ahe,his Bshe,her Che,her Dshe,his( )25What are those? _. AThey are apple trees BThey are apples treesCThose are apple trees DThose are apples trees用am,is,are填空26Excuse me! _ this your eraser? 27What _ those? _ they birds? 28This _ his ruler. Where _ my ruler? 29I _ in Class Three. _ you in Class Three,too? 30_ these her English books? 31Those _ their apples. Where _ his apples? 32She _ eleven. How old _ that boy? 33He _ my friend. _ your friend a boy or a girl? 34_ those maps? No,they _ not. They _ pictures. 35 These _ your bananas. Here you _. .阅读理解(15%) A This is a picture of Mr Greens family.There are four pople in the family.They are Mr Green,Mrs Green,Jim and Kate.Look at the picture.We can see Jim is behind Mr Green.Kate is behind Mrs Green Jim and Kate are students.They go to the same school.Mr Green and Mrs Green are teachers. They are good teachers.They go to woek by car.根据短文判断正(T)误(F)( )36.Jim is Mrs Greens son.( )37.There are four people in Mr Greens family.( )38.Jim and Kate are not student.( )39.Jim and Kate are in the same school.( )40.Mr and Mrs Green go to work by bus. BA:Look,it is a picture of my family.B:Oh,it is a nice picture,Tom.Who is this man?A:Its my father.B:Is the girl your sister?A:Yes,she is.B:How old is she?A:Shes ten.B:Are you in the same school?A:No,we are not.B:Is the woman your mother?A:Yes,shes a teacher.B:She looks young(年轻的).A:I look like her.B:Whos that?A:Who?The baby(婴儿)?B:Yes.A:Guss(猜).B:Is it your brother?A:No.B:I know(知道) its you.A:Thats right.I look lovely(可爱的).根据对话选出正确的答案( )41.What photo is it? A.A photo of a boy. B.A photo of a family. C.A photo of a room. D.A photo of people.( )42.How old is the sister? A.7 B.6 C.9 D.10( )43.What is her mother? A.She is a doctor. B.She is a teacher. C.She is a nurse. D.She is a worker.( )44.Are Tom and his sister in the same school? A.Yes,he is. B.No,he is not. C.Yes,they are. D.No,they are not.( )45.How many people are there in the family? A.Four B.Five C.Three D.Two.补全对话.(10%)A.What is this? B.May I have a look? C.No,he is a teacher. D.I am here. E.He is my uncle.A: 46 ?B:It is a photo of my family.A: 47 ?B:Sure,here you are.A:Who is this man?Is he your father?B:No,he is not. 48 .A:Is he a worker?B: 49 .A:Where are you?B: 50 .46. _47._48._49._50._完形填空My name is Wang Li. My English teacher 56 Linda. She is from the USA. 57 has a son and a daughter. 58 is Ben. 59 is Maria. Her husband is 60 . Mr Black is 61 , too. He and his son are 62 New York now. Mrs Black and Maria are in China. 