2019-2020年八年级英语下册 how long have you benn collecting shells教案 牛津版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册 how long have you benn collecting shells教案 牛津版单元教材分析: 本单元的重点是现在完成进行时的理解、掌握和运用。即have/has been+v-ing结构的运用。在前面已经学过现在进行时这一时态。When和how long引导的特殊疑问句,这些知识的储备对于现在完成进行时学习具有重要的作用。本节的内容围绕卡通画的旱冰马拉松比赛展开,包括现场的采访和现场报道,都是为了现在完成进行时这一语法的理解和掌握。学生在运用现在完成进行时的过程中,容易丢失其中的be动词的完成式been或句中的动词忘了加ing。因此现在完成进行时这种结构的掌握和运用是本节的难点。学生对现在进行时和现在完成进行时这两种时态在何种情况下使用,可能有疑惑,以及对现在完成进行时中引导时间的介词for和since的使用也有疑惑。这是本单元的疑难点。教材的设计由简而难,图文并茂,容易引起学生很大的学习兴趣。学生分析:在前面几个单元学生已经储备了现在进行时相关的知识,而本单元的内容是现在完成进行时,即“have/has been+v-ing”形式,两者有些相似,在此基础上学习现在完成进行时相对比较容易,况且本单元围绕卡通马拉松比赛来展开,易于学生的学习和接受。第一、 二课时预习案预习目标:1.掌握本课的单词.2.能用新句型进行对话,了解完成时态的用法.3.培养学生们的交际能力,以及相互帮助和合作的能力.预习重点:1.现在完成时态的构成及用法,标志词.2.have /has been and have/has gone 的区别.预习任务: 任务一:自主完成以下词汇收集_贝壳 _ 一双 _溜冰鞋_自从 _马拉松赛跑 _一双溜冰鞋_ 在马拉松赛中_任务二:自主预习1b,2a,2b的听力1.译下面的句子. Ive been skating for five hours.I skated for four hours.2.以上两个句子有什么区别:_.3.拓展练习: a. 自从八点开始,我就已经滑冰了._.b. 我读过这本书._ .c. 我收集贝壳已经两年了。_.4.自主区别for /since用于现在完成进行。任务三:how 的相关词组:How_多少(钱)how _多少(人)How_多远 how _多久一次How_多大 how _ 多久以后任务四:自主归纳现在完成时态的构成及用法,标志词.构成:_.标志词:_.用法:_.预习质疑: 在预习中那些地方不明白或不理解. _.教学案Learning Objectives:1Knowing:(1) Master the following words: collect shell marathon pair skate since Hilltop School (2) The tense: The Present Perfect Progressive Tense(3)Master the following sentence structures:A: How long has Alison been skating? B: She has been skating for + some time /since + / since + some time +ago/ since + Past Tense 2Process and methods:(1) 通过图片和情景对话学习句型。(2)通过听力和分组练习,比较一般过去时和现在完成时,比较since和for的区别。(3)通过书面表达提高活用所学语言的能力。3情感态度与价值观:学习完本节课后,我们应以中华民族的振兴为己任,发奋读书传我文明。同时也要常为人类做一些慈善之事,表达我们的爱意。Key points:1Words 2Sentences: A: How long have you + been + ving? B:I have been + ving A: How long did you? B: I Difficult points: The Present Perfect Progressive Tense。Leaching process:ALearning tasks:Task 1: Learn the Present Perfect progressive Tense Task 2: Listening practiceBLearning process:一.预习交流:Check answers in pairs,see if they have difficulties, help them.二.精讲点拨: Learn the using of the Present Perfect Progressive Tense. (1) 构成: _.(2) Sentences structures:否定句:_.疑问句:_? Yes, _/ _. (3) 用法: A.表示动作从过去某一时态开始一直延续到现在的动作,这一动作可能刚刚停止,也可能仍然继续进行下去。example:What books have you been reading these days? B.表示不久前刚结束的动作,这个意义应根据上文来判断。example: Sorry, Im late. How long have you been waiting here? 三拓展训练.Task 1:Learn the Present Perfect progressive Tense .1Group work .Give students several minutes to discuss the three questions in 1a. (1) How long did you sleep lastright? (2) When did you start class today? . (3) How long have you been in class today? . 2Look and talk about the pictures to learn the Present Perfect Progressive Tense.A:How long have you been + v-ing? (skate swim_) B:I have been + v-ingTask 2 Listening practice 教学设计说明:我们可以用引导和合作的方式来这一重难点,本节课将采用任务型学习法来完成。Task2:Listen and fill in the chart(Finish off 1b) cheek the answers. How longAlisonIve been skating for five hours SamVictorCeliaTask3:(1) Listen and cheek the questions you hear. Questions Answers_1. How long did you skate today? a. No, I skated in a marathon last year. _2. How long have you been skating today? b. Yes, I do._3. Was this your first skating marathon? c. For six hours._4. Do you skate every day? d. Since I was seven years old._5. When did you get your first pair of skates? _6. How long have you been skating? (2)Listen again and draw lines to match the questions with answers above.Task4:Pair work. Ask and answer in pairs. Using the following sentence structures. A: How long have you been + v-ing?B: Ive been + v-ing Task5:实践应用:运用以上所学的现在完成进行时在小组内进行对话练习,并且把小组中练习的句子组成一篇短文,然后在全班内交流。