2019-2020年九年级英语《 Unit 4 What would you do》单元测试3 人教新目标版.doc

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2019-2020年九年级英语 Unit 4 What would you do单元测试3 人教新目标版一、选择填空 选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1. Theres _ time left. You dont need to hurry, Jack.But I want to see her as early as possible.A. a lot B. little C. plenty of D. no ( ) 2. Bob keeps the secret. He doesnt want to let his friends _.A. up B. down C. on D. into( ) 3. My watch doesnt work. I think the worker in the shop may be _. A. careful B. kind C. hard-working D. helpful( ) 4. You must get your teachers _ if you want to leave early.A. reply B. answer C. permission D. matter( ) 5. Mr Wang will _ a shirt and tie to take part in Annas birthday party.A. put on B. dress C. dress in D. wear( ) 6. The newspaper _ every Friday.A. looks out B. es out C. takes out D. turns out( ) 7. How did Lisa _ this solution?I have no idea. Lets ask her.A. look up B. make up C. e up with D. use up( ) 8. What would you do if you injured your knee while playing basketball?Id _ at once.A. stop playing B. stop to playC. stopped playing D. stopped to play( ) 9. What did the man over there say?He told us _ any further. There is danger ahead.A. dont go B. not go C. to go D. not to go( )10. I always feel nervous the night before an exam. What should I do?If I were you, I _ take a long walk before going to bed.A. will B. could C. would D. had to( )11. There _ plenty of rain in my home-town last year.A. is B. wasC. are D. were( )12. Zhang Hua doesnt know _ he should bring a present for his teacher.A. whatB. if C. how D. where( )13. The young man is very lazy. He would rather _ cards every day than _ outside.A. to play; to workB. playing; workingC. play; workD. playing; to work( )14. The sick woman is _ weak _ look after herself. A. very; to B. so; that C. too; to D. so; to( )15. What is your new English teacher like? _ A. She is tall and thin. B. Sorry, I dont like her.C. She is strict but friendly. D. She doesnt look well today. 二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳答案。If you were in trouble, what would you do? Would you wait, ask for help or 16 it by yourself? Here is a story about this topic. Once, a terrible flood(水灾) destroyed(毁坏) a village. A man was trapped(困住) in the flood. The water was all around him in front of a house, 17 he was not very scared because he always believed in God. He thought God was keeping him there for his 18 . At that moment, a big wooden board came. If he caught it, the board would 19 him out, but the man kept 20 for God. He didnt take a(n) 21 at it at all. Then a small boat drifted(漂流) by, but the man still kept waiting and did 22 . Soon the boat was 23 , too. The water was deeper and deeper, and the house was going to be broken down. The two people in another boat were 24 him and shouted to him, “e on and go with us!” But the 25 man stayed there and kept waiting for God.You can guess the result easily. The man died in the 26 . When he saw God in heaven, he plained to God, “ 27 didnt you save me?” God said he had tried to save him. The big wooden board, the small 28 , and the two men were all the things that he had sent to help him, but the man 29 them. From this we can see that God helps those who help 20 . If you dont help yourself, God wont help you, either.( )16. A. cause B. get along withC. deal with D. aid( )17. A. and B. but C. so D. though( )18. A. safety B. safe C. dangerous D. danger( )19. A. keep B. let C. help D. allow( )20. A. waiting B. swimming C. crying D. looking( )21. A. pride B. look C. attention D. decision ( )22. A. something B. anythingC. nothing D. everything( )23. A. losing B. missed C. ing D. gone ( )24. A. offered B. worried aboutC. thanked D. treated( )25. A. bad B. friendly C. confident D. poor( )26. A. beginning B. last C. ending D. end( )27. A. Why B. When C. Where D. Who( )28. A. house B. wood C. boat D. child( )29. A. received B. refused C. hated D. loved( )30. A. themselves B. herself C. himself D. yourselves 三、阅读理解阅读下面A、B两篇阅读材料,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。