八年级英语上册 Module 9 Population Unit 1 The population of China is about 137 billion导学案外研版.doc

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八年级英语上册 Module 9 Population Unit 1 The population of China is about 137 billion导学案外研版.doc_第1页
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八年级英语上册 Module 9 Population Unit 1 The population of China is about 137 billion导学案外研版.doc_第2页
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八年级英语上册 Module 9 Population Unit 1 The population of China is about 137 billion导学案外研版.doc_第3页
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Module 9 Population课 题 Module 9 PopulationUnit1 The population of China is about 1.37 billion.主备人课型Listening &speaking上课日期课时安排2总课时数学 习目 标1.能够识记和运用新单词noise, prepare, notes, report, grow, huge, cause, problem, birth, billion, fifth以及短语prepare for,population increase, hang on, too much2.能够听懂谈论人口的对话,能够听辨大数字。3.能够通过谈论人口问题了解世界各国所面临的问题,并拥有保护环境的意识。 学习过程备注课前自学I.根据音标写出下列单词。1.niz 2. prip 3. nuts 4. rip:t 5. ru 6. hju:d 7. k:z 8. prblm 9. inkri:s 10. b: 11.biljn 12. fif II.从对话中找出下列短语并划出来。1. 增长的人口_2.引起大量的问题_3.人口增长_ 4.五分之一_5.也就是说_ 6.稍等一下_ 7.写下;记下_8.变得更小_9.太多_ 10.将来_11.比如 _12.谈论_13.不仅_III. 翻译下列句子。1. 现在谈论这个问题正是时候。_2. 人口增长在许多国家都是一个大问题。_3. 真不敢相信。_4. 中国的人口几乎占了世界人口的五分之一。_5. 因为家庭规模正在缩小。_课堂导学I. Warming-up.1. Revise numbers from 11 to 100.2. Show some large numbers by PPT,then listen to Activity 5 on P73 and repeat. II. Free talk. Do you know how many people are there in the world now? How about China? lead-in the title of M9 unit1III. Listening.Task1:Listen and choose the correct answer in A2.Task2: Listen and choose the correct answer.1. Where are they talking? A. Shanghai B. Beijing C. Shenzhen2. Is population increase a big problem in many countries? A. Yes, it is. B. it isnt.3. How many babies are born every minute in the world? A.Over 215. B.Over 250. C. Over 125Task3:Listen and answer the questions.1.What is Tony preparing for a report called “our growing population”?_.2.Where are they talking? _.Read and answer the questions.1. Will Chinas population grow fast? Why? _.V. Role play.VI. Finish A4.课堂检测根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)。1. 如今的孩子作业太多。Todays kids are getting _ _ homework.2. 不断增长的人口可能会成为全世界面临的最大的挑战之一。The _ _may be one of the greatest challenges in the world 3. 请稍等一下,我去弄点水来。Please _ _ while I go for some water. 4.这个男孩想在将来成为一名科学家。 The boy wants to bee a scientist _ _ _.课后延学读出并写出下列数字。1.twenty-eight_ 2.one hundred and thirty_3.Four thousand, nine hundred and sixty-seven_4. one million, two hundred and thirty-eight thousand, one hundred and forty-five_5. 35_6. 100_


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