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2019-2020年八年级英语下册Unit7FoodFestivalTopic2ImnotsurewhetherIcancookitwell学案(新版)仁爱版【学习目标】学啥我知情,加油! 1.我能听说读下列单词:oil, add, noodle, bowl,quick; 2.我能理解和掌握以下单词(语):finely, pan, lightly, fry, ingredient, pot, pork, cut up, ham, onion,junk food, healthily;3.学习 whether/ if 引导的宾语从;4. 学习表示顺序的副词的用法。【重点难点】1.学习whether/ if引导的宾语从句;2.学习表示顺序的副词的用法;3.使用英语陈述食物的制作过程。【01】自主学习【 快乐预习】机遇总是垂青于有准备的人!1.熟读本section 里的单词尝试默写出来: finely, lightly, cut, oil, add, deep, cooker, pork, cut up, ham, onion noodle, bowl; junk food; quick; healthily.2.阅读1a 并找出下列句子尝试理解与翻译:First, cut some cooked meat very finely. Next, you need to put some oil in the pan.Then fry the meat lightly. You need to add the rice slowly.Finally, add some salt. Would you like me to help you? Well done!【02】合作探究任务一.读1a找出下面副词所修饰的动词_well _carefully _finely _lightly _slowly总结:英语中副词修饰动词要后置练习:唱得好/好好地唱_ 仔细听/听得仔细_听得清楚_ 任务二.听读1a的对话内容,完成1b表格。任务三.模仿1a改编新的对话,并做2a、2b.【合作学习】1.小组对学:分组大声朗读1a对话,然后分角色朗读。2.小组互学:相互检查1b、1c答案,找出错误并改正。为复述对话做准备。3.分组讨论:分组讨论如何做炒饭和如何煮面,各组派代表汇报讨论结果。【展示交流】挑战一:对话表演。机会就掌握在你手中,快将改编好的对话拿到全班面前展示吧。挑战二:复述对话。根据1a对话内容和图片及1b提示,组织语言复述如何做炒饭。相信你一定行!挑战三:自由论坛。根据2a、2b,展开讨论,讨论如何煮面,练习表示顺序的副词的用法。【你探我究】1. Im not sure whether I can cook it well.译:_点拨:Im not sure whether(是否) + 宾语从句 肯定句转换:Im sure _ I can cook it well.拓展:whether还可以换为 if (是否) 但有区别 whether 后面可跟or not ,;whether从句可提到句首;whether从句可位于介词后面;whether后可加to do. 而 if 则不可以练习:a. 我不知道他是否会邀请我参加他们的美食节。 I dont know _ he will _ me _ their food festival. b. 我不确信她是否随后会给你发电子邮件。 Im not sure _ she will _ you an e-mail later on. Im not sure _she will _ you an e-mail _ _.2. Im glad that you are trying to help others. 译:_点拨:be glad + (that) + 宾语从句-为某事高兴. be glad to do sth.=be happy to do sth. 乐意做某事链接:be afraid that+宾语从句-_ be afraid to do sth.-_be sure that + 宾语从句-_ be sure to do sth.-_try to do sth.尽力做某事=_ =_ try doing sth.试着做某事。3. Its very kind of you . 同义句:You are very _. kind :adj,友好的回忆: Its + adj.+ of sb. to do sth. 句中adj.应是表性格特征的,如果句中adj.不是表性格特征的,对于应用for.句中形式主语是_ 逻辑主语是_ 真正主语是_练习:a. 告诉我那个消息你真是太好了。Its very _ _ you _ _ _ the news.b.学好英语对于你来说很重要。Its very _ _ you _ _ _ _.拓展:kind还可以用作名词,意思是_- a kind of_all kinds of_【03】当堂检测 相信自己,我能行!请你用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Cook noodles for 3-5 minutes in _ pot. A. other B. another C. others D. the other 2. _ is good for our health. A. Run B. Running C. Runs D. To run3. We are proud _ our school. A. of B. for C. in D. to4. Its very kind _ you to help us. A. for B. to C. at D. of5.