2019-2020年八年级英语上册 unit1 整单元学案 人教新目标.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语上册 unit1 整单元学案 人教新目标教学目标语言目标:描述时间频度的词汇及开展周末活动的调查能力目标:听:能听懂谈论生活习惯、学习习惯和饮食习惯的对话材料。说:能谈论生活习惯、学习习惯和饮食习惯。读:能读懂介绍个人生活习惯的文章。写:能写出Section A和Section B中的重点单词和重点句型,并能够描述自己的生活习惯。教学重点 掌握What do ? 和How often?的句型。掌握表示时间频度的词汇。教学难点 辨析:alwaysusuallyoften sometimes hardly never辨析:allmost some no第1课时Section A 1a-2c教学目标 1.熟记本课的单词与短语always usually often sometimes hardly ever neveronce a weeksurf the internetgo skateboardinghow often2.操练句型 A: What do you usually do on weekends?B: I often go to the movies.A: How often do you watch TV? B: Twice a week3.熟练运用本课词汇及句型谈论活动及其发生的频率教学重点:频率词汇及询问活动频率教学难点:一般现在时态的熟练运用教学过程:I. 自主学习 Task 1. 学习1a-1c: 谈论日常行为活动1. 看图画,写出活动词汇 a _ b _ c_ d _ e go skateboarding2.了解下列频率副词,写出其汉意 always (100%) usually (80%) often (30-50%) sometimes (20%) hardly ever(5%) never (0%) 听听力,与题1中的活动完成搭配。(只写题1中的字母代号)always_ usually _often_ sometimes _ hardly ever_ never 3. 两人一组,利用短语;仿照下列句型谈论日常活动。(注意;第三人称替换) A: What do you usually do on weekends? B: I often go to the movies. A: What does he usually do on weekends? B: He often goes skateboarding. Task 2. 学习2a-2c:学习频率副词,利用How often.?句型谈论活动频率。 活动设计: 1、写出下列频率副词 总是_ 通常_ 经常_ 有时_ 几乎不_ 从不_ 2、写出下列表示频率的副词短语 每天: 一周一次: 一周两次: 一周三次: 一月一次: 一月两次: 3、首先个人迅速理解下列词汇,然后听录音,给活动词汇排序。再听完成搭配(只写字母) Activities How oftena. _ go to the movies every dayb. _watch TV once a weekc. _ shop twice a weekd. _ exercise three times a weeke. read once a monthII. 合作共建 1、你知道频率副词的位置在哪儿吗?将下列词组成句子。(1) is late always he for school ._(2) homework Gina school does often at _2、区别下列有关how的短语how many _ how much _ how often _ how old _ how long_III. 系统总结 1、写出本课的频率副词: 2、本课的两个重点句型:(1) (2) IV. 诊断评价 1、 翻译下列短语(1)多久_(2)去踩滑冰_ (3)几乎从来不_(4)网上冲浪_(5)一周一次 _(6)一月两次 _(7)一周三次_(8)在周末 _2、单项选择(1)_ do you do your homework? - Every day. A. When B. How often C. How many times D. What time(2) I visit my grandparents _a month. A. two times B. second time C. the second time D. twice(3)One of my favorite programs _ Animal World. A. am B. is C. are D. dont(4)She hardly ever _ sports games _ TV on Sunday evening. A. watching; over B. to watch; in C. watch; by D. watches , on3、用下列词填空(surf , program , once , result , health )(1) My grandma is pretty _ because she exercises every day.(2) -Whats your favorite TV_? - Its CCTV news(3)Here are the _ of the students activity at Hilltop School.(4) He hardly ever _ the Internet.(5) _ a year, they have a Christmas Party.第2课时Section A 34教学目标 1.熟记本课的单词与短语high school activity surveymost students some studentsresult three of four times a week as for once of 2. here, there 开头的句子,若主语是名词,则主谓倒装;若主语是代词,则主谓不倒装。E.g.: Here es the bus! Here it es!3.不定代词all +复数名词 most +of the 复数名词 (all 后的of 可省略) some +of 代词宾格no+复数名词或单数名词4.熟练运用频率副词教学重点:能运用本课词汇及句型进行自由交际对话.教学难点:一般现在时态的熟练运用教学过程:I. 自主学习 Task 1. 会读写本课单词及短语(1)个人记读单词3分钟 (2)两人一组相互检查读音 (3)展示,写在学案上单词:大多数的;大部分的;几乎全部的_ 结果;成果 _ 活跃的;积极的_ 对于;关于_ 约摸;大约_ 短语:每天_ 一周一到二次 _一周三到四次_ 在格林高中 至于;关于 大多数学生 一些学生 Task 2. 学习 3部分 1、利用所给数据填all、 most 、some、或 no all=100% most=51%-99% some=1%-50% no=0%ActivityEvery DayOnce or Twice aWeekThree or Four Times aWeekExercise15%( )10%( )75%( )Do homework95%( )0%( )5%( )Watch TV85%( )2%( )13%( )2、(1)根据表格1完成短文(2)a. Here are the results of the student activity survey at Green High School.