2019-2020年八年级英语下册2 What should I do (II).doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语下册2 What should I do (II)Teaching goals :1. Words & phrases : keep out , loud , argue , Whats wrong ? football , either , except , themselves , include ,etc .2. 情态动词could /should 的用法。3. Why dont you ?结构表建议的运用。4. 如何谈论问题及提出建议。5. 在处理问题中学会自省与人际交往。Important and difficult points :1. should /could 情态动词的用法。2. 如何提出建议。Teaching aids : a tape recorder5 , cards .Period 3Teaching procedures:Step 1 Leading in 1. Greetings and free talk .2. Check the homework .Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 13 , 1a .1. Read the instructions to the students .2. Read the sentences and ask a student to read the sentences to the class .3. Write NI , I , VI for each statement .4. “What is important to you when you choose clothes ?”Write one or more of their statements to the class .Talk about the answers with the class .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 13 , 2a .1. Read the instructions .Make sure the Ss understand what they should do .2. Read the three sentences in the box .You will be listening to a radio advice program .They will be talking about one of these problems .3. Play the tape twice .Ss check the problem they hear .4. Play the tape again ,Ss correct the answers .SB Page 13 , 2b .1. Read the instructions .Make sure Ss understand what they should pay attention to .2. Look at the chart .There are three persons ,Kim , Nicole , Emilio .Who will give Erin some advice ?What are they ? Read each name for the class .3. Play the recording again .Ss write their answers .4. Play the recording again ,one sentence by one sentence .Check the answers .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 13 , 2c .1. Point out the example in the sample dialogue .Ss practice reading .2. Pairwork: What do you think Erin should do ?3. Share their conversations with whole class .Homework :You left your homework at home ,what should you do ? Please give your advice .教学后记:

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