-We win the match! -_. A. Never mind. B. It doesnt matter. C. Well done!【4】学后反思 你真的每天在不断进步呢! 这节课我已学会的单词有:_重点词组有:_表示表示顺序的副词有:_.我的疑问:_.Section B编写:黄军 责任编辑:谢加琼【学习目标】学啥我知情,加油!1. 学习 whether/ if 引导的宾语从句; 2. 学习单音节副词的比较级和最高级;3. 了解不同国家的餐桌礼仪; 4. 学生能区分辅音音素/ t/和/ d/, 并能正确拼读单词;5. 学生能在朗读句子时正确处理语调和停顿。【重点难点】:1. 学习 whether/ if 引导的宾语从句;2. 学习单音节副词的比较级和最高级;3. 了解不同国家的餐桌礼仪;4.一边操作一边使用英语陈述食物的制作过程。【01】自主学习【知识回顾】及时复习,查漏补缺!汉译英:首先_其次_再次_然后_之后_最后_【快乐预习】1.熟读本课的单词和短语并能默写; 2.大声朗读1a,结合生词及课文注释疏通对话大意。【02】合作探究任务一:阅读1a 完成1b;任务二:在1b的基础上,用first, next, then尝试复述制作三明治的过程,方法。【合作学习】1.小组对学:分组大声朗读1a对话,然后分角色朗读。2.小组互学:相互检查1b、1c、2答案,找出错误并改正。为复述对话做准备。3.分组讨论:分组讨论如何制作三明治,各组派代表汇报讨论结果。【展示交流】挑战一:对话表演,机会就掌握在你手中,分组表演对话,看哪组读得好。挑战二:复述对话,根据1a对话内容和图片及1b提示,组织语言复述如何制作三明治。相信你一定行!e on! 挑战三:自由论坛,根据3,展开讨论不同国家的餐桌礼仪。 【你探我究】1. Would you mind if we learn to make it from you? 译:_思考:句中Would you mind if 后面是_从句 链接:Would you mind (not) doing sth. _ Would you mind sb./sb.s doing sth. _ 注意:对Would you mind? 表示同意的回答,用No, not at all. 或 Of course not.或Certainly not表示反对的回答,用Yes, youd better not练习:a. 我打开门你介意吗?Would you _ _ I open the door?= Would you _ _ opening the door? b. 打开电视你介意吗?Would you _ _ _ the TV? c. 别在这吸烟你介意吗?当然不。Would you _ _ smoking here? _ _ _.2. But I think you did better than I. Wow, Michael did best of all.句中better ,best 是_ 的比较级和最高级,因为_.3. Michael did best of all.译_点拨:of all - 在所有的当中 (数量大于等于3的范围),常用于最高级的句子中。此句中,修饰动词did的best前面省略了_, 这种情况只有在_词的最高级前可以出现 。练习:a. 在所有的学生当中,他是最高的。_ _ the students, he is _ _. b. 在所有的孩子当中,她跳得最高。She jumps _ _ _ the children. c. 在所有的运动员当中,他跑得最快。He runs _ _ _ the athletes.【03】当堂检测 你一定学到了不少东西,及时检测一下自己吧!请你用所给单词的适当形式填空。( )1. I would like a sandwich honey. A. of B. in C. for D. with( )2. Would you mind if I learn to make beef noodles you? Of course .A. from; dont B. from; not C. for; dont D. for; not( )3. Could you tell me it is true or not?A. if B. whether C. that D. what( )4. Its polite up your hand before answering the questions. A. put B. putting C. puts D. to put( )5. Do you know smoke during a meal in China?A. if is it polite to B. if it is polite to C. whether is it polite to D. whether it is polite( )6. In Japan, its polite to eat soup and finish all the rice.A. noisily B. noise C. noisy D. noises( )7. Were not sure we will go out tomorrow. We will go swimming it is sunny.A. if; whether B. if; that C. whether; if D. what; if( )8. How do you like the soup?