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2019-2020年九年级英语全册Unit5Whataretheshirtsmadeof单元综合测试题1新版人教新目标版.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。( )21. The washing machine didnt work, so Pam had to wash her clothes _ hand.A. at B. by C. in D. on( )22. Excuse me, havent you learned the new _ law? Everyone in a car must wear the seat belt.Sorry, we wont do that again.A. physics B. traffic C. medicine D. education( )23. My grandfather is already over seventy, but he is still _ and never feels tired.A. friendly B. lonely C. lively D. lovely( )24.English Weeklyis a popular newspaper that is _ used by primary and middle school students all over the country.A. quietly B. hardly C. loudly D. widely( )25. People use mobile phones _.Yes. They are very important in our _ life.A.everyday; everyday B.everyday; every dayC.every day; everyday D.every day; every day( )26. I find _ strange that my sister doesnt want to see a film with us, but she wants to stay at home.A. it B. this C. that D. one( )27. The writer could not _ his new book so quickly, for there is no help from his friends.A. memorize B. plete C. repeat D. suggest( )28. Bob, you should wear warm clothes to avoid _ a cold.A.catch B.caught C.catching D.to catch( )29. _ I know, Annie was born inFranceand grew up inGermany.A. As far as B. As long as C. As soon as D. As well as( )30. Parents seem to think yogurt _ children because its healthy.A. is bad at B. is good for C. is bad for D. is good at( )31. Billy thanked me for helping him when he was _.A. in order B. in trouble C. in mon D. in style( )32. Ella is going to be a dancer no matter _ difficulties she faces.A.how B. what C.when D.who( )33. The meeting room is very tidy.Yes. It _ every day.A.cleaned B.cleans C.was cleaned D.is cleaned( )34. It takes a long time _ to the new cinema. Youd better take a taxi.A. walk B. walked C.walking D.to walk( )35. Susan, your handbag looks very nice._.A. That sounds fun B. Thats rightC.Really? Thank you D.No problem.完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Thang-ga is a special kind of painting. It was36only in Tibet (西藏), China. It started from the Tang dynasty and was37in the 7th century. Thang-ga paintings show Tibetan peoples lives. In recent years, Thang-ga paintings have caught publics attention. At the same time, the Chinese government has also tried hard to protect the38.The colors of Thang-ga paintings look wonderful and special.39the special environment of Tibet and the excellent skills of artists, the paints (绘画颜料)40in Thang-ga paintings are different from other paints. They were made from minerals like gold and silver, as well as some plants. The paints were made by hand and the beautiful41could last (维持) for hundreds of years. 42, with the development of technology, people now use cheaper and more easily-made chemicals (化学制品) to make Thang-ga paints. The traditional paints used in Thang-ga paintings took a lot of43and they were made in many secret ways. Later people stopped making the paints and44about them. So the skills needed to make them were almost lost. The traditional Thang-ga paints are45to find now.( )36. A. found B. saved C. repaired D. chosen( )37. A. described B. discussed C. developed D. required( )38. A. history B. art C. business D. festival( )39. A. Instead ofB. Because of C. As for D. Except for( )40. A. laid B. created C. thrown D. used( )41. A. tools B. colors C. shapes D. memories( )42. A. HoweverB. Still C. Again D. Once( )43. A. space B. attention C. water D. work( )44. A. cared B. talked C. forgot D. thought( )45. A. quick B. slow C. easy D. difficult.