四系统总结.1回顾现在完成进行时的构成、用法。_.2比较现在完成进行时与现在进行时的不同。_五限时作业:Ex1.用所给词的正确形式填空.1. How long have you been (write) in English. 2. Jim was the _(one) student to get to school this morning. 3. She bought several _(pair) of socks just now. 4. We hope everything _(go) well. 5. If _(someone) else wants to e, tell me please.Ex2.根据句意及首字母补全单词. 1.Ive been s_ for five years. 2.When did you get your first p_ of skates? 3.Is this your first to run m_? 4.It is two years s_ we came here.Ex3.句型转换. 1. She has been skating for five years.(改为否定句)_. 2. We played basketball two hours ago.(用现在完成进行时改写此句) _. 3. I have been swimming for five years.(对画线部分提问) _. 4. Uncle Wang has been living here for 20 years.(用since改写此句) _. 5.I started skating when I was eleven years old. (对画线部分提问) _.教学反思: 本节课我们通过学习现在完成进行时,学会了如何表达做某事已有多长时间,帮助学生明确了做任何事都需要持之以恒、脚踏实地,同时学生也感受到了英语作为工具学科与其他相关学科间的相互促进作用。通过大量的语言实践,学会了用语言表达思想过程中不断深化语言学习,在用中学,学了就用。 第三课时教学内容分析本课时的内容是以慈善活动“滑冰马拉松”的新闻报道为主题,通过以读促说的教学目的展开话题。教学目标1、语言目标 词汇:skater raise several句型:How long have you been doing something? I have been doing something for/since. When did you start doing something?2、情感目标通过阅读使学生树立和加强积极参加慈善活动的意识,了解马拉松作为慈善活动之一的文化内涵。3、能力目标以读促说,培养学生的读说能力。通过对以滑冰马拉松这一慈善题材的阅读,促进学生在一定的语境中运用现在完成进行时和一般过去时进行语言的输出和交流。阅读中渗透阅读策略,培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。教学重、难点1、在特定的语境中正确运用现在完成进行时和一般过去时进行语言交流。2、对发生的事情进行现场报道。教学步骤教学环节学生活动教师活动设计理念一.导入与教师交流,复习句型:How long have you been doing something? I have been doing something for/since. When did you start doing something教师先进行自我介绍,并介绍自己学习英语的时间,接着问学生的情况。以此复习句型:How long have you been doing something? I have been doing something for/since.When did you start doing something激活已有的知识和生活体验,为后续的读说做铺垫。二.阅读读前1.了解有关马拉松的文化背景。2.预测。通过看图对文本进行预测。1.点拨马拉松的发展史,初步了解马拉松的文化内涵。2.指导学生对文本进行预测。文化背景的介绍和对文本的预测有利于学会更好的理解文本。读中1.快读。了解文本的整体框架结构(两部分)和文章体裁。找出文章的topic sentence,找关键词。2.细读第二部分。标句子;找出该部分的主题句和其中的关键词;理顺句子之间的逻辑关系;根据上下文猜测词义(raise,several);阅读填表格,用教学目标语进行校对;阅读回答问题。3.再细读。带着问题慢读整篇文章。What do you think the reporter will say at the end of the news report?4.通过阅读了解新闻报道的完整性(Beginning-Body-Ending)1.指导学生进行快速阅读,了解文本的整体框架结构,找出文章的topic sentence和关键词。2.引导学生运用恰当的阅读策略进行细读,提出一些有层次的问题,引导学生逐步从对文本的表层理解过渡到深层的理解。浅层性问题:(1)How long has the skating marathon going? (2)How many skaters are still skating?深层性问题:(1)How much will Alison raise for charity? (2)Why didnt they start at the same time?(3)Why are several skaters still skating?3.指导学生慢读。提出深层性问题:What do you think the reporter will say at the end of the news report?4.指导学生通过阅读了解新闻报道的完整性(Beginning-Body-Ending)运用不同的阅读策略,使学生整体感知文本,并能在细节处根据上下文理解词汇和句子间的逻辑关系;通过对文本的表层理解到深层理解,培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,形成一定的学习策略。读后1.运用目标语现场采访其中的一位skater.力求表演逼真。2.通过联系生活实际和体验,在老师的指导下展开小组调查,并做报道。1.指导学生运用目标语进行现场采访,通过自己与学生的示范表演,要求学生模仿。2.联系生活实际展示自己参加慈善活动的经历,指导学生展开调查,并做报道。通过对文本的阅读,联系生活实际进行合作调查和报道,以读促说。三.作业1.把调查的结果写成一篇报道;2.查询有关马拉松的更多信息,与同学分享。课后教师及时检查作业并进行反馈。把调查的结果写成文章便于巩固对目标语的理解和运用,巩固如何进行现场报道;通过自主的对有关马拉松信息的搜索和交流,进一步凸显以读促说的阅读理念。-Work Sheet-A. Its 2 pm. Read the passage and plete the following table.NameHas been skating forStarted atAlisonSamLu NingLi ChenB. Group workDo a survey about what charity activities your classmates take part in.NameActivitiesWhen startedHow long第四课时教学目标:1.Knowledge Objects(1)Key vocabulary: stamp(2)Key structures(3)Listening practice2.Ability ObjectsTo train students listening skill and ability of munication3.Sensibility and ValueTo be able to share our own collections with others.教学重点:Key vocabulary.Key structures.Listening practice.教学难点:Pairwork.