AA 9-year-old girl with a pacemaker who died early today was suffering shakes(颠簸) on a city bus when a driver refused to take her to nearby hospital, witnesses(证人)said.Officials of the Chicago Transit Authority said they were investigating(调查). The child, Nieole Hobson, was being taken by her mother to Childrens Memorial Hospital about 11 p.m. Wednesday to check her recently inserted(插入) pacemaker.The child was stricken about a mile from the hospital. Her mother, May Hobson, 40, said, I told the bus driver that my baby had just had a heart operation and that she was having a heart failure. He said he couldnt go through the traffic. Ted Garrettson, 28, a passenger who had tried to bring back Nicoles life, said the driver did nothing to help and stopped once to pick up more passengers. When the driver reached a corner where he was going to make a turn, which was a block from the hospital, he told Mrs. Hobson to get off, she said. A transit spokesman(发言人) said the driver should have made radio call to the control center for help.31. A pacemaker is_.A. a musical instrument B. a machineC. an electronic device D. a toy car32. Which of the following is NOT true?A. The bus driver stopped to pick up more passengers.B. The bus driver said he couldnt go through the traffic,C. The bus driver did nothing to help.D. The bus driver sent the girl to the hospital.33. The girl who was 9 at last_.A. died B. didnt dieC. had an operation D. was happy34. The driver stopped the bus at a corner_.A. where he told Mrs. Hobson to get offB. where he was to make a turnC. which was a block away from the hospitalD. all of the above35. What can we conclude(得出结论) from the report?A. The driver was sticking to(坚持) the traffic regulations(规则).B. Nobody on the bus wanted to help the child.C. The bus driver was warm-hearted. D. The child would have been saved. BIn the 13th century, the famous Italian traveler, Marco Polo, traveled a long way to China. During his stay in China, he saw many wonderful things. One of the things he discovered was that the Chinese used paper money. In western countries, people did not use paper money until the 15th century. However, people in China began to use paper money in the 7th century. A Chinese man called Cai Lun invented paper almost 2,000 years ago. He made it from wood. He took the wood from trees and made it into paper. He then put these pieces of paper together and made it into books. Now paper still es from trees. We use a lot of paper every day. If we keep on wasting so much paper, there will not be any trees, there will be no paper. Every day, people throw away about 2,800 tons (吨) of paper. This means that we are cutting nearly 48,000 trees every day. Since it takes more than 10 years for a tree to grow, we must start using less paper now. If we dont, we will not have enough time to grow more trees to take the place of those we used for paper. So how can we save paper? We can use both sides of every piece of paper, especially when we are making notes. We can choose drinks in bottles instead of those in paper packets. We can also use cotton handkerchiefs(手帕) and not paper bags. If the shop assistant does give us a paper bag, we can save it and reuse it later. Everyone can help to save paper. If we all think carefully, we can help protect trees. But we should do it now, before it is too late.36. When he was in China, Marco Polo_.A. discovered Cai Lun invented paperB. learned to make paperC. saw many wonderful thingsD. read a lot of books37. People in western countries first used paper money in the _ century.A. 17TH B. 15TH C. 13TH D. 7th38. About_ tons of paper are thrown away every day.A. 1,700 B. 2,000 C. 2,800 D. 48,00039. Which of the following is NOT true?A. If we keep on wasting paper, we will have no paper to use.B. The Chinese used paper money much earlier than the people in western countriesC. About 48,000 trees can be used to make 2,800 tons of paper.D. It is never too late to plant trees for paper.40. Which is the best title(题目) of the passage?A. Saving Paper. B. The History of Paper.C. Cotton Handkerchiefs Back Again. D. Cai Lun, the Great Inventor.C配对阅读。A-D是五个小标题,请将61-65五段材料与标题配对。( )41. Most people like sunbathing, but how many realize how dangerous the sun can be? If you want to sunbathe, it is important to realize the danger, and to follow a few simple rules to protect yourself.( )42. First of all, the sun can make your skin drier and thicker. If the sun shines directly on your skin for a long time, you will soon start to look older than you actually are. But even if you dont mind looking old, you should note that ultraviolet rays(紫外线) from the sun can seriously hurt your skin.( )43. If you are going to sunbathe, there are several things you have to be careful about. If you dont protect yourself, you may develop skin cancer. Research suggests that two weeks of sunbathing a year will increase the chance of getting some kind of skin cancer. And skin cancer is a serious disease that cannot always be cured(治愈). ( )44. You are especially at risk(处于危险中) if you have blond hair and fair skin. Skin color is very important when we are talking about the risk of skin cancer. If you have fair skin and red or fair hair, then you burn easily and are more at risk.