该句为倒装句,其主语为the results of the student activity survey. Here be+主语是英语中常见的倒装句型。例如:高小姐,送给你一些鲜花。 。 b. As for homework至于家庭作业:as for意为“至于,就而言”,后接名词或代词构成介词短语,置于句首,作状语。例如:至于牛奶,我很喜欢。 。c. The results for watch TV” are interesting. “看电视”的结果很有趣。介词短语 for watch TV作后置定语,修饰the results.介词 for此处表示作用、用途,意为“供,适合于”。例如:我没有钱打车,所以我步行回家了。Task 3. 学习4部分在小组内展开调查,完成表格,并根据调查结果写一篇作文 所需语言结构 A: How often do you read English books?B: I read English books about twice a weekHow often do youonce a weektwice a weekthree times a weekonce a monthread English booksII. 合作共建all, most ,some, no这四个词的区别III. 系统总结请你写出所学的表频率的副词(至少写10个)及表多少的词 IV. 诊断评价 1、选择1) The twins uncle every day.A、exercise B、exercises C、is exercise D、is exercises2) do you go to the movies?A、How many B、How often C、How much D、How3) I think I am . A、Health B、not health C、healthy D、healthiest4) My mother wants me . A、drink B、not drink C、drinks D、to drink5) Jim is a good student. He late for class.A、is hardly ever B、is not ever C、is ever D、is always6) There a lot of junk food on the table. A、are B、have C、is D、has7) homework, we do it on Sunday.A、As for B、As to C、As of D、As from8) How often do you play soccer .A、two time a week B、twice a week C、a time a week D、one time a week2、补全句子)我每周购物一两次。 I shop a week.)“看电视”的调查结果很有趣。The watch TV are very .)对于家庭作业,大多数学生每天都做。 homework, students do every day.第3课时Section B 1a-2c教学目标1. 熟记本课的单词与短语junk foodmilkcoffeevegetables fruitgood for healthbad for health2. 正确运用How often 引导的疑问句进行交际。3. 完成听力练习,并就听力内容进行问答教学重点:能运用本课词汇及句型进行自由交际对话.教学难点:听力训练教学过程:I. 自主学习 Task 1. 学习1a,会读写单词及短语(1)个人记读单词3分钟 (2)两人一组相互检查读音(3)展示,写在学案上废弃的旧物 _ 牛奶_ 咖啡_ 薄片_ 可乐_巧克力_ 喝_ 健康_ 采访者_Task 2. 学习1b对话,谈论某人做某事的频率活动设计: 1、个人迅速朗读对话,并理解汉语意思2、小组内合作,准确理解意思3、两人一组练习对话,向全班展示4、用1a的单词,模仿1b编对话,并在组内交流A: Howoften do you drink milk, Liu Fang?B: I drink milk every day.A: Do you like it?B: No. But my mother wants me to drink it, she says its good for my health.重点词组练习:(1)want sb to do sth 想要某人做某事妈妈想让我和她一起去购物。 . (2) be good/bad for 对-有好/坏处不要在床上看书,那样对你的眼睛不好。 .Task 3. 2a、2b 听力训练(1)放录音,完成2a(2) 听第二遍,回答2b的7个问题,把答案写在课本上(3)听第三遍,检查答案,并进一步理解听力原文(4)根据2b内容,进行采访问答A: How often do you exercise?B: I exercise every day.A: How often does Bill exercise?B: He hardly everexercises.II. 合作共建how many 后加 how much 后加_翻译句子1、你每天晚上睡几个小时?_?2、你有几个橡皮? _?3、你吃了多少牛肉?_?III. 系统总结你能总结一下本课所学的句型吗?它们表达怎样的含义?(组内交流)句 型: 含 义: IV. 诊断评价1、选择1)_do you drink coffee? -Twice aday.A. How many B. How long C. How soon D. How often2) My teacher wants me _ hard.A. study B. studying C. to study D. studies3) Eating fruit and vegetables _ our health.A. is good to B. is good C. is good for D. is well for4) Miss Liu is very _, because sheexercises every day.A. health B. healthy C. unhealthy D. unhealth5) Thank you for _ me with my English.A. help B. to help C. helpingD. helpt6) _milk do you drink?A. How many B. How much C. Howoften D. How soon2、根据句意和首字母补全单词1)My mother says its good for my h_.2) Lilye_ every morning to stay healthy.3) I usually watch TV at night, but s_ I go for a walkwith my parents.4) I liketo d_ coffee.3、补全对话A: _ _ do you _(运动)B: I _every morning.A: _ _ do you eat _(蔬菜)B: Every day .Because they _ _ _ my health.