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2019-2020年九年级英语上册Unit1StayHealthyLesson1WhatsWrongDanny教案新版冀教版 教材分析1. Analysis of the Students The students of Grade 9 have mastered certain vocabularies,expressions and structures. They also have the abilities of self-teaching and working in groups. Most of them are willing to express their opinions in English.2. Analysis of Teaching ContentLesson 1 is the first lesson in Unit 1, Book 5.This unit focus on the subject staying healthy. Students cares about the subject because it is close to everyone. Lesson 1 mainly talks about the story that Dannys stomach hurts and to see the doctor. It also tells us an old saying: Dont eat too much, keep healthy. 教学目标 【知识目标】 (1)Be able to use: stomach, regret doing, have a fever, pale, examination, pardon, take an X-ray.(2)To understand: a. I dont feel well.b. Dont worry. The doctor will see you soon.c. Its going to be OK, son.【能力目标】 To develop the students abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. 【情感目标】 To encourage the students not to be afraid when they meet some trouble or something difficult. 教学重难点【教学重点】 (1)To master the important words, phrases and sentences.21cnjy (2)To master the usage of the phrases.【教学难点】To understand the whole lesson and make a new dialogue. 课前准备 Tape recorder, Multimedia 教学过程Step 1. Warm-up1. Sing the song.2. Ask and questions:T: If you dont feel well, what should you do?Students: see a doctor, take some medicine, drink some water, have a rest more.Step 2. Presentation1. Show the picture and guess: Whats wrong with Danny?2. Listen to the text and tell the sentences true or false.(1.) At three oclock in the morning, Danny has got a pain in his stomach, so he wakes his parents up. ( )(2.) Mr. Dinosaur think Danny ate so much donuts so his stomach hurts. ()(3.) They go to the hospital by taxi. ( )(4.) Though its very late in the night, the hospital is still open. ( )(5.) A doctor talked to Mr. Dinosaur and took them to a room.( )(6.) Mrs. Dinosaur will stay with Danny.( )3. Listen the text again and tick the correct answers.(1) Whats wrong with the woman? She has a high fever. She has a cold.(2) Did the medicine help her get well? Yes, it did. No, it didnt.(3) What advice did the man give to the woman? She should go to see the doctor. She should try other medicine.4. Read the text and answer the questions.(1) Why does Danny wake up his parents early in the morning?(2) What does Danny regret doing?(3) How do they get to the hospital?(4) What does Dr. Ling ask Danny to do?5. Show the language points: wake up 醒来,把吵醒,叫醒sit up 坐起来have got a fever 发烧arrive at 到达talk with 同 说话look up 查阅,在书中查到point to 指向turn to 转向 6. Explain the language points: At 3:00 AM, Danny wakes up his parents. 凌晨3点,但你叫醒了他的父母。I tried to wake up my wife by ringing the door-bell, but she was fast asleep. 我按了门铃想唤醒我的妻子,但是他睡得很香。Please wake me up at 8 oclock. 请在八点钟叫醒我。Attention:wake up是一个由动词和副词构成的词组。当其宾语是名词时,名词可以放在wake up中间,也可以在wake up的后面;但当宾语是代词时,代词必须放在wake up中间。Please wake him up! 请把他叫醒!Wake up the boy. (= Wake that boy up.) 叫醒那个男孩。When they arrive at the hospital, Dannys father talks with a nurse. 当他们到达医院的时候,但你的父亲同护士谈了话。arrive at到达,经过努力达到He arrived at my hometown yesterday. 他昨天到了我的家乡。They arrived at a decision after much thought at last. 最后他们经过反复考虑后做出了决定。Attention:arrive in后一般接表示大地方的名词;arrive at后一般接表示小地方的名词。reach, get to与arrive at/in的区别三者都有“到达”之意。所不同的事,reach是及物动词,后面可直接接表示地点的名词。get加上to,即get to才是“到达”的意思。arrive为不及物动词,要加上介词at/in才能接表示地点的名词。-When did you reach /get to/arrive in Hangzhou? 你是什么时候到杭州的?-I reached /got to /arrived in Hangzhou yesterday evening. 我是昨天晚上到的杭州。When she reached /got to/arrived at the shop, she found the shop was closed. 当他到达商店时,他发现门关了。Look it up in a dictionary. 在字典里查一下。When you do not understand a word, you can look it up in this book. 当你不懂一个单词时,可以查这本书。Can you look up a dictionary? 你会查词典吗?Attention:look up是由动词look和副词up构成的词组。如果他的宾语是一个名词,名词可以放在look up之间,也可以放在look up的后面;但如果他的宾语是一个代词,代词必须放在look up之间。Extension:look up的其他用法:a.好转:Things are looking up! 情况正在好转! b.寻访到,探访(某人)On my way home, I looked up an old friend of mine. 在回家的路上,我去看望了一下我的老朋友。Danny needs to stay in the hospital tonight. 今晚丹尼尔需要呆在医院里。need用法:表示“需要”,做实义动词用时,有人称和数的变化,后接名词、代词、带to的不定式、动名词等。He needs some help. 它需要一些帮助。He needs to look after the old man. 它需要照顾这位老人。The bike needs mending/to be mended. 这辆自行车需要修理一下。Whats wrong, Danny? 你怎么了,丹尼?医生出诊常用语:What can I do for you? 哪儿不舒服?Where does it hurt? 哪儿痛?Whats the trouble? 怎么了?Whats the matter /trouble with you? 你哪儿不舒服?7. Fill in the blanks according to the dialogue.At 3:00 am, Danny w_ up his parents,his stomach h_.Mr. Dianosaur f _ Dannys head .he has got a bad f_. Dannys father get d_, then they get into their car .At the hospital, a n_ takes Danny to a small room .then Dr. Ling feels Dannys a_. Danny is w_ in poor s_. He wants to cry again. Dr. Ling says to Mr. Dianosaur that Danny n_ to stay in hospital.Step 3. Practice1. Read the dialogue with your partner.2. Make a new dialogue in groups.Step 4. Consolidation Role play: Suppose you are on your way home. You see an old woman lying on the road. You try to send her to the hospital to see a doctor. Make up a dialogue with your partner and act it out.Step 5. Extension1. What does the doctor say?What is wrong with you? / What is the matter?Have you taken your temperature?How are you feeling now?Do you have a fever?Did you have anything to eat? What did you eat?Dont worry, theres nothing serious.You will be all right soon.Take this medicine three time a day.Drink more water and had better rest in bed. 2. What does the patient say?My stomach hurts.I con not sleep well all night.I have taken my temperature and the temperature is I dont want to eat anything.3. Retell the text according to the following pictures and key words:wake up, never hurt this much before, sit up, feel Dannys head,take to the hospital, be open / closed, get dressed, get into the car,arrive at, point to, turn to, hold Dannys hand, stay with.Step 6. EnhancementT: Look at these pictures. Work in pairs. Please make up a dialogue. One person can be the doctor, and the other can be the patient. You can use the sentences we summed up.Step 8. Homework1. Retell the story with your parents and friends.2. Finish the workbook.略。


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