( )45. If you must sunbathe, do at least take some precautions(防范措施): First of all, you should not spend too much time in the sun. You should always wear a hat and sunglasses to protect your face, especially your eyes, which are the most sensitive. You should always use a high factor(防晒系数) sunscreen to keep away from the dangerous rays. It is better to sunbathe for ten minutes a day over two or three weeks than to stay in the sun for an hour each day for five days. Whatever you do, you should never stay in the sun between eleven in the morning and three in the afternoon, when the sun is the most dangerous. A Advice for sunbathersB Who I most at risk?C Most people dont know the dangerD Are ultraviolet rays dangerous?E Sunbathing increases the chance of skin cancer四、任务型阅读 根据短文内容,完成表格中所缺的信息。 S,M, P and C represent different people who have different personalities. S people are friendly, energetic and humorous. They are interested in anything new and exciting and others always have lots of fun with them. At the same time, they are careless and forgetful. M people are very careful and do everything as planned. They always want to find faults and never feel satisfied(满意的) with anything around them. They are strict with them-selves, as well as with others. M people are real friends. If they make friends with you, it means that they will be your friends for life. They will do anything for their friends at any time. P people can be easily satisfied. They are peaceful(平静的) and calm. But being peaceful and calm makes them very dull. They are always standers-by(旁观者). But P people are good listeners and are always ready to accept(接受) others opinions. C people are leaders and workaholics(工作狂). They are brave and are never afraid of taking risks. However, they dont care about others opinions and seldom think of others. They want others to follow them, but they hate waiting for others.There are no good or bad personalities. Every personality has two sides. If someone knows himself well, tries to improve the positive things and tries to throw away the negative ones, he will have a better life.Personality Positive aspects(积极方面) Negative aspects(消极方面) S46. Careless and forgetful MCareful, real friends, be strict with themselves47. P48. Dull, always be standers-byC49. 50. 五、选词填空 根据下面句子的意思,从方框内选择单词,并用其适当形式填空。 Her, burn, hurt, help, rest51. Li Fei _ his back in a car accident last week.52. Protesters(抗议者) set cars on fire and _ a building. 53. When I first met Lisa, I waited for her to introduce _ to me.54. The following information may be _ to readers.55. Dad was unable to travel to Barcelona with the _ of the team.六、情景交际 根据下面对话语境,在空白处填写恰当的句子或短语,使对话完整、连贯。Sally: Hey, Jason, did you read this newspaper article? A girl won a million dollars in the lottery. She was only 16. Jason: Wow!56._!Sally: 57._ if you won the lottery?Jason: If I won the lottery, I would give the money to the zoo. I want to save the pandas.Sally: That sounds like a good idea! I know what I would do. 58._, I would buy a big house for my hard-working parents.Kathy: Really? Id 59._ in a bank. Then Id just watch it grow!David: Id want to help the sick people. So 60._ to medical research.七、书面表达某校决定让学生轮流打扫厕所,以此作为教育学生的一种方式.这件事在学生中引起了强烈的反响,请你把下列不同意见整理成一篇书面材料,报告给学校.同意不同意1.多数学生是独生子女,不会做事。2.学生做艰苦的工作。3.学会理解和新生清洁工人的劳动。1.很脏,容易使学生生病。2,不是学生应做的事件。3.打扫教室就够了。 注意:1.短文应包括表中所有内容,可适当发挥,但不要逐字翻译。2.不少于70个词,文章开头已给出。3. 生词提示:尊重respectSome students say 参考答案:1-15 CBDCD BCADC BBCCC 16-30 CBACA BCDBD DACBA 31-45 CDADD CBCDC CDEBA 46. friendly, energetic and humorous 47. hard to be satisfied; always find faults48. peaceful and calm; good listeners 49. brave; like taking risks; work hard 50. have no patience; seldom think of others51. hurt 52. burned / burnt 53. herself 54. helpful 55. rest 56. What luck / What a lucky girl 57. What would you do58. If I won the lottery 59. put the money60. I would give the money One possible version:Some students say many of us are the only child in our family. We have been given too much love. We are not able to do hard work. To clean the toilet is good to teach us how to do difficult jobs. By cleaning toilets, well learn to understand and respect the cleaning workers.On the other hand, some students think toilets are dirty. Its easy for us to get sick. They dont think its the students job. We have more important things to do. Cleaning the classroom is enough.We hope the school will think about this problem.

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