2019-2020年九年级英语《Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to》单元测试3 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to单元测试3 人教新目标版一、(A) 根据首字母提示及所给英文释义拼写单词。1. i bee larger in amount, number or degree2. s make someone think that something is true3. p like someone or something more than someone or something else4. h the thing inside the chest that moves blood through your body5. m the most important (thing)6. p the art of taking photos7. m not hit, hold, catch, or see what you want8. e think, believe or hope that something will happen or e true9. s make someone feel very surprised and upset10. w no matter what; all that(B) 根据句意,用A部分中所写单词的适当形式填空,使句子通顺、正确。1. The thing now is not to be afraid.2. I Mom will be back in a week.3. My was beating so fast that I thought it would burst.4. Well stand by you, you decide.5. Ma Yan was late for school this morning because hethe early bus.6. Julia to hang out in the open air on weekends.7. As his name , he was born in summer.8. We were by the terrible working conditions in these factories.9. The number of students has in our school since the earthquake happened in Sichuan.10. Ive decided to learn in order to better enjoy the beauty of nature.二、用方框内短语的正确形式填空,使句子通顺、完整。along with, in agreement, be bad for, on display,remind . of, stay away from, suit sb. fine,take care of, think of, to be honest1. This photo me my childhood.2. All the things in the museum have a long history.3. Ann likes music that she can sing .4. Though they are twins, they are not always with each other.5. We like this kind of music. What do you _it?6. Li Lis mother is ill and she stays at home and her every day.7. Eight oclock? OK. That me .8. , I didnt know which answer to choose at first.9. Kids are told to junk food, such as French fries and chips.10. Many people know smoking their health, but they never give it up.三、词汇辨别填空。(A) 选用interest, interesting, interested填空。1. Heres an article which might you.2. Im really in country music.3. I found his talk very .4. Ben has shown an in learning French.(B) 选用so, such填空。5. The life in the stricken areas(灾区) is hard that we should try our best to help the people there.6. I have never heard beautiful music before. What about you?7. Lisa has many CDs that we can play at the party.(C) 选用expect, wish, hope填空。8. I you a good time during your summer vacation.9. You do better than we have .10. Do you think it will be sunny tomorrow? I so. There is going to be a football match tomorrow afternoon.四、将下列句子改为同义句。1. What do you think of classical music? classical music?2. Playing the piano is important to Wei Qin. important Wei Qin the piano.3. Now I like to visit a history museum better than to read a history book.Now I a history museum a history book.4. I like Maria. She is clever and friendly.I like Maria clever and friendly.5. Peter is playing the piece of violin music. We all like listening to it. 五、根据所给提示,翻译下列句子。1. 很多生活在城市的人实际上更愿意生活在乡下。(would prefer to ) 2. 吃太多油腻的食物对心脏不利。(be bad for) 3. 保持身体健康对每个人都很重要。(be important to) 4. 无论我提什么建议,老板总是不同意。(whatever) 5. 即使弗雷德通过了考试,他做好这项工作也会有困难。(even if; have problems doing) 六、选用what, that填空。1. Miss Green is the only person can help you with this question now.2. I like to live in a house is big and bright.3. This movie is quite different from I saw last month.4. Is this the museum you visited the other day?5. Ill tell you Mr Luo told me last night.七、 选择最佳选项。( 1. Do you know the man is sitting behind Nancy?A. what B. which C. who D. whom( 2. Do you like music makes you excited?A. that B. what C. who D. it( 3. This is I wanted. A. the one what B. which C. one which D. the one( 4. Have you found the information about famous people you can use for the report? Not yet. Ill search some on the Internet. A. which B. who C. what D. whom( 5. Without friendship, one cant be happy although he is rich enough. As for me, I will never forget the days I spent with my dearest friend. A. that B. when C. who八、上世纪著名流行歌手Bob Geldof的歌声为很多人所熟悉,而他的人生经历却鲜为人知。下面的文章讲述的就是关于他的一些平凡却神奇的故事。请根据短文内容及首字母提示完成单词,使短文意思完整、通顺。Bob Geldof is one of the most famous pop stars of the t (1) century. He was born in Ireland in 1954. His mother died when he was eleven. When he was fourteen, he became i (2) in pop groups. He left school and worked first in a food factory and l(3) as a worker building roads. In 1975 he returned to Dublin, and started his o(4) pop group. From 1979 to 1982 they were the top group in Britain, but in 1982 the group stopped singing t(5).Bob Geldofs life c(6) on an October evening in 1984 when he was watching TV. He became sad when he saw pictures of h(7) people in Africa. He felt he should do s(8) to help them.He called on all his friends in the pop w(9). By January in 1985, 5 million pounds had been collected. After the s(10) of his records, Bob went to African countries.参考答案:一、 (A) 1. increase 2. suggest 3. prefer 4. heart 5. main 6. photography 7. miss 8. expect 9. shock 10. whatever(B) 1. main 2. expect 3. heart 4. whatever 5. missed 6. prefers 7. suggests 8. shocked 9. increased 10. photography二、 1. reminds; of 2. on display 3. along with 4. in agreement 5. think of 6. takes care of 7. suits; fine 8. To be honest 9. stay away from 10. is bad for三、1. interest 2. interested 3. interesting 4. interest 5. so 6. such 7. so 8. wish 9. expected 10. hope四、1. How do you like2. Its; for; to play3. prefer visiting; to reading4. who is5. Peter is playing the piece of violin music that we all like listening to.五、1. Many people who live in cities would actually prefer to live in the country.2. Eating too much fatty food is bad for the heart.3. Keeping healthy is very important to everyone.4. Whatever I suggest, my boss always disagrees.5. Fred is going to have problems doing the job well even if he passes the test.六、1. that 2. that 3. what 4. that 5. what七、1-5 CADAA八、1. twentieth 2. interested 3. later 4. own 5. together 6. changed 7. hungry 8. something 9. world 10. Success

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