2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented(第1课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented(第1课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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2019-2020年九年级英语全册 Unit 6 When was it invented(第1课时)教案 (新版)人教新目标版 第一课时: New words and phrasesTeaching and Learning Goals:一知识和能力目标:1. 能够正确使用下列词汇(Curriculum words)style,project,pleasure,website,pioneer,list,ruler,smell,trade,doubt,fridge,earthquake,bell,biscuit,cookie,instrument,customer,basket,hero,list,mention,boil,remain,translate,lock,divide,daily,national,low,sudden,sour,Canadian,nearly,somebody2. 能够正确使用下列常用短语(Useful phrases)have a point, by accident, take place, without doubt, all of a sudden, divideinto, look up to, the Olympic3. 能认读下列词汇(Non-curriculum words)heel, scoop, electricity, zipper, accidental, saint, crispy, salty, popularity, professional, NBA (National Basket Association), CBA (China Basket Association)4. Understand, translate and retell a passage made up of the above curriculum words and phrases according to a mind map (理解、翻译并复述用课标内单词编写的故事。)二学习策略:1. 能制作思维导图,并借助思维导图记忆有关知识。2. 能通过快速阅读获取文章主旨或者段落大意。3 情感态度:热爱神奇的大自然,热爱伟大的人类发明;珍惜现在的生活,不虚度光阴,让生活变得更有意义。四文化知识:了解世界发明的简要历史。Teaching and Learning Steps:Step1 Learn to read the words and phrases on Page1581. Read the new words using the phonetics(音标) and underline the difficult words.2. Read the underlined words in turn in small groups. One student reads, the others listen and help to correct the wrong pronunciations(纠正错误发音).3. Several students read the words aloud in turn in class and the others correct their wrong pronunciations. If necessary, the teacher helps them.4. Read after the tape and imitate the pronunciations.5. Read the words aloud by themselves again.【设计意图】该步骤能有效培养学生个人识读单词的学习习惯,这是学习单词的重要一步;能培养学生自主、探究和合作学习的能力。首先学生自己根据音标识读单词,并标出识读时有困难的单词。接着两人一组或以小组为单位解决遇到的困难。然后找一俩个同学读单词,请学生先纠正,还有问题,教师再更正。最后让学生跟录音读。 该环节只会读即可,降低识读难度,提高全体学生积极性。鼓励没过关的学生课前课后努力赶上。Step2 Learn to remember the new words and phrases. heel n. 鞋跟; 足跟 The ladies like to wear the shoes with high heels. scoop n.勺;铲子 There are two scoops on the table. project n. 项目;工程A lot of poor children are able to go to school with the help of the Project Hope. zipper=zip n. 拉链;拉锁 The invention of the zipper has changed the whole world. list v. 列表;列清单n. 名单;清单 Liu Cheng found his name on the list. ruler n. 尺子;统治者;支配者Hitler(希特勒) is a notorious(臭名昭著的) ruler. saint . n. 圣人; 圣徒 Only a saint can save the peoples souls(灵魂). fridge n. 冰箱 Food can be kept well in the fridge. lock n. 锁v. 锁上;锁住She locked her jewels(珠宝) with a new lock. earthquake n. 地震 The building was destroyed by the earthquake. bell n.钟(声);铃(声)This is an old bell. biscuit n. 饼干 cookie n. 曲奇饼 I like biscuits and cookies a lot. They are delicious.crispy adj.脆的;酥脆的 Look at the crispy potato chips, dont you want to taste them? instrument n.器械;仪器;工具My brother can play the piano, the violin and several other musical instruments. sour adj. 