第4课时Section B 3a-4教学目标: 1.能够完成关于habit的话题讨论与描述.2.学生根据实际情况回答彼此生活习惯,完成调查.教学重点:通过学习本课的内容掌握一些频率副词在句中的用法。教学难点:写作训练教学过程:I. 自主学习Task 1: (1)读 Katrina写给笔友的一封信,回答下列问题。a. How often does she exercise?b. How often does she drink?c. Does she eat junk food very often?d. Do you think she has healthy lifestyle? Why or why not?e. Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different? What are the differences?(2)翻译句子:(1)我尽量吃大量的蔬菜。(try to do ) .(2)我的健康的生活习惯有助于我取得好成绩.(help sb. do sth.) .(3)我有一个健康的饮食习惯。(eating habit) .(4)他的爷爷相当健康,他每天都照顾我的弟弟。(pretty healthy, look after) .(5)把Bill的书信补充完整,注意一些频率副词及词组。 .Task 2:小组活动,通过调查小组成员生活习惯,讨论谁的习惯最好,谁最健康。 II. 合作共建How healthy areyou? Write down your own habits.(注意用上一些频率副词及词组) III. 系统总结1 总结一下本课所学的频率副词和词组。 2 总结一下你认为健康的生活方式。 IV. 诊断评价 1 翻译下列词组(1) 许多,大量的_ (2)一星期一次_(3) 照料,照顾 _ (4)垃圾食品_(5) 放学回家 _ (6)尽力,努力做_(7)与.不同 _ (8)帮助某人做_2 词形变化(1)He says its bad for his _(unhealthy)(2)She tries _(eat)a lot of beef.(3)Lilys _ (sleep)habits are pretty good.(4)My mother wants_(I) to drink it.(5)My mother wasnt at home yesterday, I had to help my father _(cook)3 单项选则( ) 1.-_Do you have an English party? -Once a month. A. How old B. How far C. How often D. How long( ) 2._they are brothers, they dont look like each other at all. A. Because B. ThoughC. When D. As( ) 3.They try _it together. A. to move B. move C. moving D. are move( ) 4.Im not very strong, _I usually exercise. A. but B. so C. as D. to( ) 5.His ideas are the same _ hers. A. from B. for C. as D. to( ) 6.We eat a lot of_ and _, but little _. A. fruit, vegetables, meat B fruits, vegetables, meatC. fruit, vegetable, meat D. fruit, vegetable, meats4. 改写短文 请将3a部分Katrina给笔友的书信用第三人称改 第5课时复习课教学目标:1. 记忆本单元单词及短语2.熟练运用频率词练习What do you ?和How often?句型。3.会描述课余时间的活动及基本饮食结构。教学重点:表示频率的副词。教学难点:写作训练教学过程:I. 自主学习 Task1:完成课本1中的填空题,注意动词的适当形式。1、“keep in good health”意为“保持健康”(keep healthy),keep后常接形容词。例:我们必须保持清洁。2、“must”意为“必须”,后接动词原形,无人称变化;例:Mary放学后必须照顾她的妹妹。 “less”意为“较少”,修饰不可数名词。例:尽量多吃蔬菜少吃垃圾食品。Task2:写出下列单词及短语:锻炼 节目,表演 结果,成果 咖啡 健康,健康状况 习惯 不同的 虽然,即使 必须 保持 在周末 _ 我最喜欢的节目 网上冲浪 一星期两次 垃圾食品 一星期三到四次 的结果 对有益 至于,就而言 喝咖啡 相当健康 放学回家 他的饮食习惯 照顾 大量,许多 与不同 保持健康 健康的生活方式_ Task3:对话练习: 复习本单元学过的句型What do you和How often?根据下表两人或三人做练习活 动频 率go to the moviesoften, usually, sometimes,always, hardly ever, neverEvery day, three times a week, once a month, once a week.watch TVexercisesurf the Inernetread English booksII. 合作共建:写作:描述一下你好朋友的生活方式和饮食习惯,尽量使用下列单词或词组。often , every day, usually, three times a week, sometimes, once a week, always, once a month, hardly ever, never III. 系统总结1、本单元我们学习了哪些频率副词?它们的程度区别是怎样的?放在句中什么位置? 2、比较健康的生活习惯和不健康的生活习惯时常用的词和句子。 IV. 诊断评价 1、补全句子:(1)His eating habits are _ (health) (2)Look! The woman with two girls _(swim)(3)How often they (do) their homework?(4)Here _(be) some books for you. (5)This one is _(不同的)from that one. (6) I try _ (eat) lots of vegetables.2、句型转换(1)The girl likes watching TV.(改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答) (2)Tina reads books every night.(就画线部分提问) (3)He likes eating fruit three or four times a week. (就画线部分提问) (4)I did my homework last night.(改为否定句) (5)does often Gina school at homework.(连词成句)


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