七年级英语上册 Module 4 Healthy food Unit 2 Is your food and drinks healthy导学案外研版.doc

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课题:Module 4 Healthy foodUnit 2 Is your food and drinks healthy?学习目标:1、 学习新词汇: healthy delicious bread fish hamburger ice cream noodle rice suggest eat child sweet 短语: too much/ too many be good / bad for 2、能读懂有关健康和不健康食品的短文。 3、能写出关于食品的短句,会用but连接句子学习重点:了解什么是healthy food 和healthy eating. 3、 some与any的用法; 学习难点:写句子(and are healthy food but and are my favourite food.) 课前预习 一 看音标写单词及中文意思,并在课文上标出这些单词的音标和中文意思。1.heli_n._ 2.tu:_n._3.kndi_n._4.dls_n._5.brekfst_n._6.taid_n._7.kaind_n._8.rimemb_n._9.nu:dl_n._10.hmb:g(r)_n._ 11.mp:tnt_n._二 短语翻译:1. 健康的食物_ 2. 太多的糖_3. 保持健康_ 4. 对.有害_5. 有点累_ 6. 变胖 _7. 美味的食物_ 8. 许多水果_三 .完成句子:1.你最喜欢的食物和饮料是什么? What _ food and drink?2.多喝水是非常重要的。 Its very _ more water.3.牛奶、奶酪和鱼对你的牙齿有益。Milk, cheese and fish _.4.如果你想保持健康,你要多吃蔬菜。If you want to stay _, you must _ vegetables.5.请多吃水果和蔬菜,而不是糖果和冰激凌。Please eat lots of fruit and vegetables, _ candy _ ice cream. 课文难点导读 一 、 本节课学习的不可数名词有:1. water 水 2. meat 肉 3. food 食物 4. fruit 水果 5. beef 牛肉 6. chicken 鸡肉 7. juice 果汁 8. ice cream 冰激凌 9. tea 茶 10. rice 米饭 11. bread 面包 12. milk 牛奶 13. cola 可乐14. chocolate 巧克力 15. fish 鱼肉 16. cheese 奶酪 17. sugar 糖 二 连词 and, or, but 的区别: and:表示“和,又,与,并”,连接两 个名词、动词或句子,表示并列关系。 or:用于否定句表示“和”的意思,用于疑问句中表示“还是,或者”的意思。 but:意思是“但是,而是”,表转折关系。 1. Do you like to have Chinese food _ western food? 2. He is rich, _ he isnt happy. 3. Have you got any brothers _sisters? 4. Juice _ milk are healthy drinks _ cola isnt a healthy drink. 5. Remember to eat noodles _ rice, not hamburgers.三. many, much, lots of 的用法: much许多 用来修饰不可数名词 如:We havent got _work to do 我们没有太多工作要做。 Is there _milk in the bottle? 瓶子里有很多牛奶吗? many 许多,用来修饰可数名词复数, 例如: Are there _ students in his class? 他的班上有很多学生吗? I havent got_ English books 我没有很多英语书。 lots of = a lot of 许多它既可以修饰可数名词,相当于many;也可以修饰不可数 名词,相当于much, 例如: There are _apples on the desk. 桌子上有很多苹果。 We have got _meat at home. 我们家里有许多肉。四. too much 和 too many 的用法: too much 和 too many 都表示“太多”。 1) too much + 不可数名词,例如: We have _ _work to do. 我们有太多的工作要做。 2) too many + 可数名词复数,例如: There are _ _ students in our class. 我们班上有太多的学生。 巩固练习 一用所给词的适当形式或根据汉语提示填空:1. He has some _ (rice) to eat. 2. We have _(any) melons(西瓜) and bananas. 3. Vegetables and fish are _ (health) food. 4. Can your sister _(speak) Japanese?5. Lets _(run) to school. 6. How many _(hamburger) in the box?7. Eating too much meat is not good for _(孩子).8. I often eat some _(面包), an egg and a cup of milk for breakfast.二. 选择填空( ) 1. _ we got any meat in the fridge(冰箱)? A. Do B. Does C. Have D. Has ( ) 2. _ are all farmers. A. My family B. My families C. My home D. A family( ) 3. They have toys, _ they dont have hamburgers. A. and B. but C. or D. with ( ) 4. -Would you like (想要) _ soup(汤)? - _. A. any Yes B. some Yes, please C. any No, please D. some No( ) 5. What do you often have _ lunch?Ato Bfor Cof Dfrom( ) 6. Her mother drinks _ every day. A. meat B. milk C. apples D. oranges ( ) 7. How many _ are there in that room? A. chair B. chairs C. a chair D. the chair( ) 8.Do you have_hamburgers?Yes,I have_.Amany;much Bmuch;someCany;some Dsome;any三 用所给词的适当形式填空。1. Toms brother _(have) got a new car. 2. We have some _(tomato) every day. 3. _ (orange) are good for health. 4. Milk and juice _(be) healthy drinks.5. Their English teacher hasnt got _ (some) paper(纸).四、完形填空 Im Kate. I have got a sister and a _1_. My sisters name is Susan. _2_ is ten years old. She can play _3_ piano. She likes eating fruit like (例如) apples and _4_. She also likes eating _5_. She likes tomatoes _6_ she doesnt like carrots. For drinks, she likes water and _7_. Susan never eats hamburgers. She says they are not _8_ for her health. My brother Alan is eleven years old. He often eats unhealthy food like _9_ and French fries. He often eats _10_. So Alans teeth are not good. ()1. A. sister B. mother C. uncle D. brother()2. A. He B. She C. They D. We()3. A. a B. an C. the D. /()4. A. water B. beef C. meat D. bananas()5. A. fruit B. meat C. vegetables D. rice()6. A. but B. or C. and D. so()7. A. fish B. juice C. hamburger D. meat()8. A. nice B. good C. favourite D. bad()9. A. hamburgers B. rice C. noodles D. fruit()10. A. apples B. candy C. rice D. eggs五 阅读理解 ( 课外知识拓展 ) : Tony has three meals(三餐) a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. For breakfast, Tony has an egg and a hamburger. Then he drinks a cup of milk. He has rice, meat, tomatoes and Coke for lunch. He has chicken, beef, potatoes, onions(洋葱) and orange juice for dinner. He likes soda(汽水) and ice cream, too. He eats too much and doesnt like sports. Too much food isnt good for health. 根据短文内容完成表格:Tonys mealsFoodVegetablesDrinkBreakfast_ and a hamburger /_Lunchrice and _Dinnerchicken and _and potatoes_我的收获与困惑:

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