酸的;有酸味的The baby girl feels sour when she eats lemon. salty adj. 咸的My grandma likes to eat salty eggs a lot. customer n. 顾客;客户Can you guess what the customer is talking to the waitresses? the Olympics=the Olympic Games 奥林匹克运动会The 29th Olympics was held in Beijing in xx. Canadian adj. 加拿大的;加拿大人的;n. 加拿大人This Canadian es from Canada. basket n. 篮;筐 This special basket is used for basketball.hero n. 英雄;男主角Mao Zedong is the hero of Chinese people. It is said that the hero in the new film is played by Liu Ye. NBA (National Basket Association) 国家篮球协会(美国职业篮球联赛) CBA(China Basket Association) 中国篮球协会(中国职业篮球联赛)【设计意图】尽量采用含有本课所学英文单词的图片,与图片匹配的是具有与本单元相关联的情景例句。目的是让学生更直观地理解单词的意思,通过建立语境和语义之间的关系,促进理解、加深记忆,培养学生用英语思维的习惯。 2、 Remember the words by their similar pronunciations. 1. heel(鞋跟)-meet(见面)-need(需要)-feed (喂养)-jeep(吉普)2. scoop (勺)-tooth(牙齿)-food(食物)-spoon(汤勺)-noodles(面条)3. cookie(曲奇饼)-book(书)-foot(脚)-good(好)-look(看) 4. daily(日常的)-sail(航行)-tail(尾巴)-wait(等待)-mail(邮件)5. doubt(疑惑)-about(大约)-shout(喊叫)-aloud(出声地)【设计意图】根据相似读音拼写单词。英语是拼音文字,其读音和拼写有直接关系,建立单词音、形的对应关系能够让学生利用已经学过的单词去识读新单词,可以让学生自主思考总结说出更多单词。3、 Remember the words by plex words (合成)、 derivative(派生)、conversion(转换) and parison(对比).1.合成: website (网站) web (网络)+ site (场所)somebody (某人) some (某) + body(身体,人) earthquake (地震) earth (地球) + quake(震动)2.派生: 1)electric (形容词,电的) electricity(名词,电;电能) 2)please(动词,取悦 pleasure(名词,高兴;愉快) 3) daily (形容词,日常的) day (名词,天)4) accidental (形容词,意外的) accident (名词,事故)5) national (形容词,国家的) nation (名词,国家,民族)6) musical (形容词,音乐的的) music(名词,音乐)7) salty (形容词,咸的) salt (名词,盐)8) Canadian (形容词,加拿大(人)的) Canada(名词,加拿大)9) popular (形容词,受欢迎的) popularity (名词,受欢迎,普及)10) professional (形容词,职业的) profession(名词,职业) 11)sudden(形容词,通常的)suddenly(副词,通常地) 3.转换: 1) list v.邮寄,发电子邮件list n. 邮件;信件2) smell v. 要求,请求 smell n. 要求,请求 3)trade v.做买卖,从事贸易 trade n.贸易 4) doubt v.疑惑 doubt n. 疑惑 5) lock v.锁上 lock n, 锁4.对比: low( 形容词,低的)high(形容词,高的)【设计意图】英语的词汇无限,英语的词根有限,很多词都是通过附加词缀变化而来,因此根据构词法记忆词汇非常有效。在实际教学中,老师可先用PPT展示出基础词汇,同学们小组合作探究出新的目标单词。 4、 Remember the phase by matching itself with its meaning.1. by accident 毫无疑问;的确2. take place 不但而且3. 3.by mistake 有道理4.the Olympic 钦佩;仰慕 5.without doubt 错误地;无意中 6.look up to 奥林匹克运动会7.all of a sudden 把分开8.not onlybut also 发生;出现【设计意图】让学生连线搭配进行语块记忆是一种有效的记忆短语的方式。Step3 Consolidate the words and phrases.T: How many new words and phrases can you memorize? Lets have a PK and see who has a quick mind.1. Ask the students to read the words and phrases and their Chinese. 2. Cover the English words and phrases, look at the Chinese and say the English for them. 3. Write down the words they havent grasped. The teacher can also give words and get the students to try to have a short dictation.【设计意图】此环节为巩固单词。英汉转换记忆会起到很好的效果,这一环节有少部分的学生往往不达标,需要利用自习课或课余的时间让小组长跟踪检查,尽量能让全部学生顺利过关。