(Slurp)! I like it very much.A. Not good. B. Not well. C. Not bad. D. Very bad.( )9. Do you think Michael works than Kangkang and Jane?Yes, I think so. He works of the three.A. hard; harder B. harder; hardest C. hardest; hard D. hardest; harder【04】学后反思 主动反思,自我调控!这节课我学会了:单词:_.词组:_.句型: _。我还知道了制作三明治的过程。我的疑问:_.Section C编写:黄军 责任编辑:谢加琼【学习目标】学啥我知情,加油!1. 继续学习 whether/ if 引导的宾语从句。2. 谈论西餐的餐桌礼仪。3. 更多地了解不同国家的餐桌礼仪。【重点难点】1. 继续学习 whether/ if 引导的宾语从句。2. 谈论西餐的餐桌礼仪。3. 了解不同国家的餐桌礼仪。4.演示西餐的餐桌礼仪。【01自主探究】【知识回顾】学而时习之,不亦乐乎?试一试吧!汉译英:1. Practice makes perfect. _ 2. A good beginning makes a good ending. _3. To see is to believe. _ 4. Actions speak louder than words. _【快乐预习】不打无准备之仗。胜利属于我!1.试着把下列单词或短语译成中文,可以查词典或词汇表,然后朗读并默写。fork_dish_spoon_chopstick_finger_table _manners_ eat up_ drink to sb./sth._2.观察1a中的图片,你认识这些餐具吗?给这些餐具标上英文名称,了解西餐的餐桌礼仪。3.从1a中找出有whether引导的宾语从句:_.总结:当一般疑问句作宾语从句时要用if 或者whether引导,从句要用_(陈述句/一般疑问句)语序,句末标点用_(句号/问号)【02】合作学习任务一:根据文章配图和课前了解的背景知识,快速寻读1a,完成1b练习,判断正误。任务二:再读1a,画出西方餐桌礼仪的句子。任务三:先把2中的图片与其对应的对话想匹配,然后大声朗读这些对话。任务四:做4,写一篇关于中国餐桌礼仪的短文。文中要用到宾语从句。【合作学习】1.小组对学:分组大声朗读1a短文,注意生单词并纠正可能出现的发音错误。2.小组互学:相互检查1b、1c、2答案,找出错误并改正。3.分组讨论:用宾语从句分组讨论不同国家的饮食习惯,各组派代表汇报讨论结果。【展示交流】挑战一:复述短文。机会就掌握在你手中,分组复述短文,看哪组复述得好。挑战二:写作展示。根据1c,把你写的关于中国餐桌礼仪的短文展示给大家吧,看谁用的宾语从句多并且用得正确。 【你探我究】1. When you sit down at the table, take your napkin and put it on your lap.译:_点拨:1)at the table 在桌旁,at table 就餐。类似词组有:in the hospital 在医院 in hospital 住院2) put it on your lap. put on 意思是_ 链接:课本19页句子We can put on a short play ,. put on 意思是_ Its cold outside. Youd better put on your coat. put on 意思是_2. Its polite to eat up the food on your plate.译:_点拨:eat up 吃光,吃完。 拓展:用光,用完_ 喝光,喝完_练习:a. 汤姆昨天吃完了冰箱里的所有食物。Tom _ _ _ the _ in the fridge. b. 这蛋糕闻起来真美味。我想把它吃完。The cake _ _. I want to _ _ _.3.Remember not to drink too much. 译:_点拨:1) remember to do sth. 记得要做某事(事情要做还没做);remember doing sth. 记得已经做了某事(事情做了)与此用法相同的词有:forget; regret.2)drink too much “喝得太多”,drink 动词_; 名词_ too much “太多的”,修饰不可数名词;too many “太多的”,修饰可数名词复数;much too “太”意思等于too, 修饰形容词或副词。练习:a.记得明天早上要早起。_ b.他忘记吃过午饭了。He forgets_ lunch. c. 这儿有太多的噪音。别呆在这儿。There is _ _ _ here. Dont _ here. d. 这儿的书太多了。把他收起来。There are _ _ _ here. _ them _. e. 这面包太大了。我吃不完。The bread is _ _ _. I cant _ _ _.【03】当堂检测 继续努力!