63 are classmates, and we are 64 . I teach her Chinese and 65 teaches me English. ( )56Abe B .is Cam Dare ( )57AShe BHer CHe DHis( )58AHis son BHis daughter CHer son DHer daughter( )59AHis son BHis daughter CHer son DHer daughter( )60ABlack Paul BPaul Black CBlack Anna DAnna Black( )61Aa student Ban English student Ca Chinese teacher Dan English teacher ( )62Aat Bfrom CIn Don( )63ABen and I BI and Ben CMaria and I DI and Maria( )64Agood friend Ba good friend Cgood friends Dfriend( )65Ahe Bshe Cthey Dher阅读短文并填入所缺单词,然后根据其内容判断正(T)误(F)e 66 meet the family. This is a picture 67 my family. The man 68 my father. He is 69 policeman. The woman is 70 mother, She is 71 English teacher. They 72 a son and a daughter. The son is me. 73 name is Lin Tao. Im eleven. Im a student. Im 74 school. The girl in a hat is my 75 . Her name is Lin Ying. Shes eleven, too. Were twins. We 76 the same. Were 77 the same class. I look 78 her. We 79 good students. We like 80 family. 66_ 67_ 68_ 69_ 70_ 71_ 72 _ 73_ 74_ 75_ 76_ 77_ 78_ 79_ 80_ ( )81This is a picture of Lin Yings family. ( )82Lin Tao and Lin Ying are twins. ( )83Lin Taos father is a policeman. ( )84Lin Yings mother is a Chinese teacher. ( )85Lin Tao and Lin Ying are in different classes. 阅读短文,然后答题A.Look at this. Whats this in English, do you know? Ah, its a photo. Whos that in the photo? Its Li Yan. Li Yan is my good friend. She is a beautiful girl. Whos that? The boy in black? Its Jim. He is an English boy. He is very cool. He is my friend, too. We are all in the same school. I like Jim and Li Yan. 根据短文内容选择正确答案。( )86What is t his? Its _. Aa school Ba friend Ca photo Dan English friend( )87Li Yan is _. Aa good boy Ba cool boy Ca beautiful girl Dan English girl( )88What color is Jim in? _. ARed BYellow COrange DBlack( )89Whos English? _. AI BJim CLi Yan DJim and Li Yan( )90Who are in the same school? _. AJim and Li Yan BJim and I CLi Yan and I DJim, Li Yah and IBB.My name is Nancy. Im a student. Im twelve. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. John is my brother. We are all in Beijing, China. The man in a black coat is my father. The woman in a red sweater is my mother. The boy behind the tree is John. We are very happy here. We love Beijing. 根据短文内容回答下列问题。91 How old is Nancy? 92 Who is Nancys brother? 93 What are Nancys father and mother? 94 Where are they now? 95 Do they like Bijing? 阅读短文,在家谱图中填上名字This is my family tree. My name is Jack. Im English. I have a big family. My wife Allen is a teacher. We have two children. Tom is my son. Linda is my daughter. They are students in No. 2 Middle School. My fathers name is Jeff. My mothers name is Grace. They are at home. Bill is my brother. He is a worker. Lancy is my wifes sister. She is a doctor. My wifes mothers name is Sue. Her fathers name is Harry. They are old, too. 96_ 97_ 98_ 99_ 100_ 101_ 102_ 参考答案1that 2those 3they 4those 5photos 6pictures 7cousins 8friends 9daughter 10brotherII11grandmother 12father 13aunt 14daughter 15brother 16cousinIII17C(Is he? 的肯定回答) 18B(Is this? 的否定回答)19B(your不和a连用,that是单数代词)20C(句子表示复数意义)21D(由句意可判断Guo Peng是男孩)22C(Thanks for sth. 