情景交际(每小题1分,共5分)根据对话内容,在空白处填入恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺。A: Hi, Amy! (46)_?B: I went to the City Museum with my friend last Saturday.A: Really? (47)_?B: By bike.A: (48)_?B: We saw many old things there. Most of them have a long history. It was interesting that we saw a very old can.A: A can? (49)_?B: It was used for keeping water warm.A: (50)_?B: It was made in 1892.A: Oh, great! Im going to visit the museum next Saturday.阅读理解(每小题2分,共30分)ADays ago, I made a skirt for a friends daughter. Today, when I walked in the door, I noticed the light shinning on my answering machine. It was my friend saying, “I know you worked hard on the skirt and it looks very nice, but Janet doesnt like all those flowers. Could you change them?”I was angry and wanted to call her back. Then I suddenly thought of Grandma and what she had once done for me long ago.It was a summer when I was eight. One day, Grandma decided to curl (使卷曲) my hair. She spent a long time on each curl, and I could tell she enjoyed doing that.When she was finished she was so proud. She made me stand on a chair to look in the mirror.My heart went cold.“You can go out and play now,” Grandma said, smiling.I nodded and slowly walked toward the door. I looked out of the small window in the door and could see some kids playing outside. My best friend, Ducky, saw me and waved for me to e outside, but I couldnt move. I knew everyone would laugh at the curls. At the same time I couldnt go back and tell Grandma how I felt.Finally I went into Grandmas room and said in a scared voice, “Grandma, my hairs too curly.”She didnt say a word. She placed a b (梳子) in water, bed out all my curls, and then stood me back on the chair so I could see in the mirror. Then I went off to play.It was when Grandma took out my curls that I knew she loved me. She had put my feelings before hers. And that is the kind of love I try to pass on today.I called my friend back. “Id be glad to change the _,” I said.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )51. How did the writer feel when she heard the telephone message?A. Sad. B. Unhappy.C. Excited. D. Surprised.( )52. What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 mean?A. The writer felt a little cold.B. The writer started to be silent.C. The writer had a heart problem.D. The writer wasnt satisfied with the curls.( )53. The writer didnt tell her grandma how she felt at first because _.A. her grandma was busyB. her grandma wasnt at homeC. she feared that her grandma would be angryD. she wanted to b out all her curls by herself( )54. Which word can be put into the blank of the last paragraph?A. flowers B. curls C. hair D. phone( )55. Whats the writers purpose of writing this passage?A. To introduce her kind-hearted grandma.B. To encourage us to make more changes.C. To show her great munication skills.D. To tell us to put others first if we love them.BNick:I always wake up in the morning but end up turning off my alarm clock and sleeping for another 30 minutes. That makes me late for school!Mr. Smith:Its normal for us to be slow to wake up. Start by moving your alarm clock away from your bed, so you have to get up to turn it off. Also, you have got to make sure youre getting enough