2019-2020年八年级英语上册 短语手册教案 外研版.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 短语手册教案 外研版1. 怎样学好英语how to learn English well2. 学习计划 a study plan3. 给某人提些建议give sb. some advice4. 写下,记下 write down5. 读报,看报 read a newspaper6. 听英语广播节目listen to the English programme7. 努力/尽量/极力做某事try to do sth.8. 尽量不要做某事try not to do sth.9. 彼此each other10. 举办音乐会do/ give a concert11. (向某人)征询建议 ask (sb.) for advice12. 提高他们的英语(水平)improve their English13. 费很长时间take a long time14. 和某人谈论某事talk to/with sb. about sth.15. 生词的意思the meaning of the new word16. 过得快乐/玩得高兴enjoy oneself/have a good time17. 想起think of18. 深吸一口气take a deep breath19. 把留/忘/落在家里leave sth. at home20. 一直all the time21. 得了糟糕的分数get bad grades22. 成群的in groups23. 纠正错误correct the mistakesModule 224. 参加比赛enter a petition25. 周游世界travel around the world26. 一天,某天one day27. 票价the price of the ticket28. 今天的报纸todays newspaper29. 起飞take off30. 一等奖the first prize31. 听起来很妙sound brilliant/ wonderful32. 一次奇妙的经历a fantastic experience33. 全中国all over China/ around China34. 到过have/has been (to)35. 到过全国各地have/has been all over China36. 去过国外.have/has been abroad.37. 卖光,卖完sell out38. 成为现实e true39. 看京剧watch Beijing Opera40. 爬长城climb the Great Wall41. 吃西餐have a western meal42. 从那以后since then43. 每年each/every/a year44. 每天every dayModule 345. 太空之旅journey to space / space travel46. 把(信息)发送给send (information/a message)to47. 在火星上on Mars48. 从事于(be) up to49. 太空站模型a model of space station50. 最新消息the latest news51. 做某事花费(某人)时间It takes (sb.)some time to do sth.52. 那就是它会上新闻。Thats why it is on the news.53. 几个月several months54. 听说hear of/about55. 给某人看某物show sth.to sb./ show sb. sth56. 因公出差(be/go) on business57. 多于,超过more than /over58. (关于)知道很多know much about59. 数百万年millions of years60. 绕着太阳转go around the Sun61. 他们之中无一none of them62. 被称为be called63. 太阳系the solar system64. 距离遥远的a long way away/ far away65. 在宇宙中in the universe66. 在过去的3年里in the last /past 3 years(常用现在完成时)67. 长大grow up68. 三十亿3 billion69. 地球上的生命the life on Earth70. 银河the Milky Way71. 一段很长时间a long timeModule 472. 与某人和睦相处get on well with73. 参加take part (in)74. 听说hear of/about75. 事实上in fact76. 一个八岁的男孩an 8-year-old boy77. 想某人做某事want/ would like sb to do sth78. 做某事对某人来说是重要的It is important for sb to do sth79. 停止做某事stop doing sth.80. 照顾,照料look after81. 筹款raise money (for)82. 付款pay for83. 因为because of + n./ v-ing84. 数千thousands of85. 退学;辍学drop out of school86. 中国内外in China and abroad87. 希望工程Project Hope88. 在最近十年里in the last 10 years(常用现在完成时)89. 接受教育get an education90. 在的帮助下with the help of / with ones help91. 不得不做某事have to do sth.Module 592. 西方古典音乐western classical music93. 流行音乐pop music94. 当然of course95. 学会演奏电子音乐learn to play techno music96. 传统音乐traditional music97. 究竟on earth98. 核实情况check information99. 作曲家之家family of musicians100. 使某人闻名make sb. famous101. 全欧洲all over Europe102. 不仅而且not onlybut also103. 一首曲子a piece of music104. 除之外in addition to105. 日常英语everyday English106. 演奏各种音乐play all types of music107. 弹吉他play the guitar108. 在第二十一世纪in the 21st century109. 更成功more successful110. 最重要的人物之一one of the most important figuresModule 6111. 继续go on112. 在河边by the river113. 从旁边跑过run past/ by114. 去参加茶会/ 茶话会go to a tea party115. 坐在树上sit in a tree116. 对着微笑smile at117. 落下fall down118. 朝里面看窥视look into119. 进入go into= enter120. 无事可做have nothing to do121. 一两次once or twice122. 考虑某事/做某事think of/ about123. (从)拿出takeout (of )124. 起身;起床get up125. 追逐run after126. 跑过田地run across the field127. 下到洞里go down the hole128. 出去,离开get out (of)129. 熄灭,停(电)go off130. 觉得累feel tired131. 没什么奇怪的。There is nothing strange.132. 听见某人做了某事hear sb. do sth.133. 听见某人正在做某事hear sb. doing sth.134. 