你越来越进步了!一、把下列句子合并成一个含有宾语从句的复合句。1. I dont know. Is she a nurse? _2. Do you know? Is it good to play games too much? _3. Im not sure. Is he at school? _4. I want to know. Will it be sunny tomorrow? _3. I dont know. Is it polite to eat up the food on your plate? _二、汉译英。1.露西昨天吃完了冰箱里的所有苹果。Tom _ _ _ the _ in the fridge.2.我们的问题是如何能给丹尼尔筹钱。Our problem is _ _ _ raise money _ Daniel.3.这鱼闻起来真美味。我想把它吃完。The fish_ _. I want to _ _ _.【04】学后反思 你一定学到了不少东西,小结一下吧!这节课我学会了: 单词:_.词组:_句型: _.我的疑问:_.Section D编写:黄军 责任编辑:谢加琼【学习目标】学啥我知情,加油!1. 复习whether/if 引导的宾语从句的用法;2. 复习单音节副词的比较级和最高级; 3. 谈论不同国家的饮食风俗。【重点难点】1. 复习whether/if 引导的宾语从句的用法;2. 复习单音节副词的比较级和最高级;3. 谈论不同国家的饮食风俗。4.写出关于不同国家的饮食风俗的短文。【01】自主学习【知识回顾】( )1. -Would you mind if I learn English from you?-_. I am very glad to teach you. A. Of course not. B. Youd better not. C. Sounds great.( )2. I dont know_ I can sing this song well or not.A.that B. whether C. what( )3. You are _fat, you mustnt eat_ meat.A.too much; too much B. much too; much too C.too much ; much too D.much too;too much【快乐预习】不打无准备之仗,胜利属于我!1.把Functions中的功能性语言译成汉语,然后试用这些功能性语言介绍自己做某事的步骤。2.快速阅读1中的短文,画出文中的生词和短语,根据上下文猜测它们的中文意思,然后查字典或词汇表核对。3.仔细阅读1,了解世界不同地方的饮食习惯。【02】合作探究任务一:完成Grammar和 Functions空白处。任务二:阅读1a 课文,画出不同地区不同的饮食习惯的句子。任务三:做 3,看图片写关于煮鸡汤的方式。为展示作准备。【合作学习】小组对学:分组大声朗读1短文,注意生单词并纠正可能出现的发音错误。小组互学:相互检查Grammar、 Functions 的答案,找出错误并改正。分组讨论:采访同伴关于对不同饮食的喜好及感受并加以讨论。 【展示交流】挑战一:复述课文。机会就掌握在你手中,分组复述短文,看哪组复述得好。挑战二: 写作展示。根据3,把你写的关于煮鸡汤的方式给大家展示出来吧!【你探我究】1.熟读Grammar 中的句子,然后总结if/whether 引导的宾语从句及副词的比较级和最高级的用法。总结:(1)当一个一般疑问句在句中充当另一个句子的宾语时,要用连词_或者_引导,连词在句中意为“_”,充当宾语的一般疑问句要变为_句语序。当与or not 连用时,用连词_,不能用_.(2)表示两者之间比较时,常用“_+ than(比较的对象)”结构,意为“.比更”。表示三或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,常用“the_+in /of .(比较的范围)”结构,意为“某人/物在某范围内最“.”。副词的比较级、最高级用来修饰谓语动词,最高级前面可以省去the.【03】当堂检测 继续试试看!你一定是最棒的!一完成下列句子:a. 汤姆跑的和杰克一样快。彼得跑的最快。Tom runs _ _ _ Jack. Peter runs _ of all.b. 朱迪舞跳得比我好。玛丽是所有的女孩中跳舞跳得最好的。Judy dances _ than me. Mary dances _ of all the girls.c. 他打篮球比你棒的多。He plays basketball _ _ than you.d. 雪下得越来越大。It is snowing _ _ _ _. e. 他说话声音没有别的任何人大。He speaks _ _ than _ _. = He doesnt speak_ loudly_ anybody else.二单项选择:( )1.All Chinese use chopsticks_. A. eat B. to eat C. eating( )2. I dont know if Kangkang_ ,if he _,I will call you.A. will e; will e B. will e; esC. es; will e D. es; es ( )3. Yesterday Janes mother was ill, so she_ help me.A. needed not B. doesnt need to C. neednt D.didnt need( )4. Would you mind_ the door? A.open B.openning C.opening D.I open( )5. -Which one do you prefer, milk or honey.