sleep. Whats more, try drinking some water the moment you open your eyes in the morning.Judy:This year, I got the teacher I didnt want at school. Even worse, my best friend is in a different class!Mr. Smith:Succeed with a teacher by knowing what actions are most important to that teacher (such as raising your hand) and then doing them. That might not sound fun, but its a good skill. As for your friend, make plans to see her at break or outside of school. Your friendship can still be strong.Jimmy:I always race to finish tests, but sometimes that makes me miss some questions.Mr. Smith:Its wise to realize that racing to finish tests isnt actually winning you anything. To change your ways, you can make yourself slow down and avoid making mistakes. You can also take time to carefully check over each question on a test before you hand it in.Sandy:Sisters Day is a tradition my sister and I started, with cards and everything. But now shes older and says Sisters Day is boring.Mr. Smith:How about simplyupdatingyour tradition? Pick a moment and say, “I know Sisters Day is boring to you, but it means a lot to me. Can we find a way to make it more fun?” Then e up with a new tradition that youll both enjoy.根据材料内容选择最佳答案。( )56. How many pieces of advice does Nick get?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four.( )57. From the material, we know Jimmy often _.A. fails in tests B. goes too fast in testsC. cant finish tests on timeD. makes many mistakes in tests( )58. What does the underlined word “updating” mean in Chinese?A.终止 B.建立 C.更新 D.传承( )59. Who has back-to-school problems?A. Nick. B. Judy.C. Jimmy. D.Sandy.( )60. The material is probably from a _.A. notice B. diaryC. dictionary D. magazineCLanterns have been part of Chinese culture for centuries and play an important part in many celebrations. In ancient times, there were mainly three kinds of lanterns:Palace lantern(宫灯) 61When making palace lanterns, fine wood was used. The palace lanterns were covered with silk or glass. Different kinds of pictures were drawn on the covers. These lanterns were not only used as lights but also as decorations (装饰) in palaces.Gauze lantern(纱灯)Less expensive bamboo and gauze were used to cover the lantern. Red gauze was used when making them.62So red lanterns are always hung on important festivals such as Lantern Festival, Spring Festival and National Day in parks or along main streets. In some famous Chinatowns abroad, you can see red lanterns all the year round.63Shadow-picture lantern(走马灯)It was usually used for amusement.64There were two layers (层) of covers and pictures were drawn on the inside layer. When the candle was lit (被点燃), the heat caused a paper wheel inside the lantern to turn around, so that moving pictures appeared on the outside cover.Now more kinds of lanterns appear in festivals besides the traditional ones. More modern technology is used on making lanterns.65根据材料内容,将AE五个句子填入材料空白处,使材料完整、通顺,并将其标号填写在下面题号后的横线上。A. In Chinese culture, red lanterns are symbols of happiness.B. The shapes of the modern lanterns have changed a lot too.C. It was mainly used in palaces in ancient times.D. The shape was much like that of the palace lanterns.E. They have bee a symbol of Chinese culture worldwide.61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _65. _.词汇运用(每小题1分,共5分)根据句意,从方框中选择恰当的单词填空,有的需要变换形式。