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Unit 8It must belong to Carla. 第三课时Section A(4a4c)班级: 学生: 分数: (满分100)01基础过关.根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确,语言通顺。1We are raising money for a physics l (实验室) in the Hope Middle School.2Its cold outside.Please put on your c (外套) when you go out.3Victor felt s (困倦的) in class because he stayed up too late last night.4The concert will be hold o (在户外) if the weather is fine.5Mary lives next to me.She is my n (邻居).用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空。could be,must be,make noise,take a shower,cant be6Kelly is now.Please call her later.7The person who is my brother.8The glasses Johns.He doesnt wear glasses.9Now Mrs.Wang working,because the light in her room is still on.10I wonder whose those white clothes .单项填空。( )11.Lets go climbing,shall we?You _ be joking!Dont you know Im afraid of high places?Amust Bcan Cmay Dshould( )12.I saw your mother in the library just now.It _ be her.She went to Beijing yesterday.Acant Bmustnt Cneednt Dshouldnt( )13.We had fun _ apples on the farm with the farmers last week.Ato pick Bpicking Cpick Dpicked( )14.The boring music made her feel _.Aasleep Bsleep Csleepy Dsleeping( )15.After a long walk in the sun,they wanted to drink _.Acold something Bsomething cold Cnothing cold Dcold anything02能力提升 .完形填空。Dad told Eric and Amy about a strange animal that appeared in the lake yesterday.The lake was just behind their home.They woke up early because they wanted to see it this _16_It was only 5:30 am,so _17_ else in the house was still asleep.Amy and Eric went to the boat dock(码头)It was too foggy to _18_ anything clearly.“Do you think Father was just trying to play a joke on us?” Eric said.Amy said,“I dont think so._19_ what he said?The strange animal appeared in the lake.The people in the story were in _20_They saw it clearly.”“You want to go into the water?” Eric said.“Its dangerous.We dont have to go anywhere.We can sit in the boat.That would be _21_,” said Amy.Eric carefully climbed into the boat first.Then Amy climbed into the boat and sat _22_ him.They looked around,and gradually,the sun began to rise.The fog lifted,but the strange animal still didnt appear.Suddenly,Eric realized someone behind them on the bank and said,“Father?”“I knew that you would get up _23_ because of my story,” Father said.“I just want you to get up early!” Amy and Eric were _24_ that there was no strange animal at all.Father laughed,“I brought breakfast for you.Are you _25_?”“Yes.Lets have breakfast,” Amy and Eric said.“After the meal,help do farm work here,” said the father.( )16.A.evening Bmorning Cafternoon Dnight( )17.A.somebody Bnobody Canybody Deverybody( )18.A.see Bhear Cunderstand Dexplain( )19.A.Imagine BAccept CRemember DAttend( )20.A.buses Bboats Ctrains Dsubways( )21.A.dangerous Bexcited Csafe Dfree( )22.A.from Bbeside Coutside Donto( )23.A.early Blate Csuddenly Dslowly( )24.A.glad Bafraid Cexcited Dunhappy( )25.A.full Bhungry Cupset Dnervous检批:

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