- Neither,I prefer milk _honey.A. to B.for D.with( )6.Would you mind if I smoke here? _You had better not.A. Of course not B.No C. Of course( )7. Kangkang and Jane, help _to some food.A.yourself B. yourselves C. themselves D.himself【学后反思】本话题学完了,你一定有很多的收获,请及时小结一下吧! 我的收获: 这节课我学会了: 单词:_. 词组:_. 句型: _.我的疑问:_.Unit7 Topic2 Section A【知识回顾】 1.I am sure that you will send an email to Jane.1. Can you imagine that we will raise much money for Free the Children.2. I dont think that we will invite her to the food festival.3. I know that they are busy making a poster.【自主学习】cook; cook; fry; add; sing well; listen carefully; hear clearly【你探我究】1. 我不大确信是否我能做得好。 我确信。 a. whether invite to b. whether; send; whether; send; later on. 2.我为你极力帮助别人高兴。 害怕; 害怕做某事;相信;一定要做某事;do ones best to do sth; try ones best to do sth 3. Kind; it; sb; to do sth; a. kind of to tell me b. important for to learn English; 种类; 一种; 各种各样的【当堂检测】1. B 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. CUnit7 Topic2 Section B【知识回顾】first; and; next; then; after that; finally【你探我究】1.如果我们向你学做它,你介意吗? 条件状语;你介意(不)做某事吗? 你介意某人做某事吗? a. mind if; mind my b. mind turning on c. mind not; Of course not 2.well; 副词好只能是well . 3. 有所人当中,迈克做得最好;the ; 副 a. Of all; the tallest b. highest of all c. fastest of all【达标检测】 DBBDB ACCBUnit7 Topic2 Section C【知识回顾】 1.熟能生巧。 2.好的开端导致好的好结局。 3.眼见为实。4.行动胜于言词。5.患难见真情。【你探我究】1.当你桌旁坐下的时候,拿起你餐巾放在你的膝部。 把 -放-上;上演;穿上;put; put; putting. 2.吃光你盘上的食物是有礼貌的。 Use up; drink up; a. ate up all food b. smells delicious; eat it up.3. 记得不要喝太多;喝;饮料 a. Remember to get up early tomorrow. B. having c. too much noise; stay d. too many books; put away e. much too big; eat it up 【当堂检测】一. 1.I dont know if whether she is a nurse.2. Do you know if whether it is good to play games too much. 3. I am not sure if whether he is at work. 4.I want to know if whether it will be sunny tomorrow. 5. I dont know if it is polite to eat up the food on the plate. 二.1. ae up all apples 2. That how to for 3. Smells nice eat it upUnit7 Topic2 Section D【知识回顾】ACD【当堂检测】一 . a. as fast as fastest b. better; best c. much better d. harder and harder e. less loudly anybody else; as as二. BBCCD CB

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