scissors, produce, local, postman, leaf66. At about six months old, the baby panda can eat bamboo _.67. Life used to be difficult for him. He worked as a _, a worker and a painter.68. The man wants to do something to improve the lives of the _ people.69. Cars and machines always _ a lot of noise.70. Mom cut my hair with a pair of _ this morning.完成句子(每小题1分,共5分)根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。71.孩子们喜欢这些电脑游戏吗?_ these puter games _ by children?72.王先生以他的诗歌而闻名。Mr. Wang is _ _ his poems.73.我弟弟每天早上读英语。English _ _ by my brother every morning.74.尽管天气炎热,我们还得外出。_ _ it was hot, we had to go out.75.在这个故事中,王子被女巫变成了青蛙。The prince was _ _ a frog by the witch in the story.综合填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读短文,从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺,每词限用一次。part, if, favorite, bee, interest, continue, easy, for, travel, moveAfter I graduated (毕业) from university, it was very difficult to find a job in my field of study. At that time, I was very (76)_ inAsia, but I never traveled to any Asian countries. I made friends with a Chinese girl online, and she told me how easy it would be (77)_ me to find a job teaching English. So I moved toDalian,Chinaand (78)_ an English teacher.In China, I often miss my family and friends. However, I dont visit home very often, because most of my family and friends are adults and live in different (79)_ ofAmerica. Besides family and friends, one of the things I do miss is being able to municate (80)_ inAmerica. Here, inChina, simple activities like getting a haircut can be very hard (81)_ you cant speak Chinese.In a couple of years, I have plans (82)_ toSoutheast Asia. I will probably (83)_ teaching English because I enjoy teaching people. I wont go back toAmericain the next 10 years, because I love living abroad and traveling. Since I moved toChina, I (84)_ toSouth Korea, thePhilippines,Thailand,Vietnam, andCambodia. My (85)_ place isThailand, so Ive decided its the next place I want to live.书面表达(15分)请你展开合理想象,用英语写一篇短文为学校附近某店新进回来的一批凉帽进行导购宣传。要求:1.从颜色、材质、产地、价格等方面来介绍;2.文中至少有12个含被动语态的句子;3.词数80左右,短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:稻草strawHi, everyone! Wele to our store, the Cool Hat Shop. The summer is ing. Would you like to buy a sun hat?_Why not e to try on a sun hat? We are looking forward to your visit.参考答案. 21-25 BBCDC 26-30 ABCAB 31-35 BBDDC. 36-40 ACBBD 41-45 BADCD. 46. What did you do last Saturday47. How did you go there48. What did you see there49. What was it used for50. When was it made. 51-55 BDCAD 56-60 CBCBD 61-65 CAEDB. 66. leaves 67. postman 68. local 69. produce70. scissors. 71. Are; loved / liked 72. famous / known for73. is read 74. Even though 75. turned into. 76. interested 77. for 78. became 79. parts80. easily 81. if 82. to move 83. continue84. have traveled 85. favorite. One possible version:Hi, everyone! Wele to our store, the Cool Hat Shop. The summer is ing. Would you like to buy a sun hat?Good news! We have hats in different styles. Theyre for boys and girls. There are all kinds of colors. The brown and green ones look cool on boys. The white and pink ones may be a good choice for girls. Some of them are made of cotton and made in France. They feel very soft. Some are made in China.They feel very fortable because theyre made of straw. Whats more, theyre cheap. They only cost you less than 30 yuan.Why not e to try on a sun hat? We are looking forward to your visit.部分解析单项选择:21. B。本小题考查介词搭配。at hand意为“在手边”;by hand意为“用手工”;in hand意为“在手头;可供使用”;on hand意为“手边(有);在跟前”。