看见某人做了某事see/ notice/watch sb. do sth.135. 看见某人正在做某事see/ notice /watch sb. doing sth.Revision module A136. 数万年millions of years137. 在海滩上/沿着海滩on /along the beach138. 看见一条鲸鱼正在海里游泳see a whale swimming in the ocean139. (河)穿流而过 A river runs through it.140. 我很享受我的旅行。I enjoy my trip very much.141. 非常想念某人miss sb. very muchModule 7142. 闻起来香smell delicious/nice143. 吃/尝起来咸taste salty 144. 听起来安静sound quiet 145. 看上去强壮look strong 146. 摸上去很软feel soft 147. 如此多的食物so much food 148. 试一试have a try 149. 看一看()have a look (at)150. 把介绍给introduceto 151. 有点儿;稍微a bit 152. 迫不及待做某事cant wait to do sth. 153. 感到紧张/疲劳feel nervous/ tired 154. 害怕(做)某事be afraid of sth /doing sth. 155. 收到某人来信hear from/ get a letter from 156. 生某人的气get angry with sb. 157. 做错某事do sth. wrong 158. 做某事的方法a way to do sth. 159. 为感到兴奋be excited about 160. (与某人)握手shake hands (with sb.)161. 互相;彼此each other 162. 靠近(stay/ get) close to 163. 正视,勇敢地面对look in the eye (=face) Module 8164. 在左/右边on the left/right 165. 在和之间betweenand166. 在拐角on the corner of 167. 在的中间in the middle of 168. 一直往前走/笔直前行go straight ahead169. 转左/右turn left/ right 170. 沿着.走walk/go along 171. 过桥go across a bridge 172. 购物do some shopping 173. 有点儿;有几分kind of 174. 在广场at the square 175. 短暂的旅行the short tour of 176. 在的中间in the middle of 177. 在一个晴朗的日子on a clear day 178. 做的最好方式the best way to do179. 下(车、船等 )get off 180. 将带回takeback 181. 过马路go across the road Module 9182. 发现;找出;查明(真相)find out 183. 自然保护区nature reserve 184. 做感到兴奋be excited to do sth. 185. 制止杀戮行为stop the killing 186. 没有地方去住have no place to live in 187. 需要做某事need to do sth. 188. 最后;终于at last / in the end/ finally189. 处于危险中in danger 190. 取走;拿走;掠夺take away 191. 和平地in peace 192. 考虑think about 193. 究竟;到底on earth 194. 照顾look after 195. 出生在一个寒冷的早晨be born on a cold morning 196. 以为食live on 197. 越来越少less and less / fewer and fewer198. 回去go back 199. 象征the symbol of 200. 例如such as /for example 201. 足够的食物enough food 202. 考虑;想起think of 203. 制定一个新的计划make a new plan 204. 给某人提供某物provide sth. for sb. (=provide sb. with sth.)205. 砍倒cut down 206. 也;又as well 207. 创造更美好的生活make a better life 208. 保持处于一直做某事的状态keep sb./sth. +v-ing 209. 告诉某人有关某事tell sb. about sth. Module 10210. 进行;发生take place 211. 提议做某事offer to do sth. 212. 同意做某事agree to do sth. 213. 希望做某事hope to do sth. 214. 决定做某事decide to do sth. 215. 因而出名be famous for 216. 向某人展示某物show sb. sth. 217. 叫某人做某事ask sb. to do sth.218. 把视为/看做see as 219. 对说再见(告别) say goodbye to 220. 在的末尾the end of221. 教某人某物teach sth. to sb. 222. 被誉为/被称为be named/called223. 带给某人某物bring sth. to sb./ bring sb. sth. 224. 热烈欢迎give a wonderful wele to225. 装满(be)full of Module 11226. 一定是;准是must be 227. 可能是;也许是may be/ might be228. 动身去某地be off to / leave for 229. 加油e on230. 此刻at the/ this moment 231. 有时;偶尔from time to time 232. 和相比之下pared to/with 233. 周游travel around 234. 改变色change colour 235. 变成棕色turn brown 236. 整年all year 237. 确定;查明;弄明白make sure 238. 依靠;依赖depend on 239. 最好的best of all 240. 的其余部分the rest of Module 12241. 打扫卫生do some cleaning 242. 停止做某事stop doing sth. 243. 稍等hang on 244. 不吉利;不走运bad luck 245. 接受礼物accept a present 246. 理发have a haircut / have ones hair cut247. 打碎东西break something 248. 春节期间at Spring Festival249. 与人打招呼greet sb. 250. 第一次for the first time 251. 结婚get married 252. 弄出响动/制造噪音make noise253. (与某人)握手shake hands (with sb.) 254. 一年中最好的时机the best time of year255. 谈论talk about 256. 打扫clean up 257. 洗(餐具)wash up 258. 做作业do ones homework 259. 脱下take off 260. 每周一次once a week 261. 上学迟到be late for school 262. 听老师讲listen to the teacher 263. 查阅(词或资料)look up 264. (大声地)播放音乐play music (loudly)

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