2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Friends3.doc

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2019-2020年八年级英语Unit 1 Friends3Exercises for “Study skills & Main task”一. 改错,请划出并改正:1. I think his very good-looking. _2. Are you agree with me? _ 3. He is one of the strongest boy in my school. _ 4. She draws very good. _ 5. Id like to sing to people. _ 6. Our English teacher often gives us some useful advices. _7. Last year I moved Nanjing with my parents. _ 8. Tom enjoys playing the golf very much. _ 9. He is not as handsome like I heard. _ 10. They bought lots of presents to me on my birthday. _ 二. 翻译下列句子: 1. 我在一所新的中学工作。_2. 我对这所新学校不是很了解。_3. 我想念我旧学校的同学们。 _ 4. 我刚和我的父母亲一起搬家到上海。_5. 我女儿痴迷于钢琴。_6. 这座桥大约30米长。_7. 确保在周五之前完成工作。_8. 琳达又高又苗条,她看上去真可爱。_ 三. 用所给单词的正确形式填空: 1. He likes to play _ (joke) on others. 2. She writes _ (careful) enough. 3. I heard this pool is 200 _ (foot) long. 4. Who knows why I went to be a _ (read) of such a magazine? 5. Could you give me something _ (eat) ? Im hungry. 6. _ (not play) with the chalk, please. 7. I like to be with him because he is _ (help). 8. She is _ (will) to share trip with others. 9. This problem is so hard _ (solve). 10. Please write the _ (correctly) letters in the boxes. 四. 选择题:( ) 1.Who is the _,Jim, Simon, or John? A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. much taller( ) 2.We have _ friends _ a long time. A. made ,for B. been, for C. made , at D. been, at ( ) 3.Sams father looks old because of _ hard work. A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too( ) 4. He couldnt wait _ the box when he saw it.A. open B. to open C. opens D. opening( ) 5. -Must I finish my homework now? -No, you _. A. must not B. dont C. neednt D. cant 五. 写作。根据中文提示,写一篇介绍你好朋友的短文。1 May是我的最好的朋友,我俩从7岁时就是好朋友了。她住得离我家很近。2 她不高,不胖不瘦,圆脸,小鼻子,短发,笑咪咪的眼睛让人觉得很亲切。3 她很聪明,乐于助人,经常帮助同学们打扫教室,帮老师收发(hand in /out)作业本,乐于帮助别人解决难题。大家都喜欢她。4 她长大后想成为一名医生,帮助人们身体健康。 _参考答案:一. 1.his-hes 2.Are-Do 3.boy-boys 4.good-well 5.to-for 6.advices-advice 7.moved-moved to 8.the去掉 9.like-as 10.to-for二.1. I am working at a new secondary school. 2. I dont know the school very well. 3. I miss my classmates from my old school. 4. I just moved to Beijing with my parents. 5. My daughter is crazy about playing the piano. 6. The bridge is about thirty metres long. 7. Make sure you can finish the work before Friday. 8. Linda is tall and slim,she looks pretty.三. 1.jokes 2.carefully 3.feet 4.reader 5.to eat 6.Dont play 7.helpful 8.willing 9.to solve 10.correct四. 1.C 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.C五.略Exercises for “Checktout”一. 汉译英:1 明天我们去干什么? 去踢足球怎么样?_2 我认为爬山要比看电视更好。_ 3 他总是乐于助人,而且他总是能正确回答问题。_ 4 我不认为潜水是所有活动中最难的。_ 5 我们不知道10分钟前贝蒂发生了什么事。_ 6 不要在阳光下看书,这样对你的眼睛有害。_二. 下列各句中均有一处错误,请划出并改正:1. I cant decide what do next. _ 2.She is always ready help people any time. _ 3. Maybe I can share the pizza in the bowl to you. _ 4.We never feel bored or happy when our English teacher is with us. _ 5. I can tell my friend anything because she can keep secret. _ 6.Swimming is no as interesting as hiking. _ 三. 根据句意及首字母提示填空:Peter is my good friend. He is very g_ . He is willing to s_ his things with us. He is one of the n_ boys in my class. Whats he l_ ? Hes friendly and helpful.Hes r_ to help us any time. Hed like to be a doctor when he g_ up .Lindy is a_ my friend. Now she has p_ with her new school. She has no friends there. Sometimes, she is very n_ and cant answer her classmates questions. She is really u_ at that school. She hopes I can give her some a_. 四. 句型转换:1.There is not anything in the fridge. (同义句)_2.Tom and Simon live in the same room. (同义句)_3.Helen is a beautiful girl. She has long hair. (合并为一句)_4.Betty is ten years old, Simon is eleven years old. (合并为一句)_ 5.The park near our school is bigger. (划线部分提问)_ 6.Japanese isnt as interesting as English. (同义句)English is _ _ than Japanese. 7.Jims drawing is much better than the other students in our school.(同义句) Jims drawing is _ _ in our school.8.Tom is younger than Nancy. (同义句)Tom is _ _ old _ Nancy. 五. 完型填空:Mike was a small boy. He didnt like soap _1_ water. Mikes uncle and aunt lived in _2_ city. One day they went to stay with Mikes parents, and they _3_ their small son Ted with them. Ted was a year _4_ than Mike, and he hated soap and water, _5_. The boys sat with their parents _6_ a few minutes, _7_ then they went outside._8_ they were out, Mike looked at Teds hands and then said _9_, “My hands are dirtier than yours.” “Of couse they are,” Ted answered angrily,”Youre a year older than _10_.” ( ) 1. A. and B. or C. but D. nor ( ) 2. A. other B. others C. another D. the other ( ) 3. A. took B. carried C. had D. put ( ) 4. A. elder B. older C. younger D. shorter( ) 5. A. either B. also C. well D. too( ) 6. A.for B. at C. in D. about ( ) 7. A. and B. but C. or D. so ( ) 8. A. Beside B. For C. When D. At ( ) 9. A. happily B. excitedly C. sadly D. proudly ( ) 10. A. he is B. I am C. she is D. my brother 参考答案一.1What are we going to do tomorrow?What about playing football? 2. I think climbing is much better than watching TV. 3. He is always helpful and he can always answer questions correctly. 4. I dont think diving is the most difficult of all. 5. We dont know what happened to Betty ten minutes ago. 6. Dont read in the sun.Its bad for your eyes.二. 1.do-to do 2.ready-ready to 3.to-with 4.happy-unhappy 5.secret-secrets 6.no-not 三. generous,share,nicest,like,ready,grows,also,problems,nervous, unfortable,advice.四.1.There is nothing in the fridge. 2.Tom shares a room with Simon. 3.Helen is a beautiful girl with long hair. 4.Simon is older than Betty. 5.Which park is bigger? 6.more interesting 7.the best 8.not as /soas五.1.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.D 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B

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