根据“洗衣机坏了”可知,“帕姆不得不手洗她的衣服”,故选B。22. B。本小题考查名词词义辨析。physics意为“物理”;traffic意为“交通”;medicine意为“药;医学”;education意为“教育”。由题干上句中的Everyone in a car must wear the seat belt可知发话者问对方“难道你们不了解新交通法规吗?”,故选B。23. C。本小题考查形容词词义辨析。friendly意为“友好的”;lonely意为“孤独的;寂寞的”;lively意为“生气勃勃的;精力充沛的”;lovely意为“可爱的”。由but(前后分句构成语义上的转折关系)及后一分句中的“从不觉得累”可知,and前句意为“我爷爷虽然已经70多岁了,但是他仍然精力充沛”。24. D。本小题考查副词词义辨析。quietly意为“轻声地;安静地”;hardly意为“几乎不;几乎没有”;loudly意为“喧闹地;大声地”;widely意为“广泛地;普遍地”。根据“英语周报是一份受欢迎的报纸”可知,全国的中小学生都在“广泛”使用,故选D。25. C。本小题考查every day和everyday的用法。every day意为“每天”,在句中作状语;everyday用作形容词,意为“每天的;日常的”,在句中作定语,故选C。26. A。本小题考查it作形式宾语的用法。分析句子结构可知,后面的that从句是真正的宾语,故用it作形式宾语。当句子中的宾语是动词不定式、动词-ing形式(短语)或从句时,往往用it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语移至句末。27. B。本小题考查动词词义辨析。memorize意为“记忆;记住”;plete意为“完成”;repeat意为“重复;重做”;suggest意为“建议;提议”。题意:这位作家不能很快完成他的新书,因为没有朋友们的帮助。28. C。本小题考查非谓语动词。avoid用作动词,意为“避免;回避”,后接动词-ing形式,故选C。29. A。本小题考查固定短语。as far as I know是固定短语,意为“就我所知”。题意:就我所知,安妮在法国出生在德国长大。30. B。本小题考查短语辨析。be good / bad at .意为“擅长/不擅长”;be good / bad for .意为“对有好处/坏处”。由because its healthy可知,父母似乎认为酸奶对孩子们(健康)有好处,故选B。31. B。本小题考查短语辨析。in order意为“整齐的;条理的”;in trouble意为“处于困境中”;in mon意为“共同”;in style意为“流行”。题意:比利感谢了我,因为当他处于困境时我帮助了他。32. B。本小题考查疑问词辨析。分析句子结构可知,no matter _ difficulties作动词faces的宾语,因此选疑问词what。33. D。本小题考查动词的语态。主语it指代the meeting room,与动词clean之间是动宾关系;动作的承受者作主语,故用被动语态;由时间状语every day可知用一般现在时的被动语态。34. D。本小题考查固定句型。It takes some time to do sth.是固定句型,意为“做某事花费时间”,故选D。题意:步行去新电影院花费很长时间,你最好乘出租车去。35. C。本小题考查情景交际。That sounds fun意为“那听上去很有趣”;Thats right意为“那是对的”;Really? Thank you意为“是吗?谢谢你”;No problem意为“没问题”。按照英美国家的文化,当受到他人的赞扬时,应该真诚地表示感谢,这也是对说话人的尊重,故选C。完形填空:【体裁】说明文【话题】历史与社会【大意】唐卡是藏族文化中一种独具特色的绘画艺术形式,但目前其绘画颜料的制作工艺几乎失传。36. A。它(唐卡)只在中国西藏被“发现”。37. C。它起源于唐朝,在公元七世纪得以“发展”。38. B。由上文对唐卡的介绍可知中国政府也大力保护这一“艺术”形式。39. B。西藏独特的地理环境和艺术家的高超技艺是唐卡绘画颜料与众不同的原因,所以用because of。40. D。“用于”唐卡绘画的颜料与其他颜料不同。41. B。由前半句可知此处指(颜料)漂亮的“颜色”能够维持几百年之久。42. A。上文介绍了唐卡绘画颜料的独特,本段介绍了它几乎失传,两部分存在转折关系,所以用However连接。43. D。由上一句中more easily-made可知此处指传统颜料的制作很费“工”。44. C。后来人们不做颜料了,而且“忘记”怎么做了。45. D。由上一句可知传统唐卡颜料现在很“难”找到了。阅读理解:A【体裁】记叙文【话题】家庭、朋友和周围的人【大意】作者给朋友的女儿做了条裙子,但对方不喜欢。得知对方的反应,作者起初很生气51. B。本小题考查学生查找细节信息的能力。由第二段第一句可知答案。52. D。本小题考查学生理解具体信息的能力。由第六段倒数第二句和第七段可知答案。53. C。本小题考查学生推理判断的能力。由第七段中的in a scared voice可推断出答案。54. A。本小题考查学生推理判断的能力。根据作者和她奶奶之间发生的故事及倒数第二段最后一句可推断出作者决定按对方的要求改“花”。55. D。本小题考查学生推断作者写作意图的能力。由倒数第二段可推断出作者写本文的目的是告诉我们如果爱对方,就要先考虑对方的感受。B【体裁】应用文【话题】人际交往【大意】几位学生遇到了一些问题,史密斯先生一一给予了解答。56. C。本小题考查学生理解具体信息的能力。由第一栏内的内容可知史密斯先生给出了三条建议:将闹钟放置到离床稍远的地方;保证充足睡眠;一醒来就喝些水。57. B。本小题考查学生查找细节信息的能力。由第三栏内的提问部分可知答案。58. C。本小题考查学生根据上下文猜测词义的能力。由第四栏内的最后一句Then e up with a new tradition that youll both enjoy可知史密斯先生给出的建议是:“更新”传统。59. B。本小题考查学生理解具体信息的能力。通过材料内容可知尼克、朱迪、吉米和桑迪遇到的问题分别是:起床难;新学年遇到不喜欢的老师,好朋友转到别的班;考试时只图速度快;姐姐不愿意和她过姐妹日。朱迪的问题属于返校问题。60. D。本小题考查学生推理判断的能力。材料介绍了几位学生的问题及史密斯先生对此作出的相应解答,所以推断该材料最有可能来自某份杂志。综合填空:【体裁】记叙文【话题】个人情况【大意】作者大学毕业后,由于所学专业的原因在美国很难找到工作,于是来到了中国大连76. interested。由下文可知作者对亚洲很感“兴趣”。be interested in是固定搭配,意为“对感兴趣”。77. for。她告诉作者“对于”他来说,当英语教师很容易。78. became。由上一句可知作者来到中国大连“成为了”一名英语教师。动作发生在过去,所以用bee的过去式。79. parts。作者不常回家,因为他的家人、朋友都已成年,而且居住在美国的不同“地区”,用part的复数形式。80. easily。由下一句可知除了家人和朋友,作者最怀念的事情之一是在美国“容易”沟通。用easy的副词形式修饰municate。81. if。后半句(你不会讲汉语)是前半句(在中国,像理发这样简单的事情也非常困难)的假设条件,所以用if连接。82. to move。由最后一段最后一句可知作者计划“搬往”东南亚国家。plan后面接动词不定式,所以用to move。83. continue。由后半句可知作者很可能会“继续”教英语。will后接动词原形,填continue。84. have traveled。自从来到中国,作者已经“游览”了韩国、菲律宾、泰国、越南和柬埔寨。由从句中的since可知此处主句应该用现在完成时。85. fav


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