因某事表示感谢)23D(Anna是女孩)24B(aunt为女性)25A(apple trees是复数)IV26Is 27are, Are 28is, is 29am, Are 30Are 31are, are 32is, is 33is,Is 34Are, are, are 35are, areV.(A)36.T 37.T 38.F 39.T 40F (B) 41.B 42.D 43.B 44.D 45.AVI.46.A 47.B 48.E 49.C 50.D56B(主语my English teacher是单数)57A(she“她”,代词主格)58C(Ben是男名)59D(Maria是女名)60B(Paul是男名,Black是姓氏)61D(由上文English teacher可知)62C(介词in表示位置)63C(由Mrs Black and Maria are in China可知)64C(we与friends相符合)65B(Maria是女名)66to/and 67of 68is 69a 70my 7lan 72have 73My 74at 75sister 76look 77in 78after 79are 80our 81T 82T 83T 84F 85F86C 87C 88D 89B 90D91She is twelve.92Her brother is Johr.93They are teachers.94They are in Beijing,China.95Yes,they do.96Grace 97Harry 98Bill 99Jack 100Allen 101Lancy 102Linda小学三年级数学概念专项训练试题一、填空题1、8个15是()。2、482读作(), 可以读作()。3、零乘任何数都得()。 4、1074表示()个()连加。5、5元2角()角。6、15的7倍是()。7、4008读作()也可以读作()。 8、320里有()个百和( )个十。 9、8除75,商是()余()。 10、2553商是()位数,2552商是()位数。 11、计算除法时,每次除得的余数一定要比()小。 12、最大的三位数除以最大的一位数,商是()。13、商()被除数。 14、有余数除法的验算方法是()。15、60是5的()倍,是4的()倍。 16、6003除以3的商是()位数,商的最高位是()位。17、商是309,除数是5,余数是4,被除数是()。 18、0除以()的数都得0。 19、25的4倍是(),125的8倍是()。 20、把4、5、6、10、12、15这六个数分成3组,使每组中两个数的积都相等。 ( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )21、90厘米( )分米; 4米( )厘米; 1米( )分米( )厘米; 5千米( )米8000米( )千米; ( )6千米;( )米40分米 22 、1吨( )千克; 3吨( )千克; 5000千克( )吨;4千克( )克;( )克6千克;( )吨xx千克 23、在横线上填上适当的单位。 一个西瓜重5 ( )。一条鱼重 700 ( )。一辆汽车每小时行60 ( )。 一支铅笔长20 ( )。 一本数学课本厚7 ( )。一头大象重3 ( )。 24、在里填上 或。 30吨3000千克5元50角 800千克8吨6米600厘米 50毫米50厘米; 20分米2米 25、长方形的对边( ) ,四个角都是( )。26、正方形的( )边相等,( )也都是直角。 27、长方形四条边长度的和,叫做长方形的 ()。长方形的周长是( )条长加( )宽。 28、长方形周长的计算方法()。 29、正方形周长的计算方法()。 30、一个正方形的周长是36厘米,它的边长是( )厘米。 31、我们学过的四边形有( )、()、()。 32、围成一个图形的所有( )的总和,叫做这个图形的( )。 33、1/7中的7叫( ),1叫( )。 34、5/6表示把一个物体( )分成( )份,5表示其中的( )份。 35、把一条线段平均分成5份,每份是它的( ) ( ), 3份是它的( ) ( )。 36、2/3是( )个1/33/4是( )个 1/( ) 37、( )个1/9是8/9 4个 1/( )是4/9 38、在里填上 4/52/5 4/12 6/121/41/9 6/6 1 1/8 1/5 7/7 4/4 39、1里面有( )1/4 7/8里面有7个1/( )。40、12/5中1可以看作( )/( )。二、 判断题1、0乘以7得7。( )2、4个相同数相加的和,等于这个数的4倍。( ) 3、0880( )4、6+6+6+6可列成64 ( ) 5、805读作80除以5,也可以读作80除5。( )6、任何数除以1还得这个数( ) 7、任何数乘以1还得这个数 ( )8、0除以任何数都得0 ( ) 9、0707( ) 10、50分米50厘米 ( ) 11 、20毫米2厘米( ) 12、30吨3000千克( ) 13、爸爸的身高180米 ( ) 14、一袋面粉重25千克 ( )15、对边相等的四边形一定是长方形( ) 16、四条边相等,四个角也相等的四边形是正方形( ) 17、一条直线长5米( ) 18、一个角是由一个顶点和两条边组成的( ) 19、把一根铁丝分成5段,其中2段是它的2 5( ) 三、 选择题 1、比6/10小的分数( ) 7/10 2/105/102、一辆汽车的载重量是( ) 4克4千克 4吨 3、一辆自行车每小时可以走15( ) 千米米分米4、一分硬币的厚度是1 ( ) 厘米毫米米5、一本新华字典厚5 ( ) 厘米分米米6、7/9 ( )/( ) 3/98/91/7 7、( )个1/7是5/7 5 71 8、365的是( )时,商是两位数 2 35 9、10千米( ) 米 100010000100 10、100厘米50分米 11、比3/8大的分数( ) 1/85/87/812、436的是( )时,商是三位数 24 813、把两个边长都是4厘米的正方形拼成一个长方形,这个长方形的周长是( )厘米。 16 2432 14、一个长方形的周长是20分米,长8分米,它的宽是( )分米 21012 15、把一个西瓜平均分成8块,小真吃了这个西瓜的( ) 1/8 2/8 3/816、463505的计算顺序是先算( )再算加法 乘法除法乘除法 17、1505可以表示( ) 150的5倍 150是5的n倍 5个150 18、一个数的3倍是126,这个数是( ) 42129378 19、450里有( )个5 909225020、千米、米、分米、厘米、毫米等是( )单位 重量时间长度 小学教育资料好好学习,天天向上!第 49 页 共 73 页


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