2019-2020年八年级英语Module 9 Animals in danger Unit 4.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Module 9 Animals in danger Unit 4Language goals 语言目标1. Key vocabulary 重点词汇design, jewellery, for example, provide, difficulty, clean, pollute 2. Key structures 重点句式 It is + adj. + to do sth.The surprising thing was to Ability goals 能力目标Enable students to use infinitive correctly. Teaching methods 教学方法Cooperative learning. Teaching aids 教具准备A tape recorder. Teaching procedures and ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Revision (1, 4-9: P76-78)Review the infinitive and the text. And then do some exercises.Get students to finish the exercises about infinitive and check the answers. Ask students to read the sentences together or in groups after checking.Step II Listening and speaking (2: P76; 8: P78) Listening Ask students to choose the correct words and then listen and check and pay attention to the different usages of set phrases. Then read the conversation together.Show the following. 1. want to do sth.2. Its + adj. of sb. to do sth.3. Lets do sth.Then check the answers. SpeakingT: Work in pairs and role-play the conversation between Katy and Samantha in Activity 2. Then try to make a similar one by yourselves.Sample conversation:S1: Hi, Bob speaking.S2: Hi, Bob. Its Jim. Do you want to see a football match tonight?S1: Oh, its very nice of you to invite me. What are the two teams?S2: England and France. The exciting thing is to guess who will be the winner.S1: Oh, that sounds good. What time does it start?S2: At four oclock. Lets meet at half past three.S1: OK. See you then.S2: OK.ListeningThen go on with activity 8. First ask students to guess what will be talked about. Then play the tape and get the students to listen and answer the questions. Check the answers with the class. Step III Reading and writing (Around the world: P76; 10-12: P79) Around the world Ask students to read the passages by themselves, and then finish the following exercises.Show the following. Fill in the blanks. 1. The largest animal in the world is _. It lives in _ and eats _ for food. 2. The wild Bactrian camel lives in _ and _. It is the _ in the world with two humps. 3. Many _ live in India but you can find them in other counties as well. There are many elephants which _ for people. Writing First ask students to discuss in small groups to decide which animal they want to write about. Find out about the animal. Then write one or two short paragraphs about it.Sample version:Gray bats Gray bats only weigh up to half an ounce. Their wings measure about 1.5 inches across. Gray bats live in groups in caves. Most gray bats live in caves in Alabama, northern Arkansas, Kentucky, Missouri, and Tennessee. The caves are usually found near a river or lake. During the day, gray bats sleep. At night, they eat up to 1,000 mosquitoes or other pests in one hour. There are about 2 million bats, but their numbers bee smaller because their living place are being smaller and some died from eating insects which is killed by pesticides. Step VI Homework Ask students to1. finish activities 1112 in Workbook on page 147. 2. summarize what they have learned in the module.

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