2019-2020年八年级英语Module 10 Unit 2.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Module 10 Unit 2FunctionDescribing an event in the present or past Structureto + infinitive(2)Listening/SpeakingOrdering a conversation Describing an event in your lifeReading/WritingMatching headings and paragraphsWriting about a play or a filmAround the worldTheatres TaskWriting and acting out a scene from a playUnit 2 It takes place in a teahouse.Warming upHave you heard of Lao She? Do you know about his Teahouse?Today we want to read about Lao She Teahouse. Now go to page 82. Reading and vocabulary1 Read the passage and match the headings with the paragraphs.Now listen to the passage first, paying attention to the pronunciation, stress, and the intonation of the native speakers. For the second listening, try to read aloud the passage to the tape while listening. Now lets go over the passage again. While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑) the predicates, shade(加影) the connectives and underline (划线)the expressions. A The story of TeahouseB Lao Shes TeahouseC The play TeahouseD Lao She1 C The play TeahouseLao She wrote Teahouse/ in 1957. The play shows the audience life/ in China/ between 1898/ and 1945. It takes place/ in a teahouse/ in old Beijing/ and it tells us the story of Wang Lifa/ and his customers. It asks us/ to see the teahouse/ as the centre of the neighbourhood. Finally, it says goodbye to old Beijing /and its people.2 A The story of TeahouseThe story starts in 1898/ during the Qing Dynasty. It continues/ in 1916, and finally, it brings the audience to the end of the Anti-Japanese War/ in 1945. After the war, Wang loses the teahouse/ and he dies.3D Lao SheLao She was born in Beijing/ in 1899. His parents sent him to the Teachers School/ in Beijing/ and he learned to teach. From 1924 to 1929/ he taught Chinese to the English/ in London. He wrote many plays, novels/ and short stories. He was named/ a “Peoples Artiest”/ and a “Great Master of Language”. He was one of the greatest Chinese writers/ of the twentieth century.4B Lao Shes TeahouseAt Lao Shes Teahouse today, waiters bring tea/ to the customers/ and sell them delicious Chinese food. If you like Beijing Opera, folk music, acrobatics/ or magic shows, you can enjoy them/ at the teahouse. Lao Shes Teahouse gives a wonderful wele to everyone/ from China/ and from all over the world. Now write all the expressions in your Expression Book. Between and, take place in a teahouse, in old Beijing, tell sb the story of, ask sb to do sth, seeas, the centre of the neighbourhood, say goodbye to sb, during the Qing Dinasty, bring sb to, the end of the Anti-Japanese War, after the war, be born in, send sb. to school, the Teachers School, from to, teach Chinese to the English, in London, write plays, be named a “Peoples Artiest”, a “Great Master of Language”, one of the greatest Chinese writers, of the twentieth century, at Lao Shes Teahouse, bring sth to, sell sb. sth, delicious Chinese food, Beijing Opera, folk music, magic shows, give a wonderful wele to sb, from China, from all over the worldWrite as they do. (仿写)Lao Li wrote Magichouse in 2005. The play shows the audience life in China between 1995 and 2005. It takes place in a Magic house in modern Beijing and it tells us the story of Gao Jiaying and his family. It asks us to see the Magichouse as the centre of Gaos life. Finally, it says goodbye to his old life and his family.The story starts in 1995 during Gaos stay in the United States. It continues in xx, and finally, it brings the audience to the end of the 20th century in 2000. In 2005 Gao loses his Magichouse and he dies.Lao Li was born in Nanjing in 1956. His parents sent him to the English School in Xian and he learned to speak English. From 1980 to 1990 he taught English to the Chinse in New York. He wrote many plays, novels and short stories. He was named a “Magic Artiest” and a “Great Master of Language”. He was one of the greatest Chinese writers of the twentieth century.2 Match these words in the passage with their meanings. Words have meanings. And their meanings e from the passage. Now try to match these words in the passage with their meanings. audience continue customer neighbourhood take place war1 part of a town where people liveneighbourhood2 to start doing something again after stoppingcontinue3 fighting between countrieswar4 to happentake place5 a person buying thingscustomer6 people watching a play or filmaudience3 Read the passage again and plete the sentences.On page 83 you see six unpleted sentences. You are to read the passage again to plete the sentences.4 Answer the questions.1 What does the play show? The play shows the audience life in China between 1898 and 1945.2 Who does the play tell the story of? It tells us the story of Wang Lifa and his customers.3 Where did Lao She learn to teach? He learned to teach in the Teachers School in Beijing.4 Who did Lao She teach? From 1924 to 1929 he taught Chinese to the English in London.Writing5 Read the passage and find sentences which answer the questions.You see a short passage on page 83. It is about a film. It is The Sound of Music. Now read it to find sentences which answer the six questions.While reading try to cut(断句)/ the sentences into parts, blacken(涂黑) the predicates, shade(加影) the connectives and underline (划线)the expressions. 1 Whats the name of it? The Sound of Music2 Where does it take place? It takes place in Austria in 1938.3 Who is in it? Maria and the von Trapp family4 Whats the story? Maria goes to look after the seven children. Their father, Captain von Trapp, tells Maria to make them study hard. However, she takes them out to play. In the end, the captain falls in love with Maria and marries her.5 What was the best part? The best part of the film is the singing. 6 Whats the writers opinion? Its very beautiful and interesting. Now write all the expressions in your Expression Book.ones favourite film, The Sound of Music, take place, in Austria, the story of Maria, look after, tell sb to do, make sb. do, take sb. out to play, in the end, fall in love with sb., the best part ofWrite as they do. (仿写)My favourite film is Zhang Yimous new film Hero Ying xiong. It takes place in China in the old times. Its the story of two women, Flying Snow and Moon. A warrior, Broken Sword, writes All Under Heaven in Chinese. He has decided to kill the Emperor. The Emperor has worked hard to unite the various parts of China, and Broken Swords family have all been killed by the Emperors men. Broken Sword es very close to killing the Emperor. But he then gives up his hope to kill the Emperor. Another warrior, Nameless, also decided to kill the Emperor for the same reasons. He es within inches of killing the Emperor. Then the Emperor himself sees the meaning of the phrase All Under Heaven. Nameless finally give up his mission and gives up to the Emperor.6 Think about the last play or film you saw. Answer the questions in Activity 5 about it.The name of the last film I saw is A World without Thieves Tian xia wu zei. The story takes place in China in the 1970s. The film shows thieves everywhere. But a kind farmer, Sha Gen, believes that he lives in a world without thieves. It is almost impossible to find a world without thieves. But it is Sha Gens belief that changes the lives of Wang Bo and Wang Li, the two thieves. You can think that there is not a world without thieves. But you must see the power of being kind and honest. 7 Write a passage about the film or play. Use Activities 5 and 6 to help you.My favourite film is A Life and Death Decision (The Choice 生死抉择). Zhao Nans favourite film is The Road Home (我的父亲母亲) . Li Yinshengs favourite film is Soaring into the Sky (Sudden Appearance 横空出世). Zhang Nas favourite film is My 1919 (我的一九一九).Qu Xins favourite film is Breaking the Silence (漂亮妈妈). I like the director Zhang Yimou. The Road Home by ZhangYimou is really good.


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