Step4 Read the story and translate the story1. Ask the students to read the passage silently, and underline the new words and phrases.2. Translate the following passage into Chinese in groups.3. Read the story fluently by themselves. The discussion about the inventions in the world9:00 A.M. Class 8, Grade 9 of No.15 Middle School in Zaozhuang, Shandong ProvinceThe English teacher Ms. Fan and her students are having a warm discussion about the inventions in the world.Ms. Fan: Class, the subject for our school project is “What do you think is the great invention in the world?” Can I share your opinions with us? Students: With pleasure. Ms. Fan: Who wants to say first?Sun Ming: Let me say first. I think the invention of electricity is the greatest invention in the world. It has brought people a more colorfuI nightlife. We cant imagine how difficult it is without electricity in our daily life. The puters, the televisions, the fridges and other electrical instruments cant work without electricity. Oh, I cant surf on my favorite website without it, how terrible!Ms. Fan: Well, you do seem to have a point. NextSun Weiyi: I think the zipper is! It is a wonderful invention. How did people ever live wonderfully? They are very strong, but they open and close very easily. You can see zippers on dresses, shoes, bagsalmost everywhere.Ms.Fan: Thats true. Whats your opinion, Tian Shiqi?Tian Shiqi: Tea, I think.China is widely known for it, and it is the home of tea, it has nearly over 4,000 years history. It was invented by accident. Tea is drunk by the people in China even all over the world! Tea isalso a popular topic which is often mentioned in dances, songs, poems and novels. Both in the past and now, it is good for health and trade! It is our national pride!I like teas green leaves, especially like its smell. when you have boiled drinking water, dont forget add some tea in your tea cup! Ms.Fan: Oh,I will!Zhao Lin: Can I say something? I love beauty very much. I think the invention of heel is the greatest one. It makes women look more beautiful! As a customer, I like all the styles of shoes with heels. In fact, the shoes with special heels are helpful to some people.Ms. Fan: Quite right! I like the shoes with high heels very much, too! Zhao Zhihe: I want to say that basketball is the greatest invention. If you travel in our countryyou will notice this very popular activity everywhere you go. This much-loved sport is enjoyed by many people, for fun and exercise. In1936 inBerlin, it became an event in the Olympics. Since then the popularity of basketball has risen worldwide, and many young people dream of being professional basketball players. I love that special basket! Not only I but also my father look up to my hero, Michael Jordon.Ms. Fan: I think playing basketball is your secret to remaining healthy!Liu Shuo: I have to say that the greatest invention is potato chips!Students: Haha!Liu Shuo: We all know that potato chips were invented by mistake. However, they are exactly what I love! Ms. Fan: What kind of potato chips do you like best then?Liu Shuo: Sweet, salty, hot, even sour, all kinds of them. By the way, crispy biscuits and cookies are also my favorite.Sun Xiaokun: I want to