八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake(第1课时)教案 人教新目标2.doc

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八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake(第1课时)教案 人教新目标2.doc_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake(第1课时)教案 人教新目标2.doc_第3页
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Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake课题名称Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake? Period 1 (Section A1a-2d) 三维目标1. 掌握表示食物的可数名词和不可数名词。2. 学会询问和描述食物的制作过程。3. 学会怎样对名词数量提问。重点目标123难点目标导入示标目标三导学做思一:你知道怎样用英语表达制作香蕉奶昔的过程吗?【独立自学1】请在下列空格中填上正确的单词,并进行排序。 _ _ the blender. _ _ the bananas. _ the milk shake. Put the bananas and ice cream in the blender._ three bananas. _ the milk into the blender.学做思二:你知道英语中表示食物的名词根据可数性可以分为几类吗?【独立自学2】请你试着将下列名词分类。sandwich butter milk onion tomato watermelon honey cheese yogurt cabbage soup water beef salad banana rice egg chicken carrotCountable nouns(可数名词) Uncountable nouns(不可数名词) 既可数又不可数 【思维向导2】 英语中的名词根据其可数性可以分为_名词和_名词。但是有的名词既有可数名词的功能,也有不可数名词的功能。例如:chicken 作为小鸡讲是_名词,作为鸡肉是_名词。你还能举出哪些相应的名词呢? _。若要表示不可数名词的量时,要与一个名词短语连用。例如:一张纸_,一杯茶_。学做思三:你知道怎样用英语对数量提问吗?【独立自学3】I. 将下列句子正确连线。 bananas do we need? How much sugar do we need? bread do we need? watermelons do we need? How many cheese do we need? tomatoes do we need? II. 完成下列句子1. There are eleven soccer players on the ground.(对划线部分提问)_ _ soccer players are there on the ground?2. I need three spoons of sugar to make the shake. (对划线部分提问)_ _ sugar do you need to make the shake?【思维向导3】在英语中,对可数名词的数量提问用 _ _,对不可数名词提问用 _ _。达标检测I. 根据句意及首字母提示写出正确的单词。1. I usually have milk and b_ for breakfast. I dont like meat or fruit.2. Finally, put some b_ on the pizza.3. How many w_ do you need?4. Next, p_ the beef, carrots into a pot.5. How m_ honey do we need?II. 用方框内所给短语的正确形式填空。addto, turn off, cut up, mix up, turn on, cut down, pourintoA. I need your help. Can you _the cabbages?B. Then, _ the blender and wait for a few minutes.C. You need to _ all the ingredients before you eat.D. _ some sugar _ the coffee and it will taste better.E. Dont _ water _ that cup. Its dirty.反思总结1.知识建构2.能力提高3.课堂体验课后练习单项选择。1. Dont _ the lights before you leave the classroom. A. turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down


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