教学过程:Step Greet the class as usual and check the homework.Ask students to show their reports and get some of them to read their reports to the class. Put some of the reports up on the bulletin board so that students can discuss it after class.Step Show the new word on the screen. Read the new word to the class and ask students to repeat.Step Section B 1a1. Show some pictures on the screen and ask students to say something about the pictures. Ask different students to say the items they see in the pictures. 2. Let students write the names of things they collect and things they would like to collect in the chart. Have students do the work on their own.When students finish, let different students read their lists to the class. If there are any new words, write them on the board and ask the student who said each word to explain what it is.Step 1bThis activity provides oral practice using the target language.Go through the instructions with the class. Say, You will be talking with other students about your collection.Let a student read the sample sentences.A:I collect shells because they are beautiful. Id like to collect stamps because they are interesting.Ask, Why do you collect shells? Why do you want to collect stamps? Write the words beautiful and interesting on the board .Say, These words tell why he collects these things. Use words like these in your answers.Have students do the activity in pairs. When they work, move around the room, checking their progress. Offer helps as needed.Ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.Step 2aThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Say, You will hear three conversations. They are about Bob, Marcia, and Liam and their collections. Write what each person collects under the word What.Play the recording for students the first time. This time students only listen. Then play the recording a second time. Say, This time listen carefully and write what each person collects after that persons name and under the word What in the chart.Correct the answers.AnswersBob: kitesMarcia: stuffed animalsLiam: theater and movie ticketsStep 2bThis activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.Point to the chart in Activity 2a.Say,Listen to the recording again. This time you will be writing answers in these columns. You will be telling how long the person has been collecting things and how many of each thing they have. Play the recording. If necessary, pause it after each conversation to give students time to finish writing their answers.Correct the answers.AnswersBob: since he was ten years old,22Marcia: for five years,35Liam: since last year,20Step 2c PairworkThis activity provides guided speaking and listening practice using the target language.Let students ask and answer questions about Bob, Marcia, and Liam.First point to the example in sample dialogue.A: What does Bob collect?B: He collects kites.A: How long has he been collecting kites?B: Hes been collecting kites since he was ten years old.Then ask students to practice conversations in pairs. When students work, move around the room checking their progress and offering help as needed.At the end ask several pairs of students to say their conversations to the class.Step Optional ActivityPlay a memory game with the class. Ask questions such as Who collects stuffed animals? What does Liam collect? How long has Marcia collected stuffed animals? How many tickets does Liam have? Ask students to answer in plete sentences.Step SummaryThis class weve learned some key vocabulary and done some listening, speaking and writing practice.Step HomeworkPreview the new words on next page.


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