say the robots are the most useful inventions. Today, they are often used in our daily life. Especially when the earthquakes happen all of a sudden, and somebody is under the destroyed house, without doubt, robots will be the great helpers. They save people like saints do! Ms. Fan: But on the other hand, robots cant be humans ruler! (The musical bell is ringing.) Ms. Fan: We had a wonderful discussion. You did a good job. Well list all of your opinions on the school notice board tomorrow.School is over, students go home after locking the door. 关于世界发明的讨论上午9点 山东省枣庄市第15中学九年级八班英语樊老师和她的学生在进行着一场热烈的关于世界的发明的讨论。樊老师:同学们,我们学校里项目的主题是“你认为世界上最伟大的发明是什么?”我能不能分享你们的观点吗?学生们:很乐意。 樊老师:谁想第一个说呢?孙铭:让我先说吧。我认为电的发明是世界上最伟大的发明。它给人们带来了更加丰富多彩的夜生活。我们无法想象在我们的日常生活中没有电是多么困难!如果电脑,电视,冰箱和其它的电器设备没有电都无法工作。噢,没有电我无法在我喜欢的网站上冲浪,真糟糕!樊老师:好,似乎你确实说得有道理。下一个孙为一:我认为拉锁是!它是一个精彩的发明。过去人们如何能生活得精彩?它们非常坚固,但是它们非常容易地打开和关闭。你们可以在裙子,鞋子,包几乎处处能看到拉链。樊老师:的确是这样的。田世奇,你的观点是什么?田世奇:茶,我认为。中国因它而广为人知,它是茶叶之乡,它有着几乎四千多年的历史。茶是被偶然地发明出来的。茶被中国人们甚至全世界的人们所饮用。茶也是一个热门的话题经常被提及在舞蹈、歌曲、诗歌和小说。无论过去和现在,它对健康和贸易都有好处。它是我们国家的骄傲!我喜欢它的绿叶,尤其是它的气味。当你烧开了饮用水,不要忘记向你的茶杯里加些茶叶哟!樊老师:哦,我会的。赵琳:我能说说吗?我非常爱美。我认为鞋跟的发明是最伟大的。它让女士们看上去更漂亮!作为一名顾客,我喜欢所有带鞋跟的鞋的款式。实际上,有着特殊鞋跟的鞋对某些人们是有帮助的。樊老师:相当正确。我也非常喜欢高跟鞋!赵治赫:我想说篮球是最伟大的发明。如果你在我们国家旅游你会注意到这种受欢迎的活动随从可见。这个惹人喜爱的,活跃的运动被所有的人喜欢,因为它既有趣又可以锻炼。1936年,在柏林,它变成了奥运会的一个项目。从那时起篮球的普及已在世界范围内,许多年轻人都梦想着成为专业的篮球运动员。我爱那个特别的篮子!不但我而且我爸都仰慕我的英雄,迈克尔乔丹。樊老师:我认为打篮球就是你保持健康的秘诀吧!刘硕:我得说最伟大的发明是薯片。学生们:哈哈!刘硕:我们都知道薯片是无意中被发明的。但是它们却是我所喜欢的!樊老师:那么什么样的薯片你最喜欢呢?刘硕:甜的,咸的,辣的甚至酸的,所有的。顺便说一下,酥脆的饼干和曲奇饼也是我的最爱。 孙晓琨:我想说机器人是最有用的发明。目前,它们常被用于我们的日常生活。尤其当地震突然来临,有人困在毁坏的房屋下面的时候,毫无疑问,机器人将是很棒的助手了。它们就像圣人一样拯救人们!樊老师:但是从另外一方面来说,机器人不可能是人类的统治者!(音乐铃声响起来。)樊老师:我们讨论得非常精彩。你们做得很棒。明天我们将把你们的观点列在学校的布告栏上。放学了,学生们锁上门后就回家了。 【设计意图】词不离句,句不离篇。学生在掌握本单元单词的基础上,再学习由本单元的生词编成的一篇故事,引导学生不仅记忆词汇本身的意义,同时在具体的语境中体会它的意义。有助于学生理解和使用。 Step6 Mind map. 1. Get the students to read the mind map and fill in the mind map according to the story, they can discuss in groups.2. Get the students to retell the article using the mind map.Tea HeelRobotPotato chipsZipperElectricityBasketballInventions (设计意图:把故事以思维导图的形式体现出来,让学生加深对本单元词汇和短语的理解,使学生从逻辑范畴上巩固对词汇的记忆。) Step7 当堂检测一、按要求写出下列单词。 1. sudden (副词) _ 2. day (名词) _3. popular (名词) _ 4.low (反义词) _5. music (形容词) _ 6.salt (形容词) _二、写出下列短语。 1. 发生_ 2. 毫无疑问_ 3. 把分成_ 4. 不但而且_ 5. 有道理_ 当堂检测答案一、1. suddenly 2. daily 3. popularity 4. high 5. musical 6. salty二、1. take place 2.without doubt 3. divideinto 4.not onlybut also 5. have a pointStep8 Homework 1. Review the words and phrases. Make sentences with the words and phrases.2. Retell the passage with the help of the mind map.3. Preview Section A 1a-2d. (用助学预习 Section A,遇到问题记录在预习本上。)亮点:本单元的单词课堂设计基本涵盖了本单元的单词和词组(54个),涉及到了一些发明物的由来这一语言运用能力话题,尤其是短文编写让学生在短文中对单词有了更深的理解和运用。单词的拼读注重了学生自学能力和小组合作能力的培养,同时通过各种形式的单词记忆方法加深了单词的识记,渗透了本单元的重点话题,达到了学习新单词的目的。不足之处:一节课的时间毕竟有限,不能面面俱到,还需在以后的复习中查缺补漏和加大检查的广度。使用建议:首先要熟练掌握本单元教学内容,明确单词词组在单元中的位置及其用法,同时注意两人或多人小组合作或帮扶学习的方式使用, 加大检查普及率,增大学生合作学习活动的广度、力度,才能有效地增加课堂效率。

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