2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 1教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 Module 12 Unit 1教案 外研版。Learning aims 【学习目标】1、To get to know the key vocabulary and key structure.key vocabulary : chess, chopstick, purse, soap, hang, immediately, accept, lucky, do some cleaning, break, anything, receivekey structure: In China,you must wait and open it later.In Britain we can use one hand!You mustnt do any cleaning on the first day of the Chinese New year.You cant cut your hair.2、To talk about rules and customs。Learning important and difficult points :【学习重难点】Aim 1 Aim1&2。Learning procedures: 【学习过程】Step 1 Warm up (激情导入)Different countries , different customs.Step 2 Self-study ( 自主学习)1、Learn new words in your group about unit 12、Listen to the tape and number the words and expressions inActivity 13、plete Activity 2Step 3 Work group ( 合作学习)1、Listen and read the dialogue ( Pay attention to the meaning of everyday English)。2、Listen again and check what you must and mustnt / cant do in China (Activity 4)3、Find out language points .must (必须) mustnt (禁止,不要, 不能)can (表允许,译成“可以”) cant (不能,不要)4、 Act the dialogue if time is enough.5、 Say what you must and mustnt / cant do at school or athome. Summing-up(课堂小结) Exercise:Workbook on Page 156 Exercise2 HomeworkWrite what you must and mustnt / cant do at school or at home.

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